Business ethics and social responsibility quiz

Governments and corporations are increasingly collaborating to provide assistance to communities
around the world through global partnerships.

Test you understanding of key chapter concepts by working through this quiz. You can check your answer by clicking on the arrow to the right or on what you think the correct answer is.  The correct answer will then be revealed to you for that question. 

1. Usually business ethics is understood as ______.

  1. reflecting on and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour in business practice
  2. reflecting on morals and prescribing what ought to be
  3. the science of values and their justification
  4. the theory of making profits while acting ethically

2. Corporate social responsibility occurs when organizations ______.

  1. use accounting standards, by considering the greater good of the widest possible community within which they exist
  2. seek to meet or exceed legal and normatively mandated standards, by considering the greater good of the widest possible community within which they exist
  3. engage in an open dialogue with their stakeholders and establish a code of conduct that guides their behaviour
  4. all of these

3. In the most basic sense sustainability means ______.

  1. to do things right
  2. to do the right thing
  3. to always act ethically
  4. to ensure that resources are renewed

4. Triple bottom line reporting accounts for ______.

  1. people, planet, peace
  2. people, planet, profit
  3. fortune, future, flexibility
  4. profit, principles, people

5. Which are the two different schools of thought in the business ethics literature?

  1. the normative and the sustainability school
  2. the descriptive and the moral school
  3. the positive and the normative school
  4. the normative and descriptive school

6. The Ronald McDonald’s house for sick children is a good example of ______.

  1. strategic philanthropy
  2. commitment to the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit)
  3. ethics as marketing tool
  4. both strategic philanthropy and ethics as marketing tool

7. A code of conduct is a set of______.

  1. practices that organizations adopt in order to ensure ethical behaviour
  2. b. rules that organizations adopt in order to ensure ethical behaviour
  3. rules that organizations adopt in order to ensure sustainability
  4. rules that translates the law into a more meaningful and ethical organizational guideline

8. Ethics as practice focuses on how ______.

  1. ethics affects business practice and especially the triple bottom line (people, planet, profits)
  2. b. rules are translated into practices and how are they enacted in everyday organizational contexts
  3. practical certain ethical rules are and how they can be implemented effectively
  4. ethics affects business practice and especially the triple bottom line (people, planet, profits) and how practical certain ethical rules are and how they can be implemented effectively

9. Corporate greening could involve ______.

  1. green facilities that are designed to minimize energy waste and use,
  2. a continuing program of educating employees and spreading green transportation
  3. educating staff and learning about being green as widely as possible.
  4. all of these

10. Corporate greening is defined as a process ______.

  1. of introducing principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in as many facets of the business as it is possible
  2. that involves trying to adopt green principles and practices in as many facets of the business as it is possible
  3. of introducing Codes of Conduct in as many facets of the business as it is possible
  4. all of these

11. According to German sociologist Ulrich Beck, toxic chemicals are a component of ______.

  1. the risk society
  2. the high society
  3. monster raving lunatic society
  4. the ethical society

12. The circular economy is a perspective that focuses on ______.

  1. reuse
  2. recycling
  3. remanufacturing
  4. all of these

13. A corporation’s code of ethics are ______.

  1. the informal requirements set forth by the organization that specifies desirable ethical behaviours
  2. the documented, formal and legal expectations of ethical behaviours by and organization to its employees and wider stakeholders
  3. a set of beliefs personally held by individuals
  4. all of these

14. According to the critical approach to ethics, when profits are paramount?

  1. an organization’s ethics transform
  2. an organization’s ethics prosper
  3. an organization’s ethics suffer
  4. an organization’s ethics transform and ethics prosper

15. When ethics are assimilated as a norm, they ______.

  1. define a system of personal relations between organizational employees
  2. define the organization’s functions
  3. are loosely socialized within the organization
  4. define a system of relations between functions, behaviours and problem-solving actions

The extent that a business meets its legal, ethical, financial, and voluntary responsibilities

  1. Consumer Bill of Rights

  2. Consumerism

  3. Whistleblowing

  4. Corporate Citizenship

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8 Questions | Total Attempts: 1839

  • What are one of the areas in which managers can me tempted to engage in unethical managerial behavior

  • Two types of unethical behavior in which harms individuals in the company is political deviance and Personal Aggression.

  • Ethical intensity depends on which factor?

    • Principle of Personal Virtue

    • Principle of Religious Injuctions

  • What is the first step in establishing an ethical climate?

    • Put in place a reporting system

    • Be active in and committed to the company ethics program

    • To act ethically themselves

  • Social responsibilty is a business obligation to pursue policies, make decisions, and take actions that benefit society.

  • Economic Responsibility is a company's social responsibility to obey a society's law.

  • What are two response to demands for social responsibilty?

    • Accommodative Strategy and Proactive Strategy

    • Shareholders and employees

  • two important aspects of a company to stake holder are suppliers and public stakeholders.

  • Development
  • Customer
  • Leadership

Business ethics and social responsibility quiz
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