Which of the following best characterizes the author’s mode of persuasion in the second paragraph?

Multiple Choice Skills and Question StemsAP Language & CompositionDirections:Odd class periods – Use “My Periodic Table” for this assignmentEven class periods – Use “On the Fear of Death” for this assignmentFor this assignment, you will be creating FOUR multiple choice questions along with 5different answer choices. Be sure you indicate the correct answer choice. Create onemultiple choice question for each skill category. Select a multiple choice questionstem to help you write an AP style multiple choice question.Why are you doing this, you ask? This will help you analyze the passages on a deeperlevel and get you thinking like a test creator. The more you are able to get in the mindof a test creator, the better you'll be at taking APMC.SKILL CATEGORY ONERHETORICAL SITUATION - READINGExplain how writers' choices reflect the components of the rhetorical situation.Skill 1.A:Identify and describe components of therhetorical situation - the exigence,audience, purpose, context, andmessage.Skill 1.B:Explain how an argument demonstratesunderstanding of an audience's beliefs,values, or needs.A central concept in the passage is thenotion thatWhich of the following bestcharacterizes the author’s mode ofpersuasion in the second paragraph?Based on the tone and content of thepassage as a whole, its author is mostlikelyIn the fourth paragraph, the author callsGallaudet University “a symbol ofleadership and opportunity” in order toThe author’s opening lines (“America’sboys . . . killing us”) capture theaudience’s attention byIn the tenth paragraph, the authorappeals twice to “our values” in order to

Which of the following best explains theauthor’s decision to place the sentence,“A more qualitative way . . .

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Armageddon,” at the end of the firstparagraph?Which of the following bestcharacterizes the author’s purpose in

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the passage?Which of the following best describesthe author’s exigence in the passage?

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