How do I download YouTube videos that are not downloadable?

How do I download YouTube videos that are not downloadable?

Alexey Boldin/Shutterstock

So you want to download a YouTube video? While basic YouTube only offers downloads for a few selected videos in a few selected locations, there are ways to download any YouTube video you want at any time.

We'll cover ways you can download your favorite videos using three approaches: 

  1. Paying for YouTube Premium
  2. Using a free Mac, Windows, or Linux application
  3. Using an obscure and complex (yet very powerful) Linux command line tool.

Also: Visit ZDNET on YouTube!

Your paid option: YouTube Premium

I'm a big fan of YouTube Premium because it saves my wife and me from enduring most ads, but it is a luxury expense. You can subscribe to YouTube Premium for $11.99 a month. YouTube also offers a family plan for up to six users. That used to be $17.99 a month for a family plan, but will jump to $22.99. According to the company, "This change will take place on your next billing cycle starting on or after November 21, 2022."

My favorite feature is a complete lack of Google-provided ads. There are no banners, no pre-roll, and no interstitial ads. However, if a YouTube channel wants to embed an ad in a video, YouTube Premium will not filter those YouTuber-embedded ads.

YouTube Premium also provides background play and picture-in-picture, YouTube Music, and access to YouTube Originals. 

Also: How local politics made me turn to YouTube Premium as a last-ditch sanity defense

YouTube Premium also includes the ability to download videos. Here's how you'd go about it. 

How to download YouTube videos

Once you've subscribed to YouTube Premium, you'll have a Download button in your Web browser or your phone app to the right of the Share (arrow) icon at the bottom of a video. 

See the Download button marked by my arrows. 

David Gewirtz/ZDNET

Select the video(s) you want to download and once it comes up in the main screen display, click the Download icon. 

You can find your downloads in the Downloads area of YouTube. Notice that YouTube says that the downloads are retained as long as you have an internet connection at least once every 30 days. That way, YouTube can confirm you are still a YouTube Premium user.

David Gewirtz/ZDNET

Saving once downloaded 

You're not given an easy way to turn that download into a usable video file on a desktop device, so if you want to use that video for anything other than watching offline, you're somewhat out of luck. The same is true of iOS. 

However, if you're an Android user with an SD card slot in your phone, you can set the YouTube app settings (tap your profile picture, then Settings, then Downloads) to save videos to your SD card.

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David Gewirtz/ZDNET

So, that's how to download videos into an only barely usable form for the low-low price of $11.99 per month. But what if you want a better solution, and you want to do it for free? Yeah, we have you covered.

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Your (even better) free option: ClipGrab

I have to give ZDNET's managing editor props for introducing me to this program a few years ago. I've been using it ever since. 

ClipGrab is a free program available for Mac, Windows, and Linux users. The developer says it's open source, but the source code is only available for Linux. In any case, ClipGrab rocks. Here's how to download and use it.

1. Go to

Point your browser to and click the Show All Download Options link. You'll see download links for Mac, Windows, and Linux there. I'll show you the Mac version in this article, but the interface is virtually identical on all three.

Copy the video link of the YouTube video(s) you wish to download. You can do this up in your browser's URL bar or by clicking the Share button under the video itself. 

3. Launch ClipGrab

Make sure that you're on the Downloads tab and then choose the Launch ClipGrab option. 

4. Copy and Paste 

Copy and paste the URL of the video you want to download into ClickGrab. 

5. Click Grab this clip!

Once you've copied and pasted the desired video link into the ClickGrab browser, select Grab this clip!

Put one link of a video at a time into the top Downloads tab browser on ClickGrab. Once you're ready to download, select Grab this clip!

David Gewirtz/ZDNET

6. Choose the video format

On ClickGrab, you can also tweak options.

For example, you can choose the format you want the video to be in when it's stored on your computer. I generally go with Original, but I'll specify something else if that doesn't work. 

You can also choose download resolution. Depending on the video's original resolution, you can choose to download the full resolution video or reduce the resolution to save space.

David Gewirtz/ZDNET

7. Customize

Finally, tapping the Settings tab lets you customize where ClipGrab deposits your newly downloaded videos.

David Gewirtz/ZDNET

Linux command line options

I would be remiss (or so I've been told in the comments below, on Twitter, and in my email inbox) if I didn't mention that Linux users have a command line option (because, of course they do) to download YouTube videos. As with all things Linux command line, there are some gray areas here, such as whether the tool even works or whether there's a better tool (because of course there is).

The first in this command line hit parade is youtube-dl. You can get access to it via its own site, on GitHub, or your favorite package manager. It should be noted that the GitHub repository was taken down for a while due to an allegation of DMCA violations, but GitHub later reinstated it. There's a very interesting story about GitHub's reasoning and response you can read. 

Also: How to install Linux applications from the command line

Some folks claim that youtube-dl is old hat and hasn't been updated in a while. That's not really true. On the day I visited its repo, the header said youtube-dl was updated six days ago. It looks like it's getting ongoing maintenance. That said, there's another open source project on GitHub, called yt-dlp, that claims to be a fork of youtube-dl with more features. I haven't tested it, use it at your own risk.

Both youtube-dl and yt-dlp offer a very, very wide range of features if you need them. Personally, I'm going to stick with ClipGrab, because I don't have time to turn YouTube downloading into a second or third full time job. But, 'tis up to you.

Now that you know how to download YouTube videos, should you? First, do be aware that different jurisdictions have different laws. It may or may not be legal to download a given video, even if all you want to do is watch it offline.

If you want to download a video to incorporate it into something you're producing, keep in mind that some countries have the concept of Fair Use. In those jurisdictions, small clips of copyrighted media can be incorporated into your productions. But also, remember that YouTube has algorithmic systems looking for people reusing videos, and your channel might get a strike against it for reusing media.

When in doubt, it's always best to ask.

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There you go. Do you have other techniques for accomplishing the same thing? Let us know in the comments below.

You can follow my day-to-day project updates on social media. Be sure to follow me on Twitter at @DavidGewirtz, on Facebook at, on Instagram at, and on YouTube at


Why are some YouTube videos not downloadable?

Your YouTube Premium has Expired With the new update applied to the YouTube service, users can no longer download high-quality videos unless they are subscribed to its premium service.

Can I download a YouTube video that isn't mine?

Note: You can't download other user's YouTube videos. You can watch videos offline in the YouTube app with a YouTube Premium membership. Learn more about saving videos offline with YouTube Premium.

Why can't I download YouTube videos anymore 2022?

So, when you are unable to download YouTube videos using YouTube downloaders, make sure that you have a robust internet connection, then resubmit the download URL.