What is the group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common?

1. If I give up smoking, I may live longer​

what will you do when your stomach hurts?

.pa help po dito pwede po ba bigyan niyo ako ng idea​​

pa help po dito pwede po ba bigyan niyo ako ng idea​​

Importance of time management

how did the pandemic affected the transportation in the Philippines roadway

What is the benefit of health products?

Which pathway is uncoupled in brown fat to produce heat in newborns?​

ACTIVITY 3: IN FOCUS Directions: Research on the following legislations and read the content then questions. Write your answer on the space provided. … Answer the 1. Republic Act No. 7610. "Special Protection of Children Against Exploitation and Discrimination Act" 2. Republic Act No. 10627. "Anti Bullying Act of 2013" Processing Questions; 1. What are the highlights of the legislations? Abuse, 2. What problems are being addressed by the legislations? 3. If you were to revise the laws, what provisions would you add or remove so that they can protect you better from violent acts or behaviors that cause intentional injuries? Why? 4. Do you feel safe knowing that there are legislations that are focused on your safety against intentional injuries? ​.

What happens when you feel anxious? ​

  • 1A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

    ‘Montreal's Italian community’

    • ‘the gay community in London’
    • ‘the scientific community’
    • ‘All of the doubts of the scientific and intelligence community were kept from the public.’
    • ‘I know I've been a responsible member of the African-American, gay, and entertainment communities.’
    • ‘These figures do not take into account a growing lesbian and gay Internet community.’
    • ‘Leaders of the Protestant/unionist community need to make this a little more clear.’
    • ‘Frank was very well known in the farming community due to his cattle haulage business.’
    • ‘In writing this book, I am aware of the likely responses of the community of sociologists.’
    • ‘The mercantile and trading community might thus share power with other interests.’
    • ‘It set a new tone about the business community and unions working together from a different perspective.’
    • ‘She called for the Asian and white communities to pull together and support her.’
    • ‘We are determined to stand together and support the Jewish community.’
    • ‘Claims that Manchester is becoming a segregated society - in which white, black and Asian communities are living separate lives - have been dismissed.’
    • ‘According to Natasha, he was popular in the Albanian community and had many friends in Bristol and Oxford.’
    • ‘The Jain community will coming together to make this event a big success.’
    • ‘If he makes the team, he could perk up interest in the area's large Hispanic community.’
    • ‘Herself and Martin were members of the local farming community during their years in the Robeen area.’
    • ‘The local legal community had turned out in record numbers to see their own do battle.’
    • ‘One of the growing trends in hotel art programs is to focus on the local art community.’
    • ‘It was the first fully indigenous feature to come out of Winnipeg and was inspirational to the local film community.’
    • ‘Mr Erridge said Callum had befriended the local motorcycling community as he enjoyed riding on the back of his dad's bike.’
    • ‘The business community has expressed interest in the project, Mullen said.’

    group, section, body, company, set, circle, clique, coterie, ring, band, faction

    View synonyms

  • 2mass noun The condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.

    ‘the sense of community that organized religion can provide’

    • ‘His daughter may have been more outgoing but she shared his sense of community.’
    • ‘It is hard to think of a local scene without a locus, to have a sense of community without a common sense of place.’
    • ‘It was a celebration of community through shared storytelling and of the human ability to create art.’
    • ‘Any sense of community and collectivity is subverted by the status quo.’
    • ‘If ‘we’ has not taken over from ‘me’, the attitudes needed for successful community are not in place.’
    • ‘Human interdependence and a vested interest in each other's welfare instill a sense of community.’
    • ‘No collective spirit, no sense of community, everyone standing around on their own and staring into the middle distance.’
    • ‘She had a true sense of community and will be sadly missed by her relatives, kind neighbours and friends.’
    • ‘The general principle of the Convention is to achieve a balance between the interests of community and the rights of the individual.’
    • ‘A lot of our social stability and sense of community has gone, along with the deference we used to show to authority.’
    • ‘What kept me in the group was more the sense of friendship and community than a sense of religion.’
    • ‘Public places that help foster a sense of community and nurture civic culture.’
    • ‘People are seeking neighbourhoods with heart and a sense of community.’
    • ‘Don't we all want to live somewhere with a strong sense of community and more than a few defiant unique selling points thrown into the bargain?’
    • ‘Gillard-Rowlings says the piece is universal in its examination of community and sense of place.’
    • ‘Superficially at least, the heightened sense of community encourages better standards of behaviour.’
    • ‘There is a real sense of community at this school and there are many families who have had several generations of children come here.’
    • ‘Do you have a slightly over-exaggerated sense of family and community?’
    • ‘With its attendant parade and fireworks displays, Derby Week in Louisville promotes festive community spirit around this mid-sized River City.’
    • ‘With about 75,000 residents in an eight-square-mile area, the town has a strong community spirit.’
    • ‘Corrall sees this newly implemented global awareness leading to a better local awareness of community.’
    • ‘In fact there is a sort of joint community, of shared reference, between every region that it has been aired.’
    • ‘This is a man with an illness, a family and an unwavering commitment to community.’

  • 3Ecology
    A group of interdependent plants or animals growing or living together in natural conditions or occupying a specified habitat.

    ‘communities of insectivorous birds’

    • ‘In the natural environment, however, plants grow in communities and it is under these conditions that the root proliferation response has evolved.’
    • ‘The park's current flora is analyzed by habitat and four plant communities are described and discussed.’
    • ‘The members of this family are relatively common in Carboniferous faunal communities.’
    • ‘These mixed communities supported a community largely made up of suspension feeders.’
    • ‘A similar picture is seen in the Silurian, with five communities inhabiting the same area and forming concentric belts parallel to what was then the shoreline.’