What is equivalent conductivity of an electrolyte how is it related with normality of same electrolyte?


What is the formula for equivalent conductivity and how is it different from molar conductivity formula?

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Equivalent Conductivity is defined as the conducting power of all the ions produced by dissolving one gram equivalent of an electrolyte in solution. Specific conductivity is the measure of the ability of that material to conduct electricity.

What is the relation between specific conductance and concentration?

Answer: Specific Conductivity decreases with a decrease in concentration. Since the number of ions per unit volume that carry current in a solution decrease on dilution. Hence, concentration and conductivity are directly proportional to each other.

What is the effect of concentration on conductance specific conductance equivalent and molar conductivity?

With a drop in concentration variable conductivity decreases. The conductance of solution increases on dilution. The specific conductivity decreases on dilution. The equivalent conductivity and molar conductivity increases with dilution.

How are conductivity equivalent conductivity and molar conductivity of an electrolyte solution related?

The relationship between molar conductivity and conductivity can be obtained in a similar manner as it was done for equivalent conductivity with only difference that now the solutions will contain one mole of the electrolyte in solution. i.e. where subscript ‘m’ of ‘c’ means that concentration is in moles per litre.

What is the relation of specific conductance to equivalent conductance and normality of a solution?

As we have considered a solution containing 1 gm-equivalent. Thus, Equivalent Conductance(Λ)= Equivalent Conductivity(k)*1000/Normality. 1000 is multiplied as Equivalent Conductance is defined for volume in cm^3 while Normality is defined for volume in litres.

Is specific conductance the same as specific conductivity?

Specific conductivity describes exactly the way a system carries energy. While Specific Conductance is a measure of how well water can conduct an electrical current. Conductivity increases with increasing amount and mobility of ions.

How do you calculate equivalent conductance from specific conductance?

Conductance = Specific conductance (K) = Equivalent conductance ( )

  1. In case, if the concentration of the solution is c gram equivalent per litre, then the volume containing 1 g equivalent of the electrolyte will be 1000/e.
  2. So equivalent conductance.
  3. = k × 1000/c.
  4. = k × 1000/N.
  5. where N = normality.

What is the effect of concentration of substance on equivalent conductance?

While the specific conductance of a solution increases with concentration, the equivalent conductance decreases as the concentration increases.

How does specific conductance decreases and equivalent conductance increases with dilution?

(i) Specific conductance decreases with dilution whereas equivalent conductance increases with dilution. When the solution is diluted the number of ions present in 1cm3 of solution decrease and as a result specific conductance decreases.

How does specific and equivalent conductance vary with dilution?

Specific conductance decreases with dilution whereas equivalent conductance increases.

How does conductivity and molar conductivity vary with concentration?

Both specific conductance or conductivity and molar conductivity change with concentration of the electrolyte. Conductivity of an electrolyte decreases with the decrease in concentration both for weak and strong electrolytes, whereas molar conductivity increases with decrease in concentration.

What is the relation between specific conductance?

The specific conductivity of a solution at a given dilution is the conductance of one cm cube of the solution. It is represented by k (kappa). Thus, the relationship between specific conductivity and specific resistivity is that specific conductivity is the reciprocal of specific resistivity.


Equivalent Conductance is a topic that comes under Physical Chemistry. The subject Chemistry is considered a scoring subject in IIT JEE as the questions a straight forward. Equivalent conductance is a part of Electrochemistry, and some of the problems in the competitive exams are direct formula based or related to the unit of Quantity.

Equivalent Conductance (ᴧe)

  • It is defined as the conductance (or conducting power) of all the ions(of a solution) produced by dissolving one gram equivalent of an electrolyte in a particular solution.
  • We can say that the conductance of an electrolytic solution depends on the concentration of the ions present in the solution.
  • It is helpful to get comparable results for different electrolytes.
  • Denoted by ᴧe.
  • Equivalent Conductance(ᴧe) is calculated from specific conductance.

Read more about Molar Conductance, here.


Equivalent conductance, ᴧe = ? × V

?: Specific Conductance (reciprocal of resistivity)

V : Volume(in mL) containing 1gm equivalent electrolyte


[ N: Normality (Concentration in gram equivalent per liter) ]

[ M: Molarity of the Solution ]

Learn more about Specific Conductance, here.

Unit of Equivalent Conductance





Unit of ? = cm-1-1

Also      Unit of N(Normality) = equivalent X (litre)-1

        = equivalent X (1000 cm3)-1         [ 1 litre = 1000 cm3 ]

N = equivalent X  cm-3 …………………..(3)

Substituting (2) and (3) in (1)

Then,  Unit of

e = cm2 . ohm-1. Equiv-1

e = Equiv-1 . cm2 . ohm-1

Note :

  1. Unit of Equivalent conduction is Equiv-1 . cm2 . ohm-1 .
  2. 1 mho = 1 ohm-1

Unit of Equivalent conduction is Equiv-1 . cm2 . mho

Learn more about the Extraction of Iron, here.

Equivalent Conductance at Infinite Dilution

  1. The value of Equivalent Conductance increases with dilution as the degree of ionization increases because of the increase in the number of ions in the solution.
  2. Suppose we take the same concentration of two different solutions at a constant temperature, the solution with a large number of ions (known as strong electrolyte)  has more conductance than the solution which has less number of ions (weak electrolyte). But there comes a point where further dilution will result in no change in concentration. This results in the concept of Infinite dilution.

Infinite Dilution:- It is the state where the solution contains enough solvent and further dilution will not change the concentration of the solution.

  1. Dissociation of ions is complete in infinite dilution.
  2. Equivalent Conductance of Infinite dilution is explained by Kohlrausch law.

Alos, read more about Hess Law, here.

Kohlrausch’s Law

It states that the equivalent conductivity of an electrolyte at infinite dilution of the solution is equal to the sum of the equivalent conductances of the anions and cations contained in the solution. For example,  If salt is dissolved in water then the conductivity of the salt solution is the sum of the conductances of the anions and cations(in solution).

Λeqo = Equivalent Conductivity at infinite dilution.

Λ+o = Equivalent Conductivity of Cation

Λo = Equivalent Conductivity of Anion

Also, check out the other topics of Chemistry, here.

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