What is the effect of increasing pressure on the equilibrium state of the reaction N2 g 3H2 g 2NH3 g heat?

Le Chatelier's Principle states that a system at equilibrium will adjust to relieve stress when there are changes in the concentration of a reactant or product, the partial pressures of components, the volume of the system, and the temperature of reaction. There are three ways to change the pressure of a constant-temperature reaction system involving gaseous components:

  1. Add or remove a gaseous reactant or product: Adding or remove a gaseous reactant or product changes the concentrations. If the concentration of reactant or product is increased, the system will shift away from the side in which concentration was increased (i.e. if the concentration of reactants is increased, the system will shift toward the products. If more products are added, the system will shift to form more reactants). Conversely, if the concentration of reactant or product is decreased, the system will shift toward the side in which concentration was decreased (i.e. If reactants are removed, the system will shift to form more reactants. If the concentration of products is decreased, the equilibrium will shift toward the products).
  2. Add an inert gas (one that is not involved in the reaction) to the constant-volume reaction mixture: This will increase the total pressure of the system, but will have no effect on the equilibrium condition. That is, there will be no effect on the concentrations or the partial pressures of reactants or products.
  3. Change the volume of the system: When the volume is changed, the concentrations and the partial pressures of both reactants and products are changed. If the volume is decreased, the reaction will shift towards the side of the reaction that has fewer gaseous particles. If the volume is increased, the reaction will shift towards the side of the reaction that has more gaseous particles.

When a system at equilibrium undergoes a change in pressure, the equilibrium of the system will shift to offset the change and establish a new equilibrium. The system can shift in one of two ways:

  • Toward the reactants (i.e. in favor of the reverse reaction)
  • Toward the products (i.e. in favor of the forward reaction)

The effects of changes in pressure can be described as follows (this only applies to reactions involving gases):

  • When there is an increase in pressure, the equilibrium will shift towards the side of the reaction with fewer moles of gas.
  • When there is a decrease in pressure, the equilibrium will shift towards the side of the reaction with more moles of gas.

Pressure is inversely related to volume. Therefore, the effects of changes in pressure are opposite of the effects of changes in volume. Additionally, this does not apply to a change in the pressure in the system due to the addition of an inert gas.


  1. Petrucci, Ralph H., et al. General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications Ninth Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
  2. Treptow, Richard S. "Le Chatelier's Principle: A reexamination and method of graphic illustration." Journal of Chemical Education: Journal 57, Issue 6 (June 1980): 417.
  3. Cheung, Derek. "The Adverse Effects of Le Chatelier's Principle on Teacher Understanding of Chemical Equilibrium." Journal of Chemical Education: Journal 86, Issue 4 (April 2009): 514-518.
  4. Huddle, Bejamin P. "'Conceptual Questions' on Le Chatelier's Principle." Journal of Chemical Education: Journal 75, Issue 9 (September 1998): 1175.


  1. Consider the decomposition of NOCl: \[2NOCl_{(g)} \rightleftharpoons 2NO_{(g)} + Cl_{2 (g)}\]
    In which direction will the reaction shift if the overall pressure is decreased? Does this favor the forward reaction or the reverse reaction?
  2. Consider the decomposition of HBr: \[2HBr_{(g)} \rightleftharpoons H_{2 (g)} + Br_{2 (g)}\]
    In which direction will the reaction shift when overall pressure is increased? Which direction will it shift when overall pressure is decreased?
  3. Consider the reaction: \[C_{(s)} + 2H_{2 (g)} \rightleftharpoons CH_{4 (g)}\]
    What will happen to the equilibrium if the overall pressure is increased? (In which direction will the reaction shift? Does it favor reactants or products? Does this favor the formation of CH4? Is the rate of the forward reaction greater than the rate of the reverse reaction?)
  4. Consider the decomposition of MgCO3: \[MgCO_{3(s)} \rightleftharpoons MgO_{(s)} + CO_{2 (g)}\]
    Will the formation of CaCO3 or the decomposition of CaCO3 occur faster if the overall pressure is increased?
  5. Consider the reaction in a closed container: \[2SO_{2 (g)} + O_{2 (g)} \rightleftharpoons 2SO_{3 (g)}\]
    You want the reaction to favor the formation of SO3. You have two options: decrease the overall volume of the container, or increase the overall volume. Which should you choose?


  1. There are 2 moles of gas particles on the side of the reactants, and 3 moles of gas particles on the side of the products. (Note: 2 moles on the reactant's side come from 2 moles NOCl; 3 moles on the product's comes from 2 moles NO + 1 mole Cl2.). A decrease in pressure favors the side with more particles.

    The reaction will shift towards the products, and will favor the forward reaction.

  2. There are 2 moles of gas particles on the side of the reactants, and 2 moles of gas particles on the side of the products. Increasing pressure favors the side with fewer particles, and decreasing pressure favors the side with more particles. However, because there is an equal number of particles on both sides, change in pressure will have no effect on the system.

    No effect - the reaction will not shift in either direction regardless of pressure changes.

  3. There are 2 moles of gas particles on the side of the reactants, and 1 mole of gas particles on the side of the products. Increasing pressure favors the side with fewer particles.

    ∴ The reaction will shift towards the products. This means that the reaction will favor the forward reaction, which means that it favors the formation of CH4, and that the rate of the forward reaction is greater than the rate of the reverse reaction.

  4. There are 0 moles of gas particles on the side of the reactants, and 1 mole of gas particles on the side of the products.
    Increasing the pressure favors the side with fewer particles, so the reaction favors the reactants. The products are the decomposition of MgCO3, while the reactants are the formation of MgCO3.

    The formation of MgCO3 is favored, meaning that the formation of MgCO3 will occur faster than its decomposition.

  5. There are 3 moles of gas particles on the side of the reactants, and 2 moles of gas particles on the side of the products.
    Because you want the reaction to favor the formation SO3, you want the reaction to favor the forward reaction/shift to the right, which is the side with fewer moles of gas particles. For a system to shift towards the side of a reaction with fewer moles of gas, you need to increase the overall pressure. Recall that pressure and volume are inversely related, so in order to increase the overall pressure, you need to decrease the overall volume.

    ∴ You should decrease the overall volume.

Contributors and Attributions

  • Christina Chen (UC Davis)

Overview of Week 2 Inquiry Question – What factors affect equilibrium and how?

Learning Objective #1 – Le Chatelier’s Principle

Learning Objective #2 – Disturbance factors that affect equilibrium position

Learning Objective #3 – Equilibrium progress over time using Collision Theory

Learning Objective #4 – Activation Energy and Equilibrium Position

Learning Objective #5 – Heat of Formation and Equilibrium Position

NEW HSC Chemistry Syllabus Notes Video – Factors that affect Equilibrium 

Week 2 Homework Set – Essential for Band 5

Week 2 Curveball Question – Moving from Band 5 to Band 6

Week 3 Extension Questions – Regularly posted exam questions & solutions

Solutions to Week 2 Questions

Overview of Week 2 Inquiry Question

In this week, we will go over Le Chatelier’s Principle and Collision Theory to answer this week’s Inquiry Question of “What affects equilibrium and how?”

Le Chatelier’s principle will help you predict the direction (left or right) an equilibrium reaction will proceed due to a change in temperature, concentration of substances involved in the equilibrium reaction, pressure and/or volume! 

Recall those experiments you did in week 1 to test whether a reaction is a reversible (i.e. a dynamic equilibrium reaction).

For example: Fe3+ (aq) + SCN– (aq) ⇌ FeSCN2+ (aq)

Since the above reaction is reversible,  i.e. Fe3+ and SCN– is converted from FeSCN2+ but how? Well, this can be explained by Le Chatelier’s Principle which will be the focus of this week’s notes and syllabus inquiry question.

After exploring Le Chatelier’s Principle, we will apply collision theory as another way to explain shifts in an equilibrium reaction’s position. 

Recall that at the end of last week’s notes, we applied collision theory to one-way reactions. In this week’s notes, we will apply collision theory to equilibrium (two-way) reactions.

Lastly, we will explore how activation energy and heat of reaction will affect the position of equilibrium and thus the concentration of reactants and products.

Without further ado, let’s get into exploring how Le Chatelier’s Principle can help us predict the direction of which an equilibrium reaction will proceed and the factors which can affect the equilibrium position in a closed system!

Learning Objective #1: Investigate the effects of temperature, concentration, volume and/or pressure on a system at equilibrium and explain how Le Chatelier's principle can be used to predict such effects.

Le Chatelier’s Principle 

The definition of Le Chatelier’s Principle is as follows:

In the event that there is a disturbance in the closed system affecting its equilibrium position, the system will counteract this change by shifting its equilibrium position to minimises the effect of the disturbance. 

This change or disturbance exerted on the closed system may be caused by a change in temperature, concentration of reactants or products, pressure or volume. 

It is important to note that Le Chatelier’s Principle only applies to equilibrium reactions that occur in closed systems and NOT open systems. 

Let’s see Le Chatelier’s Principle in action by exploring an example for each of the disturbance factors that we have just listed above and their effect on the equilibrium position.

Potential Equilibrium Disturbance #1: Change in Temperature

To illustrate Le Chatelier’s Principle in action during the event of a temperature change in the system, let’s use the following dynamic equilibrium reaction as an example:

N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) + Heat

The above reaction is called the Haber Process and occurs in pressurised system like most gas reactions. The forward reaction (i.e. hydrogen reacting with nitrogen to produce ammonia) is exothermic. 

Because of this, we know that heat is released into the surrounding environment when ammonia is formed.

Here is a trick that will reduce your mental workload in general when solving equilibrium reaction problems: 

If the forward reaction is exothermic, always write ‘+ Heat’ on the right side of the equilibrium equation. 

If the forward reaction is endothermic, always write ‘+Heat’ to the left side of the equilibrium equation.

The logic behind why you write '+ Heat' on one side of the chemical is as follows:

Let’s have a look at exothermic reactions first.

For Exothermic Reactions: The system’s enthalpy (total internal energy) decreases but the surrounding environment’s enthalpy increases. 

So for exothermic reactions, the change in system’s enthalpy is negative and change in surrounding environment’s enthalpy is positive. 

Collectively, this mean that ammonia AND heat is released into the environment as products which is why we write ‘+ Heat’ on the right side of the chemical reaction for forward reaction that are exothermic.

Vice versa, the reason why you write ‘+ Heat’ when, in short, the net change in internal heat energy (enthalpy) of the system is positive when the reaction proceeds. 

So, we write ‘+ Heat’ on the left side of the chemical equation if the forward reaction is endothermic. 

In general:

IF the equilibrium position shifts to right in favour of the forward reaction, this will mean that the concentration of products will increase and the concentration of reactants will decrease. Yes, this will mean that the rate of the forward reaction will increase. When equilibrium is re-established again, the rate of the forward reaction will be equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.

IF the equilibrium position shifts to the left in favour of the reverse reaction, this will mean that the concentration of reactants will increase and the concentration of products will decrease. Yes, this will mean that the rate of the reverse reaction will increase. When equilibrium is re-established again, the rate of the reverse reaction will be equal to the rate of the forward reaction. 

Let’s get back on our adventure in exploring how Le Chatelier’s principle may apply to the Haber Process equation. 

Side Note: The Haber Process was ‘randomly’ chosen as our example as it was common equilibrium reaction used in the old syllabus.

So how will the concentration of products and reactants change when the temperature of the system (such as the pressurised vessel) is increased? How about when the temperature of the system was lowered? 

We can use Le Chatelier’s principle to predict the direction of which the equilibrium position will shift either in favour of the forward reaction or reverse reaction. Let’s see how. 

For temperature as a disturbance factor on equilibrium, we will explain it in two ways.

Scientifically speaking, the second way is more accurateSo I recommend you using the second method in your response to exam questions. 

However, the first method of explanation may help aid your visualisation of how the equilibrium position  shifts its position when there is a change in the system’s temperature.

First way of explanation – LESS ACCURATE from thermodynamic standpoint

Well, let’s first suppose the change in temperature is positive, i.e. temperature in the system has increased. 

This could be due to you heating up the system in any way of form. For example: Heating up the container which has the Haber process equilibrium reaction is taking place inside. So, the gas molecules will gain kinetic energy.

N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) + Heat

Since we have “+ Heat” on the right hand side of the chemical equation, what you should imagine is that increasing temperature will create greater disturbance on the right hand side of the equation than on the left hand side. 

This means that, according Le Chatelier’s Principle,  the system will shift its equilibrium position to the left in order to counteract and minimise the disturbance or change (i.e. increase in temperature). 

This would mean that species on the right side of the reaction (i.e. NH3 molecules) will react to form more species on the left side of the chemical equation (i.e. N2 and H2). 

The concentration of ammonia will therefore fall and the concentration of H2 and N2 will increase. Note that the change in the concentration of each species will be proportional/correspond to their molar ratios in the chemical equation. 

Now, let’s see the opposite scenario. Let’s suppose we have a decrease in the system’s temperature

Maybe you put the container, which has the Haber Process is taking place inside, in a cold ice bath. 

You can imagine this by thinking that ‘+ Heat’ is being taken away from right hand side of the equation. 

This therefore leaves you with just 

N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) 

INSTEAD OF: N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) + Heat

This creates a disturbance in the system. So, according to Le Chatelier’s Principle, the equilibrium system will shift to the right in order produce more heat to counteract and minimise the change (i.e. the decrease in temperature) 

As a result of this shift in equilibrium position, the concentration of ammonia will increase and the concentration of H2 and N2 will decrease. 

Again, the change in the concentration of the species will be proportional to their molar ratios in the Haber Process chemical equation.

Second way of explanation – MORE ACCURATE, from a thermodynamic standpoint

What will happen to the equilibrium position when temperature of the system increased?

Since the reverse reaction of the Haber Process is endothermic, the equilibrium position will shift to the left hand side, in favour of the endothermic reaction, to consume the excess heat inputted into the system to counteract and minimise the increase in temperature.

What will happen to the equilibrium position when the temperature of the system decreases?

Since the forward reaction of the Haber Process is exothermic, the equilibrium position will shift to the right hand side, in favour of the exothermic reaction, to produce more heat to counteract and minimise the drop in temperature.

  • NOTE: The concentration of ammonia can be written as [NH3] where the brackets means concentration.

So, what do I mean by the change in the concentration of the species will be in proportion to their molar ratios in the chemical equation?

Well, if the [NH3] decreases by 2 moles per litres (2M), then 1 mole of [N2] and 3 moles of [H2] will be formed. 

This is because the molar ratio of N2:H2:NH3 is 1:3:2 in the Haber Process chemical equation.

NOTE: The unit for concentration is molarity (M) which is moles per litre. 

Potential Equilibrium Disturbance #2: Change in Concentration!

Let’s continue using the Haber Process to illustrate how the Le Chatelier’s Principle can be used to explain how an equilibrium system will shift its position when there is a change in the concentration of one of its reactant or products!

N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) + Heat

If we increase the concentration of ammonia by pumping more ammonia into the closed system, we will predict that the equilibrium reaction to the left

“Why is that?”, you may ask. 

Well, according to Le Chatelier’s principle, the disturbance experienced by the system will be an increase in the [NH3]. In order to counteract and minimise this disturbance, the system will shift its equilibrium position to the left to decrease the [NH3] which means that the [N2] and [H2] will increase. 

As explained before, the increase in nitrogen’s and hydrogen’s molarity will depend on mole ratio. 

  • NOTE: At the end of this week’s notes there will be homework questions that requires you to determine exactly how much reactants and products increase or decrease. So, give them a go and check your answers after.

Similarly, if you pump N2 or H2 into the system, it will shift the equilibrium position to the right as per Le Chatelier’s Principle to counteract and minimise the the increase in nitrogen and hydrogen gas concentrations. This will therefore result in an increase in [NH3] to re-establish equilibrium. 

NOTE: Suppose there is a dynamic equilibrium that has a solid either as a reactant or product. Increasing the concentration of the solid WILL NOT affect equilibrium position as their concentration is constant when temperature remains constant. In terms of concentration remains constant, we will formally explore this in more detail in Week 3 and Week 4 notes.

NOTE: If pure liquids in dynamic equilibrium, i.e. they are acting as a solvent for the reaction, also do not affect equilibrium position. We will formally introduce and explore this idea about pure liquids in Week 4 notes.

Potential Equilibrium Disturbance #3: Change in Pressure!

NOTE: Changes in pressure only affects gas species in a chemical equilibrium. 

Changes in the system’s pressure will have no effect on solids and liquids. 

A system would shift its equilibrium position to counteract and minimise a disturbance such as a change in pressure. 

It is important to compare the moles of gases on each side of the chemical reaction in order to predict the direction which the equilibrium will shift its position when system’s pressure changes.

So, for the Haber Process: N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) + Heat

There are 4 moles of gas on the left hand side of the chemical equation and 2 moles on the right.

This means the nitrogen and hydrogen gases collectively exerts more pressure than the ammonia molecules on the system. 

This means if there is an increase in pressure, the system will shift its equilibrium position to the side with the least moles of gas, i.e. to the right, to counteract and minimise the increase in pressure. 

  • NOTE: To be more detailed, you could explain in terms of concentration whereby increasing in pressure would affect the reactants (nitrogen and hydrogen) more than the products (ammonia) as there are greater number of moles of gas. Therefore the increase in reactants’ concentration would be greater than ammonia’s concentration. So, the system will shift to the right to minimise the overall increase in concentration as per Le Chatelier’s Principle to re-establish equilibrium.

Vice versa, if there is a decrease in pressure in the system, the equilibrium will shift to the side with more moles of gas, i.e. to the left, to counteract and minimise the decrease in pressure. 

Potential Equilibrium Disturbance #4: Change in Volume!

NOTE: Change in volume only affects gas species in a chemical equilibrium. 

Changes in the system’s volume will have zero effect on solids and liquids for HSC purposes.

Like with changes in pressure questions, we need to compare the moles of gases on each side of the chemical reaction in order to predict the direction which the equilibrium will shift its position when system’s volume changes.

So using the Haber Process as our example again: N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) + Heat

There are 4 moles of gas on the left hand side and 2 moles on the right hand side of the chemical equation.

If the volume of the system increases, it means there is decrease in pressure. This is because there is more room for the particles to move about in the system. You can think about this such that the particles will spend less time colliding with the walls of the container as the distance between the walls are greater (due to increased volume of container).

  • Alternatively, to be more detailed: You can explain using the concentration of gases. That is, as the system volume increases, the concentration of gases on the left hand side of the reaction (nitrogen and hydrogen) will be affected more greater than the gas molecules (ammonia) on the right hand side of the chemical reaction. This is because there are more moles of gas on the left hand side of the reaction as per chemical formula, 2:1 to be precise. This means that the decrease concentration of gases on the left hand side of the reaction will be greater than on the gas molecules on the right hand side.

So, if the volume of the system increases (i.e. a decrease in pressure), the equilibrium will shift to the side of the chemical equilibrium with more moles of gas to counteract and minimise the decrease in pressure, as per Le Chatelier’s Principle to restore equilibrium. That is, the equilibrium position will shift to the left. 

By effect, a shift in equilibrium position to the left will increase the [N2] and [H2] would result in more moles of gas in the system. This will increase the system’s pressure and re-establish equilibrium.

This also means that the [NH3] will decrease in proportion to the molar ratio with [N2] and [H2] species as the equilibrium shifts the left. 

Vice versa, when the volume of the system decreases the system will shift its equilibrium position to the side with least moles of gas to minimise the increase in pressure and gas concentration. So, the [NH3] will increase and [N2] and [H2] will decrease.

Inverse Relationship between Pressure and Volume as per Boyle’s Law

There is an inverse relationship between Pressure and Volume in terms of shifting the equilibrium position!

  • Increasing the system’s pressure will have the same effect on shifting the equilibrium position as decreasing volume of the system.

  • Decreasing the system’s pressure will have the same effect on shifting the equilibrium position as increasing volume of the system.

Learning Objective #2 - Explain the overall observations about equilibrium in terms of the Collision Theory

Recall that collision theory has two components from Week 1’s Notes.

The first criteria is that the collision energy of the reacting species must be greater than or equal to the activation energy for the chemical reaction to occur.

The second criteria that must be satisfied is that the reacting species must collide at an effective orientation

In Week 1’s of HSC Chemistry Syllabus Notes, you have learnt about how the collision theory is used to explain how temperature, pressure, volume and concentration affect rate of reaction. 

In this learning objective, we will elaborating on what we learnt in Week 1. More specifically, we will be exploring how the concentration of reactants and products changes from the start to end of a chemical equilibrium reaction (“overall observations about equilibrium”).

Then, we will explain such changes in terms of the collision theory instead of using Le Chatelier’s Principle.

Overall Observations of Equilibrium