If two numbers are in ratio 12 ratio 7 and their LCM is 504 then find sum of numbers

The LCM of two numbers is 9 times their HCF. The sum of LCM and HCF is 500 . Find their HCF.

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If two numbers are in ratio 12 ratio 7 and their LCM is 504 then find sum of numbers


10 Questions 10 Marks 7 Mins


Ratio of numbers = 7 ∶ 11

HCF = 28


Let the numbers be 7x and 11x

HCF of 7x and 11x is x

HCF = x = 28

The numbers will be 7 × 28 and 11 × 28

⇒ The numbers will be 196 and 308

Sum of numbers = 196 + 308

⇒ Sum of numbers = 504

∴ Sum of numbers is 504

If two numbers are in ratio 12 ratio 7 and their LCM is 504 then find sum of numbers
Shortcut Trick Note that the sum of two numbers is asked.

Let the numbers be 7x and 11x.

Add the numbers:

⇒ 7x + 11x

⇒ 18x

Now see, the final number must be the factor of 18, so in options only 504 is multiple of 18.

∴ The sum of two number is 504.

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If two numbers are in ratio 12 ratio 7 and their LCM is 504 then find sum of numbers

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If two numbers are in ratio 12 ratio 7 and their LCM is 504 then find sum of numbers

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If two numbers are in ratio 12 ratio 7 and their LCM is 504 then find sum of numbers

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80 Questions 80 Marks 80 Mins


The sum and LCM of two numbers are 156 and 504.

Concept used:

HCF of two numbers.


Sum = 156, LCM = 504

156 = 12 × 13

504 = 12 × 42

HCF = 12

Two numbers are 12a, 12b

12a + 12b = 156

a + b = 13

LCM = 12ab

12ab = 504

ab = 42

∴ a = 6, b = 7

two numbers be 12a and 12b

two numbers are 72, 84

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