Percakapan singkat Bahasa Inggris tentang tempat Wisata

8. Find the expression of giving an opinion in the dialogue!plisss jawab T_T​

Cara memberi salam kepada ibu guru dalam bahasa inggrisbantu kak​

Membuat 15 kaliamat verbal dam nominal isi +, -,?

Buatlah kartu ucapan yang menerapkan ekspresi ucapan selamat dari topik berikut 1. Kakakmu mendapat promosi di pekerjaannya. 2. Temanmu akan tampil d … i acara menyanyi untuk pertama kalinya. 3. Kakakmu memenangkan kompetisi melukis. 4. Temanmu mendapat beasiswa.5. Nenekmu merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-80.​

bahasa inggrisnya karena yang sebenar nya didalam dialog tersebut hanya ada dua Perempuan? ​

conversation 1 (formal situation)T: good morning kids, today we are going to study math please pay attention?S:yes ma'am, tatiT:ok get ready now ​

1. what is miss kalina? .2 when do they Speack english? 3 what are they going to learn? 4. How many persons are there in the tert? ​

bantu aku dong urutin dialog ini pliss Tom: Hi, Diana Tom: Building Design. Tom: I'm studying in Vocational Secondary School. Tom: Sure, with pleasure … . Tom: How do you do? Tom: Pleased to meet you, Anne Diana: Let's find a seat, we can talk further Tom and Anne: Okay Diana: Hi. Tom Do you want to join us? Diana: Anne, this is my friend. Tom. His house is in front of my house. His parents are in Canada. Anne: How do you do? Diana: Anne is my cousin. She stuies in International Senior High School Anne: Please to meet you, too, Tom. Where do you study? Anne: That's great. What's your mayoring? Anne: Wow... that's interesting

Write down two sentences expressing hopes. ​

Match the following phrases to create complete cause- effect sentences 1.When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils. … 2. A tomado blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had to find another place to live 3. The moon has gravitational pull, consequently the oceans have tides. 4. When the ocean is extremely polluted, coral reefs die 5. The meal we ordered was cheaper than expected, so we ordered dessert. 6 Betty completed each task perfectly, therefore she was promoted. 7. Some believe dinosaurs died out because a large meteor hit the earth. 8. I had to get the mop since I spilled my juice. 9 Because of changes in classifications, Pluto is no longer a planet

Berikut ini, ada sebuah percakapan bahasa Inggris di tempat wisata antara Neville sebagai seorang turis dengan Naufal sebagai seorang pemandu atau disebut dengan guide. Semoga percakapan singkat di bawah ini dapat memberikan manfaat kepada Anda. 🙂

Neville: Hi, my name is Neville. Do you speak English?

Naufal: Hi, I am Naufal. Yes I do. What can I do for you Neville?

Neville: I am sorry, I need a partner to go around and do you want to me my guide?

Naufal: Yes. I know this place very well, so I think there will no problem if I accompany you while explaining many things of this beautiful tour destination.

Neville: Thank you so much. I need you only for today, so how much should I pay?

Naufal: Oh I see. You just have to spend five hundred thousand rupiah..

Neville: No problem. Give me your best Naufal.

Naufal: Sure I will do my best.

Neville: Ok what place that we are going to start?

Naufal: An hour later, we will arrive at a very high waterfall. The name is Sundanice waterfall.

Neville: Hmm, great! I like it.

Naufal: Of course. The Sundanice waterfall is a highest one in this island and you are so lucky because you can reach it easily. The height is about 40 meters. It was named as a Sundanice because an English found it tens of years ago and because he found the waterfall in near the Sunda tribe circumstances, he named it as a Sundanice. Also, the name “nice” came from the waterfall itself. The waterfall is so nice, big, and beautiful.

Neville: What a great story. I don’t realize that my ancestor found the highest waterfall in Java island. Who is his name?

Naufal: Who? Your ancestor?

Neville: Yes of course..

Naufal: David Chloe… Hey, look. We have arrived.

Neville: Oh my god. That was the biggest waterfall that I have ever seen.

Naufal: Hmm, I told you. Let’s swim Neville.

Neville: Ok, let’s go!

Mempelajari percakapan bahasa Inggris di tempat wisata dan artinya akan membantu Anda bicara dengan turis asing nantinya. Di artikel ini, Anda akan membaca beberapa contoh bahasa Inggris yang bisa Anda terapkan ketika berlibur dan bertemu turis. Siapa tahu bisa dapat teman baru, kan?

Baca Juga >>> Percakapan Dengan Bule Yang Baru Dikenal

Percakapan di Loket Ticket Booth

Contoh pertama tentang percakapan bahasa Inggris di tempat wisata dan artinya kali ini berlokasi di tempat penjualan tiket masuk di Taman Sari. Anda bisa menerapkannya untuk berbagai situasi, kok. Di sini, Y adalah Anda dan S adalah orang lain.

S: Excuse me, Miss. I want to get inside but I don’t know how. Can you help me, please? [Permisi, Nona. Saya mau masuk tapi tidak tahu bagaimana caranya. Bisakah Anda membantu saya?]

Y: Of course! You need to buy a ticket first, Sir. [Oh, ya, Pak. Anda harus beli tiket dulu.]

S: Oh. I don’t know about that. Where is the ticket booth? [Di mana, ya, tempat beli tiketnya?]

Y: Can you see a small building near that big tree? Find the one with a glass partition and there you are. The signage is too small, and you need to get there to know if it is the ticket booth, after all. [Anda bisa lihat bangunan kecil dekat pohon besar itu? Nanti cari saja yang ada partisi kacanya, itu loketnya. Tulisan loketnya memang kecil sekali, dan tidak kelihatan dari ini.]

S: Cool! Thank you. How much is the ticket? [Keren! Berapa harga tiketnya, ya?]

Y: Mine was Rp. 10.000, but the price is different for foreigners, Sir. The tickets look different too. But I don’t know how much it is. [Tiket saya, sih, Rp. 10.000, tapi sepertinya beda harga untuk foreigner. Tiketnya juga terlihat beda. Tapi saya tidak tahu berapa harganya.]

S: OK, Miss. Thank you for your help. Have a great day! [Baik, Nona. Terimakasih, ya! Semoga hari Anda indah.]

Y: You too, Sir. Enjoy Taman Sari! [Anda juga, ya. Selamat menikmati Taman Sari!]

Contoh dialog di bawah ini adalah antara resepsionis dan pengunjung museum. Bisa jadi Anda akan ada di salah satu posisi tersebut.

S: Good afternoon, Miss. Can I get a ticket to visit the museum? [Selamat sore, Nona. Boleh saya beli tiket ke museum?]

Y: Good afternoon, Sir. I’m so sorry, Sir. We are close already. The museum’s open hour is between 8 am and 5 pm. [Selamat sore, Pak. Mohon maaf kami sudah tutup. Museum buka dari pukul 8 pagi hingga 5 sore.]

S: Ah, too bad. [Ah, sayang sekali.]

Y: But you can always come tomorrow at the same hour. [Tapi Anda bisa datang besok, kok. Jamnya sama.]

S: Oh, great. How much is the entrance fee, anyway? [Baiklah. Harga tiket masuknya berapa, ya?]

Y: The admission fee is Rp. 10.000 for the museum and Rp. 35.000 for the exhibition in the hall. [Tiket masuk museum Rp. 10.000 dan tambah Rp. 35.000 untuk pameran yang ada di aula.]

S: So, I have to pay the entrance fee if I want to watch the exhibition. [Jadi saya harus bayar tiket masuknya juga kalau hanya mau nonton pameran?]

Y: Yes, Sir, that’s correct. [Betul sekali, pak.]

Jadi begitulah beberapa contoh yang bisa Anda pelajari. Percakapan bahasa Inggris di tempat wisata dan artinya di atas bisa Anda terapkan hampir di semua situasi, lho. Jangan bosan untuk berlatih dan selamat mencoba!