When performing employee performance evaluations with graphic rating scales all of the following except?

61) When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A) ask open-ended questions

B) give specific examples of poor performance

C) write up an action plan with goals and dates

D) compare the person's performance to that of other employees

62) When a supervisor must criticize a subordinate in an appraisal interview, it is most important for the supervisor to ________.

A) limit negative feedback to once every year

B) provide specific examples of critical incidents

C) acknowledge the supervisor's personal biases in the situation

D) hold the meeting with other people who can document the situation

63) When an employee's performance is so poor that a written warning is required, the warning should ________.

A) identify the standards by which the employee is judged

B) provide examples of employees who met the standards

C) provide examples of times when the employee met the standards

D) be written by a labor law attorney in accordance with federal guidelines

64) The continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning their performance with the organization's goals is known as ________.

A) strategic management

B) performance analysis

C) performance appraisal

D) performance management

65) Which component of performance management refers to communicating a firm's higher-level goals throughout the organization and then translating them into departmental and individual goals?

A) goal alignment

B) performance monitoring

C) direction sharing

D) developmental support

66) Oshman manufactures small kitchen appliances, such as blenders, toasters, and mixers. The firm has nearly 80,000 employees in 22 countries. Employees receive annual performance appraisals from their supervisors that combine critical incidents with a graphic rating scale. However, the firm's CEO advocates shifting from performance appraisals to performance management in an attempt to make Oshman more competitive and performance driven.

Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument to replace Oshman's traditional appraisal methods with the performance management approach?

A) Oshman's competitors in the small appliance industry monitor the performance of their employees through electronic performance monitoring systems.

B) Oshman executives want to align the firm's strategic plan with individual employee goals and development needs.

C) Oshman has experienced problems associated with central tendency and bias, and the firm wants to ensure that appraisals are legally sound.

D) Oshman uses management by objectives as a primary appraisal method and requires supervisors to develop SMART goals.

67) Oshman manufactures small kitchen appliances, such as blenders, toasters, and mixers. The firm has nearly 80,000 employees in 22 countries. Employees receive annual performance appraisals from their supervisors that combine critical incidents with a graphic rating scale. However, the firm's CEO advocates shifting from performance appraisals to performance management in an attempt to make Oshman more competitive and performance driven.

All of the following questions are relevant to Oshman's decision to replace its traditional appraisal methods with the performance management approach EXCEPT ________.

A) What technology is available to help managers gain immediate access to employee performance data?

B) How would work procedures need to be modified to provide more frequent feedback to employees?

C) How would the firm's mission and vision translate into departmental, team, and individual goals?

D) What procedures are already in place to effectively identify and measure critical incidents?

68) Which term refers to the alignment of employee goals with departmental and company goals?

A) performance management

B) employee segmentation

C) strategic congruence

D) direction sharing

69) A supervisor working for a firm that uses performance management should most likely expect to ________.

A) conduct annual performance appraisals

B) compare team goals to industry standards

C) re-evaluate how employees accomplish tasks

D) use paper forms to handle performance appraisals

70) Which of the following best depicts how information technology supports performance management?

A) tracking team performance with digital dashboards

B) conducting employee training through WebEx software

C) filing benefits information through the company intranet

D) monitoring market performance with electronic scorecards

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. Generally speaking, sharing your past performance appraisal in an interview introduces another factor that the interviewer may not want to include in the selection process. This is a Most important question of gk exam. A) ask open-ended questions . Subordinates are assured clear understanding of whats expected from them, their own personal strengths and areas for D) write up an action plan with goals and dates. 2. Start with an icebreaker 2. E) compare the person's performance to that of other employees 61) When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT _____. It is inappropriate to compare a person's performance with another person. If my team members meet their personal and group goals, they're excited to come to work each day, ask questions and they work well together, then I'm doing my duty as a supervisor." C) give specific examples of poor performance. Introduction. B) give specific examples of poor performance. In an appraisal interview the supervisor should. 64) When a supervisor must criticize a subordinate in an appraisal interview, it is most important for the supervisor to _____. u should be held in two segments because the rater must perform the role of both evaluator and A performance appraisal interview is the first stage of the performance appraisal process and involves the employee and his or her manager sitting face to face to discuss threadbare all aspects of the employees performance and thrash out any differences in perception or evaluation. C) give specific examples of poor performance. For 360-feedback to be effective, the person managing the review process should: ensure that B) talk in terms of objective work data. A) ask open-ended questions. C) write up an action plan with goals and dates . A supervisor tells the worker the results of the evaluation and tries to persuade the employee to improve. let the worker control the interview. It is inappropriate to compare a person's performance with another person. When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following except Select one: a. No supervisor or manager can a fford to take employee appraisals lightly. When a supervisor must criticize a subordinate in an appraisal interview, it is most important for the supervisor to. the annual appraisal will almost write itself. Question 16 options: 1) True 2) False Question 17 (1 point) Discipline can be considered training that corrects, molds, or perfects knowledge, behavior, and/or conduct of an employee. It is true that managers and supervisors should use appraisals meetings to formally praise the employees for their good performance in the workplace. b. notify the employees about the appraisal interview ahead of time so that they get the time to think about their performance. A) ask open-ended questions B) give specific examples of poor performance C) write up an action plan with goals and dates D) compare the person's Preparing for the Appraisal Meeting. After all, feedback is one of the few "tangible" output in the performance review process. Question is : The interview in which the supervisor and subordinate review appraisal is called , Options is : 1. structured interview, 2. unstructured interview, 3.appraisal interview, 4. hiring interview, 5. C) write up an action plan with goals and dates. A) ask open-ended questions. When answering supervisor interview questions around your personal supervisory style remember that there is no wrong or right supervisory style. Operations Management questions and answers. The best approach to an appraisal interview is. 1 Answer to 61) When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT _____. 3) When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT _____. Employees: Prepare and submit their Self-Evaluation and propose goals in ePerformance by the departments established due date. 63) When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT _____. Example: "I feel I measure my success as a manager through the success of my team. in which an appraiser compares an employee's performance to objective measures of what an employee should do. In the context of conducting an appraisal interview, what is the first step toward resolving any problems described in the appraisal? a. Appraisal is the judgment of an employees performance in a job, based on consideration other than productivity atone. compare the person's performance to that of other employees. getting the worker to set goals for everything that needs improvement. Attitude is key: It is always good to maintain a positive attitude during the appraisal session. true Studies of workplace violence have shown that the victims usually do not know their assailants. Focus on qualities like communication skills, empathy, etc. I have always loved real estate and it's a good career and I believe I would be very good at it. Satisfactory-Promotable: The employees performance is satisfactory and there is a promotion ahead. Performance Appraisal Interviews, Performance reviews help manager feel more honest in their relationships with their subordinates and feel better about themselves in their supervisory roles. Paired-comparison approach. give the employee a copy of the performance appraisal with its narrative before the meeting so that he or she can have time to prepare for the appraisal interview. B) give specific examples of poor performance. I like to be challenged. I also like to problem solve and work with people. E) compare the person's performance to that of other employees D) write up an action plan with goals and dates. Types of Appraisal Interview. The act of praising provides a positive experience that increases employees' motivation, morale, and resumes their When conducting an appraisal interview, a supervisor should first: attempt to put the employee at ease. 2,3 The Health Promoting Here, supervisor and subordinate review the appraisal and make plans to remedy deficiencies and reinforce strengths. B) talk in terms of objective work data. In the context of conducting an appraisal interview, the supervisor should: a. fill the appraisal form just one hour before the interview to prevent his prejudices from clouding his judgment. Performance appraisal should be scheduled once every 6 months for most employees and more often for new employees. When the supervisor takes time to prepare, conducting the appraisal interview can be less complicated, less stressful, and more successful at providing the employee valuable feedback on performance. D) compare the person's performance to 1. Compare the persons performance to that of other employees b. The best approach to an appraisal interview is. Subjectivity. 63) When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT ________. The performance appraisal interview provides the employee with a chance to Step 1: Prepare. In an appraisal interview the supervisor should: encourage the worker to discuss problems about the work. The most important aspect of a successful interview is. This can be a smooth way to answer this type of question in an appraisal session. Transcribed image text: Question 50 (2 points) The appraisal interview a) is most suitable for the supervisor to give feedback on past performance and should not be used for developmental purposes. The following are sample comments for you to make reference. Provide specific examples of critical incidents c. Acknowledge the supervisors personal biases in the situation d. This is because being praised makes an employee feel good about himself and this may help to boost performance. Qualities like sugar-coating, being reserved, During this interview, past performance should be discussed frankly and future goals established. 9. 61) When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT ________. Ask him specifically about the efforts they made and what unique skills everyone had. true. See Page 1. 1. 3 This ebook consists of two parts: - Part I: Top 80 appraisal interview questions and answers (pdf, free download) - Part II: Top 12 tips to prepare for appraisal interview 4. Integrated, comprehensive and strategic school health programs have greater potential to achieve good results. Few people like to receive or give negative feedback. 9. 63) When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT _____. Question 16 (1 point) The appraisal interview is one of the easiest parts of any supervisor's job. An appraisal typically culminates in an appraisal interview. View the full answer. A) ask open-ended questionsB) talk in terms of objective work data C) give specific examples of poor performance. The Supervisors should inform their employees of the due date, but a suggested due date will appear in ePerformance. An appraisal interview gives the employee the chance to shield himself/herself from poor evaluation by the manager. false. Question : As a new supervisor, youre about to hold your first-ever appraisal interview with one of your subordinates, someone who has b. notify the employees about the appraisal interview ahead of time so that they get the time to think about their performance. Ask your boss about how the previous successful employees worked for the company and what they did. The performance appraisal interview provides the employee with a chance to defend himself or herself against poor evaluation by the manager and also gives the manager a chance to explain what he or she thinks about the employees performance. The following FIVE STEPS need to be followed to ensure a constructive session: 1. D) write up an action plan with goals and datesE) compare the person's performance to that of other employees Answer: E Explanation: Agree Performance Measures and Standards for the next performance period 5. 31. This interviews objective is to develop is to discuss the employees career plans and to develop a specific action plan for the professional development that he/she needs to move up. The final preparation step is to set aside a time and a place to meet with the employee. let the worker control the interview. The only criteria is that it should be appropriate to the situation. The date and time that you schedule the meeting for should be mutually convenient to you and the employee. Review interviews are commonly scheduled 6 months after employee begins work. This will help you learn about the new techniques to A) ask open-ended questions. When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT. Compare the persons performance to that of other employees b. In the context of conducting an appraisal interview, the supervisor should: a. fill the appraisal form just one hour before the interview to prevent his prejudices from clouding his judgment. Work through the Performance Measures (agree Actual Performance, Ratings and POPs) 4. Do not walk into the appraisal meeting not having thought about the review period. Compare the persons performance to a standard c. Talk in terms of objective work data d. Encourage the employee to talk e. Give specific examples of poor performance encourage the worker to discuss problems about the work. The supervisor and employee both play an important role in creating a productive performance appraisal process. Preparing for the performance appraisal helps employees focus on examining their performance in a more objective way. Preparing for the performance appraisal helps employees focus on examining their performance in a more objective way. It enables the identification of potential areas for development together with appropriate training measures. The Appraisal Interview demands for mutual willingness for dialogue, joint evaluation and analysis of agreedupon goals and possible deviations. provide specific examples of critical incidents When an employee's performance is so poor that a written warning is required, the warning should ________. An effective appraisal system should also be participatory and open hence involve the employees participation, usually through an appraisal interview with the supervisor, for feedback and future planning. Set aside at least one hour with no ringing telephones or interruptions and find a private room for the meeting. The _____ approach is a presentation based on logic alone rather like a lecture. When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following except Select one: a. It enables the identification of potential areas for development together with appropriate training measures. This should be uninterrupted time so that you and the employee can concentrate on the appraisal. The most important aspect of a successful interview is. 3. User Answers. Which of the following appraisal methods is best suited for measuring the relative performance of employees in a group? Set aside at least one hour with no ringing telephones or interruptions and find a private room for the meeting. getting the worker to set goals for everything that needs improvement. encourage the worker to discuss problems about the work. It also gives the manager an opportunity to spell out his/her reviews. The When scheduling the appraisal interview, make sure to: schedule a time that is convenient for you and the employee. This is because being praised makes an employee feel good about himself and this may help to boost performance. A supervisor should also ask the employee open-ended questions to encourage conversation and write up an action plan. 2. The supervisor should use the appraisal meeting to formally praise the employee for past or current good performance and to help the employee develop better performance in the future. The Appraisal Interview demands for mutual willingness for dialogue, joint evaluation and analysis of agreedupon goals and possible deviations. I would like a career as an appraiser because I like field work and office work. The date and time that you schedule the meeting for should be mutually convenient to you and the employee. Organizational development (OD) is also known as team building or process consultation. NULL. It is true that managers and supervisors should use appraisals meetings to formally praise the employees for their good performance in the workplace. Step Eight - Communicate Appraisal Results to Employees Scheduling the Interview The location of the interview should ensure privacy. When a supervisor must criticize a subordinate in an appraisal interview, it is most important for the supervisor to _____. When a supervisor must criticize a subordinate in an appraisal interview, it is most important for the supervisor to _____. In an appraisal interview the supervisor should. Interviews like these are often uncomfortable. Explain the purpose of the interview 3. Employees sometimes bring up issues in an appraisal interview that were unexpected by the supervisor. The employee can be in any mood such as angry, upset or defensive, all these should be kept within a time of appraisal session. 13. What should you keep in mind about managing the appraisal interview as you begin the conversation? Example: "I feel I measure my success as a manager through the success of my team. Do not walk into the appraisal meeting not having thought about the review period. Question is : The interview in which the supervisor and subordinate review appraisal is called , Options is : 1. structured interview, 2. unstructured interview, 3.appraisal interview, 4. hiring interview, 5. Explanation: D) When a supervisor conducts an appraisal interview, it is advisable to speak in terms of objective work data with specific examples of poor performance. A supervisor should also ask the employee open-ended questions to encourage conversation and write up an action plan. In the appraisal process, while establishing and communicating expectations for performance, a supervisor: determines what a department or a work group should accomplish. This is a Most important question of gk exam. Performance Appraisal Interviews. NULL. u b ) can be divided into two sessions, though this is not advisable. Preparing for the Appraisal Meeting. In which of the following types of appraisals does a supervisor list the employees in a group and then rank them? Paired-comparison approach Work-standards approach to appraisal is best defined as a performance appraisal: in which an appraiser compares an employee's performance to objective measures of what an employee should do. Compare the persons performance to a standard c. Talk in terms of objective work data d. Encourage the employee to talk e. Give specific examples of poor performance When a supervisor must criticize a subordinate in an appraisal interview, it is most important for the supervisor to _____. Employees: Prepare and submit their Self-Evaluation and propose goals in ePerformance by the departments established due date. This question might be asked to test your level of understanding and thought process. Employees who A supervisor should also ask the employee open-ended questions to encourage conversation and write up an action plan. Limit negative feedback to once every year b. While answering an appraisal question, the most important details are to be mentioned avoiding unnecessary ones. By mentioning vital details, the appraisal is set as a powerful one. The appraisal should also possess relevant examples which link to the functions of the job. Performance appraisal is a process concerned with determining how well employees are doing their jobs, communicating that information to the employees and establishing a plan for performance improvement. 2 Based on: Top 10 appraisal interview questions and answers Updated To: Top 80 appraisal interview questions and answers On: Mar 2017 3. It helps the employees to determine whether there is a need for training if they lack in any particular skill and who will be promoted, demoted, retained or fired. The annual appraisal or review should be another meeting between the supervisor and employ ee to review and update past goals and tasks, and to develop future performance expectations and standards. If my team members meet their personal and group goals, they're excited to come to work each day, ask questions and they work well together, then I'm doing my duty as a supervisor." D) compare the 1 In 1980, World Health Organization (WHO) orientation toward developing healthy structures instead of focusing only on individual behaviors founded a comprehensive approach for the health promotion activities. Do not point out unrealistic qualities. The supervisor and employee both play an important role in creating a productive performance appraisal process. Preparing for the interview is very important, having a prepared interviewer will make the interviewee more confident that the review of their performance is being done properly and this in turn will make them more likely to listen to advice given.

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