What is pregnancy blood test called

A pregnancy test can let you know if you are pregnant. Here are answers to some common questions about them.

Pregnancy tests check your pee or blood for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Your body makes this hormone after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of your uterus.

This usually happens about 6 days after fertilization. Levels of hCG rise quickly, doubling every 2 to 3 days.

Two main types of pregnancy tests are blood tests and urine tests.

Blood tests

You get these at your doctor's office, but they’re not used as often as urine tests. These tests can detect pregnancy earlier than a home pregnancy test, about 6 to 8 days after ovulation. It takes longer to get the results than with a home pregnancy test.

The two types of blood pregnancy tests are:

A qualitative hCG test simply checks for hCG. It gives a "yes" or "no" answer to the question, "Are you pregnant?" Doctors often order these tests to confirm pregnancy as early as 10 days after conception. Some can detect hCG much earlier.

A quantitative hCG test (beta hCG) measures the exact amount of hCG in your blood. It can find even very low levels of hCG. These tests may help track problems during pregnancy. Your doctor may use them along with other tests to rule out an ectopic pregnancy, when the fertilized egg implants outside your uterus, or after a miscarriage, when hCG levels fall quickly.

Urine tests

You can take these at home or in a doctor's office.

Along with being private and convenient, home pregnancy tests are quick and easy to use. They’re also very accurate if you follow the directions. These pregnancy tests all work in a similar way. You test your pee in one of these ways:

  • Hold the test stick in your urine stream
  • Collect pee in a cup and dip the test stick into it
  • Collect pee in a cup and use a dropper to put it into another container

You’ll need to wait a few minutes before seeing the results.

After you take this test, you can confirm your results by seeing your doctor, who can do even more sensitive pregnancy tests.

Urine home pregnancy tests are about 99% accurate. Blood tests are even more accurate.

A home test’s accuracy depends on:

  • How closely you follow the instructions
  • When you ovulate and how soon the egg implants
  • How soon after pregnancy you take the test
  • The sensitivity of the pregnancy test

Some pregnancy tests can spot hCG before you miss a period. But the results will be more accurate if you wait until the first day of a missed period.

Results may also be more accurate if you do the test first thing in the morning, when your urine is more concentrated.

You can buy a home pregnancy test in a drugstore without a prescription. The cost depends on the brand. But most tests aren’t very expensive.

Results may show up as a line, a color, or a symbol such as a "+" or "-" sign. Digital tests show the words "pregnant" or "not pregnant." It's important to know what a positive or negative result means.

If you get a positive result, you’re pregnant. This is true no matter how faint the line, color, or sign is. If you get a positive result, you may want to call your doctor to talk about what comes next.

In very rare cases, you can have a false-positive result. This means you're not pregnant but the test says you are. You could have a false-positive result if you have blood or protein in your pee. Certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, hypnotics, and fertility drugs, could cause false-positive results.

If you get a negative result, you’re probably not pregnant. But you may be pregnant if:

  • The test is past its expiration date.
  • You took the test the wrong way.
  • You tested too soon.
  • Your pee is too diluted because you drank a lot of fluids right before the test.
  • You’re taking certain medications, such as diuretics or antihistamines.

If you get a negative result, try retesting within about a week to double-check. Some home pregnancy tests suggest doing this no matter what your first results are.

If you take the test twice and get different results, call your doctor. A blood test is a good idea to confirm results.

If you have any other questions about the pregnancy test or the results, call your doctor or the telephone number listed with the test.

  • Home pregnancy tests are usually very accurate, but this depends on how well you followed the instructions and how soon after the pregnancy begins that you do the test.
  • The sensitivity of the test can also affect accuracy. Some tests (not all) can detect the pregnancy before you miss a period.
  • To get the most accurate result, do the test first thing in the morning and wait until the first day of your missed period.
  • Always see your doctor for confirmation of your pregnancy.

A pregnancy test checks your blood or urine for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is a hormone made by the placenta (the placenta provides your growing baby with oxygen and nutrients from your bloodstream throughout the pregnancy). The amount of hCG in your blood and urine rise steeply during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and then fall to low levels for the rest of the pregnancy.

Home pregnancy test kits

Home pregnancy test kits are available from pharmacists. These kits offer accurate readings (up to 99 per cent) if performed strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. However, many women who use home pregnancy test kits get inaccurate results.

The most common mistake is to test for pregnancy too soon after the missed period. The manufacturer’s instructions will tell you when is the best time to use the kit. It is very important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly.

How to use a home pregnancy test kit

Home pregnancy test kits vary in their sensitivity to hCG. Most test kits are best used about one to two weeks after your period was due. Always strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally speaking, most home pregnancy tests follow the same basic principles:

  • You collect urine in a small container and dip the test strip into the urine. Alternatively, some kits offer a test strip that you hold under your stream of urine.
  • To improve accuracy of results, it is best to test your urine when you first get out of bed. Early morning urine is concentrated and contains higher levels of hCG than at other times of the day.
  • Most test strips indicate the presence of hCG by the appearance of a coloured line or dot.
  • Results are rapid. Most test kits take only a few minutes to complete.
  • Most kits come with a second test strip. This allows you to test again at a later stage.

Positive result

If the test is positive (no matter how faint the line, colour or sign is), you should see your GP (doctor) (or family planning clinic) to confirm the result with a blood test or another urine test. Be aware that false-positive and false-negative results can happen.

False positive: Although rare, this can happen if you have blood or protein in your urine. Certain drugs can also cause this (tranquilisers, anticonvulsants, hypnotics and fertility drugs). Other reasons for false results are:

  • dirty urine collecting cup (detergent residue, for example, is known to cause false-positive results)
  • faulty test kit (for example, the kit is damaged, past its use-by date or has been exposed to heat or moisture)
  • recent birth or miscarriage, because a woman’s blood and urine may still contain detectible levels of hCG for a few weeks afterwards
  • an ovarian tumour or some other type of hCG-producing growth.

Negative result

If you get a negative result, you are probably not pregnant BUT false-negatives can happen if:

  • you didn’t follow the instructions correctly
  • the test is out-of-date
  • you tested too soon after the pregnancy began
  • your urine was too diluted
  • you are taking certain medicines, including antihistamines.

If you suspect you may be pregnant, see your doctor and ask for a blood pregnancy test to confirm the result.

Always see your doctor for confirmation

If a home pregnancy test gives a negative result, yet you feel that you are pregnant:

  • Trust your instincts.
  • Treat yourself as if you are pregnant until proven otherwise.
  • Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
  • Make an appointment with your doctor. Pregnancy tests performed in laboratories are 99 per cent accurate.

Blood pregnancy tests used by doctors

Your doctor can give you a blood pregnancy test as early as 11–14 days after ovulation. To perform a blood pregnancy test, the doctor draws blood from a vein in your arm. This blood is sent to a laboratory for testing. The results of most blood pregnancy tests take at least a couple of days. The laboratory then advises the doctor of the result.

Blood test results are about 99 per cent accurate and can detect lower amounts of hCG than urine pregnancy tests. The 2 main types of blood pregnancy test include:

  • Quantitative blood test – measures the exact amount of hCG in the blood and can give you an estimate of how far along the pregnancy has progressed.
  • Qualitative blood test – only checks for the presence of hCG. Since this test doesn’t measure the exact levels of hCG, it can’t offer an estimate of gestation.

Urine pregnancy tests used by doctors

The doctor can give you a urine pregnancy test. You are asked to urinate into a plastic cup or something similar. The doctor then tests the urine using a kit that may look similar to a home pregnancy test kit.

Inaccurate results from tests given by the doctor

Pregnancy tests taken by your doctor are rarely inaccurate. The occasional error is usually due to mistakes made in the laboratory. However, you can be reassured that the pregnancy test taken by your doctor is much more likely to be accurate than a home test you perform yourself.

Other reasons for a missed period

Pregnancy is not the only reason for a missed period. Other possible reasons include:

Where to get help

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What is pregnancy blood test called

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What is pregnancy blood test called

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