Wo finde ich backup iphone auf pc

If you accidentally deleted some information from an iOS device and hope to recover it, an iTunes backup can be a great help.

iTunes backups happen automatically, each time you connect your iPad or iPhone with iTunes (if you didn’t turn on the iCloud Backup option), or manually, when you right-click the device in iTunes and choose ‘’Back Up’’. They are saved on your computer and contain important data, such as contacts, text messages, calendar, notes, call history and app data.

So where are iPhone or iPad backups stored? It depends on which operating system your computer is using, although the default backup location is the same between iOS versions.

Where is the iTunes backup folder on Windows?

iTunes backups are stored in %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync on Windows.

On Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista, this'll be a path like \Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup.

With Windows XP that'd be similar to \Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup.

The Microsoft Store version of iTunes is a little different: it stores its backups under %HOMEPATH%\Apple\MobileSync. That'll be a path like \Users\[USERNAME]\Apple\MobileSync\Backup.

Where is the iTunes backup folder on macOS / OS X?

iTunes backups are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync on macOS.

That folder is typically at /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup.

In macOS 10.15, Finder creates iPhone backups, instead of iTunes. However, these backups are stored in the same location.

How to find the iTunes backup folder automatically

iPhone Backup Extractor automatically finds the iTunes backup folder for you, and can open it with a click. This functionality is in the free version, so this won't cost a thing.

  1. Download and install iPhone Backup Extractor
  2. Open the Preferences window from the app's pull-down menu
  3. Select the Backups tab.
  4. Where the window says "We always look for backups in your default folder", click the "default folder" link. Easy!

Wo finde ich backup iphone auf pc
iPhone Backup Extractor showing the default iTunes backup folder

Opening the iTunes backup folder on Windows

Open the default Backup location in Explorer using the Windows Run command. Press ⊞ Win + R and the Run window should appear. Enter %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync and press ⏎ Enter.

For the Microsoft Store version of iTunes, you could do this: Press ⊞ Win + R and the Run window should appear. Enter %HOMEPATH%\Apple\MobileSync and press ⏎ Enter.

Here's what this looks like on Windows 10:

Wo finde ich backup iphone auf pc
Find iTunes backups on Windows 10

The Explorer window that opens will show a folder named "Backup". This contains any iTunes backups which are already present on the computer.

Finding the iTunes backup folder on macOS

The default backup location can be shown in Finder using Spotlight. Pressing ⌘ Cmd + and type ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync before pressing ⏎ Enter.

The Finder window that opens will show a folder named "Backup". This contains any iTunes backups which are already present on the computer.

Changing the iTunes backup folder location?

If you'd like to change the folder that iTunes backups up to by default, we have a handy guide in our support centre.

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iTunes erlaubt es ab Werk nicht, dass Sie den Speicherort für Backups von iPhone und iPad frei wählen, mit einem Trick geht es aber doch.

Wo finde ich backup iphone auf pc
Mit einem Trick können Sie den standardmäßigen Speicherort für Ihre iTunes-Backups ändern

iTunes wurde unter macOS durch mehrere Apps wie Musik und Apple TV ersetzt, unter Windows ist für Verwaltung und Datensicherung wie gewohnt die App iTunes zuständig – und kann über Apples Homepage oder den Microsoft Store bezogen werden.

iTunes ist leider nicht besonders flexibel, wenn es um Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten für den Zielort der Geräte-Backups geht. So gibt es etwa unter "iTunes -> Einstellungen -> Erweitert" nur eine Option um den Speicherort von "iTunes Media" zu ändern. Dabei handelt es sich aber lediglich um Medien, die über iTunes gekauft oder importiert wurden. Der Speicherort für Backups von iPhone- und iPad-Daten lässt sich hingegen nicht ändern. Gerade, wenn Sie eine SSD als schnelles Hauptlaufwerk neben einer großen Datenfestplatte nutzen, wäre es aber schön, wenn Sie die SSD nicht mit mehreren Dutzend Gigabyte an statischen Backups vollmüllen müssten.

Standardmäßig speichert iTunes unter Windows die iPhone- und iPad-Backups im versteckten Ordner "%appdata%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup". Die Variable %appdata% steht dabei für den Pfad "C:\Users[Benutzername]\AppData\Roaming". Diesen Pfad sehen Sie im Windows Explorer erst, wenn Sie unter "Ansicht -> Optionen -> Ordner- und Suchoptionen ändern -> Ansicht" (Windows 8, 10), beziehungsweise "Organisieren -> Ordner- und Suchoptionen -> Ansicht" (Windows 7) die Option "Ausgeblendete Dateien, Ordner und Laufwerke anzeigen" aktivieren.

Wo finde ich backup iphone auf pc
Verschieben Sie zunächst den iTunes-Backup-Ordner an den gewünschten Ort

iTunes-Backup umziehen: Im ersten Schritt schließen Sie iTunes und verschieben den Ordner "Backup" nun an den Ort, an dem er später bleiben soll – zum Beispiel nach "D:\iTunes". Das kann je nach Größe des Ordners einige Minuten dauern.

Ist der Vorgang abgeschlossen, weiß iTunes allerdings noch nichts von dem neuen Speicherort, sondern würde einerseits die alten Backups nicht mehr finden, und neue andererseits wieder am alten Ort anlegen. Der Trick ist nun, dass Sie iTunes glauben machen, dass die Backups weiterhin am alten Ort sind. Das erreichen Sie, indem Sie eine symbolische Verzeichnis-Verknüpfung anlegen, die vom alten Ort auf den neuen verweist.

Wo finde ich backup iphone auf pc
Mit dem Befehl mklink legen Sie nun einen symbolischen Ordner-Link vom alten zum neuen ordner an

Dazu öffnen Sie ein Kommandozeilenfenster (cmd.exe) mit Admin-Rechten. Geben Sie dazu cmd in das Suchfeld beim Startmenü ein, klicken dann mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Treffer und wählen "Als Administrator ausführen". Im Kommandozeilenfenster geben Sie dann folgenden Befehl ein:

mklink "C:\Users\[Benutzername]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" D:\iTunes\Backup /D

Statt [Benutzername] geben Sie natürlich Ihren Benutzernamen ein, und statt D:\iTunes\Backup den Pfad zum neuen Backup-Verzeichnis. Wenn Sie nun auf Enter drücken, wird der Ordner-Link erstellt (durch den Parameter /D). Sie erreichen den Backup-Ordner nun sowohl über die Eingabe des alten Pfades wie des neuen. Auch iTunes bemerkt den Trick nicht, und sichert Backups anstandslos am neuen Ort.

Übrigens: Bei iTunes auf dem Mac gibt es keine entsprechende Lösung für das Problem, hier können Sie nur bestehende Updates manuell auslagern, und zur Wiederherstellung zurückkopieren .

This page is specifically written for users who want to find the iPhone (iTunes) backup location on Windows and Mac. Additionally, we also offer the steps to change the iTunes backup location on Windows. For more details, you can read this post.

Download for PCDownload for Mac

If you have no clues about where to find your iPhone backup location on Windows 10 or Mac, relax, this page will tell you how. Plus, if you want to change iPhone backup location, delete backup files, or back up iPhone files, we also prepare some tips for you to get it done. 

PAGE CONTENT: Part 1. Where Does iTunes Store Backups on Windows 10 and Mac Part 2. How to Change iPhone Backup Location on Windows 10 Part 3. How to Delete Backup Files in Windows 10 Part 4. How to Backup iPhone to Mac and Windows

Part 1. Where Does iTunes Store Backups on Windows 10 and Mac

Generally speaking, iTunes saves backups to a Backup folder in your Users folder, and the specific location of the Backup folder varies by different versions of the operating system. Here are some tips to find your iPhone backup location on Windows and Mac.

Before you proceed, remember that you can copy the backup folder, but you should never drag it to a different folder, external drive, or somewhere else. Also, remember that any changes you make to your backup files might ruin your files.

on Windows 7,8, or 10

On Windows PCs, you can either choose to follow the below paths to find your iPhone backup location or use the below steps to get the job done.

  • On Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10, you can locate the path: \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup.
  • On Windows XP, you can locate the path: \Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup.
  • The Microsoft Store iTunes backup in \Users\(username)\AppleMobileSync\Backup.

Step 1. Find the Search bar on your computer.

Step 2. In the Search bar, enter %appdata% or %USERPROFILE%.

Step 3. Press "Return."

Step 4. Double-click "Apple" or "Apple Computer" > MobileSync > Backup.

On macOS or OS X:

Usually, your iPhone backups are stored in: /Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/. If you fail to find it by following this path, then you can follow the steps below to find your iPhone backup location on Mac.

Step 1. Open the Finder or iTunes on your Mac, and then click your device.

Step 2. In the Finder or General tab, click "Manage Backups" to see a list of your backups.

Step 3. In the Finder, you can directly choose the backup you want and choose "Show in Finder." In iTunes, you need to click on Preference and click your device icon, then choose "Show in Finder." Once you choose, click "OK."

Part 2. How to Change iPhone Backup Location on Windows 10

Generally, you can change the iPhone backup location in two ways - default way via Windows and non-official way with EaseUS MobiMover. Compared with the steps of the two methods, the latter is easier.

Option 1. Change iPhone backup location in the default way

Before getting started, you'll need to prepare:

  • A PC running Windows Vista or newer
  • Some available iTunes backup

Note: Once you change the location, you can't restore your iPhone with the relocated backup unless moving it back to its default location. 

Step 1. Open the iTunes backup location by using methods offered in Part 1.

Step 2. You'll then see a folder labeled "Backup" - the default location that contains your iPhone backups. Press the F2 key on your keyboard to rename the "Backup" folder to a different name like Backup. old.

Step 3. Hold down the "Shift" key and right-click a blank area within File Explore to open the context menu.

Step 4. Select the "Open PowerShell window here" (Also called "Open command window here").

Step 5. Enter the command as listed below.

For desktop iTunes users: cmd /c mklink /J "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" "D:\New iTunes Backup"

For Windows Store iTunes users: cmd /c mklink /J "C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Apple\MobileSync\Backup" "D:\New iTunes Backup"

Step 6. Press the "Enter" key to execute the command. After everything has been done, you'll see a new folder named Backup appears within the MobileSync folder.

Also Read: 2 Methods to Change iTunes Backup Location on Mac 

Option 2. An easier way to change iPhone backup location

Quite frankly, we don't recommend you to change the default iPhone backup location on your computer because any improper operations you do or changes you made during the process may ruin your backup files. For Apple, this is a yet to be solved technical problem. If you don't want to lose any important backup files, just try some other backup solutions instead.

There are many backup tools in the market. Most of such tools do a good job in data backup. Here we'll mainly focus on this perfect iTunes alternative - EaseUS MobiMover.

Compared with iTunes and iCloud, this program offers more backup options, such as:

  • It offers two backup solutions - backup the entire iPhone/iPad or backup only selected files.
  • It allows you to set the default backup location.
  • It lets you transfer iOS files between iOS devices seamlessly.
  • It provides additional tools: video downloader, WhatsApp manager, and data management tool.

You can now free download EaseUS MobiMover on your computer and start to back up files with ease.

Download for PCDownload for Mac

Step 1. Connect your iPhone to your PC running Windows 7/8/10 with a USB cable. Tap "Trust" on your iPhone screen if asked. Run EaseUS MobiMover and navigate to "Backup Manager" > "Back up".

Step 2. All the supported categories are selected by default. Click "One-Click" backup to start backing up your iPhone to PC.

Step 3. Wait patiently until the backup process completes. 

Part 3. How to Delete iPhone Backup Files on Mac

Deleting iPhone backups can be easily done on Windows and Mac computers as long as you locate the backup files. And the detailed steps on how to find iPhone backup location have been introduced in Part 1, so we won't list the steps in this part.

But on macOS Catalina, users use Finder to manage their iPhone backup files. So, the process is somewhat different.

Step 1. Plug your iPhone into your Mac with a USB cable.

Step 2. Launch Finder and click your iPhone in the left sidebar.

Step 3. Under the "Backup" section, click "Manage Backups..."

Step 4. Click "Delete Backup" in the bottom left corner.

Part 4. How to Backup iPhone to Mac and Windows

Backing up data is a good habit that is worth persevering. Not only does it make sense in case your iPhone or iPad is stolen or your system crashes, but it also means that you have more options for recovery when you need these files.

There are plenty of options available for you looking to backup your data, all with their pros and cons. Here we'd like to introduce some backup solutions for both Mac and Windows users. You can choose either one of them based on your needs.

For Windows users, you can either use iTunes, iCloud, or EaseUS MobiMover to back up your iPhone.

For Mac users, you can use iTunes, iCloud, EaseUS MobiMover, and Finder to make a copy of your iPhone data.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, it is not easy to find or change the iPhone backup location on Windows and Mac computers. But don't worry, EaseUS MobiMover can simplify the procedure. Not only that, but it can also allow you to modify, rename, or extract backup contents. 

We hope this guide is helpful to you. If it does, don't forget to share it with your friends who need it.