To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation


To use the graphical method to obtain the conditions of consistency and hence to solve a given system of linear equations in two variables

Materials Required

  1. Three sheets of graph paper
  2. A ruler
  3. A pencil

The lines corresponding to each of the equations given in a system of linear equations are drawn on a graph paper. Now,

  1. if the two lines intersect at a point then the system is consistent and has a unique solution.
  2. if the two lines are coincident then the system is consistent and has infinitely many solutions.
  3. if the two lines are parallel to each other then the system is inconsistent and has no solution.

Procedure We shall consider a pair of linear equations in two variables of the type

a1x +b1y = c1

a2x +b2y = c2
Step 1: Let the first system of linear equations be x + 2y = 3 … (i) 4x + 3y = 2 … (ii)

Step 2: From equation (i), we have

y= ½(3 – x).

Find the values of y for two different values of x as shown below.

Similarly, from equation (ii), we have y=1/3( 2 – 4x).


Step 3: Draw a line representing the equation x+2y = 3 on graph paper I by plotting the points (1,1) and (3,0), and joining them. Similarly, draw a line representing the equation 4x + 3y = 2 by plotting the points (-1, 2) and (2, -2), and joining them.

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

Step 4: Record your observations in the first observation table.
Step 5: Consider a second system of linear equations: x – 2y = 3 … (iii) -2x + 4y = -6 … (iv)

Step 6: From equation (iii), we get

From equation (iv), we get

Draw lines on graph paper II using these points and record your observations in the second observation table.

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

Step 7: Consider a third system of linear equations: 2x – 3y = 5 …(v) -4x + 6y = 3 … (vi)

Step 8: From equation (v), we get

From equation (vi), we get

Draw lines on graph paper III using these points and record your observations in the third observation table.

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

I. For the first system of equations
To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

II. For the second system of equations
To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

III. For the third system of equations
To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation


  1. The first system of equations is represented by intersecting lines, which shows that the system is consistent and has a unique solution, i.e., x = -1, y = 2 (see the first observation table).
  2. The second system of equations is represented by coincident lines, which shows that the system is consistent and has infinitely many solutions (see the second observation table).
  3. The third system of equations is represented by parallel lines, which shows that the system is inconsistent and has no solution (see the third observation table).

Remarks: The teacher must provide the students with additional problems for practice of each of the three types of systems of equations.

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To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation


To verify the conditions for consistency of a system of linear equations in two variables by graphical representation.

Prerequisite Knowledge

1. Plotting of points on a graph paper.

2. Condition of consistency of lines parallel, intersecting, coincident,

Materials Required

Graph papers, fevicol, geometry box, cardboard.


Consider the three pairs of linear equations

1st pair: 


2x+y-8 = 0

2nd pair: 

4x + 6y = 24, 

2x + 3y =6

3rd pair: 



1. Take the 1st pair of linear equations in two variables, e.g., 2x – 5y +4=0, 2x +y- 8 = 0.

2. Obtain a table of at least three such pairs (x, y) which satisfy the given equations.

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

3. Plot the points of two equations on the graph paper as shown below.

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

4. Observe whether the lines are intersecting, parallel or coincident. Write the values in observation table.

Also, check for:

a₁ b₁ c₁ ---- = ---- = ---- a₂ b₂ c₂

 5. Take the second pair of linear equations in two variables

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

 6. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 and draw linear graph as shown.

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

 7. Take the third pair of linear equations in two variables,i.e. x-2y=5, 3x-6y=15. Plot XY values.

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

 8. Repeat steps 3 and 4 and plot the graph (as shown)

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation


 Following are the observations:


To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

 1. In 1st pair, for intersecting lines 

2. For second pair (parallel lines)
a₁ b₁ c₁ ---- = ---- ≠ ---- a₂ b₂ c₂

3. For 3rd pair of equations (coincident lines)
a₁ b₁ c₁ ---- = ---- = ---- a₂ b₂ c₂


The conditions for consistency of a system of linear equations in two variables is verified.

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To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation

To verify the condition for consistency and inconsistency by graphical method observation