Which of the following best describes a typical office policy concerning no-shows

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Which of the following best describes a typical office policy concerning no-shows

The World Bank Group’s Country Partnership Framework (CPF) aims to make our country-driven model more systematic, evidence-based, selective, and focused on the Bank’s twin goals of ending extreme poverty and increasing shared prosperity in a sustainable manner. The CPF replaces the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS). Used in conjunction with a Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD),  the CPF guides the World Bank Group's (WBG) support to a member country.

Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) informs each new CPF. The aim of the SCD is to identify the most important challenges and opportunities a country faces in advancing towards the twin goals. This is derived from a thorough analysis, and informed by consultations with a range of stakeholders.

View the World Bank Group Directive and Guidance on Country Engagement.

Steps in our Country Engagement:

Step 1: What are the biggest constraints to reducing poverty and increasing shared prosperity in a sustainable way?  SCDs are built on an analysis of data and existing studies by the WBG and external partners, and aim at identifying the most critical constraints to, and opportunities for, reducing poverty and building shared prosperity sustainably. The SCD’s findings take into account the views of a broad set of stakeholders, including the private sector.

Step 2: What are the most important contributions the World Bank Group can make? The CPF lays out the main country development goals that WBG aims to help the country achieve, and proposes a selective program of indicative WBG interventions for this purpose. Derived from these country development goals are more specific CPF objectives against which the program is monitored during and evaluated at the end of the CPF cycle. CPF objectives are selected to reflect Government priorities, main constraints identified by the SCD, and the WBG’s comparative advantage.

Step 3: How are we doing? Performance and Learning Reviews (PLRs) are prepared mid-way through the CPF cycle. PLRs identify and capture lessons, and determine midcourse corrections in the CPF objectives and program of interventions. They also contribute to and help build the WBG’s knowledge base, into the SCD and CPF.

Step 4: What did we learn? Completion and Learning Reviews (CLR) identify and capture end-of-cycle learning to contribute to the WBG’s knowledge base, including on how to integrate inclusion and sustainability dimensions into WBG programs. CLR findings are an important input to the preparation of a new CPF. 

Final Review for MA 102

How many major sections are in the Current Procedural Terminology reference book?

Which of the following is not included in the recommended procedure for researching CPT code numbers using the index?a. Choose a modifier for all diagnosis and proceduresb. Choose the correct code number for description

c. Find a suggested number or ran

a. Choose a modifier for all diagnosis and procedures

Which section of the CPT book includes coding of immunizations and chemotherapy?

Which section of the CPT book includes coding of lacerations?

Which of the following volumes is the alphabetic index of ICD-9-CM?a. Volume Ib. Volume II

c. Volume III

Which of the following ICD-9-CM volumes is recommended as the first reference when coding diagnoses?a. Volume Ib. Volume II

c. Volume III

Which of the folling is a convention used when there is not enough information to find a more specific code?a. NECb. NOS

c. V codes

Which of the following are codes applied to an injury or poisoning?a. modifiersb. V codes

c. E codes

Which of the following best describes the purpose of a physician's fee profile?a. to analyze office feesb. to reflect charges for services and reimbursement rates

c. to prevent down coding

b. to reflect charges for services and reimbursement rates

Which of the following is not affected by coding accuracy?a. ruling out diagnosisb. physician reimbursement

c. resubmissions

Which of the following is completed using data from the patient's electronic health record in most offices today?a. CMS 1490b. UB92

c. CMS 1500

Which of the following information is not included in coding?a. visit complexityb. counseling

c. diagnosis for visit

Which of the following should be used to check for patient eligibility?a. point of service deviceb. claims register

c. universal claim form

a. point of service device

Which of the following best describes the key to having an effective scheduling system?a. Meet only acute patient needsb. Customize system to the type of practice.

c. Tailor system to physician's needs.

b. Customize system to the type of practice.

Which of the following scheduling systems allows unscheduled periods to be used for purposes other than assisting the provider with patients?a. double bookingb. open hours

c. clustering

Which of the following scheduling systems allows patients to be seen throughout a particular time frame?a. modified waveb. stream

c. clustering

Which of the following scheduling systems plans for two or more patients to be given a particular appointment time?a. double bookingb. modified wave

c. open hours

What is the primary purpose of analyzing patient flow?

to maximize office scheduling practices

When analysis of patient flow is reviewed, what does this help a practice determine?

the realistic time frame for each appointment

What is the purpose of analyzing patient flow and the compiled data?a. whether office personnel are being used efficientlyb. to get a clear picture of patient flowc.to get an estimate on how many patients to schedule in a time frame

d. all of the above

Which of the following scheduling records should be kept for legal purposes?a. appointment booksb. hard copy day sheetsc. computerized schedules

d. all of the above

Which of the following is not a reason why the medical office should retain all records for legal purposes?a. to identify how many no shows a patient hasb. to determine how many canceled appointments a patient hasc. to verify a patient has been seen


d. to keep track of how many patients are seen for a specific reason

Which of the following best describes one of the patients' most frequently voiced frustrations with medical clinics?a.providers cancel appointments too frequentlyb. medical assistants are often abrupt and discourteous

c. patients have excessive waiting

c. patients have excessive waiting times

Which of the following is the most appropriate action when there are delays in the physician's schedule?a. notify patients when there will be more than a 45-minute waitb. offer to cancel and let them call for another appointment

c. give patients an esti

c. give patients an estimate of delay and options to deal with delay

Which of the following, regarding appointments, should always be documented in the patient's medical record?a. time change of appointmentb.cancellation or no-show of appointment

c. patient arrival late for an appointment

b. cancellation or no-show of appointment

Which of the following is an appropriate action when scheduling a patient in the office and the phone rings?a. ignore the call until the appointment is completed with the patient

b. let the answering service answer the call and follow up when finished wi

c. excuse yourself first and then ask the caller to hold for a moment

Which of the following best describes one of the primary sources for any provider?a. physician referralsb. media advertising

c. patient referrals

Which of the following is not an interpersonal skill required for a person scheduling appointments?a. acting in a hurried mannerb. being able to reduce anxiety

c. being attentive

a. acting in a hurried manner

Which of the following best describes the purpose of screening?a. evaluate patients when they come to the office for a routine visitb. determine urgency of call and care needed

c. arrange all patients in schedule as soon as possible

b. determine urgency of call and care needed

Which of the following is not a requirement of screening?a. ask appropriate questionsb. determine whether it is a life-threatening matter

c. send all patients to the emergency room

c. send all patients to the emergency room

Which of the following is not a basic item that should be obtained from a new patient?a. patient full legal nameb. address of the patient

c.daytime telephone number

b. address of the patient

Which of the following is an advantage of using scheduling software programs?a. software can select the next available appointmentb.software can search for appointments by patient name

c. both a and b

Which of the following describes an action of the medical assistant that best facilities service to the patient when scheduling a procedure?a. provide the patient with a phone number to the facility

b. inform the patient that the facility will contact th

c. get workable dates and times and schedule the appointment for the patient

Which of the following actions is most appropriate when checking in patients?a. interview patients in the reception area onlyb. leave the patient in waiting room until the physician is ready

c. discuss vital information with the patient in a private loc

c. discuss vital information with the patient in a private location

Which of the following best describes how the medical assistant can make the patients feel welcome?a. talk and laugh with staff membersb. act quietly and avoid eye contact

c. acknowledge their presence

c. acknowledge their presence

Which of the following best describes a behavior indicating to the patient that their time is valued?a. impress patient with your business mannerb. acknowledge their presence when they arrive

c. demonstrate a cool, detached atmosphere

b. acknowledge their presence when they arrive

Which of the following is an action that would motivate a patient to not miss an appointment?a. schedule patient to fit into open office time periodsb. remind patient at least twice of next appointment

c. give patient an appointment card or notify patie

c. give patient an appointment card or notify patient by telephone the day before

Which of the following is the most appropriate action documenting patient "no shows" in the appointment schedule?a. erase or delete name in appointment schedule and note in chart in redb. black out name in appointment schedule

c. indicate with a red X

Which of the following best describes a typical office policy concerning no shows?a. have provider review patient's record after a certain number of incidences

b. call and inform patient that provider's services are terminated and not to call for future

a. have provider review patient's record after a certain number of incidences

Which of the following situations will require the most time for an appointment?a. routine check upb. complete physical exam, first visit

c. suspicious rash

b. complete physical exam, first visit

Which of the following is the most appropriate action when a patient telephones with symptoms of acute illness?a. work into schedule immediatelyb. schedule appointment for following day

c. send the patient to the ER

a. work into schedule immediately

Which of the following is the most appropriate action when a pharmaceutical representative walks in asking for an appointment?a. schedule an appointment for the same dayb. explain office policy and schedule an appointment for the next available space


b. explain office policy and schedule an appointment for the next available space

Which of the following actions for appointment scheduling is a courtersy for the patient?a. make appointment when it is most convenient for the patientb. confirm the patient clearly understands the date and time of appointment

c. both a and b

When screening phone calls, what question would not be considered appropriate to determine the urgency of the situation?a. is the patient in immediate need of medical assistanceb. how far are you from the facility

c. is there any bleeding

b. how far are you from the facility

Why is it important for the medical assistant to understand medical insurance coding?

serves as basis for the information to the claim form

What is necessary to authorize release of medical information to an insurance carrier?

a medical release from the patient

Which of the following organizations developed ICD-9-CM?a. AMAb. HCFA

c. WHO

Which of the following applies to the coding book used for specifying services and procedures performed in the medical office?a. ICD-9-CMb. RBRVS

c. CPT

Which of the following is a record of claims sent to the insurance carrier?a. point of service deviceb. claims register

c. universal claim form

Which of the following is not included in the insurance carrier's role?a. check to see that there are no preexisting condition restrictionsb. ensure that provider has a contract with the carrier

c. collect a co-payment from the physician

c. collect a co-payment from the physician

On completion of the processing of the claim, the insurance company sends what to the insured person?a. POsb. claim remittance

c. EOB

Which of the following is recommended to do first when a claim is not paid within 4-6 weeks?a. allow carrier 30 days more to pay claimb. call the insurance carrier and ask about delay

c. resubmit the claim

b. call the insurance carrier and ask about delay

Which of the following occurs when the insurance carrier is deliberately billed a higher rate service than what was performed to obtain greater reimbursement?a. up-codingb. bundling

c. down-coding

Which of the following applies to codes used as supplements to the basic CPT system and are required when reporting services and procedures to Medicare and Medicaid patients?a. HCPCSb. M codes

c. DRGs

Which of the following is the volume of the ICD-9-CM known as the tabular list?a. Volume Ib. Volume II

c. Volume III

Which of the following are diagnosis codes used primarily with cancer registries?a. V codesb. M codes

c. DRG codes

The ICD-CM 10th reversion will utilize alphanumeric codes that will consist up to how many characters?

Patrick fell from a tree, hurt his arm, and his face was cut. His mother took him to the physician's office where a greenstick fracture of the wrist was put in a splint. A lacerations was repaired on his cheek. He was given a tetanus injection. How many d

Patrick fell from a tree, hurt his arm, and his face was cut. His mother took him to the physician's office where a greenstick fracture of the wrist was put in a splint. A lacerations was repaired on his cheek. He was given a tetanus injection. How many p

Separating the components of a procedure and reporting them as billable codes with charges to increase reimbursement rates is known as what?

The new CMS-1500 form is distinguishable from the old form in that the 1500 symbol and date are located where?

When completing the Patient and Insured Information section on the CMS-1500 form, you should use what to separate parts of the name?