What refers to words similar in meaning to important words or phrases that prevent tedious repetitions?

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What refers to words similar in meaning to important words or phrases that prevent tedious repetitions?

. The opposite of moderate is -----

. The opposite of moderate is -----

synonyms and example sentences. 1. (Magnify - expand) He magnified their happiness like their pain. 2. (Baffle-confuse, deceive) The bad news he recei … ved consecutively confused him. 3. (Beautiful-attractive, pretty, lovely, stunning) You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.z​

how do you think the quote might apply to you and your family in the home environment?​

Intenslvely read researches, studles news article or books of your chosen toplc (relevant to your strand),ABM Lst down the following: 1. Author 2.Sour … ce 3Findings/Result or conclusion​

Eggs are useful as binding, thickening and gelling agents because they contain proteins that are easily denatured by heat Using whole egg requires low … er coagulation temperatures resulting in a stiffer gel Addition of sugar, raises coagulation temperature producing softer, weaker gel Softer gel is produced with the addition of scalded milk and acid In cooking custards, Bain Marie, double boiler or steamer is used to avoid boiling which can produce a porous custard Soft custards are produced by constant stirring.

Fresh Eggs or shell eggsmay be purchased individually, by dozen or in trays of 36 pieces. Frozen Eggs are made of high quality fresh eggs. They come i … n the form of whole eggs with extra yolks and whites. Frozen eggs are pasteurized and must be thawed before use. Dried Eggs are seldom used. Their whites are used for preparing meringue. Dried eggs are used primarily as ingredients in food industry. They are not commonly sold directly to consumers.

which of the philosophers influence you much? how? you may choose from the philosophies that sough you best. Its your personal opinion and choose base … d on your line of thinking, behavior and interpersonal relationship.​

Describe a time that you were confused by a customer’s request. What steps did you take to clarify things?

You will introduce yourself with citations, for example you said I am shy type of a person, you will support that with RRL. Kindly mention the last na … me of the author and year and the statement.​