Q9.i have two 10 paise coins. if of what i have is 8/9 of what you have, how much do you have?

Q9.i have two 10 paise coins. if of what i have is 8/9 of what you have, how much do you have?

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Q9.i have two 10 paise coins. if of what i have is 8/9 of what you have, how much do you have?


Given: Initial money Amit has = 30 + 15 = 45 Rupees

Ratio of 10 paise, 25 paise and 50 paise coins = 5 : 3 : 2

Solution: Let Amit has 5x coins of 10 paise, 3x coins of 25 paise and 2x coins of 50 paise.

Then, 5x × 0.10 + 3x × 0.25 + 2x × 0.50 = 45

⇒ 0.50x + 0.75x + x = 45

⇒ 2.25x = 45

⇒ x = 45/2.25

⇒ x = 20

Number of 25 paise coins Amit has = 3 × 20

∴ 60 is the correct answer.

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Question 215234This question is from textbook

I have two 10 paisa coins. If 4/5 of what I have is 8/9 of what you have, how much do I have then?

This question is from textbook

Found 2 solutions by stanbon, krishna111:Answer by stanbon(75887)   (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!

I have two 10 paisa coins. If 4/5 of what I have is 8/9 of what you have, how much do I have then? ----------------------------- Equations: (4/5)10 = (8/9)(you have) (you have) = [(4/5)10](9/8) you have = (2*9)/2 = 9 paisa coins ================================== Cheers,

Stan H.

Answer by krishna111(1)   (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!

actually, i have two 10 paisa coins.... like that 20 paisa coins... (2*10) you have = x (4/5)*20 = (8/9)*x lets 4/5*20=16....( 4*1/5*20=16 ) 16 = 8/9 * x x = 16 * (9/8) x = 2 * 9 x = 18.

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