How to prepare fruit infused water

  • 1 rosemary sprig with chunks of watermelon
  • 4-5 halved strawberries and a small handful of basil leaves
  • Thumb-sized piece of ginger, chopped, with slices of lime
  • Slices of cucumber and 1 mint sprig
  • A handful of satsuma or clementine segments

Leave to infuse for at least 1-2 hrs, or ideally overnight. Drink within two days.

How much water should I drink?

If you're wondering how much water you should drink in a day, read our guide written by nutritionist Kerry Torrens for key information on how to stay hydrated. Each individual's needs are unique and dependent on health, age, size, weight, activity levels, the type of job they do and the climate they live in. Drinking little and often is the best way to stay hydrated. In the UK, the Eatwell Guide suggests you should aim for six to eight glasses of water and other liquids each day to replace normal water loss – around 1.2-1.5 litres. Water, lower-fat milk and sugar-free drinks including tea and coffee all count.

Want to know why you should stay hydrated? Find out more and read our guide on the top 5 health benefits of drinking water.

Infused Water, made with fresh fruits and herbs, adds delicious flavor to water without any added sugars or artificial ingredients. If you struggle to drink enough water throughout the day, Fruit Flavored Water is a simple, healthy way to make drinking water much more enjoyable.

How to prepare fruit infused water

There is something about drinking infused waters that makes me feel all fancy.

But the truth is, there is nothing fancy or complicated about making flavored waters at home.

The process is simple and adding natural flavor to water helps me get excited about drinking water--not to mention my kids are much more inclined to drink Fruit-Flavored water over plain water.

Important Tips for Making Infused Water

  • Glass is best. You can use any food-grade storage container, but I do find that glass works best, as some plastic can leach flavors into the water.
  • Clean everything! Whatever jar or pitcher you use to make the waters, be sure they are well cleaned. That goes for the fruit, vegetables, and herbs as well. Everything needs to be well rinsed, to remove any residue or dirt.
  • Filtered water is best. If you have well-water, hard water, or tap water that has an aftertaste, use filtered, or distilled water for the best results.
  • Refrigerate for at least 3 hours. While you can enjoy your flavored water as soon as 30 minutes after preparation, it is best to let the flavors infuse for at least 3 hours. After 3 hours the water will have had time to be infused with the flavors. If you want really fruity and tangy water, wait 12 hours before enjoying it.
  • Muddle the ingredients. It is best to mix up or muddle the fruit and herbs with the back of a wooden spoon before placing it in the refrigerator to help release the flavors into the water.
  • Prevent bitterness. When using citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, or limes from citrus, the water can become bitter from the peel. Prevent this by either removing the rinds BEFORE infusing the water or removing the citrus after infusing for 4 hours.

Fruit-Infused Water Combinations

While there are limitless variations on naturally infused waters, I am sharing with you my 4 favorite variations of flavored waters.

Strawberry Cucumber Water

If you have not tried cucumber in your water yet, don't knock it. Cucumber-infused water is incredibly refreshing. The sweetness of the strawberries pairs perfectly with the crisp freshness of the cucumbers to make Strawberry Cucumber Flavored Water.

How to prepare fruit infused water

Lemon Lime Water

Yes, this Lemon Lime Flavored water is a classic.

However, by allowing the water to sit with the whole fruit slices in the fridge, the lemons and limes truly allow their essence to infuse the water, making it one of the more refreshing versions of Lemon Lime Flavored waters you have ever had.

I will say I only suggest using ½ of a lemon and ½ of a lime for 4 cups of water. Lemons and lime have much higher potency and flavor water more dramatically than most other fruits. Therefore, it makes the most sense to make at least 8 cups of citrus-flavored water and use the whole lime and whole lemon.

How to prepare fruit infused water

Blueberry Orange Water

Blueberry Orange flavored water is by far my husband's favorite homemade infused water. The sweet blueberries and tart fresh oranges make this water sing with flavor. In fact, I had to remake this Orange Blueberry Fruit Infused water 3 times before I could snap a photo--every time I walked away from it, he was drinking it.

How to prepare fruit infused water

Blackberry Mint Water

My favorite cocktail ever is a Mojito. And in the winter months, I drink peppermint tea around the clock.

I love mint in beverages! Throw blackberries in the mix and YUM! Blackberry Mint Infused Water is MY all-time favorite way to drink water. It screams freshness and brightness from the mint and yet with a subtle blackberry flavor.

How to prepare fruit infused water

FAQs on Flavored Water

How long can flavored water be stored in the refrigerator?

Homemade Infused Waters will last up to 3-4 days in the refrigerator. Just keep in mind you may want to remove the fruits and herbs after 24 hours so they do not break down and leave the water bitter.

Can these recipes be doubled?

YES! You can double, triple, or quadruple the recipes as desired.

Can you use frozen fruit to make infused water?

I don't recommend using frozen fruit, as it will not release as much flavor and can break down easily in the water.

Can you use make a second batch of infused waters with the same fruit?

Yes, but the water will not be as potent or flavorful. It is best, to add water to the container once you reach the halfway point so that the flavorful water mixes and imparts some flavor to the new water. You can repeat this process for up to 3 days. Fruits with strong flavors, such as lemon, pineapple, and orange, are best for multiple infusions. Fleshy fruits, berries, and melons are not well-suited to multiple infusions, as they break down quickly.

More Delicious Beverages

The options for homemade flavored waters are LIMITLESS. I would love to know if you have a favorite combination. Share in the comments so we all can be inspired.

How to prepare fruit infused water

  • Place the fruit and/or herbs of your choice into a clean glass jar with a lid or a glass pitcher.

  • Muddle (or break) up the fruit and herbs a bit with the back of a spoon to help release natural flavors.

  • Cover with 4 cups of tap or filtered water and place in refrigerator for at least 3 hours, or 12 hours for really flavorful, tangy water.

  • After 24 hours, remove the fruit and herbs to prevent the water from becoming bitter.

  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Storage: Flavored waters can be stored in the fridge for 3-4 days. After 24 hours, you may want to take out the fruit and herbs to prevent bitterness. Doubling: Any recipe can easily be doubled or tripled.   Container: You can use any food-safe container you would like to store these flavored waters in, but glass is less likely to leach other flavors into your water, giving the water the purest taste.  Filtered water is best. If you have well-water, hard-water, or your tap water has an aftertaste, use filtered, or distilled water for the best results. Prevent bitterness: When using citrus fruits, either remove the rinds BEFORE infusing the water or remove the citrus after infusing for 4 hours. Using the Same Fruit to Repeat the Process: It is best, to add water to the container once you reach the halfway point so that the flavorful water mixes and imparts some flavor to the new water. You can repeat this process for up to 3 days. Fruits with strong flavors, such as lemon, pineapple, and orange, are best for multiple infusions. Fleshy fruits, berries, and melons are not well-suited to multiple infusions, as they break down quickly.    

Calories: 1kcal | Vitamin A: 10IU | Vitamin C: 1.2mg | Calcium: 1mg

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