What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting

It happens to every pet owner. Even if you practice cautiousness in your pet’s daily life, there’s going to come a time when your furry friend eats something it shouldn’t. Luckily, most digestive issues don’t require a trip to the vet. There are home remedies you can implement to cure vomiting in dogs.

What are these remedies? Keep reading to discover eight home remedies to cure vomiting in dogs.

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Make Sure the Vomiting Isn’t Serious

Before you employ any home remedy, you first need to make sure your dog isn’t suffering from a serious issue. Has your dog eaten grass? dirt? or is it the problem caused by serious disease such has Leptospirosis or Parvovirus? Serious problems should be brought to the vet immediately. Like we always say, prevention is the best cure. Watch the Youtube video below by Best Info to learn more on stopping vomiting in dogs.

Is it Serious or Not?

If your dog vomits once or twice, then returns to their chipper self, then the issue is likely minor. Cases like these, you can practice our suggested home remedies. Often, this type of vomiting is caused by over-eating or by an abrupt change in diet. An example would be a rapid change from conventional dog food to raw feeding.

Learn More: A Complete Guide To Raw Feeding

If, however, your dog becomes extremely lethargic after vomiting, you likely need to make a trip to the vet. If the vomiting is accompanied by any other symptoms, such as blood in their stool, then you will most definitely want to contact your vet immediately.

Some serious issues that require medical attention include:

If your dog appears to be experiencing any of the below issues, you need to seek medical attention immediately.

  1. Parvovirus – a severe disease that can cause vomiting and bloody diarrhea.
  2. Pancreatitis – Inflammation of the pancreas.
  3. Gastroenteritis – Serious disease characterized by vomiting, bloody stools, and lethargy.
  4. Bloat – An uncomfortable situation where dogs have swollen and gassy stomach.

Homemade Remedies for Vomiting Dogs

These serious diseases are rare. Likely, with the use of some items that you might already have in your house, your dog will be back to normal in no time. Let’s begin with our proven home remedies for vomiting dogs.

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What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting

Image Credit to Rightful Owner

1. Fasting

Fasting your dog is one of the best ways to restore their health. If you have a puppy, wait 12 hours after vomiting before giving them food. If your dog is fully grown, wait 24 hours before serving them any food.

Fasting gives the gastrointestinal tract rest and allows it enough time to recover. Also, the less your dog eats, the less likely he starts throwing up again. There is, however, a chance they will vomit yellow bile. This is an indication that there is no food left in their stomach.

2. Electrolytes

Gatorade isn’t just for athletes anymore.

Dogs too can benefit from the restoring power of electrolytes. Electrolytes help the body replenish quickly and restore to its natural state. However, your dog may have trouble keeping down Gatorade or other sports drinks. If this is the case, you may want to try freezing the beverage first in ice cube trays. Once frozen, allow your dog to lick the cubes.

Bonus Tip: mix one teaspoon of Glucose Monohydrate to your dog’s drinking water. It is a form of sugar that gives an instant energy boost and avoid dehydration. This product can be purchased from your local pet shop at a fair price.

3. Ice Chips

Vomiting in dogs can quickly lead to dehydration.

However, like Gatorade, it can be difficult for a dog to keep water down if they are feeling ill. Often, lapping up water causes the stomach to revolt and throw the water right back up. Ice chips are the perfect solution if you notice your dog is having trouble keeping down water after getting sick. Plus, the cold sensation will make your dog feel better.

4. Ginger

Ginger can provide immediate relief for vomiting in dogs.

This is because ginger contains a carminative property that helps calm down the stomach (in both humans and animals!). Raw ginger has a very dominant flavor. There is little chance your dog is going to enjoy its taste. To mask the flavor, sprinkle some ginger powder on a slice of bread with honey.

You can also try mixing ginger with warm coconut milk. Feed this to your dog in small servings, about 1-3 teaspoons every couple of hours.

5.Bland Rice

If the fasting seems to be working, you can start to reintroduce your dog to foods.

Make sure to serve your dog only bland foods in the beginning. Plain white rice, plain chicken, or plain hamburger are all good options. However, rice should make up the majority of the meal. The meat is mostly meant to entice your pet to begin eating again.

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting

Serve this meal for a few days before reintroducing your dog to their regular food.

6. Chicken Broth

Chicken broth is a great option for curing vomiting in dogs. Not only does it have nutritional value, but it also helps with dehydration. However, many store-bought chicken broths contain harmful additives that won’t agree with your dog’s stomach. Therefore, it is best to prepare your homemade chicken broth.

Luckily, this is super easy to do. All you need to do is boil some water and add some chicken bouillon cubes to it. Cook until the cubes are dissolved. Serve to your dog at room temperature a few times a day.

7. Baby Food

Baby food is another option after the fasting phase. Baby food is easy on the stomach and will not induce further vomiting. Mix the baby food in with some white rice before serving to your dog. You can also add a teaspoon of probiotic yogurt to help get your dog’s digestion back on track. Serve in small amounts at regular intervals.

Give your dog a dietary food supplement that is rich in fibers such as pumpkin-based food. Pumpkin is very light and is good for your dog’s digestive tract. It can help alleviate vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.

8. Pink Bismuth

Pink bismuth, commonly known as Pepto-Bismol, can also help ease your dog’s upset stomach. Consult with your vet first because there are cases where dogs are allergic to the components of this medicine.

Buy the medicine in tab form. Crush the tab into the dog’s food to make it go down easy. Small and medium-sized dogs should only consume half a tab every 8 hours. Large-sized dogs may consume a full-sized tab every eight hours. However, double check with your vet to see if Pepto-Bismol is okay for your dog.

Also, make sure to keep this medicine away from cats. Pepto-Bismol is toxic to cats, and a small amount can make them very sick.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article comes in handy the next time your dog gets sick and starts vomiting. Never hesitate to call your vet if you think the problem is severe. You can never be too careful when it comes to taking care of your pets!

Finding out that your dog is vomiting can cause a lot of worry and anxiety. Fortunately, most cases of vomiting in dogs are not very serious and can be treated at home. However, if your dog is experiencing chronic vomiting, you need to take your pooch to the vet.

The best home remedy for dog vomiting is withholding food. This gives your dog’s stomach time to rest and settle. Other home remedies for vomiting in dogs include giving bland food and ginger, but these are not the only available remedies. Below, let’s look at 9 effective home remedies for dog vomiting.

9. Withhold Food

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting
Image from Instagram:@banksy_theredcockapoo

The most effective way of treating a vomiting dog at home is to withhold food for a couple of hours. You can fast big dogs for up to 24 hours, while puppies should only be fasted for about 6 hours.

Withholding food gives your dog’s stomach time to rest and time for the irritation or inflammation to subside. If vomiting stops completely during the fasting period, you can then introduce bland foods in small quantities.

8. Give A Bland Diet

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting
Image from Instagram:@littleriverdelta

When your dog is vomiting, their stomach is irritated and has difficulties digesting normal foods, which is why most dogs vomit again if you try giving normal food.

To ensure that your dog still gets the nutrients they need, feed them bland foods, such as boiled rice and ground beef, or boiled rice and chicken. These are easy to digest and do not contain any irritants that could inflame your dog’s stomach again.

7. Ice Chips

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting
Image from Instagram:@azdukedog

If coconut water is not available, you can keep your dog hydrated using ice chips. While giving water is likely to trigger more vomiting, most dogs will have no trouble eating ice chips. In addition, the ice chips will help lower the dog’s temperature, which is usually high when your dog is sick.

If your dog is unable to drink water or eat ice chips for more than 24 hours, take them to the vet immediately.

6. Probiotics

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting
Image from Instagram:@furbabephoenix

Probiotics can also be very useful when it comes to soothing stomach upsets in dogs. Probiotics work by introducing healthy bacteria in your doggie’s gut and restoring the natural balance of bacteria, which helps settle the stomach upset.

We recommend giving your pooch Pet Naturals of Vermont Daily Probiotic for Dogs. In addition to treating vomiting, this probiotic supplement will help with other problems including elimination issues, flatulence, bad breath, and gassiness.

5. Slippery Elm Bark

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting
Image from Instagram:@lonestarbotanicals

Slippery elm bark is a herbal remedy that is very effective for settling stomach upsets in dogs. Slippery elm bark produces a mucilage that helps lubricate and coat the irritated lining of your dog’s stomach.

Slippery elm bark is also rich in tannins that help reduce inflammation of the stomach lining. However, this also means that it can affect the absorption of certain drugs, so do not give if your dog is on medication.

4. Chicken Broth

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting
Image from Instagram:@fraservalleyspecialtypoultry

Chicken broth is a good remedy for vomiting dogs for two reasons. First, it helps keep your pooch hydrated at a time when they are losing water very fast. Second, since your dog will have trouble keeping food down, chicken broth provides the nutrients required by your dog’s body.

Making chicken broth takes a couple of hours, so you should make some in advance and refrigerate, rather than making fresh broth when your dog starts vomiting.

3. Ginger

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting
Image from Instagram:@namahawellness

Ginger is a great way for providing immediate relief for a dog that is throwing up. Ginger is considered to be a great anti-nausea agent due to its carminative properties that help break up intestinal gases.

To use ginger as a remedy for a vomiting dog, chop the ginger and boil in water for about 15 minutes. Leave it to cool, and then give a teaspoon of the ginger water for every 15 lbs of body weight.

2. Coconut Water

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting
Image from Instagram:@st.e_flavour

Since vomiting can easily make your dog dehydrated, giving coconut water can help hydrate your dog if they are unable to drink plain water. In addition, coconut water contains electrolytes that are useful for maintaining water balance in your dog’s body.

For small dogs, give only one teaspoon of coconut water every 2 hours. Medium sized dogs can be given 2 teaspoons every 2 hours, while large dogs can take 4 teaspoons every 2 hours.

1. Pepto-Bismol

What home remedy can i give my dog for vomiting
Image from Instagram:@messy.hair.skincare

Pepto-Bismol is an over-the-counter drug that can be used to treat nausea and vomiting in dogs. Pepto-Bismol comes in tab form and can be administered by crushing the tab into your doggie’s food.

The appropriate dosage will vary depending on your dog’s size and age, so it is advisable that you consult your vet before giving your dog Pepto-Bismol. You should also avoid giving Pepto-Bismol to dogs that are allergic to aspirin.

What To Do After Dog Throws Up? The first thing you should do when your dog throws up is to withhold food for a couple of hours. If the vomiting stops, you can then give small amounts of bland food. Increase the portions gradually and start switching back to normal diet if vomiting has stopped completely. If vomiting doesn’t stop, see a vet.

When Should I Be Concerned About My Dog Vomiting? You should be concerned about your dog vomiting if the vomiting goes on for more than 2 days, or if it is accompanied by other worrying signs and symptoms. Some of the signs you need to watch out for include lethargy, blood in stool, vomiting blood, weakness, loss of appetite, confusion, and swollen abdomen.

How Do I Know If My Dog’s Stomach Hurts? Some signs that your dog’s stomach hurts include heavy breathing, an abnormal over posture, swollen abdomen, crying and whining, trembling, and diarrhea. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should rush your canine buddy to the vet, since these symptoms can signify a serious underlying health issue.