Name two cultures where touching among friends is common and two where it is not

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Name two cultures where touching among friends is common and two where it is not

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Name two cultures where touching among friends is common and two where it is not


  • Indirect Communication: As an extension of the need to maintain harmonious relations, Malaysians rely on communication. Great consideration is made to ensure that what is said, how it is said and how much is said does not offend the other person in the interaction. Words are chosen to be polite and not assertive. Speech can be ambiguous as they often understate their point. For example, they may take a while to talk about other things before arriving at the intended topic. More attention is paid to posture, expression and tone of voice to communicate meaning. The purpose of this is to maintain and respect throughout the conversation, and also prevent a loss of on either end of the exchange. The best way to find the underlying meaning is to check for clarification several times by asking open-ended questions.
  • Language Style: The Malay language uses many similes, idioms, proverbs (peribahasa), short evocative verses (pantun) and poems (syair). Figurative language allows people to express their point indirectly. For example, criticism may be presented in the example of a poem that reflects a similar scenario.
  • Refusals: A Malaysian person’s preoccupation with saving and means they will seldom give a flat ‘no’ or negative response, even when they do not agree with you. Therefore, focus on hints of hesitation, listening for what they say but also paying careful attention to what they may subtly allude to.
  • Soft Voices: Speaking loudly is generally interpreted negatively as ‘kasar’ (crass/coarse) in Malaysia. Instead, it is expected that people speak gently and softly regardless of the nature of the conversation. That being said, Malaysians are not so cautious about this that they never speak loudly. For example, they will generally raise their voice when they get excited.
  • Laughter: Malaysians may laugh when they are embarrassed as a defence mechanism. The timing may seem inappropriate or awkward in certain scenarios. Consider that it can indicate their unease.


  • Physical Contact: It is generally inappropriate to touch strangers in Malaysia. Avoid backslapping or putting your arm around people's shoulders. Incidental touching (for example, in a crowd) is permitted. However, generally people are not very accustomed to physical affection from anyone that isn’t a close friend or family member. Furthermore, being a predominantly Muslim population, Malaysian society generally respects a separation of the genders. Therefore, it is seen as especially awkward and inappropriate to affectionately touch someone of the opposite gender in public.
  • Silence: Silence is an important and purposeful tool used in Asian communication. Pausing before giving a response indicates that someone has applied appropriate thought and consideration to the question. This signifies and respect.
  • The Head: Malaysians consider the head to be the most sacred part of one’s body. Therefore, it is considered very rude and inconsiderate to touch another person’s head.
  • Pointing: Avoid pointing with your index finger and use your open hand instead.
  • Beckoning: Beckoning is done by facing the palm of the hand to the ground and waving the fingers towards oneself. Individual fingers should not be used in this gesture.
  • Feet: The feet are considered the lowliest and dirtiest parts of the body. Do not move objects with them or display the soles of your feet to someone else.
  • Hands: There is a separation of function of the hands in Malaysia, influenced by Islamic culture. The left hand is considered unclean and is used for the removal of dirt and for cleaning. It is not used for actions such as waving, eating or offering items.
  • Eye Contact: Malaysians generally avoid holding eye contact with people of the opposite gender out of modesty. They may also lower their gaze when talking to someone older than them.
  • Bow: People non-verbally say ‘excuse me’ when entering/leaving/passing people by bowing slightly.
  • Body Language: Placing one’s hands on their hips or in their pockets during conversation indicates anger.

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  • Indirect Communication: As the concept of 'face' underpins interactions, Thai people tend to have an communication style and avoid giving flat-out refusals. In keeping interactions amenable, Thai people will often smile or nod. This gives their acknowledgement but doesn’t necessarily indicate their agreement. An unavoidable blunt or confrontational statement is generally prefaced with a phrase equivalent to, ‘if you will allow me to be frank’. This partially excuses the occasional statement. This being said, the style of communication will vary depending on the relationship. If the people are well acquainted, bluntness is accepted. However, when communicating to those of higher social status or unknown status, Thais are more cautious, and make an effort to be polite and .
  • Honorifics: Thais typically address someone by stating the first name preceded by ‘Khun’ (e.g., Khun Simon). However, if the people conversing are close friends or familiar with each other, they will omit khun. Familial honorifics ‘phi’ (‘older sibling’) and ‘nong’ (‘younger sibling’) are generally appropriate for people who are close to one another.
  • Humour: It is common for Thais to joke during conversation. Whilst humour is used in the typical way to make conversations lighthearted, it is also used to cover emotions of sadness when discussing a tragic or difficult situation.
  • Swearing: Swearing is generally not used in casual conversation and is considered to be crass.
  • Soft Voices: Thais are often soft-spoken. Raising one’s voice is generally frowned upon as it implies a loss of control in a situation and can cause a person to lose face. However, people from Bangkok tend to speak louder and faster.


  • Physical Contact: Physical contact in Thailand is acceptable amongst people of the same gender, but is usually minimal. Public displays of affection between couples, such as holding hands or kissing, are generally not shown. Buddhist monks are not supposed to make any physical contact with women.
  • Personal Space: The general distance between two people conversing is an arm’s length. When in conversation with a friend or close acquaintance, this distance is shorter.
  • Gestures: Thai people generally do not use their hands to emphasise their point in conversation. Overly dramatic gestures or frequent and rapid gestures may be misinterpreted as anger in Thailand. Pointing with a single finger is considered to be rude and accusatory.
  • Eye Contact: Eye contact shows attentiveness to the person talking. However, eye contact should be diverted every now and again to soften the interaction. Intense eye contact can be viewed as a challenge to the other person. When being instructed or spoken to by a superior, it is respectful to lower one’s eyes.
  • Height and Bowing: An important way Thais show respect is through lowering their head. Looming above someone in Thailand can be considered an aggressive form of assertion. It is especially disrespectful to position one’s head at a height higher than the Buddha. If someone needs to intersect another’s gaze to reach a destination (for example, at a performance), they will typically walk with their head bowed and their body below the eyeline of the other.
  • Nodding: Thai people often nod to acknowledge what is said. However, this does not always mean they agree or understand. It is primarily a gesture made out of .
  • Beckoning: The common way to beckon someone is by gesturing with all fingers facing downwards and towards oneself, the same gesture that would represent ‘shooing’ in Australia. Gesturing with fingers facing upwards has offensive connotations in Thailand.
  • Smiling: Thais usually smile often in conversations. Whilst it can indicate happiness, smiling is sometimes used in an attempt to cover awkwardness or sadness.
  • Head: Never touch someone on the top of their head. It is considered to be the most sacred part of the body.
  • Feet: Feet are considered to be the dirtiest part of the body and should not be used to point at things or move objects. The soles of one’s feet should not be pointed at others.

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