How to say im ok in french

Bonjour, I'm trying to come up with a translation for "I'm okay." Example: "How are you?" - "I'm okay."

« Comment ça va ? » - « ..... »

I thought that « je suis d'accord » would be a good phrase, but my French teacher insists that it won't work.

I'm specifically looking for a phrase that is as neutral as "okay," because the character that is speaking is clearly in distress, but is trying to hide this fact. It would be odd for him to say « ça va bien, » because he really isn't, but I also want it to be a common phrase.

Does this make any sense?

  • How to say im ok in french

    he might only answer : ça va. (implying not "bien", but just "ça va")

    that's what you answer when you'r not well and people keep on asking how you 'r doin and you can't spend the day saying you feel terrible, so you just say "ça va" not to go on about the subject...

    How to say im ok in french

    in 99.9% of the cases, when one is asked "comment ça va?" or "ça va?", the answer will be "ça va!", whether the person fells great or awful... so "ça va bien" or "ça va" looks good in the situation you described. then it will depend the way you say it.

    How to say im ok in french
    ça va

    is different from

    ca va

    The most likely answer would be "Ça va." Another answer could be "Je vais bien" (less likely if the person isn't really okay though.)
    Your teacher's right, "je suis d'accord" doesn't work here. It means "I agree (with you)."

    in 99.9% of the cases, when one is asked "comment ça va?" or "ça va?", the answer will be "ça va!", whether the person fells great or awful... so "ça va bien" or "ça va" looks good in the situation you described. then it will depend the way you say it.

    ça va

    is different from

    ca va

    Excellent! Thank you!


    How to say im ok in french

    1. Je vais assez bien.

    2. Je vais pas mal.

    How to say im ok in french

    These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

    These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

    A zero. I'm okay, really.

    Un zéro. Vraiment, je vais bien.

    Did they hurt you? -I'm okay.

    Ils t'ont fait du mal ? - Je vais bien.

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