Why did Jacques leave the villa Reddit

Jacques Megathread from LoveIslandTV

Posted byu/[deleted]3 months ago

Why did Jacques leave the villa Reddit

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I went and watched some of the old clips of him in the villa, and at second viewing he is much worse than the first time.

How did this guy not get more heat. I got stuck watching the clip where he was having attitude with Paige about the heartrate challenge, and whew! He straight up told his current squeeze, that he was having flashbacks about having sex with his ex, so his heartrate went up for Gemma because of that. How on earth did he not get any heat anywhere for that?!? How on earth are any women interested in this brute?

Compared with Gemma and Luca. She was in the same situation, and even though Gemma is quite straight up and matter of fact, and she just told Luca that she had zero interest in Jacques, she was all in with Luca. She had much more compassion for Luca and actually reassured him a lot. And she didn't go down the memory lane re: Jacques and talk about flashbacks. Imagine had she said what Jacques did. Whew!!

(On an unrelated note, the familiarity with what Gemma acted with Jacques was striking in that heartrate challenge.)

FIRST LOOK: Emotions rise for Jacques | The villa is full of feelings as Jacques has some hard decisions to make... from LoveIslandTV

Posted byu/[deleted]4 months ago

Why did Jacques leave the villa Reddit

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Jacques leaving has kind of made the producers be scrambling for drama. The original plan I feel was that Adam and Jacques had drama for a couple of days as Jacques slowly ruins it for himself and Adam gets pick at the recoupling. Because Jacques left,now that drama and that suspense and love triangle is gone and the recoupling decision tonight lacks meaning so they had to now force a storyline between ekin and davide and Adam when the fight itself had very little to do with Adam tbh,he didn’t even express more interest after ekin shut him down.

even if the fight was real,it was clearly somewhat producer influenced,and made out to be a lot more serious than it actually was because you could see how quickly they made up and we probably weren’t shown them actually making up. They were scrambling to show something so they had to drag this out. With Jacques leaving it also messed up their plans for a movie night to have full effect again. They really should make this up by doing challenges ASAP that have meaning but won’t cause too many people in the villa. There’s probably gonna be a female bombshell coming in on Sunday or something that will have a seriously tough time going for anyone except dami,davide and Adam. I’m not sure how the next few weeks will play out but their best focus should be on bombshells that fit the guys type 1000x and challenges.

Why did Jacques leave the villa Reddit

Yes, he was desperately needed for storylines

Yes, but still wanted him to leave

No, it was going downhill anyways

No, because it just would’ve been toxic

Voting closed 4 months ago


Production gave Jacques the best exit of any other villain or person in history of love island. At the expense of Paige.

I keep thinking they’re going to rectify the Paige villan/Jacques victim storyline that has only increased in the press by showing the girls talking in depth with Paige about all she went through or something / anything. But so far their response to the hate is to give her a ghost edit where we only see padam attached at hip in background and only hear them in staged talks or reading texts.


Almost every female who dates men has had a toxic male in their life. And it has affected them on some level. It has shaken them and caused them to lose a bit of themselves. Some never get out of these relationships. Others do.

Whether you like Paige or not, it’s an objective fact that Jacques did not treat her right within a week of being in a couple. Like clockwork, it started gradually and got progressively worst in real time. This wasn’t editing, this wasn’t a fake storyline. This was probably the most authentic example of a partner getting more and more manipulative just one day at a time. (I do not hate Jacques or want any hate about him in here but facts are facts).

Before and during casa, we saw Paige get ripped apart on social media for being a doormat. A fool. A girl who would blame the other woman instead of her own husband for cheating. Everyone was 100% sure that Paige would take him back immediately and blame cheyanne. She proved everyone wrong on all accounts. Yet she was never given much credit for any of that bc haters would just find new reasons to hate her.

Overall, the way she stayed positive and opened herself up to the possibility of a healthy relationship with Adam was inspiring.

SHE SHOWED that you don’t have to let the toxicity of your past ruin your future. SHE SHOWED that you can be kind and supportive of your friends even when your situation is objectively the absolute worst (she stood by tasha this entire wk post casa and was her shoulder to cry on even tho she was dealing w an unapologetic man child). SHE SHOWED that you can move on without trashing your ex. SHE SHOWED empathy for a man who really didn’t deserve her in first place. SHE SHOWED that a quieter more soft spoken female is just as strong as a louder one.

But most importantly SHE SHOWED how much better and happier you become when you get out of a toxic relationship.

NOT acknowledging how far Paige has come tells the world that toxic men always win. You can do everything right and the male will still come out the lovable victim.

/u/loveisland please recognize the message you are sending if you send padam out without an exit that reminds everyone of her perseverance and that she is not the villain. You made him look good with an exit so I know you will have no problem with her. Her mental health matters and allowing her to get bulldozed by the press and social media is really disheartening.

Share some love in comments so /u/loveisland knows we aren’t okay with this narrative.

EDITED TO ADD: Thank you all so much for all the support in this post!

If you want to help further, please shoot quick email to this address: and link this thread. The hate towards her is textbook internalized misogyny