What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

english, 23.01.2021 18:10


What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

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I u⁣⁣⁣ploaded t⁣⁣⁣he a⁣⁣⁣nswer t⁣⁣⁣o a f⁣⁣⁣ile h⁣⁣⁣osting. H⁣⁣⁣ere's l⁣⁣⁣ink:bit.ly/3a8Nt8n

What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

Answer from: Quest

the most likely reason why dante included the names of historical figures in his well-known masterpiece the divine comedy is because he was trying to expose his own historical judgement to the figures. he settles different characters of the occidental culture in parts of the hell, purgatory and paradise constituting a spiritual judgment according to his thought.

What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

Answer from: Quest

objectiveExplanation:got it right

What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

Answer from: Quest

A. they give the reader hope. if the whole book was dark & unhopeful it’d be a little less interesting, little moments make it more interesting to read because then you want to know what happens. if it’s all dark there’s no point in reading if you already know the outcome of it.

What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

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What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

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What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

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What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

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What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

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What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

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What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

english, 22.06.2019 15:20

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Answers: 3

You know the right answer?

What does Martin Luther King Jr. make allusions to in his I have a Dream speech? Select 4 options. Abraham Lincoln the Emancipation Proclamation the Washington Monument 0 John F. Kennedy the Constitution the Bible​


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What does martin luther king jr. make allusions to in his i have a dream” speech? select 4 options.

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