Download whatsapp lawas windows 7 32-bit

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Download whatsapp lawas windows 7 32-bit

Download Whatsapp for Windows 7 32 bit Terbaru – WhatsApp sudah cukup dikenal sebagai aplikasi olah pesanyang multi fungsi. Selain bisa untuk mengirim pesan teks, di whatsapp juga memungkinkan untuk mengirim file, foto, pesan suara hingga video. Tapi tidak hanya sebagai aplikasi kirim pesan saja. Dengan aplikasi ini bahkan kita bisa melakukan panggilan suara dan panggilan video. Bagi sebagian orang menggunakan whatsapp pastinya melalui smartphone mereka. Dan jika ingin menggunakan Whatsapp for Windows 7 /8/10 atau ingin menginstal whatsapp di desktop biasanya menggunakan whatsapp web.

Tapi taukah kamu bahwa Whatsapp sendiri ada vesi PCnya. Meski tampilannya tidak jauh beda dengan Whatsapp web yang biasa diakses. Degnan adaya aplikasi whatsapp di pc diharapkan bisa mempermudah dan mempercepat notifikasi sampai.

Download Whatsapp for Windows 7 /8/10

App Name Whatsapp for PC
FileName Whatsap for windows
Sistem operasi yang didukung Mac dan Windows 7/8/10 32/64 bit
Size 150 MB
Update Terakhir 1 Hari yang lalu

Ukuran instaler whatsapp for windows ini bisa terbilang cukup besar yakni 150MB. Sama seperti whatsapp web, kita bisa mensinkronkan dengan whatsapp yang ada di smartphone kamu. Meski sudah menjadi aplikasi, sayangnya Whatsapp desktop ini masih belum memungkinkan untuk melakukan video call maupun panggilan telepon.

Fitur Whatsapp for PC Windows 7/8/10

  1. Olah pesan gratis
  2. Pesan grup hingga 256 orang sekaligus
  3. Keamanan yang terjaga
  4. Update status
  5. Kirim dokumen
  6. Mendukung notifikasi asli
  7. Shortcut Keyboard yang ditingkatkan

Whatsapp for Windows 7/8/10 32 dan 64 bit

Aplikasi whatsapp desktop ini bisa berjalan di Windows 7, 8 dan 10 32 maupun 64 bit. Selain itu juga tersedia untuk pengguna mac. Kamu bisa download aplikasi whatsapp for PC melalui  halaman download whatsapp atau link download dibawah.

Cara Instal Whatsapp di PC Windows Desktop

Untuk menginstal whatsapp di  windows caranya seperti menginstal aplikasi biasa. Kamu hanya  perlu mendownload instaler sesuai  dengan windows yang kamu  pakai apakah 32bit atau 64bit. Jika sudah tinggal download instaler whatsapp yang sesuai dengan system kamu. Double klik dan tinggal next-next saja.

Baca juga : Cara Menduplikat Whatsapp di Hp Lain


Apakah file Whatsapp for PC diatas aman?

file diatas sangatlah aman karena link berasal dari situs whatsapp sendiri.

Tidak bisa instal aplikasi whatsapp di  Windows 7

Beberapa pengguna mengalami masalah yakni tidak bisa instal aplikasi whatsapp di windows 7.Hal ini kemungkinan karena kamu belum menginstal .Net Framework 4 di windows kamu. Cobalah terlebih dahulu untuk menginstal .Net Frameword 4.5 untuk windows 7.

PC jadi lemot pakai aplikasi Whatsapp

Jika komputer menjadi lemot, kamu bisa pakai whatsapp web saja  untuk mengakses whatsapp atau mungkin bisa baca Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasi PC atau Laptop Lemot

Akhir  kata

Meskipun di  situs resmi whatsapp tidak mendukung Windows 7 tapi nyatanya aplikasi ini masih bisa berjalan dengan baik dan tanpa masalah di Windows 7 64bit yang kami gunakan. Hanya saja notifikasi yang kita terima tidak seperti windows 10. Mungkin itu saja artikel Download Whatsapp for Windows 7 32 bit terbaru. Semoga membantu.

WhatsApp - the messenger that revolutionized communication

Download whatsapp lawas windows 7 32-bit

WhatsApp is a free chat messenger for communication with phone numbers linked to the app. The app is available on the mobile, both Android and iOS, as a web version for the browser, or as a desktop app for the computer. WhatsApp can be downloaded from the Apple store or Play store. It is a chat-based application that also has features for video or audio calling through the web.

What are the key features of WhatsApp?

Remember the pre-WhatsApp era, when communication on chat-based applications was mainly done through computers, and texting at a cost was the only way to communicate if one doesn’t want to call. Whatsapp revolutionized communication of the world by bringing chat to the mobile phones, linked to the mobile number, instead of an email id. Whatsapp is a messenger that allows people to connect with anyone who has the application on their smartphone.

WhatsApp allows users to chat, create groups, broadcast to custom lists, make audio and video calls through the internet, share stories, share media (pictures, video, audio), send voice messages, forward messages, use emoticons (and gifs) and more. With WhatsApp web and desktop, users can now sync across devices and always be connected. End-to-End encryption allows for safe and reliable communication. One can share location, contacts, and use Live Location for directions.

What is WhatsApp compatible with?

Whatsapp is available for free across devices. It is compatible with Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows PC. The application is primarily a mobile application, with a web version now available for browsers. There is also a WhatsApp application for the desktop.

What are the alternatives to WhatsApp?

There are a number of alternatives to WhatsApp, and one can compare them by features. Facebook Messenger offers a chat-based communication application, linked to Facebook. Interestingly, WhatsApp is also owned by Facebook, but the difference is that while Messenger users the Facebook login details to sign in, WhatsApp connects via the address book on the phone. Messenger is linked heavily to the main Facebook app, with reactions on stories going directly through Messenger. The ease of use in WhatsApp is much higher though, and the ability to connect with anyone whom you’re not connected to via Facebook (or to do not wish to be), is a big plus for WhatsApp.

Another messaging or communication application is iMessage, which allows free messaging via text from an Apple iOS to another. However, iMessage is limited due to its connectivity only with iOS users and does not have the number of features that WhatsApp offers. Viber, Signal, WeChat, Telegram, Skype are all communication applications but do not have the reach or the flexibility of WhatsApp, so they are limited in their communication via free messaging or calls. Zoom, while great for calling, is still cumbersome for chats and other features that WhatsApp offers freely and easily.

What is WhatsApp Web?

The web version and the desktop application are extensions of the mobile application and mirrors the chats from the mobile app once synced. WhatsApp web syncs with the mobile application to show real-time messages on both devices. It does not work independently of WhatsApp on the smartphone and requires the phone to be charged and connected to show real-time messaging. People use WhatsApp desktop or web to share files from the computer system, write longer and bigger messages because of the ease of the keyboard, or to use only a single device to access WhatsApp while working on the desktop or laptop.

What goes in favor of WhatsApp?

With free communication, whether through chat or calls, WhatsApp has completely widened the spectrum and narrowed global distances, and it is now so easy to be in touch with family and friends from across the world. It is extremely intuitive to use, easy to connect to, and seamless to use on several devices. The accessibility through the mobile number ensures there is no hassle of signing in, adding contacts, and remembering usernames and passwords.

Contacts with the WhatsApp applications get automatically added to your WhatsApp contact list. Audio and Video calls, that are connected through the internet, allow for free communication with people across the world, something that was unheard of just a decade back. WhatsApp has the reach and coverage to be the go-to communication app, which gives it an edge over its competitors.

It is easy to share media, forward messages, record, and send voice messages. Group chats are also a big advantage, so are broadcast lists, that can be used to send messages for businesses, personal promotions, or greetings easily.

What goes against WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is heavily reliant on the internet speeds, and in places that do not have high internet speeds and stable connections, messaging and calls can be interrupted. Unlike newer video conferencing apps like Zoom, Whatsapp does not allow more than 4 persons to be on a call at a time. Spamming and unreliable forwards is also something WhatsApp faces criticism for.

In terms of connectivity, anyone with your number can connect with you on Whatsapp, unless you block them from it. It gives people access to you, without you having given permission. WhatsApp web and desktop are dependent on the mobile application, and if the phone is not connected or charged, you cannot use the extensions on other devices either. Multiple notifications from WhatsApp have at times resulted in the app getting hung and even disrupting functionality in phones.

What’s the verdict on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has made communication extremely easy, for and with people across the globe. Chat individually or in groups, WhatsApp allows people to stay connected at all times. Spreading important info is vital in these times, and through free video and audio calls, new usages on the personal and professional front can be noticed. Sharing a live location lets anyone feel safe under tricky situations, and sharing pictures and videos makes it easy to stay in touch despite distances. WhatsApp has single-handedly revolutionized the way we communicate. The app has to be doing something right if it has gone from being a proper noun to a verb.


Title:WhatsApp 2.2228.14.0 for WindowsRequirements:
  • Windows 11,
  • Windows 10,
  • Windows 8.1,
  • Windows 8
Language:EnglishAvailable languages:
  • English,
  • German,
  • Spanish,
  • French,
  • Italian,
  • Japanese,
  • Polish,
  • Chinese
License:FreeLatest update: Friday, August 12th 2022Author:WhatsApp Inc.


We don't have any change log information yet for version 2.2228.14.0 of WhatsApp. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

Can you help?

If you have any changelog info you can share with us, we'd love to hear from you! Head over to ourContact pageand let us know.

Explore Apps

Apakah Windows 7 bisa install WhatsApp?

Bisa banget! Walau WhatsApp adalah aplikasi untuk Android dan iOS, namun kita bisa menginstallnya di Windows. Namun persyaratan untuk bisa menginstall adalah : Windows 8 dan versi yang lebih tinggi (versi 64-bit) Windows 8 dan versi yang lebih tinggi (versi 32-bit)

Apa yang dimaksud dengan WhatsApp desktop?

Aplikasi WhatsApp Web dan WhatsApp Desktop adalah ekstensi berbasis komputer dari akun WhatsApp pada telepon Anda. Pesan yang Anda kirim dan terima akan disinkronkan antara telepon dan komputer, dan Anda dapat melihat semua pesan pada kedua perangkat tersebut.

Bagaimana cara mendownload WhatsApp di laptop?

Buka aplikasi browser pada Windows. Buka laman resmi WhatsApp untuk mengunduh aplikasi WhatsApp di laptop atau komputer secara legal. Setelah selesai diunduh, buka WhatsAppSetup.exe > Instal aplikasi tersebut. Tunggu hingga beberapa saat hingga proses instal selesai.