Cerita liburan dirumah dalam Bahasa Inggris panjang

Menikmati liburan di rumah salah satu hal yang menyenangkan. Lebih banyak waktu yang dihabiskan bersama sanak keluarga. Kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan antara lain makan bersama, berfoto, bermain, berenang bersama, dan sebagainya.

Materi ini memberikan contoh cerita liburan di rumah dalam bahasa Inggris beserta artinya. Ketiga contoh tersebut dapat menjadi referensi untuk Contoh Tugas Cerita dalam Bahasa Inggris yang diberikan guru. Contoh cerita liburan di rumah dalam bahasa Inggris ini juga termasuk salah satu Contoh Bahasa Inggris Cerita Liburan Beserta Artinya.

Contoh 1

Holiday at My Village

I went to my village last holiday with my fiancée. We stayed three days in my house. There was nice and cozy. During the day we walked in the mountain and saw a beautiful river and meadows. After that we went to the restaurant. We had spaghetti and ice lemon. We had a good time. The weather was beautiful. We relaxed very well.

Liburan di Desaku

Aku pergi ke desaku pada liburan terakhir bersama tunanganku. Kami tinggal tiga hari di rumahku. Di sana bagus dan nyaman. Pada siang hari kami berjalan di gunung serta melihat sungai dan padang rumput yang indah. Setelah itu kami pergi ke restoran. Kami menikmati spageti dan es lemon. Kami bersenang-senang. Cuacanya bagus. Kami rileks dengan sangat baik.

Contoh 2

Visited My Uncle’s House

During my last holiday I and my family were on a visit my uncle’s house. The house is at the foot of the Mount Merapi. Every day we woke up early in the morning. We had breakfast in the garden and we went to the tourism park Plawangan Turgo. It was very quiet because there were not so many people.

One of the days we had lunch at uncle’s house. We ate local food like gudeg. The weather was nice and we enjoyed that moment.

Mengunjungi Rumah Paman

Selama liburan terakhir, aku dan keluarga mengunjungi rumah pamanku. Rumahnya berada di kaki Gunung Merapi. Setiap hari kami bangun pagi lebih awal. Kami sarapan di kebun dan pergi ke taman wisata Plawangan Turgo. Di situ sangat sepi karena tidak ada banyak orang.

Pada hari lainnya kami makan siang di rumah paman. Kami makan makanan lokal seperti gudeg. Cuacanya bagus dan kami menikmati momen itu.

Contoh 3

Spent Holiday at Home

During the holiday, my family invited my cousin named Tika to our home. She stayed for two days. We talked a lot on the balcony. Then we had lunch. After lunch, several of us worked to identiy family members from some old photos.

On the next day, we were swimming at the pool. We took a lot of photos. It was fantastis. We didn’t have any problems. It was fun to spent holiday at home.

Menghabiskan Liburan di Rumah

Selama liburan, keluargaku mengundang sepupuku bernama Tika ke rumah kami. Dia tinggal selama dua hari. Kami banyak mengobrol di atas balkon. Kemudian kami makan siang. Setelah makan siang, beberapa dari kami berusaha untuk mengidentifikasi anggota keluarga dari beberapa foto lama.

Keesokan harinya, kami berenang di kolam renang. Kami mengambil banyak foto. Fantastis. Kami tidak terlibat masalah. Betapa menyenangkan untuk menghabiskan liburan di rumah.

Demikan tiga contoh cerita liburan di rumah dalam bahasa Inggris beserta artinya. Nanti artikel lainnya.

Baca juga:

Cerita Bahasa Inggris liburan biasanya dibuat setelah liburan usai dan acara berlibur pun sudah selesai. Dengan demikian, cerita liburan seharusnya memiliki bentuk lampau atau sudah terjadi.

Anda bisa mempelajari bagaimana cara membuat cerita liburan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dari contoh-contoh di sini.

Ada setidaknya tujuh contoh yang bisa Anda cermati.

Pastikan Anda memahami dengan baik ketujuh contoh tersebut sehingga Anda bisa membuat cerita liburan Anda sendiri menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan bentuk lampau.

Cerita liburan dirumah dalam Bahasa Inggris panjang

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan ke Pantai

Apakah kamu sedang mencari cerita bahasa inggris tentang liburan ke Pantai dalam bentuk Bahasa Inggris ?

Berikut adalah contoh cerita dalam bentuk bahasa inggris tentang liburan ke Pantai.

On the first day of summer holiday, my uncle asked me to visit his summer house and spend the summer with him and his kids.

I said yes and that’s how I ended up in a beautiful summer house next to a beautiful beach in Lombok. I also went to some beaches.

During summer, my cousins and I went to some different beaches that are so amazing. The first beach we visited was Gili Trawangan Beach.

We went snorkeling and I saw the most beautiful marine biota for the first time in forever. They’re so gorgeous that I wanted to be there with them forever.

On the next day, we visited an extremely unique beach named Pink Beach. It has a pink colored sand and is framed with cliffs. We also went swimming and diving in that very beautiful beach that has clear water.

I wish I had some more time so I can visit some other beaches in Lombok with my cousins.

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Liburan Bersama Keluarga

Berikut beberapa contoh cerita Bahasa Inggris liburan ke berbagai daerah di Indonesia.

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Liburan ke Jogja

My mom’s parents lived in Jogja, a small yet unique city. We spent our last holiday in my grandparents’ house.

My grandpa loved to cycle everywhere. He had an old bicycle that has lots of history. He said he went on dates with grandma on that very old bike. He was a romantic man.

He also had a newer one. I used that bike to cycle with my grandpa every time we visited him in Jogja.

We cycled through Malioboro Street, the most famous tourist destination in Jogja. And we visited Sultan’s Palace which is an old Javanese building that is so wonderful.

In the evenings, my grandma made us some fried bananas and a pot of hot tea.

We gathered in the backyard of my grandparents’ old house, listened to grandma as she told us the same story of how she met grandpa during the war. We never get bored of that story since we love them so much.

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Liburan ke Bali

Mom always wanted to visit Bali, so we went to Bali last month during the holiday.

We took the cheapest flight since we went together: Mom, Dad, my brothers Rudi and Ruslan, my sister Rita, and me.

Then we stayed on a small but unique homestay near Kuta Beach in Denpasar.

Dad decided to rent a car so we could go wherever we want easily and practically. On our second day in Bali, we went to Marigold Field in Temukus Village.

It was the most beautiful field I’ve ever seen. It is located in the east part of Bali, close to the holiest temple in Bali.

Then on the next day, we went to Musi Village where we found a wonderful waterfall. The village is located in Buleleng.

The waterfall was surrounded by the rocks and cliffs. It was totally concealed. Yet, the villagers would love to help us by showing the route we must take to find that waterfall.

Baca juga : Cara Belajar Bahasa Inggris Secara Otodidak dengan Cepat untuk Pemula

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Liburan ke Bandung

An old friend of mine lived in Bandung and invited me to come over. So, I went to his place two months ago during the Christmas holiday.

He showed me some unique places that I love so much. At first, he brought me to a cute place called Rumah Guguk or the house of dogs in English.

It was actually a pet shop, a farm, and a garden. The pet shop offered a lot of things for your pets. I bought some cute dresses for my dog at home.

There was a pool for the dogs too. And there were numerous dogs in various breeds waiting to play and take pictures with the visitors. They’re so cute.

From that place we went to the Floating Market in Lembang. It was a beautiful place with a lake and lots of food.

We ate a lot and enjoyed traditional foods from Bandung. We visited some other places on the next day but for me, the best one was always the house of dogs.

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Liburan ke Malang

Last week, we went to Malang and visited my father’s parents. My grandparents were really excited to meet me and my sisters.

Grandpa and grandma welcomed us with cute quilted jackets on their hands. They said the weather could be colder. We loved them so we put the jacket they made on.

On the next day, we all went to Museum Angkut where we got lots of information about the history and development of the world’s transportation in a fun way.

We saw numerous transportation types like bicycles, wagons, electric cars, F1 race cars, and many more antique cars that are so amazing.

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Liburan di Rumah

We planned to go to Manado on holiday but we couldn’t make it because our mother got sick. So, we spent our holiday at home, taking care of our beloved mother.

But it didn’t mean our holiday was boring. We all learned how to cook since mother couldn’t do it. We also learned many other things.

Contoh Cerita Liburan dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Cerita Bahasa Inggris liburan yang terakhir adalah cerita liburan sekolah singkat berikut ini.

During the last holiday, my brother and I went to a lake in our neighborhood. We got nothing but at least we learned some important things such as how patience is really important if you want to succeed in many things.

We also learned to cooperate and to not make noise or else we’ll fail.

Itu dia contoh narasi dan cerita dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa diaplikasi di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari atau yang memiliki tugas di sekolah ataupun kampus.

Semoga Bermanfaat ya~