When engaging in a cardiorespiratory fitness program one of the most common ways to measure the intensity level is?

Of the various components that comprise a client’s total physical fitness program, cardiorespiratory endurance is probably the most misunderstood and underrated. In order to understand how to perform cardiorespiratory training in the most effective and efficient way, clients must first understand how such training in undertaken.

Many people incorrectly assume that cardiorespiratory training is synonymous with aerobic training; such as jogging or cycling at a moderate pace for extended periods of time. This misunderstanding can delay or even prevent individuals from achieving attainable fitness-related or sport-specific goals.

The Goals of Cardiorespiratory Training

 The most common goals of performing cardiorespiratory training are the following.

  • To improve performance. A primary purpose of training is to delay the onset of fatigue during competition; no matter if it’s a pick-up game of basketball, 10k race, or completing a marathon.
  • To reduce mental anxiety. With fatigue comes a loss of concentration and confidence, critical components to performance.
  • Weight management. Proper cardio can help with the goal of weight loss and weight maintenance.

How to Improve Cardiorespiratory Endurance

If the goal is to help clients improve stamina and muscular endurance, then overloading is necessary. The body must be presented with a workload that challenges its current fitness state. This increased workload will cause fatigue and, with the proper recovery, will eventually yield cardiorespiratory improvements.

If the workloads are of the right magnitude (i.e., slightly more than the body’s current capabilities), then the body must adapt to be prepared for the next time such a demand is placed on the body.

With this in mind, it is easy to understand that cardiorespiratory training is much more than jogging at a moderate pace for extended periods of time. To meet these goals, both the aerobic and the anaerobic energy systems must be trained.

This is especially true for fitness enthusiasts and athletes who must tap into top-end anaerobic energy systems to maximize performance, (such as soccer players late in a match or completing the last 100 yards of a 5K race). According to the principle of specificity, this would be impossible if only the aerobic energy system was trained.

What is Stage Training?

There are many viable methods for introducing overload into a client’s training program to improve cardiorespiratory fitness such as Fartlek training, Tabata, circuit training, speed training, and HIIT Workouts.

No matter which method is used, the fitness professional should always keep the client’s physical capabilities in mind to ensure safety of the program. For the sake of this article we will discuss cardiorespiratory training using a three-stage model.

Stage I

Clients new to cardiorespiratory exercise need to develop a baseline level of aerobic fitness to avoid overtraining and exhaustion. Generally, exercising at an estimated maximal heart rate (HRmax) of 65 to 75% is a safe intensity for apparently healthy adults; or 12 to 13 on the Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale (RPE) 6-20 scale.

If using the talk test method to measure intensity, clients should exercise at intensities no higher than the level at which they perceive continuous talking for 10-20 seconds to first become “challenging.”

Clients should start slowly and gradually work up to 30 to 60 minutes of continuous aerobic exercise. During this training period clients should strive to gradually increase the duration and intensity of exercise bouts. Clients who can maintain a stage I intensity for at least 30 minutes two to three times per week will be ready for more intense cardiorespiratory exercise such as interval training.

Stage II

Stage II is designed for clients with low-to-moderate cardiorespiratory fitness levels who are ready to begin training at higher intensity levels. Stage II is the introduction to interval training in which intensities are varied throughout the workout. Clients training in stage II should use intervals ranging from 65 to 85% of HRmax; or 14 to 16 RPE. A more feasible option is to use the talk test where intensities range between the point at which continuous talking is “challenging” to the point at which it first becomes “difficult.”

Stage II differs from high-intensity anaerobic interval training in that it uses more moderate to challenging work intervals (i.e., running, not sprinting) with varying lower-intensity recovery periods (i.e. light jogging). This format also tends to be more engaging and less boring than steady state aerobic exercise.

As a general rule, intervals should start out relatively brief with a work-to-rest (hard-to-easy) ratio of 1:3 (i.e., 1-minute interval followed by a 3-minute recovery). Once fitness and overall conditioning improves, cardiorespiratory programs can be progressed using 1:2 and eventually 1:1 work-to-rest ratios. Moreover, the duration of each of these intervals can be gradually increased in regular implements.

Stage III

This stage is for the client who has a moderately high cardiorespiratory fitness level base. Stage III is a form of high-intensity interval training involving short, intense bouts of exercise (i.e. sprinting), interspersed with active bouts of recovery (i.e., light jogging). Clients training in stage III should use intervals ranging from 65 to 95% of HRmax; or 17 to 19 RPE. Using the talk test during this stage is also a viable option and represents intensities where any form of talking is “difficult to impossible.”

Recent research has clearly demonstrated the physiological benefits of high-intensity interval training (1, 2). However, because fatigue is inevitable, fitness professionals should recognize the need to adequately prepare the body for stage III first, emphasizing quality of training over quantity.

Fitness professionals should take the necessary time to build cardiorespiratory efficiency through stage I and II training before progressing clients to stage III training. The time needed to transition to stage III training is variable, perhaps requiring 2 to 3 months or longer, but clients should always earn the right to progress to this stage, rather than simply moving forward on account of a calendar date.

For an additional resource on this subject, check out Exploring Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption.


Fitness professionals and weight loss trainers should communicate the need to gradually introduce overload into their client’s cardiorespiratory training programs to induce positive physiological adaptations.

Performing steady state aerobic exercise is necessary to build a solid cardiorespiratory base, especially for deconditioned clients; however, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of each exercise bout will help eliminate unwanted fitness plateaus and boredom.

Using a progressive approach such as the three-stage cardio training model will help clients achieve optimal levels of stamina necessary to achieve their fitness and sport-specific training goals in a safe and efficient fashion.


1. Wisløff U, Ellingsen Ø, Kemi O J. High-intensity interval training to maximize cardiac benefits of exercise training? Exercise Sport Science Review, 2009;37 (3), 139-46.

2. Daussin FN, et al. Effect of interval versus continuous training on cardiorespiratory and mitochondrial functions: relationship to aerobic performance improvements in sedentary subjects. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2008;295, R264-72.

Cardiorespiratory endurance is an indication of a person’s overall physical health. Cardiorespiratory endurance tests monitor how well the heart, lungs, and muscles perform during moderate to high-intensity exercise.

Increasing cardiorespiratory endurance improves oxygen uptake in the lungs and heart and can help a person sustain physical activity for longer.

Other names for cardiorespiratory endurance include cardiovascular fitness, cardiovascular endurance, and cardiorespiratory fitness.

In this article, we discuss what cardiorespiratory endurance is, how a person can measure it, and why it is important. We also look at how to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, including some examples of exercises.

Share on PinterestJumping rope can improve cardiorespiratory endurance.

Cardiorespiratory endurance measures how well the body performs during long periods of exercise. A person with high cardiorespiratory endurance can sustain high-intensity activities over an extended period without getting tired.

Measuring a person’s cardiorespiratory endurance involves examining how well their body takes in and utilizes oxygen.

When a person inhales, their lungs fill up with air and some of the oxygen it contains passes into the bloodstream. This oxygen-rich blood then travels to the heart, which circulates it around the body to the tissues and organs that need it.

The muscles require an adequate supply of oxygen and other nutrients to work properly during high-intensity or extended periods of exercise. If the muscles do not get enough nutrients, waste products begin to accumulate and cause fatigue.

A person’s level of cardiorespiratory endurance can directly affect their physical performance.

Tests that measure cardiorespiratory endurance include:

Metabolic equivalents

Metabolic equivalents (METs) refers to the ratio between the energy expended during physical activity and the energy expended while at rest. Finding a person’s MET involves measuring how much oxygen their body uses at rest.

Maximum oxygen uptake

Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) test determines the maximum amount of oxygen the body is capable of using during high-intensity activities, such as sprinting or biking.

The VO2 max test typically involves running on a treadmill or pedaling on a stationary bike as fast as possible. During the test, the person wears a chest strap or other body attachment that records their heart rate and a face mask that measures oxygen consumption.

Cardiorespiratory endurance indicates a person’s level of aerobic health and physical fitness. This information can benefit everyone, not just professional athletes.

Having a high cardiorespiratory endurance generally means that a person can perform high-intensity exercise for longer.

People trying to lose weight may want to focus on increasing their cardiorespiratory endurance because doing higher-intensity aerobic activities can help a person burn more calories.

Scientific research also suggests some other potential health benefits from having an improved cardiorespiratory endurance. For example:

  • A 2017 study suggests that people with higher cardiorespiratory endurance are less likely to develop high blood pressure than those with a lower cardiorespiratory endurance.
  • In a 2015 study, researchers found a positive correlation between cardiorespiratory endurance levels and multitask performance among adults aged between 59 and 80 years.
  • Improving cardiorespiratory endurance may decrease the risk of coronary heart disease and all-cause mortality, according to a 2015 study.

People can improve their cardiorespiratory endurance through regular exercise.

The authors of a 2019 study reported that resistance training, endurance training, and high-intensity interval training led to improvements in cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular strength among adults who were aged 40–65 years old and who were not previously physically active.

A 2017 study investigated the effectiveness of a 12-week cross-circuit training program in students who were overweight and had intellectual disabilities. The researchers found participants who followed the training program had an improved exercise endurance, muscle strength, and body mass index.

The following exercises can help improve cardiorespiratory endurance, build muscle, and burn calories. People can perform these physical activities at home or add them to their gym routine.

Try doing these exercises in sets of 10–15 repetitions, or as many repetitions as possible for 1 minute with a 20-second break in between sets.

Jumping jacks:

  1. Start by standing upright with legs together and arms at the sides of the body.
  2. Jump up. While in the air, open the legs to spread the feet wide apart and raise the arms overhead.
  3. While landing, bring the feet and arms back to the starting position.


  1. Begin standing with the feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend the knees and place the hands on the floor in front to come down into a squat position.
  3. Jump the legs out behind to get into the push-up position, shifting the body’s weight onto the hands.
  4. Jump the feet back into the squat position.
  5. Jump up into the air with arms raised above the head.
  6. Land back in the squat position.

Mountain climbers (running planks):

  1. Start in the plank position, aligning the shoulders over the wrists and keeping the legs straight. Keep the back flat and the head aligned with the spine.
  2. Engage the core muscles.
  3. Bring the right knee towards the chest.
  4. Switch legs by returning the right leg to the starting position and bringing the left knee towards the chest. This completes one repetition.

Side-shuffle touches:

  1. Start in a standing position with the feet shoulder-width apart and the arms down by the sides.
  2. Bend the knees and squat down.
  3. Shuffle a shoulder-width to the right and then touch the floor outside the right foot with the fingertips of the right hand.
  4. Shuffle a shoulder-width to the left and then touch the floor outside the left foot with the fingertips of the left hand.
  5. This is one repetition.

Other exercises that can help improve cardiorespiratory fitness include:

  • running
  • power walking
  • swimming
  • dancing
  • jump rope
  • high-intensity sports, such as basketball and soccer

Cardiorespiratory endurance is a measure of how well the heart, lungs, and muscles perform during moderate to high-intensity physical activity.

Getting regular physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, can improve cardiorespiratory endurance. Aerobic exercises can help promote heart and lung health and improve how well the body circulates and utilizes oxygen.

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