What happens in stage five kidney failure?

End-stage renal failure, also known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD), is the final, permanent stage of chronic kidney disease, where kidney function has declined to the point that the kidneys can no longer function on their own. A patient with end-stage renal failure must receive dialysis or kidney transplantation in order to survive for more than a few weeks.

Patients may experience a wide variety of symptoms as kidney failure progresses. These include fatigue, drowsiness, decrease in urination or inability to urinate, dry skin, itchy skin, headache, weight loss, nausea, bone pain, skin and nail changes and easy bruising.

Doctors can diagnose the disease with blood tests, urine tests, kidney ultrasound, kidney biopsy, and CT scan.

According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, about 30 million people, or 15% of adults, in the U.S. are estimated to have chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease can often be treated before it progresses to end-stage renal failure or leads to other health problems.

Some of the risk factors for developing chronic kidney disease—that could ultimately lead to end-stage renal failure—include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, drug abuse, blockages in the urinary tract, family history, inflammation, and some genetic disorders. Additionally, having chronic kidney disease and not properly managing it can cause the disease to progress to the point that it becomes end-stage.

Context: There is little evidence on the symptoms experienced by those with advanced (Stage 5) chronic kidney disease (CKD), managed without dialysis, as they approach death. As palliative care extends to noncancer illnesses, understanding symptom prevalence and severity close to death will clarify which symptom interventions are most needed and which elements of (largely cancer-driven) models of palliative care best translate into end-of-life care for this population.

Objectives: To determine symptom prevalence and severity in the last month of life for patients with Stage 5 CKD, managed without dialysis.

Methods: Longitudinal symptom survey in three U.K. renal units, using the patient-completed Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale-Short Form (MSAS-SF). We calculated the prevalence of individual symptoms (with 95% confidence intervals [CI] to reflect sample size), plus MSAS-SF subscales, in the month before death. Comparison is made with previously published data on symptoms in the last month of life in advanced cancer, also measured using the MSAS-SF.

Results: Seventy-four patients (mean age: 81 years; standard deviation [SD]: 6.8) were recruited (response rate: 73%); 49 (66%) died during follow-up (mean age: 81 years; SD: 5.7). "Month before death" symptom data were available for 43 (88%) of the 49 participants who died. Median time of data collection was 18 days from death (interquartile range: 12-26 days). More than half had lack of energy (86%; 95% CI: 73%-94%), itch (84%; 70%-93%), drowsiness (82%; 68%-91%), dyspnea (80%; 66%-90%), poor concentration (76%; 61%-87%), pain (73%; 59%-85%), poor appetite (71%; 57%-83%), swelling arms/legs (71%; 57%-83%), dry mouth (69%; 55%-82%), constipation (65%; 50%-78%), and nausea (59%; 44%-73%). Levels of distress correspond to prevalence, with the exception of dyspnea, which was disproportionately more distressing. The median number of symptoms reported was 16.6 (range: 6-27), rising to 20.4 (range: 7-34) if additional renal symptoms were included. On average, psychological distress was moderate (mean MSAS-PSYCH: 1.55) but with wide variation (SD: 0.50; range: 0.17-2.40), suggesting diverse levels of individual distress. The prevalence of both physical and psychological symptoms and the number reported were higher than those in advanced cancer patients in the month before death.

Conclusion: Stage 5 CKD patients have clinically important physical and psychological symptom burdens in the last month of life, similar or greater than those in advanced cancer patients. Symptoms must be addressed through routine symptom assessment, appropriate interventions, and with pertinent models of end-of-life care.

What happens in stage five kidney failure?

Although the lifespan of stage 5 kidney disease depends on certain factors, the average length of time a patient lives ranges from 5 to 10 years.

It is difficult to say how long can you live with stage 5 kidney disease because it is dependent on factors, such as:

Dialysis is needed when you develop end-stage kidney failure, which is usually when you have lost 85 to 90 percent function of the kidneys. This is termed end-stage renal disease. Your kidneys have a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of less than 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 at this stage.

From anecdotal reports and studies, the average lifespan of patients with stage 5 kidney disease ranges from 5 to 10 years. However, patients have lived for up to 20 years with the help of dialysis.

What are the symptoms of stage 5 kidney disease?

Stage 5 chronic kidney disease presents with important physical and psychological symptoms in the last months of life. These symptoms may be similar to or greater than those in patients with advanced cancer.

In end-stage renal disease (ESRD), the function of the kidney to effectively filter wastes fluids, electrolytes, and minerals out of the blood reduces. These waste products eventually accumulate within the body. This can cause a wide range of signs and symptoms.

Normal kidneys carry out important bodily functions, such as controlling blood pressure, strengthening bones, and making new red blood cells. These functions are also hampered in ESRD.

You may experience most or all the following symptoms:

These symptoms may vary in severity and occur either all or at least most of the time.

How is stage 5 kidney disease diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider may ask about your family's and your medical history to diagnose your condition.

You may have to undergo physical and neurological exams along with other tests, such as:

  • Blood tests: Blood creatinine and urea are wastes that accumulate in blood in stage 5 kidney disease.
  • Urine tests: To estimate the level of the protein, albumin, in your urine.
  • Imaging tests: Ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, or computed tomography scan to assess the kidneys and detect any abnormalities.
  • Glomerular filtration rate (GFR): It is a measure to estimate the level of kidney function. It is calculated by the lab specialist based on a combination of several factors that include creatinine levels, age, weight, height, etc. GFR test is usually done after the above tests show abnormalities. Doctors usually confirm kidney damage on encountering low levels of GFR.

Your doctor would also like to know if you have diabetes or heart problems. Hence, they may ask for tests, such as:

  • Blood sugar test
  • Urine sugar test
  • Electrocardiography

What happens in stage five kidney failure?
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How is stage 5 kidney disease treated?

There is no cure for stage 5 kidney disease. Treatment can just help control the signs and symptoms.

A kidney specialist (nephrologist) will prescribe you medications that will aim at:

Advanced stages of kidney disease usually require lifetime dialysis or a kidney transplant to increase survival by a few years.

Along with the right medications, certain lifestyle changes are a must. The dietary modification depends on the stage of kidney disease you are at. For example, higher stages of chronic kidney disease necessitate you to lower your daily dietary intake of protein, phosphorus, and potassium. A certified nutritionist can recommend the most appropriate diet plan for you.

Some commonly recommended lifestyle steps include:

  • Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes a week
  • Having a salt-restricted (low in sodium) diet
  • Quitting smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Avoid high-fat foods
  • Managing stress through activities, such as deep breathing

What are the complications of stage 5 kidney disease?

Complications of stage 5 kidney disease include:

Without either dialysis or a transplant, kidney failure progresses and can even turn life-threatening quickly. Supportive care may help you manage your symptoms and help you improve your quality of life.

Medically Reviewed on 12/15/2021


Image Source: iStock Images Murtagh FE, Addington-Hall J, Edmonds P, et al. Symptoms in the month before death for stage 5 chronic kidney disease patients managed without dialysis. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2010 Sep;40(3):342-52. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20580200/

Henrich WL, Burkart JM. Patient survival and maintenance dialysis. UpToDate. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/patient-survival-and-maintenance-dialysis