What is the most popular programming language in 2022

A programming language refers to the means of communication that is used by humans to instruct computers to perform specified tasks. These languages use particular coding syntax to create programs to perform specialized tasks. Software programming is a lucrative career option. As per the survey, programming jobs are expected to rise by 21% by the year 2028. Wikipedia claims that there are around 700 programming languages. So deciding which one to learn can be confusing.

To add on more confusion new and better programming languages are added to the list every year. But don’t worry we are here to rescue you. After taking into consideration career perceptive, future demands, business requirements, and features of different programming languages we are here with our list of ten programming languages.  

In this blog, we will discuss the top 10 programming languages to learn in 2022. So let’s get started.

1. Python

Python can be regarded as the future of programming languages. As per the latest statistics, Python is the main coding language for around 80% of developers. The presence of extensive libraries in Python facilitates artificial intelligence, data science, and machine learning processes. Currently, Python is trending and can be regarded as the king of programming languages. So learning this programming language in 2022 promises you success and growth.

It is one of the most lucrative languages that offers amazing features like:

  • Easy to learn and code.
  • Extensive libraries and frameworks that support a plethora of applications.
  • Incorporated the variants of Java and C like CPython, Jython, etc.
  • GUI support.
  • Companies working on Python: Intel, Facebook, Spotify, Netflix, etc. 

2. Java

Java is one of the most powerful programming languages that is currently used in more than 3 billion devices. Java is currently one of the most trending technology. It is used in desktop applications, mobile applications, web development, Artificial intelligence, cloud applications, and many more. So learning and acing in this technology offers insanely high salaries, amazing growth opportunities, and global recognition. Some of the prominent features of Java are:

  • Platform independence and Object-oriented programming
  • Enhanced productivity, performance, and security
  • It is the most secure language
  • Companies working on Java are Amazon, Adobe, Flipkart, Instagram, etc.

So Java can be regarded as one of the topmost languages to learn in 2022.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the world’s most popular programming languages on the web. As per the survey, more than 97 percent of the websites use JavaScript on the client-side of the webpage.

  • It has a well-organized codebase that provides enhanced productivity and readability.  
  • Easy to learn and is highly in demand.
  • Platform independence and greater control of the browser.  
  • Provide user input validation features.
  • The top companies using JavaScript are Microsoft, Uber, PayPal, Google, Walmart, etc.

As per the latest statistics, 72% of companies are looking for JavaScript developers. Hence learning JavaScript can be the most amazing decision that you can make in 2022 to fuel your career.

4. Kotlin

Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language designed to develop apps. It is being used by more than 60% of android developers. Kotlin beholds fourth place among the fastest-growing programming language on several renowned indices. Some of the prominent features of Kotlin are:

  • Concise code and structured concurrency.
  • Enhanced security features.
  • Coding is approximately 20% less as compared to Java.
  • It is 100% interoperable.
  • Companies working on Kotlin are Pinterest, Uber, Trello, Amazon, etc.

So if you are willing to build your career in android app development then learning Kotlin in 2022 is the best choice that you can make.

5. R

R is a programming language for statistical and graphical programming. It is widely used among statisticians and data miners for data analysis. It holds profound importance in data analysis, financial domains, and telecom sectors.

  • It has extended libraries for interactive graphics.
  • Objected oriented programming language.
  • Supports cross-platform operation.
  • Highly extensible.
  • The top companies using R are Flipkart, Amazon, Google, LinkedIn.

There is a huge shortage of people with expertise in R so learning this language can be a bright career choice.

6. PHP

PHP is one of the general-purpose scripting languages that will continue to hold its importance in the upcoming years. It is among the first server-side language that can be embedded with HTML to add functionality to web pages. Due to the increasing online trend, PHP developers are in high demand. Some of the astonishing features are:

  • Simple and easy to learn.
  • Faster than other scripting languages
  • Highly secure to prevent threats and attacks.
  • Amazing websites like Facebook, Yahoo, and Wikipedia run on PHP.

7. Go

Go is one of the most reliable and efficient programming languages that stands out from the rest. It was originally designed at Google in 2007 to manage its rapidly growing infrastructure. It quickly gained amazing popularity and has become one of the top programming languages. Some of the amazing features of Go are:

  • Simple to learn and understand.
  • Supports automation processes.
  • It facilitates AI and data science processes.
  • Companies working on Go are Google, BBC, Medium, Uber.

Go is the future of programming language so you can surely think about learning this in 2022.

8. C  

C is a general-purpose programming language that is designed to work efficiently on games, graphics, and enterprise applications. It offers amazing features like:

  • Presence of inbuilt functions and operators.
  • It is extendable.
  • Enhanced speed and efficiency.
  • The top companies using C are GitHub, Telegram messenger, MasterCard, etc.

It is highly in demand despite the emergence of new programming languages. C provides the opportunities of building a successful career.

9. Swift

It is a robust programming language developed by Apple Inc. It is used to create apps for iOS, watchOS, macOS, and many more. It can be seen as the future of high-performance and secured applications. So sooner it will reach the top level of programming languages.

It offers some amazing features like:

  • Easy to understand and maintain.
  • Speeds development process.
  • Enhanced performance.
  • Supports dynamic libraries.
  • Companies working on Swift are Apple, Instagram, Uber, Slack.

10. C#

C# is a programming language that runs on the .NET framework and is developed by Microsoft in 2000. It is effective in making desktop applications and games. As per the survey, 34% of the top mobile games are made using C#. It is a well-designed language and is highly in demand globally.  

  • Simple to learn and understand.
  • It is fully integrated with .NET libraries.
  • Top companies working on C# are Microsoft, Stack Overflow, Accenture, Alibaba Travels.

So mastering C# is an amazing career option that you can make in 2022.

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What's the most important programming language to learn in 2022? That's an open question, but one way to answer it is to look at languages that are currently trending.

Some of them are well-established coding languages that have long been popular. Others are newer languages that are just now entering their heyday. Either way, they're languages worth familiarizing yourself with.

Here's a roundup of what are arguably the trendiest programming languages in 2022.

1. Python: When talking about hot programming languages in 2022, the list must start with Python. Probably no language is having a better year than Python, which recently slid into first place to become the very most popular language of all. You could argue that Python doesn't quite deserve that status, but the fact is that it enjoys it.

2. Go: Go (or Golang, as it's formally known) has long been a "cool" programming language — partly because it traces its roots to Google (which is a hotbed of coolness, technologically speaking) and partly because it's fast to write, fast to compile, and fast to run.

3. OPA: Open Policy Agent, or OPA, isn't technically a programming language. It's a policy language that lets you define resources using code. That makes it a hot language, however, in a world increasingly obsessed with doing "everything as code."

4. Swift: If you develop anything for the world of Apple — whether on macOS, iOS, or any other *OS platform — Swift is a language you absolutely need to know today. It's also a relatively easy language to code in, by many accounts.

5. C: C, which turns 50 this year, may be old, but it remains relevant as ever and is still a hot programming language in 2022. It's messy, it's fast, and it's essential for a wide variety of programming tasks.

6. Java: It's arguably hard to get excited about Java — a language that is tedious to code in and whose code is relatively slow. But the fact is that Java was the most popular programming language for years, and tons of stuff are still written in it. Whether you actually enjoy coding in Java or not, it remains an important language as of 2022.

7. JavaScript: JavaScript is not the same as Java, but they're similar in that tons of stuff are written in JavaScript, too. If you are creating web apps in particular, JavaScript is probably the most important language for you to learn today.

About the author

Christopher Tozzi is a technology analyst with subject matter expertise in cloud computing, application development, open source software, virtualization, containers and more. He also lectures at a major university in the Albany, New York, area. His book, "For Fun and Profit: A History of the Free and Open Source Software Revolution," was published by MIT Press.

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