What is the position of the femoral condyle when the leg is properly positioned for an AP projection?

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Absolute mean deviations from the preoperative sagittal mechanical leg axis in supracondylar rotational osteotomies

Angulation Error of the Osteotomy PlanePlaneError in the Sagittal Leg Axis Alignment per Rotation
+/−  5°Sagittal0.1° ± 0.1°0.3° ± 0.2°0.4° ± 0.3°0.6° ± 0.4°1.0° ± 0.6°
Frontal0.4° ± 0.0°0.7° ± 0.1°1.0° ± 0.2°1.3° ± 0.2°2.1° ± 0.7°
+/−  10°Sagittal0.2° ± 0.2°0.5° ± 0.4°0.8° ± 0.7°1.1° ± 0.9°2.0° ± 1.2°
Frontal0.7° ± 0.1°1.4° ± 0.2°2.0° ± 0.3°2.6° ± 0.4°3.7° ± 0.8°
+/−  15°Sagittal0.4° ± 0.3°0.7° ± 0.7°1.2° ± 1.0°1.7° ± 1.3°3.0° ± 1.9°
Frontal1.0° ± 0.1°2.0° ± 0.3°3.0° ± 0.4°3.9° ± 0.6°5.6° ± 1.1°
+/−  20°Sagittal0.5° ± 0.3°1.0° ± 0.8°1.6° ± 1.2°2.3° ± 1.6°4.1° ± 2.3°
Frontal1.4° ± 0.2°2.7° ± 0.3°4.0° ± 0.6°5.2° ± 0.8°7.4° ± 1.4°
+/−  30°Sagittal0.7° ± 0.6°1.3° ± 1.3°2.2° ± 1.9°3.2° ± 2.5°5.6° ± 3.7°
Frontal2.0° ± 0.2°3.9° ± 0.5°5.8° ± 0.8°7.6° ± 1.2°11.0° ± 2.0°