How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

Veterinarians often recommend owners feed dogs that have diarrhea a diet consisting of boiled hamburger and white rice for a few days. This type of bland, easily digested diet gives the intestinal tract a bit of a break while still providing needed calories and nutrients.

The recommendation is appropriate, so long as the dog doesn’t have any other worrisome symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, or weakness, the caregivers understand that if the diarrhea doesn’t resolve quickly, the dog must be brought in for an exam, and the dog soon goes back to eating his normal diet.

Owners sometimes will treat their dog’s diarrhea with a homemade diet without first consulting a veterinarian, which is fine so long as they abide by the provisos mentioned above. However, I recently ran across a case report concerning a dog whose caregivers didn’t, and the outcome was almost disastrous.

An 11-week-old Saint Bernard was picked up from his breeder. His new owners realized he had diarrhea and started feeding him a hamburger and rice diet and dewormed him. His diarrhea resolved but returned whenever they tried to feed a commercially available, chicken-based adult dog food. Presumably being aware that hamburger and rice alone was not a nutritionally complete diet, the owners modified their offerings by adding apple, broccoli, egg (including shells), a vitamin and mineral supplement, and a small amount of the chicken-based adult dog food to the hamburger and rice.

The dog was seen several times by a veterinarian for routine care and appeared to be doing well, until he was evaluated at a veterinary teaching hospital for bilateral forelimb lameness presumably associated with osteochondritis dissecans of both shoulders. While there, the dog developed severe seizures; at one point his body temperature rose to a potentially life-threatening 108 degrees Fahrenheit. Lab work revealed many abnormalities, including a very low blood calcium level that was the cause of his seizures. The attending veterinarians were able to save him after giving him intravenous fluids, valium, propofol, and infusions of calcium gluconate, intubating him and putting him on inhalant anesthetics and oxygen, and performing cold water gastric lavage. The dog was hospitalized for three days.

An analysis of the dog’s homemade diet revealed that it was severely deficient in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, all of which were provided at less than half the minimum levels required for growing dogs. Other deficiencies included sodium, chloride, iron, iodine, choline, copper, folic acid, vitamin A, linoleic acid, and taurine.

Once the dog’s condition was stable, he went home with oral calcium carbonate, calcitriol (a form of Vitamin D that helps the body make use of dietary calcium), taurine supplements, and a commercially available puppy food. A recheck of blood work approximately one month later revealed complete resolution of all abnormalities, and interestingly, the dog was also no longer lame.

I relate this tale not to scare you off from feeding dogs that have diarrhea a hamburger and rice diet, but to emphasize that such a nutritionally incomplete diet only be fed for a few days, and if the diarrhea doesn’t resolve, veterinary attention is essential. The long term feeding of a homemade diet should always be done under the supervision of a veterinary nutritionist.

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

Dr. Jennifer Coates

See Also:


Hutchinson D, Freeman LM, McCarthy R, Anastasio J, Shaw SP, Sutherland-Smith J. Seizures and severe nutrient deficiencies in a puppy fed a homemade diet. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2012 Aug 15;241(4):477-83.

Image: Hisom Silviu / via Shutterstock

Please remember that if the diarrhea does not subside in a day or two-if your dog is a young puppy or if your dog is lethargic-call your veterinarian. Dogs can become dehydrated very quickly if diarrhea is allowed to continue unchecked. This is a significant medical problem and must be addressed as soon as possible.

My dog has diarrhea, What should I do?

  1. Fast your dog for 24 hours. Only water is permitted.
  2. Bring a fecal sample to your veterinarian to check for intestinal parasites.
  3. After the 24 hour fast, begin feeding a combination of boiled white meat chicken (with all the skin and fat removed and the water poured off) and boiled long grain white rice. The combination of rice to chicken will be 2 to 1. In other words, if you want to give your dog a total of one cup of food he/she will receive 1/3 cup chicken mixed with 2/3 cup of rice. Feed several small meals per day rather than one or two large meals. You may also come into the office to purchase a bland diet prescription food. You will give either bland diet until you start to see a normal bowel movement, or until you haven’t seen a bowel movement for a day.
  4. After seeing normal bowel movements for a day or two, gradually start adding your dog’s regular diet into the bland food mixture. Each day, (as long as the movements are normal) increase the amount of dog food and decrease the amount of bland food until you have reached the point where your dog is on 100% dog food. This is not the time to change your dog’s diet. You must allow his intestinal tract to become normal again.

Some things to remember regarding the causes of diarrhea. We often see diarrhea when an owner wants their dog to have a different diet. A dog’s stomach is very sensitive and does not adjust well to sudden changes in diet. When changing your dog’s diet, take your time to make the change. Some dogs need 2-3 weeks for this change. Very gradually start reducing the old food and adding the new food. If you notice a loosening of the stools, slow down even more.

Another cause of diarrhea can be intestinal parasites. This is why we recommend bringing a fecal sample in to be tested for microscopic parasites. This is medication which can treat parasites.

Many dogs also practice what we call “dietary indiscretion.” All this means is that the dog is eating something he/she shouldn’t have, whether it be something from the yard or the trashcan or inappropriate table scraps which are very rich, such as beef, lamb or the bones of meat you have cooked.

The best diet for your dog is one he/she does well on-gives him/her a good, healthy coat and body condition.Overfeeding can have a significant effect on your dog’s health.

If your dog has diarrhea, your veterinarian may have advised a bland diet of chicken and rice. Chicken and rice can get your pet’s digestive system back on track and help chase away runny diarrhea.

Your dog should be back to pooping normally around one to two days after undergoing the chicken and rice diet. If your dog has not begun pooping normally after one week on the chicken and rice diet, you need to contact your veterinarian.

You may have questions about how long the diet should last and the exact measurements of chicken versus rice you should use for your dog. Read on to find out all about your pet and a chicken and rice diet.

How Does the Chicken and Rice Diet Work?

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

For dogs who have diarrhea, a chicken and rice diet can be beneficial because it can help with your pet’s gastrointestinal problems. While there are many reasons your dog could have diarrhea, the most common antidote is a bland diet.

A bland diet is one that is soft and highly digestible. It offers the following benefits:

  • Low in fiber

Bland diets are comprised of one lean protein source and one carbohydrate source. Because it is low in fiber, a bland diet gives the intestinal system a chance to reset and regain normal stool function.

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The most common bland diet for pets consists of boiled chicken and rice. Brown rice is suggested for giving your dog rice as part of a regular diet.

Make sure it is plain chicken and rice with no spices, as spices could upset your dog’s system even more. De-fat and de-skin your chicken, and boil your chicken and rice separately.

Different Colored Poop After Chicken and Rice

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

Yellow Dog Poop After Chicken and Rice

Chicken and rice diets are known to cause yellow poo as a side effect. It’s quite normal for your dog’s poop to be yellow after eating chicken and rice. In addition to treatment for diarrhea, chicken and rice should not be fed outside of that treatment.

When their diet has returned to normal, you should not see this again. If you ever have any concerns you should see a vet.

Green Dog Poop After Chicken and Rice

Is it normal for dogs to poop green after eating chicken and rice?

Chicken and rice diets can also cause green poop in your dog. The symptoms usually go away within two or three days. Again if you have any big concerns, a quick visit to the vet might be required to see if the infection has cleared up.

Orange Dog Poop After Chicken and Rice

Chicken and rice can make your dog’s poop orange sometimes. When dogs have diarrhea or upset stomachs, they usually eat chicken and rice. It can cause food to move too fast through the digestive system, which results in the orange color.

Mustard Yellow Dog Poop After Chicken and Rice

It’s normal and expected to have mustard-colored poop when your dog eats chicken and rice. Food can move through the digestive system too fast, with the result in poop looking this color. After a couple of days, everything should return to normal. Again, if you have any concerns, bring your dog to a vet.

How Long Should I Keep My Dog On Chicken And Rice

You should only keep your dog on a strict chicken and rice diet for two to three days at a time. Once your dog starts pooping normally again, you can stop the diet.

However, if your dog continues to have diarrhea after using the diet for a week, you will need to consult your vet.

How to Start the Chicken and Rice Diet

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

Here are the steps you should take when your dog gets diarrhea:

  • Fast your dog for 24 hours, allowing only water
    • Take a fecal sample to your veterinarian to check for intestinal parasites
    • Boil white meat chicken and rice
    • The combination of rice to chicken will be 2 to 1. So, if you feed your dog a cup of food, use 2/3 cup of rice and 1/3 cup of chicken
    • Feed several small meals a day
    • After seeing normal bowel movements for two days, begin switching back to your dog’s regular food. Do this gradually, switching the bland food for the dog food a little more each day

Fasting your dog for 24 hours before starting the chicken and rice diet allows the digestive system to rest and recover and minimizes the water lost in the body. Make sure you cook the rice and chicken all the way through. Undercooked chicken, especially, can further upset your dog’s stomach. You can substitute the chicken with the following:

  • Pork loin

You can substitute rice with boiled potatoes or boiled spaghetti. Here are a few other tips for the best bland diet you can feed your dog (Source:

  • Choose the best quality chicken, preferably without hormones
    • Get boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    • Get short or long-grain white rice. White rice is better for digestion problems
    • Do not get quick-cooking rice

For a recipe on chicken and rice for your pet, read below.

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Chicken and Rice Recipe for Bland Diet

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

This recipe for chicken and rice is part of a bland diet and comes courtesy of

Cube 2 to 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts.

1.Fill with enough water to submerge the chicken.
2.Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium and let the pot come to a simmer.
3.Let simmer until meat is completely cooked through.
4.Remove the chicken and let it cool.
5.Reserve some of the chicken broth.
6.Pour the broth into a 3-quart saucepan.
7.Supplement broth with water to make two cups of liquid.
8.Bring broth-water mixture to a boil.
9.Rinse rice underwater.
10.Measure out 1 cup of rice and add it to the chicken broth.
11.Return to a boil, then stir and reduce heat to simmer.
12.Cover the pot and cook the mixture for 20 minutes.
13.Take off the burner and allow the mixture to cool completely.

Add the cooked chicken to the rice and blend with a fork. The rice to chicken ratio should be 2:1. You can make a few batches of chicken and rice meals for your dog and freeze them for later use. Always thaw the chicken and rice before serving them to your pet.

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How Long Should I Keep My Dogs on Chicken and Rice?

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

The length of time you keep your dog on the chicken and rice diet will depend on two factors:

  • Veterinary recommendations
    • When your dog begins pooping normally

Always follow the recommendations of your veterinarian, but you should generally see your dog’s poop return to normal anywhere from 2 to 3 days up to a week. The chicken and rice diet is so bland it gives the small bowels a chance to recover from ailments.

These are the main components of a dog’s digestive system:

  • Mouth
    • Small Intestine

Diarrhea is usually a sign of digestive issues in dogs, mainly from the small and/or large intestines. When you fast your dog for 24 hours and then give them a bland diet of chicken and rice, it gives the intestines a chance to reset and heal. If, after a week of the chicken and rice diet, your dog is still having digestive issues, you need to consult your veterinarian.

Common Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

As stated, digestive problems are the most common cause of diarrhea in dogs. These issues can often be remedied by the bland chicken and rice diet. Digestive problems can be caused by:

  • Eating rich foods
    • Eating indigestible foods or items
    • Sudden changes in food or treats
    • A food allergy or intolerance

Other possible reasons for diarrhea in dogs include:

  • Stress
    • Viral or bacterial infection
    • Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Kidney or liver disorders

The chicken and rice dish is not going to help with major medical issues such as cancer or kidney disorders, which is why it’s important you keep an eye on your dog’s poop after the chicken and rice diet takes effect.

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Effects of Chicken and Rice Diet

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

Hopefully, after feeding your dog a diet of chicken and rice, you see normal, solid poop after a day or two. However, if after eating the chicken and rice, you see your dog’s poop and it is yellow, it could be a few different reasons:

  • Introduction to a new food

If you see illness along with yellow stool, consult your veterinarian.

How Long After Diarrhea Will a Dog Poop Normally Again?

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?

Without utilizing the chicken and rice diet, a dog may take over a week to poop normally again. Feeding your dog a bland diet could decrease that time down to 1 or 2 days.

One warning: you don’t want to feed your dog chicken and rice for an extended period of time because it’s not a complete, balanced diet for your pet. As noted above, it’s lacking in fiber and other nutrients your dog needs on a daily basis.

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Use chicken and rice for up to a week to help resolve any digestive problems in your dog. Using dog food is all you need for a normal, healthy dog as it has all the nutrients your dog requires.

The Final Word

Using chicken and rice when your dog has digestive problems is a good idea, in concert with your veterinarian’s recommendation. Use it for up to a week after fasting your dog for 24 hours. Your dog should poop normally anywhere from one day to one week after starting the diet.

How long does it take for rice to help dog diarrhea?