What is the most popular drug

There are many popular illegal drugs that people abuse and become addicted to. Sadly, most of these drugs have devastating side effects on the mind and body. After all, they are considered controlled substances for a reason.

Not only are many of the most common illicit drugs highly addictive, but they pose serious health risks – including, but not limited to, blood-borne illnesses, malnutrition, cognitive decline, fatal overdose, and more. Furthermore, experts estimate that 31.9 million Americans aged 12 and older abuse some kind of illegal drug every month. What’s more, is that 50% of people abuse illicit substances or engage in nonmedical use of prescription drugs at some point in their lives.[1]

While prescription drug abuse is illegal and is responsible for a large part of illicit substance abuse in the United States, this article focuses on schedule I and II drugs that are the most popular in the nation and commonly sold on the street. These addictive substances all have little to no medical use and carry a significantly high risk of abuse. Plus, thousands of afflicted people seek addiction treatment for these most commonly abused illegal drugs each and every year.

Top 5 Most Common Illegal Drugs and Their Effects

While the opioid epidemic rages on, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) shows that rates of illicit drug use have increased in recent years.[2][3] Here are 6 of the most commonly abused illegal substances in the nation and the potential threats they pose to a person’s health.


By far, the most commonly abused illegal drug is marijuana. Although an increasing number of states and municipalities have begun legalizing both medicinal and recreational marijuana, the drug is still illegal on a federal level and is considered a Schedule I controlled substance by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Despite the increasing recognition for the medicinal application of marijuana, many people abuse the drug for its short-term high.

What is the most popular drug


Heroin is a Schedule I controlled substance that is one of the most dangerous and deadly common illegal drugs. While the drug is smoked, injected, or snorted, it’s potent opioid properties suppress the central nervous system regardless of how the drug is taken. Although heroin is derived from the poppy plant and acts on the brain like morphine, it is highly addictive and is responsible for nearly 15,000 fatal overdoses each year.[5]

What is the most popular drug


Cocaine is a Schedule II controlled substance that is considered to have a high potential for abuse and dependence. People typically snort or inject the drug, but some people smoke or “freebase” the drug as well. This dangerous, popular illegal drug is commonly used in nightclubs, at parties and social events, or to help people stay awake or boost their focus. Furthermore, polydrug use is fairly common with cocaine – exacerbating the risk for devastating and fatal health complications.

What is the most popular drug


Methamphetamine, also known as meth or ice, is an even stronger stimulant than cocaine. As a Schedule II controlled substance, the DEA recognizes the high potential for abuse, addiction, and dangers associated with this popular drug. Like other stimulants, meth increases energy and alertness, allowing users to stay awake for hours, and even days, on end. It’s also known to make people feel invincible – increasing the risk of someone putting their own lives in danger and engaging in risky behaviors.

The extended energy and extreme euphoria that meth provides users with doesn’t come without a price. The high is typically followed by a “crash”, where users experience depression, fatigue, irritability, cravings, and even suicidal thinking. The illicit drug is also known to lead to tooth decay, severe weight loss, cardiac arrest, skin sores, mental health conditions, and drug addiction.

MDMA (Ecstasy)

MDMA, also known as Ecstasy or Molly, is usually sold in powder, pill, or tablet form that people swallow and ingest or snort. This illegal drug has become more common over the years due to raves and concerts where young adults take the drug for its euphoric effects. People who abuse MDMA typically feel a closeness or connection to others along with an increased heart rate, dilated pupils, increased sweating, and more.

Despite the popularity of this illegal drug, there are many serious health concerns regarding the use of it. Many people take ecstasy while they are dancing or partying, so there is an immediate risk of dehydration. The drug also impairs one’s inhibitions, so there is also a risk of dangerous and harmful behaviors or unsafe sex. In the long term, MDMA abuse usually leads to impaired memory, addiction, sleep problems, depression, anxiety, and more.

Are You Addicted to One of the Most Common Illegal Drugs?

Do you have a hard time controlling how much or how often you abuse a substance? Or, do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to get sober? If so, you might be addicted.

Addiction is scary and comes at a high cost. It can affect your health, social life, family, career, and overall wellbeing. Fortunately, millions of people have overcome addiction by seeing help from a drug rehab near them.

If you or a loved one needs help getting sober, contact us today to see how we can assist you.


The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), a yearly interview sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), provides the most accurate estimates of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use in America.

According to the 2020 NSDUH findings, illicit drug use rates have increased, particularly due to trends in marijuana use and the abuse of prescription-type psychotherapeutic drugs.

SAMHSA suggests using caution when comparing the results to past years, however, due partly to methodological changes. The coronavirus pandemic and other events of the past few years are also believed to have played a part in shifts in drug use behavior.

In 2020, NSDUH respondents reported which drugs, if any, they had used in the 30 days before the survey. Based on those findings, the government estimates that:

  • 37.3 million people aged 12 or older in the United States (13.6%) are "current users" of some kind of illicit drug.
  • 59.3 million (21.4%) people over age 12 used illicit drugs in the past year.

According to the NSDUH survey results for 2020, 14.5% of the U.S. population (or 40.3 million people) over 12 have a substance use disorder. 

In addition to past-month usage, the 2020 NSDUH also looked at how many people used drugs at any point in the prior year. By number of users aged 12 and older:

  • Marijuana: 49.6 million (17.9%)
  • Opioids: 9.5 million (3.4%)
  • Pain medications: 9.3 million (3.3%)
  • Hallucinogens: 7.1 million (2.6%)
  • Sedatives: 6.2 million (2.2%)
  • Cocaine: 5.2 millions (1.9%)
  • Stimulants: 5.1 million (1.8%)
  • Benzodiazepines: 4.8 million (1.7%)
  • Methamphetamine: 2.5 million (0.9%)
  • Inhalants: 2.4 million (0.9%)
  • Heroin: 902,000 (0.3%)
  • Crack cocaine: 657,000 (0.2%)

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many wondered if drug use may have increased in 2020 and 2021. While statistics covering this time period are still emerging, a June 2020 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 13% of Americans reported turning to substances to deal with emotions and stress caused by the pandemic. 

However, the "Monitoring the Future" survey by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) found that substance use decreased significantly among adolescents in 2021.

Teens reported experiencing greater anxiety, boredom, depression, and loneliness. However, drug use rates decreased, including for substances that are most commonly used by teens, including alcohol, marijuana, and vaping.

According to the NSDUH, the use of illicit drugs in general has decreased slightly since 2015. However, the use of prescription-type pain relievers has increased in recent years.

Survey results suggest that 9.3 million people over 12 reported non-medical use of prescription painkillers. However, these numbers are still considerably higher than they were in the past. In 2002, only 4.1% of the population aged 18 to 25 reported misusing pain relievers, but that percentage jumped to 4.9% in 2006.

Overall, the use of illicit drugs in the U.S. increased from 20.4 million people in 2007 to 24.6 million in 2013 to 37.3 million in 2020. However, not all illicit drugs saw an increase.

  • Cocaine: The past year cocaine use decreased between 2019 and 2020.
  • Marijuana: The overall increase is mainly attributed to the increase in marijuana use from 14.5 million users in 2007 to 49.6 million in 2020.
  • Meth: Methamphetamine use has increased significantly in use after an earlier decline. In 2007, an estimated 731,000 people used meth, but by 2007 that number had dropped to 353,000. By 2020, the survey estimated the number of meth users at 2.5 million.

The NSDUH survey counts all marijuana use as illegal drug use because, under federal law, marijuana is illegal throughout the United States.

SAMHSA estimates that 2.8 million first started using marijuana in the past year. Approximately 1.2 million people reported beginning the misuse of prescription pain relievers in the past year. 

According to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics, the average age when drug use first begins has risen somewhat, to 17.

The most popular drug of choice for those new teenage users is marijuana, followed by prescription painkillers and inhalants.

According to the NSDUH survey, those who used pain relievers non-medically in the past 12 months got them from the following sources:

  • 47.2% got them from a friend or family member in some way
  • 34.4% were given them for free by a relative or friend
  • 9.2% bought them from a friend or family member
  • 3.7% took them from a friend or family member without asking
  • 42% procured them from a doctor
  • 6.2% got them from a dealer or other stranger

Of the people who said they got pain relievers from a relative or friend for free, 80.7% said the drugs had originally been obtained from just one doctor.

SAMHSA suggests that around 70% of pepople who use illicit substances are employed. However, only 8.8% of full-time employees are drug users.

Other NSDUH findings indicated that:

  • 9.4% of part-time employees are drug users.
  • Of unemployed adults, 18.5% are illicit drug users.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there was a 14% increase in drunk driving deaths between 2019 and 2020. 

The 2020 NSDUH survey found that 2.1 million (8.2%) adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 reported drinking alcohol within the past month.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that among high school students:

  • 29% reported drinking alcohol
  • 17% reported riding with a driver who had been drinking
  • 14% reported binge drinking
  • 5% reported driving after drinking alcohol

The CDC notes that rates of both current and binge drinking among high school students have declined over the past few decades.

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  1. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. HHS Publication No. PEP19-5068, NSDUH Series H-54.

  2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

  3. Czeisler MÉ. Mental health, substance use, and suicidal ideation during the Covid-19 pandemic — United States, June 24–30, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020;69. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm6932a1

  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Monitoring the Future.

  5. Alcover KC, Thompson CL. Patterns of mean age at drug use initiation among adolescents and emerging adults, 2004-2017. JAMA Pediatr. 2020;174(7):725. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.6235

  6. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Drunk driving.

  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Underage drinking.

Additional Reading

  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. Nationwide trends.