What time of night do mosquitoes go away?

As annoying as mosquitoes always seem, you may have noticed that there’s either too many of them for you to swat away or none at all. Knowing when these annoying insects are active can help you stay prepared when you’re going outdoors. This knowledge will even help you figure out how to keep them from getting inside your house.

So what time of day do mosquitoes come out? Certain species like the Aedes are known to bite humans during the morning and afternoon and are responsible for transmitting diseases like the Zika virus. The Anopheles species are responsible for causing malaria in humans and are most active from dusk till dawn. Others, such as the Culex, come out at night and also transmit diseases such as the West Nile virus.

Most species of mosquitoes prefer flitting around after dark, and pretty much all species are least active when the sun is at its peak, such as in the late morning. The species that come out at night are generally never seen during the day since the sun can dehydrate and even kill them – they start becoming active during the evening.

If even one of these gets into your house, it’ll likely bite you all night since you’re an easy (and probably the only) target. Common times for all species are dusk and dawn, which fall between the day and night.

While mosquitoes rely on plants to get their required nutrients, they do need human blood in order to reproduce, which is why they end up becoming a dangerous problem for people. For proper pest control, you need to know mosquito activity patterns. In essence, you need to know the time of day that mosquitoes come out – which is what we’ll tackle in more depth in this post.

When Are Mosquitoes Most Active?

There are 3,500 species of mosquitoes worldwide, and their activities generally vary. Some are active during the day, while others prefer to buzz around after dark and surface sometime during the evening. Different mosquito species are more active at different times of the year.

While you may have heard that mosquitoes are only active during the summer, that isn’t completely true. While there isn’t a specific weather type that’s their favorite, they do seem to favor warmer climates.

Mosquitoes aren’t a fan of the cold weather, but they’ll still be around if it’s only slightly chilly. If temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), they are likely to disappear completely. During this time, when they’re not buzzing around your ears, sucking your blood, and spreading diseases, they start laying their eggs, which start hatching as the warmer months of spring set in. Some species look for shelter from the cold and start settling in caves, sellers, and even sewers.

However, as soon as the temperature starts rising, they’re back in action. This is why, in cities with warmer climates, mosquitoes are around for most of the year and in larger quantities. They’re at their strongest around a temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius).

For warmer places like Florida and Mexico, mosquito season lasts almost the entire year, barring a month or two when temperatures are too low for them.

Where Are Mosquitoes Most Active?

Apart from the time of day and year, there are also some locations where mosquitoes are more active and larger in number. Any places near standing water, like a farm or a marsh, will have a stronger bug problem. Even just walking by a pond or a ditch may leave you with mosquito bites all over.

How Are Mosquitoes Harmful to Human Beings?

Some researchers have gone as far as to say that this blood-sucking insect is the most dangerous animal in the world. This isn’t just because mosquito bites make you feel itchy and uncomfortable, they also spread diseases like malaria, the Zika virus, dengue, yellow fever, and chikungunya. Millions of people every year are affected and die as a result of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.

They pick up diseases from their food sources, and the next human they land on to feed on, they leave behind the bacteria that they’ve picked up. Mosquitoes can travel a few miles for human blood, with some species even possessing the ability to travel a hundred miles.

Essentially, the mosquitoes themselves are not harmful, but the germs they carry and spread are responsible for millions of human deaths annually.

To find out more about mosquito-borne diseases and the regions they originate from and are most common in, click here.

Where Do Mosquitoes Go When They’re Not Annoying You?

During the day, mosquitoes look for dark, sheltered spaces. They commonly stay among the grass and under plants and among the leaves. They may also be found in man-made structures like dimly lit corridors, basements, and any other dark storage spaces.

To know more about where mosquitoes go during the day, check out this video:

How Can You Prepare For Mosquito Season?

Although you can’t get rid of all the mosquitoes around you, especially if you’re outdoors, you can take some measures to keep them from biting you once you know the general pattern of mosquito activity.

Remove Open Water Sources

Mosquitoes are attracted to water and will lay their eggs in damp soil or any water bodies (such as a birdbath) around you. It’s a good idea to remove any areas of standing water around you to eliminate spaces where mosquitoes can lay their eggs and grow in number. This includes keeping all gutter openings completely closed, fixing leaky faucets in the house, and keeping garbage cans tightly shut.

If there are ditches nearby where water accumulates, fill them up – you can use sand or even cement if it’s your own property.

Seal Any Openings

Mosquitoes usually buzz in through open windows, doors, and any cracks in either of these. Repair any broken windows and keep them shut, especially when mosquitoes are most active.

Get Your Hands on Some Mosquito Repellant

If you’re venturing outside during mosquito season, you know you’re going to get the urge to scratch your arms and legs every minute. Pick up some mosquito repellant spray or lotion and apply it liberally on your body before going out.

If you live in a damp area, such as near (or on) a farm or a marsh, you may even need to use the mosquito repellant indoors to stay safe from mosquito bites.

Set Up Mosquito Traps in Your House

This is something you need to start doing before mosquito season begins to ensure proper pest control. As soon as you feel like the temperature is warm and conducive for mosquitoes, set up mosquito traps around your house, especially near the doors and windows to keep them at bay.

Take Safety Precautions When Traveling

Ideally, if you’re traveling to equatorial countries and similar regions where mosquitoes and illnesses caused by them are extremely common, you should go when it’s not mosquito season to truly have a good time.

If you are traveling, make sure you get the necessary vaccinations and keep your mosquito repellant handy so that you don’t contract a potentially life-threatening illness.

Wear Light-Colored Clothing

Mosquitoes are attracted to the dark, so naturally, they’ll also be attracted to you if you’re wearing dark-colored clothes, especially at night. Ideally, you should stick to lighter colors, especially during the warmer months.


You don’t need to change your travel plans or outdoor activities just to avoid mosquitoes. As long as you’re aware of normal mosquito activity and take the necessary precautions, you can avoid being bitten and steer clear of red bite marks, or worse, life-threatening diseases like malaria.

However, just keep in mind that even mosquito repellants don’t have a 100% guarantee, and it’s best to follow the other recommended tips around your property to at least keep those pesky insects away from your home.

Have you found any new ways to keep mosquitoes away from you at all times of the day, all round the year?

We’ve answered some common questions you may have regarding the behavior of mosquitoes in terms of when they’re most active and who they’re likely to attack.

Do all mosquitoes bite humans?

Only female mosquitoes bite people because they need the nutrients in our blood to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes generally survive on plant matter (although this may vary across different species).

Can You Go Outside During Mosquito Season?

Many people believe that it isn’t safe to go outside during mosquito season, especially at night, when they come out of their hibernating spaces. However, unless you have any medical condition which could get significantly worse if you’re bitten by a mosquito, you can just apply some mosquito repellant and go out.

Do Mosquitoes Stay Longer in Apartments?

Mosquitoes that fly into apartment buildings may stay active for longer periods of time, even during the day. This may be due to dimly lit corridors and the warm temperature – the most enjoyable conditions for mosquitoes.

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Mosquitoes can be difficult to get under control, but we at Safe Pro Pest will work with you to find the best solution for your needs.
So even if you’re asking questions like when do mosquitoes go away? 

Trust us, we have the answer! You can count on Safe Pro Pest Control to provide the best service, equipment, and expertise to provide you the best experience and make your home and outdoor space mosquito-free!