How to run macros in Excel automatically

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Do you need to run a macro when Excel starts? You have two options:

1. Create a Workbook_Open() sub within ‘ThisWorkbook’.

2. Place a Auto_Open() sub within any module.

Workbook_Open Event

Create a sub titled ‘Workbook_Open’ within ‘ThisWorkbook’

Workbook_open () MsgBox "This code ran at Excel start!" End Sub


Using the second method: Simply create a subroutine called Auto_Open and place code in it, or call another sub from there. Automatically your code runs when Excel starts.

Private Sub Auto_Open() MsgBox "This code ran at Excel start!" End Sub

Create and Name New Worksheet Everytime Excel Opens

The following code works opening a workbook. It automatically adds a new sheet and labels it with the date. It also checks to see that the sheet doesn’t already exist – to allow for the possibility of it being opened more than once a day.

This code makes use of the Workbook Open Event and must be placed in the workbook module under the “Open work Book” event. The function Sheet_Exist must be placed in a module and this checks whether or not the sheet exists:

Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim New_Sheet_Name As String New_Sheet_Name = Format(Now(), "dd-mm-yy") If Sheet_Exists(New_Sheet_Name) = False Then With Workbook Worksheets.Add().Name = New_Sheet_Name End With End If Save End Sub Function Sheet_Exists(WorkSheet_Name As String) As Boolean Dim Work_sheet As Worksheet Sheet_Exists = False For Each Work_sheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If Work_sheet.Name = WorkSheet_Name Then Sheet_Exists = True End If Next End Function

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Set the Default Sheet When Workbook Opens

Do you want to make sure a sheet always shows first when a workbook opens? For instance when you open a workbook sheet3 is always the active sheet. Here’s how.

You can refer to a sheet from VBA by it’s program name (ie Sheet3) or by it’s tab name(ie JanData). It is best to use the program name, becuase if the tab name changes, your VBA code that refers to a tab name will no longer work. However if you use the program name a user can change the tab name multiple times and your macro still works.

To make sure a certain sheet is always activated when a workbook opens, just place sheet.activate code in the workbook_open sub. This is an example that activates sheet3 by using the program name everytime a workbook opens.

Private Sub Workbook_Open() Sheet3.Activate End Sub

And this does it by using the tab name:

Private Sub Workbook_Open() Sheets("mytabname").Activate End Sub

Sidenote: You must save and restart excel for this to work. Sidenote: This only works if macros are enabled.

Sidenote: Put this code in the code window for the ThisWorkbook object in the VBE.

Load Form Every Time Workbook Opens

If you would like to load a form or run some VBA code when you open an excel workbook, place your code in the Thisworkbook code window and in the Workbook_Open sub.

From your spreadsheet: 1. Press ALT and F11 to open the VB editor 2. Double-click the word ThisWorkbook to open the code window

3. Type the following code in the ThisWorkbook code window

Private Sub Workbook_Open() UserForm1.Show End Sub

Sidenote: Replace Userform1 with your form name

4. Close Excel and re-open.

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Return to VBA Code Examples

Before you get started, make sure the Developer tab is shown on the ribbon. For more information, see Show the Developer tab.

To use the example below, open a new workbook.

Important: VBA code cannot be undone, so make sure to test your code on a blank workbook, or a copy of an existing workbook. If the code doesn't do what you want, you can close the workbook without saving changes.

  1. Click Developer > Visual Basic.

  2. In the VBA Project Explorer on the left hand side, expand the VBA Project folder for your workbook, then double-click the ThisWorkbook module. If you don't see the Project Explorer, you can go to View > Project Explorer, or press Ctrl+R.

  3. In the module window that opens on the right, insert the following code:

    Private Sub Workbook_Open() ' Put your code here End Sub
  4. Paste your recorded code in the Sub procedure between the Sub and End Sub lines.

    Close the Visual Basic Editor (you don’t have to save anything).

  5. Save the workbook as an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*xlsm), and close it.

The next time you open the workbook, the code you added to the Workbook_Open procedure will run automatically.

Before you get started, make sure the Developer tab is shown on the ribbon. To do that:

  1. On the menu, click Excel > Preferences... > Ribbon & Toolbar.

  2. In the Customize the Ribbon category, in the Main Tabs list, select the Developer check box.

  3. Click Save.

To use the example below, open a new workbook.

Important: VBA code cannot be undone, so make sure to test your code on a blank workbook, or a copy of an existing workbook. If the code doesn't do what you want, you can close the workbook without saving changes.

  1. Click Developer > Visual Basic.

  2. In the VBA Project Explorer on the left hand side, expand the VBA Project folder for your workbook, then double-click the ThisWorkbook module.

  3. In the module window that opens on the right, insert the following code:

    Private Sub Workbook_Open() ' Put your code here End Sub
  4. Paste your recorded code in the Sub procedure between the Sub and End Sub lines.

    Close the Visual Basic Editor (you don’t have to save anything).

  5. Save the workbook as an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*xlsm), and close it.

The next time you open the workbook, the code you added to the Workbook_Open procedure will run automatically.

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