When does eye twitching start in pregnancy

This is going way back. Just curious about a week after I would have ovulated my eye started twitching like crazy. We hadn't planned to start trying to conceive that month. I wasn't stressed or dry eyed or anything I just knew I was pregnant. It twitched for about 2 weeks before I finally took a pg test. Anyone else have this for their 1st symptom?

Twitching of the eye is a situation where your eye starts to spasm uncontrollably without you inducing it yourself. It occurs on both the upper and the lower eyelids and can be generally hard to control. However, most of the time they are harmless and involve just a minor movement that can be ignored. There are times though when they can be uncontrollable and even cause the shutting of the eye. Eye twitching and pregnancy is a common occurrence for many women who experience it. Here are the signs that reveal themselves during pregnancy:

Signs of Eye Twitching in Pregnancy

There are a few signs that are an indication of eye twitches:

When does eye twitching start in pregnancy
When does eye twitching start in pregnancy
Source: www.everydayhealth.com
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Too much blinking.
  • Eyes feeling too dry.
  • Eyes looking tired.
  • Movement of involuntary muscles around the eye area is observed.

There are many causes that trigger eye twitching during pregnancy’s first trimester. Here are a few of the causes along with the remedy:

1. Dry eyes

Dry eyes are one of the common reasons for eye spasms and twitching during pregnancy. One of the common reasons behind this is continually staring at a computer screen and other electronic devices for work or entertainment.


To ensure that your eyes don’t get dry while working, it is good to take short breaks every 10-15 minutes. It is best to limit your screen time or wear anti-glare glasses. These eyeglasses have a coating that is anti-reflective and blocks blue light. Thus, they reduce the strain on the eyes. Even using artificial tears prescribed by a doctor is a good way to lubricate your eyes. It relieves the dryness and irritation in your eyes.

2. Eye Strains and Irritation

Eye strains generally occur when you stare into screens that do not have anti-glare protection, walking in the sun without sunglasses, or using phones for a long time without having breaks. Irritation caused by foreign bodies in the eye can make your eyes water and trigger eye twitches.


Ensure that you get an anti-glare screen and cover your eyes by dipping cotton in rose water and dabbing them. Even cucumber slices can help provide a cooling effect for your eyes. If something gets into your eye, thoroughly wash with plain lukewarm water to flush out the particle and gently pat dry.

3. Stress

One of the most common reasons behind eye twitching is stress. Stress affects the nervous system, which in turn, affects the involuntary muscles around the eyes. This triggers eye twitches. Pregnant women who face a lot of stress can be affected by eye twitches and pain in their eyes.


While it isn’t easy to get rid of stress, trying to keep a healthy and happy outlook can work wonders in reducing eye stress. Try listening to a lot of music and getting enough rest to reduce stress levels. Meditation is another way to ensure you stay calm.

4. Teeth Grinding and Clenching

Grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw, especially during deep sleep, can cause a lot of stress on the facial muscles. This may cause the involuntary muscles around the eye region to go into spasms, thus resulting in eye twitches.


While it isn’t possible to consciously control your jaw movements while asleep, wearing a mouthguard can help. Also, massaging the inner and outer jaws can also help.

5. Fatigue and Lack of Sleep

Not getting enough rest or sleep during pregnancy is a common occurrence for many pregnant women. Tiredness and sleep deprivation can not only lead to eye pain and twitching, but also other issues like migraines, and lowered concentration levels.


To negate this, ensure you get enough rest and sleep by satisfying the minimum 8 hours required a day.

6. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency

Vitamins and minerals are the cornerstones to keeping your body free from disease while also providing your little one with the nutrients they need inside the womb. Imbalances in magnesium, potassium or calcium can cause your eyes to begin twitching.


Get your magnesium levels checked regularly and supplement yourself with some dark chocolate from time to time to raise its levels.

7. Allergies

Eye spasms can be triggered when there are excessive pollen levels in the environment. Other allergens like bird feathers and pet dander can also trigger eye twitches. Some pregnant women might begin feeling a sense of twitching in their eyes during this time.


Keep getting your eyes hydrated by applying cotton dabbed in rosewater or by placing chilled cucumber slices over your eyes. Also, consult a physician to give you a stronger medicine during this time.

8. Caffeine and Alcohol

There are certain properties in caffeine and alcohol that help the body relax. These relaxants can sometimes cause spasms in the eye when taken in excess amounts. Caffeine can also make your eyes start to feel heavy and trigger eye twitches.


Try to cut caffeine or alcohol when you’re pregnant and switch to water-based drinks or just plain water to stay hydrated.

9. Medications

Certain medications taken can have certain effects such as the left eye twitching during early pregnancy. These are generally caused because the medication affects your nerve cells, causing the eye to twitch.


To avoid this, it is better that you consult a doctor and get a written send-off that the medicines administered are safe for use.

10. Improper or Wrong Eyeglasses

Spectacles can be another reason for eye twitching issues. Having the wrong power can occur during pregnancy, especially when one has gestational diabetes. Certain objects may not seem clear, and this can strain your eyes, causing twitches.


Getting your eyes checked by an optician to help alter your glasses or get them replaced can help in this case.

When to Call the Doctor

Eye twitches generally disappear after a short while, but if it does continue after a certain period of time, it is better to consult a doctor. They can be very annoying when present for a longer time, but the good news is that it isn’t a sign of a serious medical condition. Handy remedies can help negate their effect.

If the eye twitches don’t disappear, here are the signs:

  • If it is constantly occurring after a week
  • The spasms close your eyelids
  • Other facial parts get involved
  • Eyelid droops
  • Painful twitching that is uncomfortable
  • Fever being caused

Thus, eye twitching is a common occurrence when you’re pregnant, so you shouldn’t stress out too much. Just ensure that you keep your eyes hydrated and constantly blink to ensure that the twitching subsides or disappears.

However, if the twitching is extremely painful and is causing side effects like fever and isn’t closing itself properly, then it might be due to other reasons. Consult a doctor in this case, and you’ll be able to get to the root of the problem.

Also Read: Crying during Pregnancy

Eye twitching during pregnancy can be due to benign reasons and usually resolve without treatment. Twitching of the eye occurs as an unpredictable, repeated muscle movement due to involuntary spasm of the eye muscle. The spasm may repeat every few seconds, and the condition may last for a few minutes to several days or more (1).

Read on to know the signs, causes, and remedies for eye twitching during pregnancy.

What Are The Signs Of Eye Twitching In Pregnancy?

The signs of eye twitch in pregnancy are similar to eye twitching symptoms in a non-pregnant state. Here are some common signs of eye twitching (2) (3).

  • Uncontrolled blinking of eyelids
  • Sensitivity to bright lights
  • Dryness and tiredness in the eyes

What Causes Eye Twitching During Pregnancy?

Studies suggest that the etiology of eye twitching is not well known. However, most factors that may cause this condition are similar in pregnant and non-pregnant women (1) (4) (5) .

  • Increased stress, often due to pregnancy-related hormonal changes
  • Excess caffeine consumption

Some women may experience rapid involuntary eye contractions, resulting in the closure of eyelids. It is a severe form of eye twitching and is known as blepharospasm. It requires prompt medical attention (6).

How To Manage Eye Twitching In Pregnancy?

Eye twitches can be bothersome, especially if they last for long periods. Usually, it should resolve without treatments. You can try these remedies at home to manage eye twitching in pregnancy.

  • Get adequate sleep and rest: Research suggests that stress and fatigue can increase the risk of twitching (4). Therefore, sufficient rest and sleep in pregnancy are important to reduce strain to the eyes and the eye muscles.
  • Reduce caffeine intake: Excess caffeine intake may not be good for the unborn baby and may also increase the risk of maternal eye twitching (7)(4). Reducing caffeine intake could help avoid eye twitching during pregnancy, and reduces the anemia risk.
  • Avoid stress: Stress could increase the severity of eye twitching. Explore ways to reduce stress to relax your mind and body (6). You may consider a regular exercise routine, simple eye exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation (8).
  • Practice good eye care: Take good care of your eyes by staying hydrated and reducing screen time. You may consult an ophthalmologist who may prescribe you eye drops for lubrication, known as “artificial tears” (9).

When To Call The Doctor?

Eye twitching seldom causes any serious problems. Nevertheless, contact your physician or eye doctor if you experience the following symptoms (2) (4).

  • Twitching that stays for a week or longer
  • Difficulty opening your eyes
  • Twitching leads to the closure of one or both eyelids
  • Twitching develops in other parts of the face
  • Twitching is accompanied by eye redness, swelling, or discharge

Are There Any Medications For Eye Twitching In Pregnancy?

Medicines for eye twitching during pregnancy will depend on the underlying cause. The doctor or ophthalmologist will assess the symptoms and other problems, such as eye redness or swelling, before prescribing medicines.

Those with chronic eye twitching may usually have an underlying neurological problem, such as blepharospasm or Parkinson’s disease. Medications to improve nerve function may be suggested based on the severity of the problem. In rare cases, surgery may be needed to cure blepharospasm.

Chronic eye twitching due to muscle spasms could be treated with botulinum toxin (Botox). The substance could be injected into the affected eyelid muscle, helping it relax and alleviating twitching. Botulinum toxin is safe during pregnancy, with no adverse effects reported in fetus and mother (10).

Here are some of the pregnancy-related eye symptoms and conditions that may indicate an underlying problem.

  • Vision changes: A surge in pregnancy hormones may alter the power of your existing eyeglasses or lenses. If you feel a change in your vision, discuss with your doctor, who may suggest if you need a new pair of glasses.
  • Blurry vision: Blurred vision and double vision in pregnancy may signify a serious problem such as preeclampsia. You may also experience spots, flashes, and increased light sensitivity. It is important to recognize these signs and contact your doctor to avoid complications (11).
  • Migraine: Throbbing migraine headaches are common in pregnancy and are associated with sensitivity to light and sound (12).
  • Pigmentary changes: Skin pigmentary changes in pregnancy often cause pigmentation on the eyelids’ skin. It is not severe and goes away after pregnancy (13).
  • Dry eyes: Hormonal changes may cause dry eyes in pregnancy, causing irritability and making it difficult to wear contact lenses. Your eye doctor may advise artificial tears or lubricating eye drops to reduce the discomfort (14).
  • Puffy eyes or eyelids: Puffy eyes or eyelids may cause discomfort and affect vision. Staying hydrated, taking your pregnancy vitamins, and having a diet low in sodium may help reduce water retention and puffiness (11).

1. Is twitching during pregnancy normal?

Although not a serious condition, eye twitching is common among pregnant women due to pregnancy-related stress, tiredness, etc.

2. Is eye twitching a vitamin deficiency?

Eye twitching can be caused by lacking essential vitamins, such as vitamin B12. Therefore, take all the vitamin-rich foods and supplements, if necessary (15) (16).

3. Does dehydration cause eye twitching?

Dehydration during pregnancy can cause various complications, including the spasms of the eyelids that can cause eye twitching (16).

4. Can low iron cause eye twitching?

Yes. Although not directly, low iron levels can cause eye twitching. Low iron levels in the body cause tiredness (17), which eventually leads to eye twitching.

Eye twitching during pregnancy often occurs randomly, and its reasons may often be no different than those in non-pregnant women. Adequate rest and sleep with homecare measures could provide relief in most cases. If eye twitching is chronic or you have other symptoms, seek a doctor’s advice to avoid any complications and preserve your healthy vision.

  • Increased blinking, irritation, dryness, and light sensitivity can be associated with eye twitching in pregnancy.
  • Eye twitching can be avoided during pregnancy if you take proper care of your eyes, prevent stress and caffeine, and get adequate sleep.
  • Treatment for eye twitching varies based on the underlying cause, but symptomatic treatment and proper care can help in most cases.


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