What factors do you think a country’s leaders consider when deciding whether to surrender or fight?

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World War II

Question Answer
What factors do you think a country’s leaders consider when deciding whether to surrender or fight? If they can win, casualties, cost of foreign control
Why were the early months of World War II referred to as the “phony war”? Countries were preparing for war, but nothing happened

Which battle do you think was most important in turning the war in favor of the Allies Why?

The Battle I think was most important in turning the war in favor of the Allies was the Battle of El Alamein. This Battle began October 23rd. The roar of close to 1,000 British guns too the Axis soldiers by surprise.

Which event was most important in turning the tide of the war in the Pacific against the Japanese?

The Battle of Midway turned the tide of the war in the Pacific. Which event was most important in turning the tide of the war in the Pacific against the Japanese? Why? The Battle of Midday was important in turing the tide because American troops destroyed 332 Japanese planes, 4 aircraft carriers and 1 support ship.

Why do you think that demilitarization was such an important part of the postwar Program for Japan?

important part of the postwar program for Japan? Demilitarization was necessary because the Japanese military was still exercising severe censorship. The US wanted democracy.

What was the demilitarization of Japan?

“Demilitarization” was thus the first policy of the Occupation authorities and was accompanied by abolishing Japan’s armed forces, dismantling its military industry, and eliminating the expression of patriotism from its schools and public life.

Why was demilitarization such an important part?

The demilitarization of Post war Japan was Important because it would Strictly control Japan’s ability to Repeat an event such as Pearl Harbor. it also enabled America to trust japan more without fear of Retaliation for the Atomic Strikes of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, And to Keep them In Check as you might say.

How did the aftermath of war in Europe differ from that in Japan quizlet?

How did the aftermath of the war in Europe differ from the aftermath of the war in Japan? Germany was divided as a country while Japan remained whole. Demilitarization, bringing war criminals to trial, and democratization, the process of creating a government elected by the people.

Who was the mastermind of the island hopping strategy?

Douglas MacArthur

Why were the Pacific Islands attacked and seized?

Why were the Pacific islands attacked and seized during the Allied “island-hopping” chosen? They were the least heavily defended by Japan. General Douglas MacArthur devised the strategy of “island-hopping” which meant that the Allies would seize islands that were not well-defended but were closer to Japan.

How was the United States able to win the war in the Pacific?

How was the United States able to win the war in the Pacific? The United States used a two-fold strategy to help win the war in the Pacific. The two-fold strategy involved Admiral Nimitz leading the navy in island hopping campaigns and had brought them closer to Japan.

How did the island hopping strategy save American lives in World War II?

How did the “island-hopping” strategy save American lives in World War II? US forces attacked Japanese-held islands with weak defenses. Allied forces attacked different islands, sharing the losses equally.

How did island hopping impact ww2?

It originated from island hopping. Leapfrogging would allow U.S. forces to reach Japan more quickly and not expend the time, manpower, and supplies to capture every Japanese-held island on the way. It would also give the Allies the advantage of surprise and keep the Japanese off balance.

Why did the US use island hopping in ww2?

In order to defeat Japan, the United States came up with a plan that was known as “Island Hopping”. Through this measure, the U.S. hoped to gain military bases and secure as many small islands in the Pacific as they could.

What were the aims of the allies island hopping strategy?

As American and Allied forces “Island Hopped” through the Pacific, one of their key objectives was to cut off Japanese bases from resupply or rescue. After the initial amphibious landings of the “hop,” Allied land and sea forces would gain control of the areas around the bypassed Japanese bases.

How was island hopping a change in strategy for the US military?

instead of conquering every island occupied by the Japanese,the military focused on capturing key islands they could use as bases. How was “island hopping” a change in strategy for the US military? the internment camps were the government’s response to the growing fear and hostility toward Japanese- Americans.

Which country is best friend of Japan?

The United States is Japan’s closest ally, and Japan relies on the U.S. for its national security to a high degree. As two of the world’s top three economic powers, both countries also rely on close economic ties for their wealth, despite ongoing and occasionally acrimonious trade frictions.

Does US regret bombing Japan?

So: Yes, there is little evidence that Truman ever truly regretted his order to utilize the bomb.

Did Japan deserve the nukes?

Yes, Japan deserved it. The war was lost and the Japanese knew it.

Was the Hiroshima bombing a war crime?

use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was illegal in the light of the principles and rules of International Humanitarian Law applicable in armed conflicts, since the bombing of both cities, made civilians the object of attack, using nuclear weapons that were incapable of distinguishing between civilians and …

Bell Ringer What factors do you think a country’s leaders consider when deciding whether to surrender or fight?

9.1 Hitler’s Lightning War

A Pact of Non-Aggression Stalin isn’t eager to join the West after not being invited to Munich Conference Germany and Soviet Union will split territories they conquer

The Phony War French and British troops sat behind the Maginot Line waiting for Germany Germany sat behind their Siegfried Line waiting for the Allies “Sitting war” or “Phony War”

Winston Churchill New Prime Minister of Britain “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets…we shall never surrender.”

The Desert Fox Axis attack Africa British defeat the Italians Hitler sends in the Afrika Corps and General Erwin Rommel Defeat the British

Operation Barbarossa Plan to invade Soviet Union Soviets were unprepared Soviet troops=largest army in the world but not trained or well equipped

General Frost Strikes Again Used scorched-earth tactic and waited out the Germans Winter came Hitler: “No retreat!” Germany gained nothing and lost 500,000 German lives

America Responds to the Battle of Britain The Lend-Lease Act: The US could provide arms to any country considered “vital to the defense of the US” as long as they promised to return or rent the weapons after the war Atlantic Charter: Agreement between FDR and Churchill laying out the democratic goals of the war










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