What is the future of digital technologies and cultural heritage preservation

Unprecedented opportunities brought by technologies, such as Data, AI, 3D and XR brings cultural heritage sites back to life. Virtual museums offer visitors the possibility to see art works in context and experience objects or sites inaccessible to the public. The transformation of the sector is resulting in easier online access to cultural material for everybody.

The European Commission Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology has conducted extensive policy coordination and funding actions to supplement Member States’ cultural policy. These actions cover the areas of digitisation, online access to cultural material and digital preservation.

The role of the European Commission

The European Commission fuels the policy debate and brings stakeholders together to improve the framework conditions for digitisation and digital preservation. It does so through its Recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage.

The European Commission's Expert Group on a common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage (CEDCHE) monitors progress towards the implementation of the Commission's Recommendation. The CEDCHE reviews and discusses policies for digital cultural heritage and the upcoming initiative for a common European data space. It also facilitates the exchange of information and good practices working closely with cultural institutions. 

Funding instruments

Please refer to European Commission’s webpage Funding and Tenders Portal for complete information on open calls digital cultural heritage and tourism.

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe calls for Cultural Heritage (the list is not exhaustive)

Digital Europe Programme

Preparatory actions for Data Spaces (DIGITAL-2021-PREPACTS-DS-01)

Previous actions

Actions under Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges 6 programmes for 2014-2020 have supported the following topics with an EU funding of around €70 million:

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-24-2020 - European Museum Collaboration and Innovation Space

DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-20-2020 - European Competence Centre for the preservation and conservation of Monuments and Site

Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation (2018)

European cultural heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past (2017)

Cost-effective technologies for advanced 3D modelling to enhance the understanding of cultural heritage and Innovation Ecosystems of Digital Cultural Assets, Virtual Museums (.pdf) (2014-2016)


The transition to digitally sourced preservation efforts provides exciting new opportunities to better protect endangered cultural heritage and expand the scope of knowledge beyond what was imagined in the pre-digital era. Data-driven technology will enhance research capacities and possibly lead ways to constructing macro perspective on humanities. For a better prospect for cultural heritage in the digital era, preparatory measures should be taken to ensure the structural and technical support for digital-based initiatives. Institutions should seek out opportunities for collaborations with technology frontrunners such as IBM and Microsoft that fund and initiate their own projects on preserving cultural heritage using digital technology. It is also important to understand the current limitations of available technologies and needed improvements. Appropriate implementation of digital technology will help safeguard existing heritage and open a pathway to comprehensive digital humanities for posterity.  


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