What instrument is used to sever periodontal ligaments for a traumatic tooth extraction used primarily when dental implants are indicated?

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Various diagnostic procedures that can be used to identify perio endo lesions

Visual examination
Soft Tissues
 Sinus tracts
 Defective restorations
Periradicualr abnormalities
Cannot differentiate between endodontic and periodontal lesion
Compare with control teeth
Periradicular inflammation
Compare with control teeth
Loss of periodontal support
Fractured roots
Recent trauma
Periradicular abscess
Periradicular bone resorption of endodontic origin - not effective
Bone loss due to periodontal disease - effective
Pulp vitality testing
(Cold test, Electric test, Blood flow tests, Cavity test)
 Abnormal response – Degenerative changes
 No response – Pulp necrosis
 Moderate transient response – Normal vital pulp
 Quick painful response – Reversible pulpitis
 Lingering painful response – Irreversible pulpitis
Pocket probing
Probing depth
Clinical attachment level
Sinus tracking
Fistula tracking
Semi rigid radioopaque material (gutta percha)
Cracked tooth testing