Which concept will the nurse consider when integrating Milos framework into nursing practice?

The MAI was designed to assist physicians and pharmacists in assessing the appropriateness of a medication for a given patient. The MAI requires clinicians to rate 10 explicit criteria to determine whether a given medication is appropriate for an individual. For each criterion, the index has operational definitions, explicit instructions and examples, and the evaluator rates whether the particular medication is "appropriate," "marginally appropriate" or "inappropriate" (Table 3).

Medication Appropriateness Index

To assess the appropriateness of the drug, please answer the following questions and circle the applicable score.
1. Is there an indication for the drug?
123 9
Indicated Not Indicated
2. Is the medication effective for the condition?
123 9
Effective Ineffective
3. Is the dosage correct?
123 9
Correct Incorrect
4. Are the directions correct?
123 9
Correct Incorrect
5. Are the directions practical?
123 9
Practical Impractical
6. Are there clinically significant drug‐drug interactions?
123 9
Insignificant Significant
7. Are there clinically significant drug‐disease/condition interactions?
123 9
Insignificant Significant
8. Is there unnecessary duplication with other drug(s)?
123 9
Necessary Unnecessary
9. Is the duration of therapy acceptable?
123 9
Acceptable Unacceptable
10. Is this drug the least expensive alternative compared with others of equal utility?
123 9
Least expensive Most expensive

The 10 explicit criteria are:

  1. Indication: the sign, symptom, disease or condition for which the medication is prescribed.

  2. Effectiveness: producing a  beneficial result.

  3. Dosage: total amount of medication taken per 24‐hour period.

  4. Directions: instructions to the patient for proper use of a medication.

  5. Practicality: capability of being used or being put into practice.

  6. Drug–drug interaction: the effect that administration of one medication has on another drug; clinical significance connotes a harmful interaction.

  7. Drug‐disease interaction: the effect that the drug has on a pre‐existing disease or condition; clinical significance connotes a harmful interaction.

  8. Unnecessary duplication: non‐beneficial or risky prescribing of two or more drugs from the same chemical or pharmacological class.

  9. Duration: length of therapy.

  10. Expensiveness: cost of drug in comparison with other agents of equal efficacy and safety.

These are measured on a 3‐point scale (Table 3).

To assess the effects of the interventions on prescribing appropriateness, patient MAI scores may be determined by summing MAI medication scores across all evaluated medications. Thus, this patient MAI score depends on the number of medications taken by the patient and the MAI score per medication.

Furthermore, to determine a single summated score for each drug, in addition to an overall score for the patient, a weighting scheme was developed. A weight of three was given for indication and effectiveness. A weight of two was assigned to dosage, correct directions, drug‐drug interactions and drug‐disease interactions. A weight of one was assigned to practical directions, expense, duplication and duration.

The Beers criteria are consensus explicit criteria used to enhance safe medication use in older adults when precise clinical information is lacking (see Table 4; Table 5; Table 6; Table 7; Table 8). The Beers criteria are based on expert consensus developed through an extensive literature review with a bibliography and a questionnaire evaluated by nationally recognised experts in geriatric care, clinical pharmacology and psychopharmacology using a modified Delphi technique to reach consensus. These criteria have been used to survey clinical medication usage, to analyse computerised administrative data sets and to evaluate intervention studies to decrease medication problems in older adults.

Updated Beers (2003) criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults: independent of diagnosis or condition

DrugConcernSeverity rating
(high or low)
Propoxyphene (Darvon) and combination products
(Darvon with ASA, Darvon‐N and Darvocet‐N)
Offers few analgesic advantages over paracetamol (acetaminophen), yet is associated with the adverse effects of other narcotic drugsLow
Indomethacin (Indocin and Indocin SR)Of all available NSAIDs, this drug produces the most CNS adverse effectsHigh
Pentazocine (Talwin)Narcotic analgesic that causes more CNS adverse effects, including confusion and hallucinations, more commonly than other narcotic drugs. Additionally, it is a mixed agonist and antagonistHigh
Trimethobenzamide (Tigan)One of the least effective antiemetic drugs, yet it can cause extrapyramidal adverse effectsHigh
Muscle relaxants and antispasmodics: methocarbamol (Robaxin), carisoprodol (Soma), chlorzoxazone (Paraflex), metaxalone (Skelaxin), cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) and oxybutynin (Ditropan). Do not consider the extended‐release formulation of Ditropan XLMost muscle relaxants and antispasmodic drugs are poorly tolerated by elderly patients because they cause anticholinergic adverse effects, sedation and weakness. Additionally, their effectiveness at doses tolerated by elderly patients is questionableHigh
Flurazepam (Dalmane)This benzodiazepine hypnotic has an extremely long half‐life in elderly patients (often days), producing prolonged sedation and increasing the incidence of falls and fracture. Medium‐ or short‐acting benzodiazepines are preferableHigh
Amitriptyline (Elavil), chlordiazepoxide‐amitriptyline (Limbitrol) and perphenazine‐amitriptyline (Triavil)Because of its strong anticholinergic and sedation properties, amitriptyline is rarely the antidepressant of choice for elderly patientsHigh
Doxepin (Sinequan)Because of its strong anticholinergic and sedating properties, doxepin is rarely the antidepressant of choice for elderly patientsHigh
Meprobamate (Miltown and Equanil)This is a highly addictive and sedating anxiolytic. Those using
meprobamate for prolonged periods may become addicted and may need to be withdrawn slowly
Doses of short‐acting benzodiazepines: doses greater than lorazepam (Ativan) 3 mg; oxazepam (Serax) 60 mg; iprazolam (Xanax) 2 mg; temazepam (Restoril) 15 mg and triazolam (Halcion) 0.25 mgBecause of increased sensitivity to benzodiazepines in elderly patients, smaller doses may be effective and safer. Total daily doses should rarely exceed the suggested maximumHigh
Long‐acting benzodiazepines: chlordiazepoxide (Librium), chlordiazepoxide‐amitriptyline (Limbitrol), clidinium‐chlordiazepoxide  (Librax), diazepam (Valium), quazepam (Doral), halazepam (Paxipam) and chlorazepate (Tranxene)These drugs have a long half‐life in elderly patients (often several days), producing prolonged sedation and increasing the risk of falls and fractures. Short‐ and intermediate‐acting benzodiazepines are preferred if a benzodiazepine is required
Disopyramide (Norpace and Norpace CR) Of all antiarrhythmic drugs, this is the most potent negative inotrope and therefore may induce heart failure in elderly patients. It also has strong anticholinergic effects. Other  antiarrhythmic drugs should be used as wellHigh
Digoxin (Lanoxin) (should not exceed 0.125 mg/d except when treating atrial arrhythmias)Decreased renal clearance may lead to increased risk of toxic effectsLow
Short‐acting dipyridamole (Persantine). Do not consider the long‐acting dipyridamole (which has better properties than the short‐acting formulation in older adults) except with patients with artificial
heart valves
May cause orthostatic hypotensionLow
Methyldopa (Aldomet) and methyldopa‐hydrochlorothiazide (Aldoril)May cause bradycardia and exacerbate depression in elderly patientsHigh
Reserpine at doses > 0.25 mgMay induce depression, impotence, sedation and orthostatic hypotensionLow
Chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
It has a prolonged half‐life in elderly patients and could cause prolonged hypoglycaemia. Additionally, it is the only oral hypoglycaemic agent that causes SIADHHigh
GI antispasmodic drugs: dicyclomine (Bentyl), hyoscyamine (Levsin and Levsinex), propantheline (Pro‐Banthine), belladonna alkaloids (Donnatal and others)
and clidinium‐chlordiazepoxide (Librax)
GI antispasmodic drugs have potent anticholinergic effects and have uncertain effectiveness. These drugs should be avoided (especially for long‐term use)
Anticholinergics and antihistamines: chlorpheniramine (Chlor‐Trimeton), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), hydroxyzine
(Vistaril and Atarax), cyproheptadine  (Periactin), promethazine (Phenergan), tripelennamine, dexchlorpheniramine (Polaramine)
All non‐prescription and many prescription antihistamines may have potent anticholinergic properties. Non‐anticholinergic antihistamines are preferred in elderly patients for the treatment of allergic reactions
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
May cause confusion and sedation. Should not be used as a hypnotic, and when used to treat emergency allergic reactions, it should be used in the smallest possible doseHigh
Ergot mesyloids (Hydergine) and cyclandelate (Cyclospasmol)Have not been shown to be effective in the doses studiedLow
Ferrous sulphate  > 325 mg/d
Doses > 325 mg/d do not dramatically increase the amount absorbed but greatly increase the incidence of constipationLow
All barbiturates (except phenobarbital) except when used to control seizuresAre highly addictive and cause more adverse effects than most sedative or hypnotic drugs in elderly patientsHigh
Meperidine (Demerol)
Not an effective oral analgesic in doses commonly used. May cause confusion and has many disadvantages compared with other narcotic drugsHigh
Ticlopidine (Ticlid)Has been shown to be no better than aspirin in preventing clotting and may be considerably more toxic Safer, more effective alternatives existHigh
Ketorolac (Toradol)
Immediate and long‐term use should be avoided in older people, as a significant number have asymptomatic GI pathological conditionsHigh
Amphetamines and anorexic agents
These drugs have potential for causing dependence, hypertension, angina and myocardial infarctionHigh
Long‐term use of full‐dosage, longer half‐life,
non–COX‐selective NSAIDs: naproxen (Naprosyn, Avaprox and Aleve), oxaprozin (Daypro) and piroxicam (Feldene)
Have the potential to produce GI bleeding, renal failure, hypertension and heart failure
Daily fluoxetine (Prozac)
Long half‐life of drug and risk of producing excessive CNS stimulation, sleep disturbances and increasing agitation. Safer alternatives are availableHigh
Long‐term use of stimulant laxatives: bisacodyl (Dulcolax), cascara sagrada and Neoloid except in the presence of opiate analgesic useMay exacerbate bowel dysfunctionHigh
Amiodarone (Cordarone)
Associated with QT interval problems and risk of provoking torsades de pointes. Lack of efficacy in older adults
Orphenadrine (Norflex)
Causes greater sedation and anticholinergic adverse effects than safer alternativesHigh
Guanethidine (Ismelin)May cause orthostatic hypotension. Safer alternatives are availableHigh
Guanadrel (Hylorel)May cause orthostatic hypotensionHigh
Cyclandelate (Cyclospasmol)Lack of efficacyLow
Isoxsurpine (Vasodilan)Lack of efficacyLow
Nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin)Potential for renal impairment. Safer alternatives are availableHigh
Doxazosin (Cardura)Potential for hypotension, dry mouth and urinary problemsLow
Methyltestosterone (Android, Virilon and Testrad)Potential for prostatic hyperplasia and cardiac problemsHigh
Thioridazine (Mellaril)Greater potential for CNS and extrapyramidal adverse effectsHigh
Mesoridazine (Serentil)CNS and extrapyramidal adverse effectsHigh
Short‐acting nifedipine (Procardia and Adalat)Potential for hypotension and constipationHigh
Clonidine (Catapres)Potential for orthostatic hypotension and CNS adverse effectsLow
Mineral oilPotential for aspiration and adverse effects. Safer alternatives are availableHigh
Cimetidine (Tagamet)CNS adverse effects including confusionLow
Ethacrynic acid (Edecrin)Potential for hypertension and fluid imbalances. Safer alternatives are availableLow
Desiccated thyroidConcerns about cardiac effects. Safer alternatives are availableHigh
Amphetamines (excluding methylphenidate hydrochloride and anorexic agents)CNS stimulant adverse effectsHigh
Oestrogens only (oral)
Evidence of the carcinogenic (breast and endometrial cancer) potential of these agents and lack of cardioprotective effects in older womenLow

Updated Beers (2003) criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults: considering diagnoses or conditions

Disease or conditionDrugConcernSeverity rating
(high or low)
Heart failure
Disopyramide (Norpace) and high‐sodium‐content drugs (sodium and sodium salts (alginate bicarbonate, biphosphate, citrate, phosphate, salicylate, and sulphate))Negative inotropic effect. Potential to promote fluid retention and exacerbation of heart failureHigh
Phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride (removed from the market in 2001), pseudoephedrine; diet pills and amphetaminesMay produce elevation of blood pressure secondary to sympathomimetic activityHigh
Gastric or duodenal
NSAIDs and aspirin (> 325 mg) (COXIBs excluded)May exacerbate existing ulcers or produce new/additional ulcersHigh
Seizures or epilepsy
Clozapine (Clozaril), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), thioridazine (Mellaril) and thiothixene (Navane)May lower seizure thresholdsHigh
Blood clotting disordersor receiving

anticoagulant therapy

Aspirin, NSAIDs, dipyridamole (Persantin), ticlopidine (Ticlid) and clopidogrel (Plavix)
May prolong clotting time and elevate INR values or inhibit platelet  aggregation,resulting in increased potential for bleedingHigh
Bladder outflowobstructionAnticholinergics and antihistamines, gastrointestinal antispasmodics, muscle relaxants, oxybutynin (Ditropan), flavoxate (Urispas), anticholinergics, antidepressants, decongestants and tolterodine  (Detrol)May decrease urinary flow, leading to urinaryretentionHigh
Stress incontinence
α‐Blockers (doxazosin, prazosin and terazosin), anticholinergics, tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine hydrochloride, doxepin hydrochloride and amitriptyline
hydrochloride) and long‐acting benzodiazepines
May produce polyuria and worsening of incontinence
Tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine hydrochloride, doxepin hydrochloride and amitriptyline hydrochloride)Concern due to proarrhythmic effects and ability to produce QT interval changesHigh
Decongestants, theophylline (Theodur), methylphenidate (Ritalin), MAOIs and amphetaminesConcern due to CNS stimulant effectsHigh
Parkinson's disease
Metoclopramide (Reglan), conventional antipsychotics and tacrine (Cognex)Concern due to their antidopaminergic/
cholinergic effects
Cognitive impairment
Barbiturates, anticholinergics, antispasmodics and muscle relaxants. CNS stimulants: dextroamphetamine (Adderall), methylphenidate (Ritalin), methamphetamine (Desoxyn) and pemolinConcern due to CNS‐altering effectsHigh
Long‐term benzodiazepine use. Sympatholytic agents: methyldopa (Aldomet), reserpine and guanethidine (Ismelin)May produce or exacerbate depressionHigh
Anorexia andmalnutritionCNS stimulants: dextroamphetamine (Adderall), methylphenidate (Ritalin), methamphetamine (Desoxyn), pemolin and fluoxetine (Prozac)Concern due to appetite‐suppressing effectsHigh
Syncope or falls
Short‐ to intermediate‐acting benzodiazepine and tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine hydrochloride,
doxepin hydrochloride and amitriptyline hydrochloride) 
May produce ataxia, impaired psychomotorfunction, syncope and additional fallsHigh
SSRIs: fluoxetine (Prozac), citalopram (Celexa), fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil) and sertraline (Zoloft)May exacerbate or cause SIADHLow
Seizure disorderBupropion (Wellbutrin)May lower seizure thresholdHigh
ObesityOlanzapine (Zyprexa)May stimulate appetite and increase weight gainLow
Long‐acting benzodiazepines: chlordiazepoxide (Librium), chlordiazepoxide‐amitriptyline (Limbitrol), clidinium‐chlordiazepoxide (Librax), diazepam (Valium), quazepam (Doral), halazepam (Paxipam) and chlorazepate (Tranxene). β‐Blockers: propranolol
CNS adverse effects. May induce respiratory depression. May exacerbate or causerespiratory depressionHigh
Chronic constipation
Calcium channel blockers, anticholinergics and tricyclic antidepressant (imipramine hydrochloride, doxepin hydrochloride and amitriptyline hydrochloride)May exacerbate constipationLow

Updated Beers (2012) criteria for potentially inappropriate medication usage in older adults: independent of diagnosis or condition

Organ System or Therapeutic Category or DrugRationaleRecommendationQuality of EvidenceStrength of Recommendation
Anticholinergics (excludes TCAs)
First‐generation antihistamines (as single agent or as part of combination products)BrompheniramineCarbinoxamineChlorpheniramineClemastineCyproheptadineDexbrompheniramineDexchlorpheniramineDiphenhydramine (oral)DoxylamineHydroxyzinePromethazine


Highly anticholinergic; clearance reduced with advanced age, and tolerance develops when used as hypnotic; greater risk of confusion, dry mouth, constipation and other anticholinergic effects and toxicity
Use of diphenhydramine in special situations such as short‐term treatment of severe allergic reaction may be appropriate
AvoidHydroxyzine and promethazine: high;
all others: moderate
Antiparkinson agentsBenztropine (oral)


Not recommended for prevention of extrapyramidal symptoms with antipsychotics; more effective agents available for treatment of Parkinson's diseaseAvoidModerateStrong
AntispasmodicsBelladonna alkaloidsClidinium‐chlordiazepoxideDicyclomineHyoscyaminePropantheline


Highly anticholinergic, uncertain effectivenessAvoid except in short‐term palliative care to decrease oral secretionsModerateStrong
Dipyridamole, oral short‐acting* (does not apply to extended‐release combination with aspirin)May cause orthostatic hypotension; more effective alternatives available; intravenous form acceptable for use in cardiac stress testingAvoidModerateStrong
Ticlopidine*Safer effective alternatives availableAvoidModerateStrong
NitrofurantoinPotential for pulmonary toxicity; safer alternatives available; lack of efficacy in patients with CrCl < 60 mL/min due to inadequate drug concentration in the urineAvoid for long‐term suppression; avoid in patients with CrCl < 60 mL/minModerateStrong


High risk of orthostatic hypotension; not recommended as routine treatment for hypertension; alternative agents have superior risk/benefit profileAvoid use as an antihypertensiveModerateStrong
Alpha‐agonists, centralClonidineGuanabenz*Guanfacine*Methyldopa*

Reserpine (> 0.1 mg/d)*

High risk of adverse CNS effects; may cause bradycardia and orthostatic hypotension; not recommended as routine treatment for hypertensionAvoid clonidine as a first‐line antihypertensive
Avoid others as listed
Antiarrhythmic drugs (Class Ia, Ic, III)AmiodaroneDofetilideDronedaroneFlecainideIbutilideProcainamidePropafenoneQuinidine


Data suggest that rate control yields better balance of benefits and harms than rhythm control for most older adults
Amiodarone is associated with multiple toxicities, including thyroid disease, pulmonary disorders and QT interval prolongation
Avoid antiarrhythmic drugs as first‐line treatment of atrial fibrillationHighStrong
Disopyramide*Disopyramide is a potent negative inotrope and therefore may induce heart failure in older adults; strongly anticholinergic; other antiarrhythmic drugs preferredAvoidLowStrong
DronedaroneWorse outcomes have been reported in patients taking dronedarone who have permanent atrial fibrillation or heart failure. In general, rate control is preferred over rhythm control for atrial fibrillationAvoid in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation or heart failureModerateStrong
Digoxin > 0.125 mg/dIn heart failure, higher dosages are associated with no additional benefit and may increase risk of toxicity; slow renal clearance may lead to risk of toxic effectsAvoidModerateStrong
Nifedipine, immediate release*Potential for hypotension; risk of precipitating myocardial ischaemiaAvoidHighStrong
Spironolactone > 25 mg/dIn heart failure, the risk of hyperkalaemia is higher in older adults, especially if taking > 25 mg/d or taking concomitant NSAID, angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitor, angiotensin receptor blocker or potassium supplementAvoid in patients with heart failure or with a CrCl < 30 mL/minModerateStrong
Central nervous system
Tertiary TCAs, alone or in combination:AmitriptylineChlordiazepoxide‐amitriptylineClomipramineDoxepin > 6 mg/dImipraminePerphenazine‐amitriptyline


Highly anticholinergic, sedating and causing orthostatic hypotension; safety profile of low‐dose doxepin (≤ 6 mg/d) is comparable with that of placeboAvoidHighStrong
Antipsychotics, first (conventional) and second (atypical) generation (see AGS 2012 for full list)Increased risk of cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and mortality in persons with dementiaAvoid use for behavioural problems of dementia unless non‐pharmacological options have failed and patient is threat to self or othersModerateStrong
Highly anticholinergic and risk of QT interval prolongationAvoidModerateStrong


High rate of physical dependence; tolerance to sleep benefits; risk of overdose at low dosagesAvoidHighStrong
Short‐ and intermediate‐acting:AlprazolamEstazolamLorazepamOxazepamTemazepamTriazolam




Older adults have increased sensitivity to benzodiazepines and slower metabolism of long‐acting agents. In general, all benzodiazepines increase risk of cognitive impairment, delirium, falls, fractures and motor vehicle accidents in older adults
May be appropriate for seizure disorders, rapid eye movement sleep disorders, benzodiazepine withdrawal, ethanol withdrawal, severe generalized anxiety disorder, periprocedural anaesthesia and end‐of‐life care
Avoid benzodiazepines (any type) for treatment of insomnia, agitation or deliriumHighStrong
Chloral hydrate*Tolerance occurs within 10 days, and risks outweigh benefits in light of overdose with doses only 3 times the recommended doseAvoidLowStrong
MeprobamateHigh rate of physical dependence; very sedatingAvoidModerateStrong
Non‐benzodiazepine hypnoticsEszopicloneZolpidem


Benzodiazepine‐receptor agonists that have adverse events similar to those of benzodiazepines in older adults (e.g. delirium, falls, fractures); minimal improvement in sleep latency and durationAvoid long‐term use (> 90 days)ModerateStrong
Ergot mesylates*
Lack of efficacyAvoidHighStrong


Potential for cardiac problems and contraindicated in men with prostate cancerAvoid unless indicated for moderate to severe hypogonadismModerateWeak
Desiccated thyroidConcerns about cardiac effects; safer alternatives availableAvoidLowStrong
Oestrogens with or without progestinsEvidence of carcinogenic potential (breast and endometrium); lack of cardioprotective effect and cognitive protection in older women
Evidence that vaginal oestrogens for treatment of vaginal dryness are safe and effective in women with breast cancer, especially at dosages of estradiol < 25 μg twice weekly
Avoid oral and topical patch
Topical vaginal cream: acceptable to use low‐dose intravaginal oestrogen for the management of dyspareunia, lower urinary tract infection and other vaginal symptoms
Oral and patch: high
Topical: moderate
Oral and patch: strong
Topical: weak
Growth hormoneEffect on body composition is small and is associated with oedema, arthralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, gynaecomastia, impaired fasting glucoseAvoid, except as hormone replacement after pituitary gland removalHighStrong
Insulin, sliding scaleHigher risk of hypoglycaemia without improvement in hyperglycaemia management regardless of care settingAvoidModerateStrong
MegestrolMinimal effect on weight; increases risk of thrombotic events and possibly death in older adultsAvoidModerateStrong
Sulphonylureas, long durationChlorpropamide


Chlorpropamide: prolonged half‐life in older adults; can cause prolonged hypoglycaemia; causes syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.
Glyburide: greater risk of severe prolonged hypoglycaemia in older adults
MetoclopramideCan cause extrapyramidal effects including tardive dyskinesia; risk may be even greater in frail older adultsAvoid, unless for gastroparesisModerateStrong
Mineral oil, oralPotential for aspiration and adverse effects; safer alternatives availableAvoidModerateStrong
TrimethobenzamideOne of the least effective antiemetic drugs; can cause extrapyramidal adverse effectsAvoidModerateStrong
MeperidineNot an effective oral analgesic in dosages commonly used; may cause neurotoxicity; safer alternatives availableAvoidHighStrong
Non–COX‐selective NSAIDs, oralAspirin > 325 mg/dDiclofenacDiflunisalEtodolacFenoprofenIbuprofenKetoprofenMeclofenamateMefenamic acidMeloxicamNabumetoneNaproxenOxaprozinPiroxicamSulindac


Increase risk of GI bleeding and peptic ulcer disease in high‐risk groups, including those aged > 75 or taking oral or parenteral corticosteroids, anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents. Use of proton pump inhibitor or misoprostol reduces but does not eliminate risk. Upper GI ulcers, gross bleeding or perforation caused by NSAIDs occurs in approximately 1% of patients treated for 3 to 6 months and in approximately 2% to 4% of patients treated for 1 year. These trends continue with longer duration of useAvoid long‐term use unless other alternatives are not effective and patient can take gastroprotective agent (proton pump inhibitor or misoprostol)ModerateStrong
Ketorolac, includes parenteral
Increase risk of GI bleeding and peptic ulcer disease in high‐risk groups (see above Non–COX‐selective NSAIDs)
Of all the NSAIDs, indomethacin has the most adverse effects
AvoidIndomethacin: moderate
Ketorolac: high
Pentazocine*Opioid analgesic that causes CNS adverse effects, including confusion and hallucinations, more commonly than other narcotic drugs; also a mixed agonist and antagonist; safer alternatives availableAvoidLowStrong
Skeletal muscle relaxantsCarisoprodolChlorzoxazoneCyclobenzaprineMetaxaloneMethocarbamol


Most muscle relaxants are poorly tolerated by older adults because of anticholinergic adverse effects, sedation, risk of fracture; effectiveness at dosages tolerated by older adults is questionableAvoidModerateStrong
Source: AGS 2012. CNS = central nervous system; COX = cyclo‐oxygenase; CrCl = creatinine clearance; GI = gastrointestinal; NSAID = non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant.

*Infrequently used drugs.

Updated Beers (2012) criteria for potentially inappropriate medication usage in older adults due to drug–disease or drug–syndrome interactions that may exacerbate the disease or syndrome

Disease or syndromeDrugRationaleRecommendationQuality of evidenceStrength of recommendation
Heart failureNSAIDs and COX‐2 inhibitorsNon‐dihydropyridine CCBs (avoid only for systolic heart failure)DiltiazemVerapamilPioglitazone, rosiglitazoneCilostazol


Potential to promote fluid retention and exacerbate heart failureAvoidNSAIDs: moderateCCBs: moderateThiazolidinediones (glitazones): highCilostazol: low

Dronedarone: moderate

SyncopeAChEIsPeripheral alpha‐blockersDoxazosinPrazosinTerazosinTertiary TCAs

Chlorpromazine, thioridazine and olanzapine

Increase risk of orthostatic hypotension or bradycardiaAvoidAlpha‐blockers:highTCAs, AChEIs and

antipsychotics: moderate

AChEIs and TCAs: strongAlpha‐blockers

and antipsychotics: weak

Central nervous system
Chronic seizures or epilepsyBupropionChlorpromazineClozapineMaprotilineOlanzapineThioridazineThiothixene


Lower seizure threshold; may be acceptable in patients with well‐controlled seizures in whom alternative agents have not been effectiveAvoidModerateStrong
DeliriumAll TCAs
Anticholinergics (see AGS 2012 for full list)BenzodiazepinesChlorpromazineCorticosteroids

H2‐receptor antagonist



Avoid in older adults with or at high risk of delirium because of inducing or worsening delirium in older adults; if discontinued drugs used long‐term, taper to avoid withdrawal symptomsAvoidModerateStrong
Dementia and cognitive impairmentAnticholinergics (see AGS 2012 for full list)Benzodiazepines

H2‐receptor antagonists


Antipsychotics, long‐term and as‐needed use

Avoid because of adverse CNS effects
Avoid antipsychotics for behavioural problems of dementia unless non‐pharmacological options have failed and patient is a threat to himself or others. Antipsychotics are associated with increased risk of cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and mortality in persons with dementia
History of falls or fracturesAnticonvulsantsAntipsychoticsBenzodiazepinesNon‐benzodiazepine hypnoticsEszopicloneZaleplonZolpidem

TCAs and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Ability to produce ataxia, impaired psychomotor function, syncope and additional falls; shorter‐acting benzodiazepines are not safer than long‐acting onesAvoid unless safer alternatives are not available; avoid anticonvulsants except for seizure disordersHighStrong
InsomniaOral decongestantsPseudoephedrinePhenylephrineStimulantsAmphetamineMethylphenidatePemolineTheobrominesTheophylline


CNS stimulant effectsAvoidModerateStrong
Parkinson's diseaseAll antipsychotics (see AGS 2012 for full list, except for quetiapine and clozapine)AntiemeticsMetoclopramideProchlorperazine


Dopamine receptor antagonists with potential to worsen parkinsonian symptoms
Quetiapine and clozapine appear to be less likely to precipitate worsening of Parkinson's disease
Chronic constipationOral antimuscarinics for urinary incontinenceDarifenacinFesoterodineOxybutynin (oral)SolifenacinTolterodineTrospiumNon‐dihydropyridine CCBDiltiazemVerapamilFirst‐generation antihistamines as single agent or part of combination productsBrompheniramine (various)CarbinoxamineChlorpheniramineClemastine (various)CyproheptadineDexbrompheniramineDexchlorpheniramine (various)DiphenhydramineDoxylamineHydroxyzinePromethazineTriprolidine

Anticholinergics and antispasmodics (see AGS 2012 for full list of drugs with strong anticholinergic properties)

AntipsychoticsBelladonna alkaloidsClidinium‐chlordiazepoxideDicyclomineHyoscyaminePropanthelineScopolamine

Tertiary TCAs (amitriptyline, clomipramine, doxepin, imipramine and trimipramine)

Can worsen constipation; agents for urinary incontinence: Antimuscarinics overall differ in incidence of constipation; response variable; consider alternative agent if constipation developsAvoid unless no other alternativesFor urinary incontinence: high
All others: moderate to low
History of gastric or duodenal ulcersAspirin (> 325 mg/d)
Non–COX‐2–selective NSAIDs
May exacerbate existing ulcers or cause new or additional ulcersAvoid unless other alternatives are not effective and patient can take gastroprotective agent (proton pump inhibitor or misoprostol)ModerateStrong
Kidney and urinary tract
Chronic kidney disease Stages IV and VNSAIDs
Triamterene (alone or in combination)
May increase risk of kidney injuryAvoidNSAIDs: moderate
Triamterene: low
NSAIDs: strong
Triamterene: weak
Urinary incontinence (all types) in womenOestrogen oral and transdermal (excludes intravaginal oestrogen)Aggravate incontinenceAvoid in womenHighStrong
Lower urinary tract symptoms, benign prostatic hyperplasiaInhaled anticholinergic agents
Strongly anticholinergic drugs, except antimuscarinics for urinary incontinence (see AGS 2012 for complete list)
May decrease urinary flow and cause urinary retentionAvoid in menModerateInhaled agents: strong
All others: weak
Stress or mixed urinary incontinenceAlpha‐blockersDoxazosinPrazosin


Aggravate incontinenceAvoid in womenModerateStrong
Source: AGS 2012.
CCB = calcium channel blocker; AChEI = acetylcholinesterase inhibitor; CNS = central nervous system; COX = cyclo‐oxygenase; NSAID = non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant.

Updated Beers (2012) criteria for potentially inappropriate medications to be used with caution in older adults

DrugRationaleRecommendationQuality of evidenceStrength of recommendation
Aspirin for primary prevention of cardiac eventsLack of evidence of benefit versus risk in individuals aged ≥ 80Use with caution in adults aged ≥ 80LowWeak
DabigatranGreater risk of bleeding than with warfarin in adults aged ≥ 75; lack of evidence of efficacy and safety in individuals with CrCl < 30 mL/minUse with caution in adults aged ≥ 75 or if CrCl < 30 mL/minModerateWeak
PrasugrelGreater risk of bleeding in older adults; risk may be offset by benefit in highest‐risk older adults (e.g. with prior myocardial infarction or diabetes mellitus)Use with caution in adults aged ≥ 75ModerateWeak
AntipsychoticsCarbamazepineCarboplatinCisplatinMirtazapineSerotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitorSelective serotonin reuptake inhibitorTricyclic antidepressants


May exacerbate or cause syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion or hyponatraemia; need to monitor sodium level closely when starting or changing dosages in older adults because of increased riskUse with cautionModerateStrong
VasodilatorsMay exacerbate episodes of syncope in individuals with history of syncope   
Source: AGS 2012.
CrCl = creatinine clearance.

The most recent version of Beers criteria (AGS 2012) comprises three lists. The first list comprises 34 individual medications or classes of medications that should be avoided in older adults and their concerns (Table 6). The second list includes diseases or conditions and drugs that should be avoided in older adults with these conditions (Table 7). The third list provides medications to be used with caution in older adults (Table 8). The statements in each list are rated on the basis of quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations using the American College of Physicians' Guideline Grading System.


Epub Ahead of Print, In‐Process & Other Non‐Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE Daily and Ovid MEDLINE 1946 to Present

Search date: 5 May 2016

2inappropriate prescribing/1360
3potentially inappropriate medication list/20
5medication errors/11203
7((beer* or shan? or mcleod?) adj3 criter*).ti,ab.407
8("fit for the aged" adj3 (criter* or list? or instrument or classif*)).ti,ab.8
9((forta or rasp or priscus) adj3 (criter* or list? or instrument)).ti,ab.45
10(stopp criter* or stopp list?).ti,ab.79
11((concomitant* or concurrent* or inappropriat* or appropriat* or suboptim* or sub‐optim* or unnecessary or incorrect* or excess* or multip* or inadvert* or discontinu*) adj1 (medicine? or medicat* or prescrib* or prescription* or drug*)).ti,ab.21859
12((over adj1 (prescrib* or prescript*)) or (over‐prescrib* or overprescrib*) or ("or more" adj (medication* or prescrib* or prescript*))).ti,ab.1792
13((under adj1 prescrib*) or underprescrib* or under‐prescrib*).ti,ab.425
14(deprescrib* or deprescript*).ti,ab.85
15"medication appropriateness index*".ti,ab.83
16(quality adj2 (prescribing or prescription* or medication*)).ti,ab.1025
17(improv* adj2 (prescrib* or pharmaco* or prescription*)).ti,ab.5217
18(prescrib* adj cascade*).ti,ab.24
19("assessing care of vulnerable elders" or acove).ti,ab.84
20((multi‐drug* or multidrug*) adj2 (prescrib* or prescription* or regimen? or therap* or treatment?)).ti,ab.3761
22exp aged/2558759
24(elder* or geriatric*).ti,ab.228974
25((old* or aged) adj (person* or adult* or people or patient* or inpatient* or outpatient*)).ti,ab.138495
26aged care.ti,ab.1737
3021 and 2912684
31exp *polypharmacy/1274
3231 and 29842
33randomized controlled trial.pt.415781
34controlled clinical trial.pt.90679
35multicenter study.pt.201068
36pragmatic clinical trial.pt.312
37(randomis* or randomiz* or randomly).ti,ab.663942
39(trial or multicenter or multi center or multicentre or multi centre).ti.180301
40(intervention? or effect? or impact? or controlled or control group? or (before adj5 after) or (pre adj5 post) or ((pretest or pre test) and (posttest or post test)) or quasiexperiment* or quasi experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or time series or time point? or repeated measur*).ti,ab.7470667
41non‐randomized controlled trials as topic/57
42interrupted time series analysis/142
43controlled before‐after studies/129
45exp animals/20155558
4745 not (45 and 46)4238940
49meta analysis.pt.65371
53cochrane database of systematic reviews.jn.12298
54comment on.cm.662584
55(systematic review or literature review).ti.76420
5744 not 565788963
5830 and 576760
5932 or 587209
60(20131* or 2014* or 2015* or 2016*).dc,dp,ed,ep,yr.3528154
6159 and 601876

Embase (Ovid)

Embase 1974 to 2016 May 04

Search date: 5 May 2016

2inappropriate prescribing/2174
3medication error/14470
5((beer* or shan? or mcleod?) adj3 criter*).ti,ab.692
6("fit for the aged" adj3 (criter* or list? or instrument or classif*)).ti,ab.13
7((forta or rasp or priscus) adj3 (criter* or list? or instrument)).ti,ab.79
8(stopp criter* or stopp list?).ti,ab.194
9((concomitant* or concurrent* or inappropriat* or appropriat* or suboptim* or sub‐optim* or unnecessary or incorrect* or excess* or multip* or inadvert* or discontinu*) adj1 (medicine? or medicat* or prescrib* or prescription* or drug*)).ti,ab.33028
10((over adj1 (prescrib* or prescript*)) or (over‐prescrib* or overprescrib*) or ("or more" adj (medication* or prescrib* or prescript*))).ti,ab.2678
11((under adj1 prescrib*) or underprescrib* or under‐prescrib*).ti,ab.601
12(deprescrib* or deprescript*).ti,ab.108
13"medication appropriateness index*".ti,ab.125
14(quality adj2 (prescribing or prescription* or medication*)).ti,ab.1614
15(improv* adj2 (prescrib* or pharmaco* or prescription*)).ti,ab.7311
16(prescrib* adj cascade*).ti,ab.32
17("assessing care of vulnerable elders" or acove).ti,ab.131
18((multi‐drug* or multidrug*) adj2 (prescrib* or prescription* or regimen? or therap* or treatment?)).ti,ab.4674
21frail elderly/7267
22very elderly/87611
23aged hospital patient/557
25exp geriatrics/46527
26(elder* or geriatric*).ti,ab.313574
27((old* or aged) adj (person* or adult* or people or patient* or inpatient* or outpatient*)).ti,ab.178986
28aged care.ti,ab.1777
3230 and 311082
3319 and 3016095
34randomized controlled trial/402955
35controlled clinical trial/393267
36quasi experimental study/2895
37pretest posttest control group design/254
38time series analysis/16880
39experimental design/12369
40multicenter study/136615
41(randomis* or randomiz* or randomly).ti,ab.879958
43(trial or multicentre or multicenter or multi centre or multi center).ti.243864
44(intervention? or effect? or impact? or controlled or control group? or (before adj5 after) or (pre adj5 post) or ((pretest or pre test) and (posttest or post test)) or quasiexperiment* or quasi experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or time series or time point? or repeated measur*).ti,ab.9311234
46(systematic review or literature review).ti.89371
47"cochrane database of systematic reviews".jn.3951
48exp animals/ or exp invertebrate/ or animal experiment/ or animal model/ or animal tissue/ or animal cell/ or nonhuman/23072412
49human/ or normal human/ or human cell/17208417
5048 not (48 and 49)5910759
5146 or 47 or 506003257
5245 not 517854630
5333 and 5210126
5432 or 5310609
55(20131* or 2014* or 2015* or 2016*).dp,dd,yr,em.4637633
5654 and 553269

The Cochrane Library (Wiley)

Search date: 5 May 2016

#1[mh polypharmacy]126
#2[mh "inappropriate prescribing"]71
#3[mh "potentially inappropriate medication list"]0
#4[mh deprescriptions]0
#5[mh "medication errors"]331
#7((beer* or shan* or mcleod*) near/3 criter*):ti,ab23
#8("fit for the aged" near/3 (criter* or list* or instrument or classif*)):ti,ab1
#9((forta or rasp or priscus) near/3 (criter* or list* or instrument)):ti,ab5
#10(stopp criter* or stopp list*):ti,ab24
#11((concomitant* or concurrent* or inappropriat* or appropriat* or suboptim* or sub‐optim* or unnecessary or incorrect* or excess* or multip* or inadvert* or discontinu*) near/1 (medicine* or medicat* or prescrib* or prescription* or drug*)):ti,ab2379
#12((over near/1 (prescrib* or prescript*)) or (over‐prescrib* or overprescrib*) or ("or more" near/1 (medication* or prescrib* or prescript*))):ti,ab154
#13((under near/1 prescrib*) or underprescrib* or under‐prescrib*):ti,ab20
#14(deprescrib* or deprescript*):ti,ab6
#15(quality near/2 (prescribing or prescription* or medication*)):ti,ab151
#16(improv* near/2 (prescrib* or pharmaco* or prescription*)):ti,ab476
#17(prescri* near/1 cascade*):ti,ab0
#18("assessing care of vulnerable elders" or acove):ti,ab10
#19((multi‐drug* or multidrug*) near/2 (prescrib* or prescription* or regimen* or therap* or treatment*)):ti,ab364
#20{or #1‐#19}3932
#21[mh aged]993
#22[mh geriatrics]216
#23(elder* or geriatric*):ti,ab19391
#24((old* or aged) near/1 (person* or adult* or people or patient* or inpatient* or outpatient*)):ti,ab21045
#25aged next care:ti,ab130
#26[mh veterans]614
#28{or #21‐#27}39695
#29#20 and #28 Publication Year from 2013 to 2016165


Search date: 5 May 2016

No.Search termsResults
S1(MH "Polypharmacy")1,832
S2(MH "Inappropriate Prescribing")491
S3(MH "Medication Errors")8,808
S5(beer* or shan* or mcleod*) N3 criter*171
S6"fit for the aged" N3 (criter* or list* or instrument or classif*)3
S7(forta or rasp or priscus) N3 (criter* or list* or instrument)3
S8stopp criter* or stopp list*28
S9(concomitant* or concurrent* or inappropriat* or appropriat* or suboptim* or sub‐optim* or unnecessary or incorrect* or excess* or multip* or inadvert* or discontinu*) N1 (medicine* or medicat* or prescrib* or prescription* or drug*)7,963
S10((over N1 (prescrib* or prescript*)) or (over‐prescrib* or overprescrib*) or ("or more" N0 (medication* or prescrib* or prescript*)))1,551
S11(under N1 prescrib*) or underprescrib* or under‐prescrib*107
S12deprescrib* or deprescript*28
S13"medication appropriateness index*"25
S14quality N2 (prescribing or prescription* or medication*)427
S15prescrib* N0 cascade*11
S16"assessing care of vulnerable elders" or acove44
S17(multi‐drug* or multidrug*) N2 (prescrib* or prescription* or regimen* or therap* or treatment*)616
S18improv* N2 (prescrib* or pharmaco* or prescription*)1,003
S19S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S1821,470
S20(MH "Aged+")373,520
S21(MH "Geriatrics")2,766
S22(MH "Veterans")7,998
S23elder* or geriatric*74,995
S24(old* or aged) N0 (person* or adult* or people or patient* or inpatient* or outpatient*)57,731
S25"aged care"2,138
S27S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26415,048
S28S19 AND S275,108
S29(MM "Polypharmacy")765
S30S27 AND S29538
S31PT randomized controlled trial30,497
S32PT clinical trial52,762
S33PT research988,005
S34(MH "Randomized Controlled Trials")26,240
S35(MH "Clinical Trials")84,279
S36(MH "Intervention Trials")5,986
S37(MH "Nonrandomized Trials")170
S38(MH "Experimental Studies")14,818
S39(MH "Pretest‐Posttest Design+")26,855
S40(MH "Quasi‐Experimental Studies+")8,473
S41(MH "Multicenter Studies")11,426
S42(MH "Health Services Research")7,374
S43TI ( randomis* or randomiz* or randomly) OR AB ( randomis* or randomiz* or randomly)111,004
S44TI (trial or effect* or impact* or intervention* or before N5 after or pre N5 post or ((pretest or "pre test") and (posttest or "post test")) or quasiexperiment* or quasi W0 experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or "time series" or time W0 point* or repeated W0 measur*) OR AB (trial or effect* or impact* or intervention* or before N5 after or pre N5 post or ((pretest or "pre test") and (posttest or "post test")) or quasiexperiment* or quasi W0 experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or "time series" or time W0 point* or repeated W0 measur*)762,000
S45S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 OR S42 OR S43 OR S441,297,160
S46S28 AND S453,669
S47S30 OR S463,901
S48S47 Limiters ‐ Exclude MEDLINE records726
S49S48 Limiters ‐ Published Date: 20131001‐20161231141

ClinicalTrials.gov, US National Institutes of Health (NIH)http://clinicaltrials.gov/

Search date: 5 May 2016

polypharmacy | senior69
"inappropriate prescribing" | senior26
appropriate prescribing | senior5
"inappropriate medication" | senior30
"appropriate medication" | senior16
deprescribing | senior1

WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP)

Search date: 5 May 2016

inappropriate prescribing11
appropriate prescribing6
inappropriate medication12
appropriate medication4


Epub Ahead of Print, In‐Process & Other Non‐Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE Daily and Ovid MEDLINE 1946 to January 31, 2018

Search date: 7 February 2018

2inappropriate prescribing/2046
3potentially inappropriate medication list/158
5medication errors/12019
7((beer* or shan? or mcleod?) adj3 criter*).ti,ab.517
8("fit for the aged" adj3 (criter* or list? or instrument or classif*)).ti,ab.13
9((forta or rasp or priscus) adj3 (criter* or list? or instrument)).ti,ab.64
10(stopp criter* or stopp list?).ti,ab.119
11((concomitant* or concurrent* or inappropriat* or appropriat* or suboptim* or sub‐optim* or unnecessary or incorrect* or excess* or multip* or inadvert* or discontinu*) adj1 (medicine? or medicat* or prescrib* or prescription* or drug*)).ti,ab.24793
12((over adj1 (prescrib* or prescript*)) or (over‐prescrib* or overprescrib*) or ("or more" adj (medication* or prescrib* or prescript*))).ti,ab.2119
13((under adj1 prescrib*) or underprescrib* or under‐prescrib*).ti,ab.475
14(deprescrib* or deprescript*).ti,ab.226
15"medication appropriateness index*".ti,ab.102
16(quality adj2 (prescribing or prescription* or medication*)).ti,ab.1177
17(improv* adj2 (prescrib* or pharmaco* or prescription*)).ti,ab.6106
18(prescrib* adj cascade*).ti,ab.34
19("assessing care of vulnerable elders" or acove).ti,ab.90
20((multi‐drug* or multidrug*) adj2 (prescrib* or prescription* or regimen? or therap* or treatment?)).ti,ab.4237
22exp aged/2764427
24(elder* or geriatric*).ti,ab.251719
25((old* or aged) adj (person* or adult* or people or patient* or inpatient* or outpatient*)).ti,ab.160088
26aged care.ti,ab.2117
3021 and 2914942
31exp *polypharmacy/1667
3231 and 291152
33randomized controlled trial.pt.452912
34controlled clinical trial.pt.92140
35multicenter study.pt.227930
36pragmatic clinical trial.pt.653
37(randomis* or randomiz* or randomly).ti,ab.754378
39(trial or multicenter or multi center or multicentre or multi centre).ti.209759
40(intervention? or effect? or impact? or controlled or control group? or (before adj5 after) or (pre adj5 post) or ((pretest or pre test) and (posttest or post test)) or quasiexperiment* or quasi experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or time series or time point? or repeated measur*).ti,ab.8289310
41non‐randomized controlled trials as topic/277
42interrupted time series analysis/372
43controlled before‐after studies/299
45exp animals/21288035
4745 not (45 and 46)4422549
49meta analysis.pt.84382
53cochrane database of systematic reviews.jn.13415
54comment on.cm.704563
55(systematic review or literature review).ti.105999
5744 not 566467868
5830 and 578109
5932 or 588711
60(2016* or 2017* or 2018*).dt,dp,ed,ep,yr.3317707
6159 and 602095

Embase (Ovid)

Embase 1974 to 2018 February 6

Search date: 7 February 2018

2inappropriate prescribing/2980
3medication error/16294
5((beer* or shan? or mcleod?) adj3 criter*).ti,ab.939
6("fit for the aged" adj3 (criter* or list? or instrument or classif*)).ti,ab.20
7((forta or rasp or priscus) adj3 (criter* or list? or instrument)).ti,ab.106
8(stopp criter* or stopp list?).ti,ab.287
9((concomitant* or concurrent* or inappropriat* or appropriat* or suboptim* or sub‐optim* or unnecessary or incorrect* or excess* or multip* or inadvert* or discontinu*) adj1 (medicine? or medicat* or prescrib* or prescription* or drug*)).ti,ab.39145
10((over adj1 (prescrib* or prescript*)) or (over‐prescrib* or overprescrib*) or ("or more" adj (medication* or prescrib* or prescript*))).ti,ab.3297
11((under adj1 prescrib*) or underprescrib* or under‐prescrib*).ti,ab.712
12(deprescrib* or deprescript*).ti,ab.353
13"medication appropriateness index*".ti,ab.157
14(quality adj2 (prescribing or prescription* or medication*)).ti,ab.1958
15(improv* adj2 (prescrib* or pharmaco* or prescription*)).ti,ab.8783
16(prescrib* adj cascade*).ti,ab.52
17("assessing care of vulnerable elders" or acove).ti,ab.143
18((multi‐drug* or multidrug*) adj2 (prescrib* or prescription* or regimen? or therap* or treatment?)).ti,ab.5382
21frail elderly/8640
22very elderly/125021
23aged hospital patient/679
25exp geriatrics/38812
26(elder* or geriatric*).ti,ab.351560
27((old* or aged) adj (person* or adult* or people or patient* or inpatient* or outpatient*)).ti,ab.210594
28aged care.ti,ab.2241
3230 and 311516
3319 and 3019946
34randomized controlled trial/485990
35controlled clinical trial/454228
36quasi experimental study/4178
37pretest posttest control group design/325
38time series analysis/20120
39experimental design/15072
40multicenter study/174951
41(randomis* or randomiz* or randomly).ti,ab.1034240
43(trial or multicentre or multicenter or multi centre or multi center).ti.290689
44(intervention? or effect? or impact? or controlled or control group? or (before adj5 after) or (pre adj5 post) or ((pretest or pre test) and (posttest or post test)) or quasiexperiment* or quasi experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or time series or time point? or repeated measur*).ti,ab.10531597
46(systematic review or literature review).ti.124542
47"cochrane database of systematic reviews".jn.7188
48exp animals/ or exp invertebrate/ or animal experiment/ or animal model/ or animal tissue/ or animal cell/ or nonhuman/25510736
49human/ or normal human/ or human cell/19263193
5048 not (48 and 49)6295394
5146 or 47 or 506425940
5245 not 518956795
5333 and 5212699
5432 or 5313345
55limit 54 to yr="2016 ‐Current"2944

The Cochrane Library (Wiley)

Search date: 7 February 2018

#1[mh polypharmacy]174
#2[mh "inappropriate prescribing"]110
#3[mh "potentially inappropriate medication list"]5
#4[mh deprescriptions]7
#5[mh "medication errors"]413
#7((beer* or shan* or mcleod*) near/3 criter*):ti,ab42
#8("fit for the aged" near/3 (criter* or list* or instrument or classif*)):ti,ab5
#9((forta or rasp or priscus) near/3 (criter* or list* or instrument)):ti,ab7
#10(stopp criter* or stopp list*):ti,ab52
#11((concomitant* or concurrent* or inappropriat* or appropriat* or suboptim* or sub‐optim* or unnecessary or incorrect* or excess* or multip* or inadvert* or discontinu*) near/1 (medicine* or medicat* or prescrib* or prescription* or drug*)):ti,ab3473
#12((over near/1 (prescrib* or prescript*)) or (over‐prescrib* or overprescrib*) or ("or more" near/1 (medication* or prescrib* or prescript*))):ti,ab230
#13((under near/1 prescrib*) or underprescrib* or under‐prescrib*):ti,ab37
#14(deprescrib* or deprescript*):ti,ab23
#15(quality near/2 (prescribing or prescription* or medication*)):ti,ab224
#16(improv* near/2 (prescrib* or pharmaco* or prescription*)):ti,ab654
#17(prescri* near/1 cascade*):ti,ab1
#18("assessing care of vulnerable elders" or acove):ti,ab12
#19((multi‐drug* or multidrug*) near/2 (prescrib* or prescription* or regimen* or therap* or treatment*)):ti,ab441
#20{or #1‐#19}5560
#21[mh aged]1214
#22[mh geriatrics]227
#23(elder* or geriatric*):ti,ab23878
#24((old* or aged) near/1 (person* or adult* or people or patient* or inpatient* or outpatient*)):ti,ab28530
#25aged next care:ti,ab188
#26[mh veterans]770
#28{or #21‐#27}51051
#29#20 and #28814
#30#20 and #28 Publication Year from 2016 to 2018243


Search date: 7 February 2018

S1(MH "Polypharmacy")2,245
S2(MH "Inappropriate Prescribing")900
S3(MH "Medication Errors")9,416
S5(beer* or shan* or mcleod*) N3 criter*232
S6"fit for the aged" N3 (criter* or list* or instrument or classif*)7
S7(forta or rasp or priscus) N3 (criter* or list* or instrument)8
S8stopp criter* or stopp list*55
S9(concomitant* or concurrent* or inappropriat* or appropriat* or suboptim* or sub‐optim* or unnecessary or incorrect* or excess* or multip* or inadvert* or discontinu*) N1 (medicine* or medicat* or prescrib* or prescription* or drug*)9,773
S10((over N1 (prescrib* or prescript*)) or (over‐prescrib* or overprescrib*) or ("or more" N0 (medication* or prescrib* or prescript*)))1,968
S11(under N1 prescrib*) or underprescrib* or under‐prescrib*136
S12deprescrib* or deprescript*107
S13"medication appropriateness index*"33
S14quality N2 (prescribing or prescription* or medication*)529
S15prescrib* N0 cascade*15
S16"assessing care of vulnerable elders" or acove47
S17(multi‐drug* or multidrug*) N2 (prescrib* or prescription* or regimen* or therap* or treatment*)705
S18improv* N2 (prescrib* or pharmaco* or prescription*)1,262
S19S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S1824,995
S20(MH "Aged+")420,836
S21(MH "Geriatrics")3,197
S22(MH "Veterans")9,527
S23elder* or geriatric*85,606
S24(old* or aged) N0 (person* or adult* or people or patient* or inpatient* or outpatient*)73,337
S25"aged care"2,662
S27S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26474,552
S28S19 AND S276,315
S29(MM "Polypharmacy")966
S30S27 AND S29692
S31PT randomized controlled trial42,401
S32PT clinical trial55,753
S33PT research1,173,449
S34(MH "Randomized Controlled Trials")39,459
S35(MH "Clinical Trials")92,614
S36(MH "Intervention Trials")6,848
S37(MH "Nonrandomized Trials")248
S38(MH "Experimental Studies")17,542
S39(MH "Pretest‐Posttest Design+")30,465
S40(MH "Quasi‐Experimental Studies+")10,104
S41(MH "Multicenter Studies")34,001
S42(MH "Health Services Research")7,958
S43TI ( randomis* or randomiz* or randomly) OR AB ( randomis* or randomiz* or randomly)139,254
S44TI (trial or effect* or impact* or intervention* or before N5 after or pre N5 post or ((pretest or "pre test") and (posttest or "post test")) or quasiexperiment* or quasi W0 experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or "time series" or time W0 point* or repeated W0 measur*) OR AB (trial or effect* or impact* or intervention* or before N5 after or pre N5 post or ((pretest or "pre test") and (posttest or "post test")) or quasiexperiment* or quasi W0 experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or "time series" or time W0 point* or repeated W0 measur*)954,170
S45S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 OR S42 OR S43 OR S441,556,024
S46S28 AND S454,714
S47S30 OR S464,974
S48S47 Limiters ‐ Exclude MEDLINE records1,336
S49S48 Limiters ‐ Published Date: 20160101‐20181231566

ClinicalTrials.gov, US National Institutes of Health (NIH)http://clinicaltrials.gov/

Search date: 7 February 2018

polypharmacy | senior106
"inappropriate prescribing" | senior20
appropriate prescribing | senior9
"inappropriate medication" | senior16
"appropriate medication" | senior8
deprescribing | senior25

WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP)

Search date: 7 February 2018

inappropriate prescribing 
appropriate prescribing 
inappropriate medication 
appropriate medication 

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Page 2

Pharmaceutical care compared with usual care for older people receiving polypharmacy

Patient or population: older people receiving polypharmacy
Settings: community, nursing home, hospital
Intervention: pharmaceutical care
Comparison: usual care
OutcomesEffect estimateRelative Risk effect (95% CI)No. of participants
Certainty of evidence


Usual carePharmaceutical care
Medication appropriateness (as measured by an implicit tool)From baseline to follow‐up

Follow‐up: 0 to 6 months

Medication appropriateness (as measured by an implicit tool) across control groups ranged from
‐0.49 to 2.86
Medication appropriateness (as measured by an implicit tool) in the intervention groups was
(0.33 to 9.20 lower)
(5 studies)
very low
MAI used as implicit tool in the pooled studies
A sensitivity analysis showed that medication appropriateness (as measured by an implicit tool) in the intervention group was 0.50 lower (2.27 lower to 1.28 higher)e
Heterogeneity: I2 = 57%, P = 0.10
Potentially inappropriate medications
The number of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs)

Follow‐up: 0 to 12 months

The number of PIMs (Standardised mean§) across control groups ranged from
0.04 to 1.29
The number of PIMs (Standardised mean§) in the intervention groups was 0.22lower
(0.05 to 0.38 lower)
(7 studies)
very lowa,b,c
STOPP and Beers criteria used as explicit tools in the pooled studies
The proportion of patients with one or more potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs)
Follow‐up: 0 to 12 months
421 per 1000333 per 1000
(257 to 430)
RR 0.79 (0.61 to 1.02)3079
(11 studies)
very lowa,b,c
STOPP and Beers criteria used as explicit tools in the pooled studies
A sensitivity analysis showed that the proportion of patients with one or more potentially inappropriate medications in the intervention group was lower (333 per 1000)f
Heterogeneity: I2 = 75%, P = 0.24
Potential prescribing omissions
The number of potential prescribing omissions (PPOs)

Follow‐up: 0 to 12 months

The number of PPOs (Standardised mean§) across control groups ranged from
0.63 to 0.85
The number of PPOs (Standardised mean§) in the intervention groups was 0.81 lower
(0.64 to 0.98 lower)
(2 studies)
START and ACOVE used as explicit tools in the pooled studies
The proportion of patients with one or more potential prescribing omissions (PPOs)
Follow‐up: 0 to 24 months
387 per 1000155 per 1000
(70 to 329)
RR 0.40 (0.18 to 0.85)1310
(5 studies)
very lowa,c
START and ACOVE used as explicit tools in the pooled studies
Hospital admissions
Follow‐up: 0 to 12 months
Pharmaceutical care may make little or no difference in hospital admissions4052
(12 studies)
Quality of Life
Follow‐up: 0 to 12 months
Pharmaceutical care may make little or no difference in quality of life3211
(12 studies)
GRADE Working Group grades of evidence
High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different‡ is low.
Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different‡ is moderate.
Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different‡ is high.
Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different‡ is very high.
‡Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect a decision