Why did Obi-Wan let Vader live Reddit

This show was an extension to his training on how to commune with Qui Gon.

He learned how to talk to him obviously and probably gotten a reply here and there but we can think of it as Obi Wan not being able to let go of Anakin.

To fully transform into the Force upon dying he must learn to let go of everything he fears(ed) to lose. This was also Yoda's teaching (see: ep III, Anakin consults Yoda in the Jedi Temple).

His attachment to Anakin led him to pursuing him and even thinking of destroying this Vader persona even though it was in Anakins body and mind.
He thought he could reach out and "beat Vader outta Anakin". After really letting go, saying that "my friend is truly dead", he didn't have to do anything but leave. He literally moved on.

He could've destroyed him there so he isn't a threat to the galaxy any more but then the whole freaking galaxy (every corner of it where the Empire is) would've been on his ass and would've probably learn about Luke, Leia, everything since he weould've been 99.9% captured, tortured and put into a orange glowing box. Trust me, Palps would've figured all this out. Who else could've killed Vader at that point? Only Kenobi.

Obi Wan knew the only HOPE was Luke. Not Leia. Leia was too reckless, too posh and even full of herself. She definitely didn't make for Jedi material in Obi Wan's eyes. To contradict this claim, Anakin was such as well and even Luke at times, but it was Qui Gon's wish for Anakin to be trained, not Obi Wan's.

It's better to leave Anakin/Vader suffer. He got his ass kicked again and was limping, he can't breathe, see, can barely talk on his own. He's literally nothing, just a walking psychopath.

I re-watched the last episode of Kenobi and I'm super confused now. Why didn't Obi Wan kill Vader? He acknowledged that Anikan is officially dead, Vader is the only entity left. Obi Wan also said either him or Vader will die before he gets off his ship.

Obi Wan could have easily killed Vader while he was impaired. Why did he just walk away???????

[Star Wars] Why did Obi-Wan let himself die on the Death Star? Surely he would have been more useful by smashing through the window and escaping with the others? from AskScienceFiction

It occurred to me that Obi-wan's behavior at the end of Episode 3 is not all that Jedi like. I'm focusing on the end of his long light saber battle with Anakin/Darth Vader. Obi-wan wins, they have one last discussion, and then Obi-wan walks away leaving Anakin to die in pain, and basically burn to death. That's pretty cold, especially for a Jedi. Why not do one of these other options:

Just finish him off. That would have been more merciful (I'm assuming Obi-wan though Anakin would die soon after he left). There's the obvious (Anakin can't die here, or that messes up Episode 4, 5, and 6).

Obi-wan could have used the Force to at least move Anakin away from the lava, or even take him back to the ship and get him medical help. Why just give up on his student and long time friend? This wouldn't necessarily mess up the later episodes. The Emperor could have rescued Vader at some later point in time.

Did Vader let Kenobi go for the same reason he let Luke go? from starwarsspeculation
Why didn't Obi Wan kill Vader? from StarWarsKenobi

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the show.

But Obi-Wan leaving Vader alive when he clearly had him beaten was just... immersion breakingly bad writing.

After what happened the first time Obi-Wan let Anakin live, I just find the idea of him letting him live to go on killing and destroying everything around him to be... unbelievable.

"Oh but killing isn't the Jedi way" - Nonsense, Jedi kill Sith all the time, especially when they present a clear danger to others. It was literally Obi-Wan's duty to kill Vader right there.

Imagine literally having a gun to space Hitler's head and not pulling the trigger.

He told you right then and there that the Anakin you love is gone, and that all that remains is a monster parading around in his body. And you allow that to continue??

Sure, I get that Vader can't be dead, and Obi-Wan had to win for all the lines to make sense, but there had to be a better way to write that scene than "Obi-Wan repeats his old mistake and allows Vader to sow more destruction across the galaxy."

Hell, have the fight in a cave, rocks fall and separate them, whatever.

The fight was epic, the dialogue was good, the walk-away made no sense.

Making sense of the Kenobi finale (SPOILERS) from MawInstallation

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