Why does my ac fuse keep blowing in my car

When your AC blows a fuse regularly, it can be concerning, to say the least.

Not only can an electrical shock permanently damage your air conditioner, but it can also lead to the destruction of property, and in the worst-case scenario, the loss of lives. 

Therefore, we’d like to advise you earlier on to always be on the lookout for AC electrical problems (especially if your system and wiring is a few years old).  You would never know how long your AC units last in Arizona so it’s important to get it checked out ASAP.

So what should you do when your AC blows a fuse?

The first thing you have to acknowledge is the fact that your air conditioner can’t blow a fuse on its own- There has to be a reason why. 

Therefore, not only should you be replacing the blown fuse, but you should also do repairs to make sure it doesn’t happen again. 

We’ve dealt with many clients who keep on wondering why their AC fuse keeps blowing up. Little do they know that blown AC fuses are usually signs of underlying problems. 

Don’t worry, blown fuses are fairly common air conditioner problems. 

Now, of course, some homes are modern and have panel breakers instead of fuses. However, the result is still the same. 

Your panel breaker will keep on tripping until you fix your air conditioner’s electrical faults.  

Before we get started, you need to know what a fuse is and how it works in an air conditioner. 

What is an AC fuse?

The fuse is a wire inside a glass casing, found in the disconnection box connected to your AC. 

The fuse is a protective measure meant to protect your air conditioner from electrical damage. 

In case there is an electrical overload, the fuse sacrifices itself and is blown up to break the circuit and protect your air conditioner. 

Why would there be an electrical overload? It usually happens during the very hot summers when your air conditioner is pushed to its limits. To cool more air, the AC ends up drawing more power than it can handle.

Power surges can also cause electrical overload. 

How to check for a blown AC fuse

How will I know if my AC fuse is blown? 

You can start by listening to any weird air conditioner noises- Anything out of the ordinary that might cause you to raise an eyebrow. 

In particular, be on the lookout for buzzing, humming, or clicking noises. 

You might be wondering, “Why and how is there a humming sound if the fuse is blown?” 

The humming sound is produced by the running furnace that is still trying to convince your air conditioner to turn on.

Besides sound, you can further investigate and confirm whether or not your AC fuse is blown. 

Now, we’re not advising you to be adventurous. You should only investigate further if you have the basic knowledge of air conditioner circuits.

If not (of which many of you don’t), you’re better off calling in an HVAC professional to do the job for you. Remember, it only takes one mistake (a split second) to cause an electrical disaster. 

We’ve got you covered. We’re the best air conditioner specialists in Phoenix. 

Use a voltmeter to check for blown fuses

Below are the steps you should follow.

  • Start by first locating the air conditioner’s fuse. As mentioned earlier, it’s in the disconnection box. The box is usually grey and right next to your outdoor unit. 
  • Open the disconnection box to expose the cables inside. Be careful- We are now in “high voltage” territory. 
  • Turn on your voltmeter and make sure the reading is zero. 
  • Start by testing the lines that bring in electrical power to the AC (in lines). The reading should be around 220 to 240 volts- This proves there is no problem with the power supply. 
  • Next, test the outgoing lines. If the reading is zero, then your AC fuse is blown. 

If you don’t have a voltmeter, the only way you can check if your AC fuse is blown is by replacing it with a new one of the same capacity. If the new one works, then the old one had blown up. 

How to remove and replace AC fuses

You’ve confirmed that your air conditioner’s fuse is busted and needs replacement. Honestly, we’d advise you to invite over a professional to do the dirty work for you. 

However, if you still insist, below are steps to follow. 

  • First, for maximum security, shut down the breaker to cut off your air conditioner’s power supply.
  • Next, locate the disconnection box. The fuse might be in the disconnection box together with the wires. In some cases, it’s in the “T” handle. 
  • Pull the handle to stop the current from flowing into the fuse.
  • Use a pair of pliers with plastic insulation to remove the fuse. 
  • Stick in the new fuse and assemble the disconnection box. Make sure to leave it as you found it. 

What fuse type should I use for my AC?

You need to be very careful when buying a new fuse for your air conditioner. The new fuse has to be compatible with your unit’s power requirement.

How will you know what fuse rating to go for?

Start by taking a look at the blown fuse- The rating is usually written on the fuse. 

If not, then you can look for it in your unit’s access panel (that plastic cover with your unit’s model and many other details) or the manufacturer’s guide. 

In case you don’t find the fuse rating on the access panel or manufacturer’s guide, then we’d advise you to stop what you’re doing and call in an air conditioner specialist. 

You can permanently damage your air conditioner if you end up using the wrong fuse. 

A fuse with a higher rating will allow a lot of current to reach your unit. Too much current will fry your air conditioner. Trust us, we’ve seen it happen before. 

Why does my AC keep blowing fuses?- The 5 reasons why

1. A clogged motor

A clogged motor means the entire system isn’t working as smoothly as it should. And as a result, the AC will have to draw more power- This, in turn, damages your AC’s capacitors, and more current is allowed into the circuit. 

The fuse then blows up as a last resort to save your air conditioner. 

2. Clogged filters

Clogged filters mean that your air conditioner’s airflow is restricted. As a result, more power will be required, which ends up frying the fuse. 

3. Dirty condenser coils

Dirty or “insulated” condenser coils means they’re not able to lose heat as efficiently as they normally would. Once again, your air conditioner is forced to draw in excess power to be able to “force out” more heat. 

4. Condenser shuttering

Sometimes, especially under extremely hot weather, your air conditioner’s compressor might malfunction and continuously turn on and off. The power fluctuation will cause the fuse wire to wear and tear, and finally blow up. 

5. General circuit problems

You’ve noticed that even after solving all the problems above, your AC’s fuse still keeps on blowing up. 

It’s time you called in an HVAC professional to thoroughly check your air conditioner’s electrical circuit and wiring. 


Nothing is as annoying as an air conditioner fuse that keeps blowing up every other week. Fortunately, you now know what is causing it and what to do about it. For more of our content, you can read the next articles “Different Types of Hot Water Tanks” and “How to Remove Nitrates from Well Water“.

Out of the near countless problems your Raleigh cooling system can encounter, electrical-related ones are often the most stressful. We all know well that electrical problems can be quite dangerous if mishandled, so it’s no surprise if you’re more than just a little bit frightened or stressed out! But don’t worry—the specialists at Air Experts Heating & Cooling have dealt with the issue many times, and we can help you pinpoint what may be happening with your tripping breakers.

With well over three decades of experience in serving our North Carolina clients, our team is quite adept at offering all of the advice and services needed to keep your home cool and safe this summer season. Follow along to find out why your cooling system might be tripping breakers in your home!

Have a cooling system emergency in your Raleigh, NC home? Contact Air Experts Heating & Cooling now online to get swift service, or call our emergency service team at 919-480-2727!

Why Electrical Issues Are a Threat

Are electrical issues just like any other problem? Hardly! Electrical issues are dangerous because they can have quite a few long-term consequences. Problems with home electrical tend to cause overloading and short-circuiting, both of which can permanently damage home appliances with constant surging, causing at a minimum some considerable property damage.

And then there are the health risks. If your wiring is a bit older, there exists unseen wire damage, or your outlets are a bit off, then these kinds of problems can lead to potential electrical fire. This is why we call electrical problems an emergency that needs immediate professional attention.

Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Is Blowing a Fuse or Tripping the Breaker

  • A Dirty Filter. Yes; it seems too simple doesn’t it? When you have those hot days and your air conditioner is under pressure to cool your home, a clogged air filter can cause a blown fuse. The reason for this is that the extra pressure put on your system to push the air through the dirty filter will put way too much pressure on your electrical system. The electrical system will then trip or blow a fuse to protect itself.
  • Loose Electrical Connections. The connections inside your breaker box can come loose due to temperature changes. These temperature changes can make the wires expand and contract which then loosens them up.
  • Low Refrigerant. Like the dirty filter, when your air conditioner is low on refrigerant the system has to work much harder. This extra work can then trip your system. You may have a refrigerant leak and this could be the reason for your low refrigerant. It is best to have an expert look at your system if you think this may be the problem.
  • Malfunctioning Capacitor. The capacitor is a small part inside your cooling system that helps regulate the electrical flow. A capacitor that is not working properly will blow fuses left right and center.
  • A Faulty Condenser Fan. A condenser fan works by blowing air over your systems condenser coil. When this fan is faulty your system will not be able to cool effectively. As it works harder to cool your home you may experience blown fuses and electrical issues.

As you can see some of these problems are small fixes, such as changing the air filter. It is important to have any electrical issues diagnosed by a professional HVAC contractor. Trying to fix electrical problems yourself could result in damage to your home, costly repairs, or replacement of your air conditioning system. It may even destroy your home’s electrical system. If you are looking for a professional cooling contractor in Raleigh, count on Air Experts Heating & Cooling.

Problems Where a DIY Fix Might Be Possible

While electrical problems are almost always best left to the trained pros, there are a few very simple causes for AC related breaker trips that can be solved with little trouble:

  • Dirty HVAC filters. The filter in your system is responsible for keeping air flow optimized as much as possible. When it becomes gunked up or blocked, it can leave your Raleigh cooling system struggling to keep up, making it work harder than usual, and thus draw more power. When this happens a trip is a common outcome.
  • A clogged outdoor unit. A similar problem with similar reasoning to what we talked about above, the outdoor unit can be clogged up with grass clippings from mowing, or leaves falling from nearby trees. If the outdoor unit is dirty it constricts flow and reduces the effectiveness of thermal transfer, leading to AC overworking.
  • A simple trip. A single breaker trip is rarely more than a minor annoyance. If your breaker trips a single time, you need only re engage it. It’s when the problem happens over and over that it becomes a big problem.

Issues That Require a Professional in Raleigh

The more common issues tend to be these, which require a trained AC repair team:

  • Refrigerant leaks. A lack of refrigerant has the same results as that dirty filter issue, making your system work too hard. But refrigerant leak repair is definitely a professional’s job.
  • The breaker is damaged or old. The problem may also lie not with the cooling system, but with the breaker panel itself. When the panel is getting too old or too weak for your home’s needs, it will begin tripping far too often. Though if this is the issue it’s quite likely that the AC breaker isn’t the only one tripping.
  • Electric motor shorts. Electric motors work hard and for very long periods of time. If the fan begins to overheat it can often result in a repeated breaker trip until the motor has been serviced.

Call Air Experts to Fix Your Air Conditioner Issues

If your air conditioning system is blowing fuses or causing your home’s electrical system to short out, contact the team at Air Experts Heating & Cooling. We offer a full range of heating and cooling services including 24/7 emergency repair service.

For more than 30 years, we have been providing expert air conditioning services in the Triangle Area of Raleigh, NC. We can help diagnose the reason for your AC system’s electrical problems, making the correct repairs to your AC system. Call us today to schedule air conditioning service in the Raleigh-Durham area!

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