What can I give my dog for kennel cough at home?

  • "Well, my dog has been displaying these symptoms since yesterday and it is getting worse and this page said everything right."

  • "Right now, my mom and I are monitoring about our dog's condition. We were very nervous and didn't know what to do. Then, something came into my mind that our dog might have a cough. I researched about how to treat a dog's cough and how to know if your dog has a cough, then I saw this article. I read it and it really helps. And tomorrow, we will bring our dog to the vet's clinic for the check up. Thank you for giving information on what to do if our dogs are sick."

  • "This article put my heart at ease while listening to the horrible hacking, choking sounds my dog was making, even though she's on an antibiotic. Knowing that can be normal with kennel cough is helpful. It is also very helpful to know there are other things I can do to make her comfortable, such as steam and honey lemon water."

  • "We recently boarded our 3 dogs at the vet clinic. Unfortunately, so did a lot of other people. The vet clinic had a full house and kennel cough! We now have 3 very sick dogs! Your article was helpful. Did a virtual exam with the vet, and treating all 3."

  • "My newly-adopted rescue dog developed that honk that really sounds like kennel cough. I'm reassured to know that it's common for shelter dogs, mild and treatable. She has a vet appointment for tomorrow morning to confirm. Thanks for the information!"

  • "This article was helpful and explained it very well. I have an older dog and wondered if this is what she had. However, the cough still continues after one year, never getting any worse. The vet says she is just old now. I might get another opinion."

  • "Thanks for tips, especially honey and lemon for sore throat. Seems to have helped my year old Pomeranian who has developed mild kennel cough from having her first kennel cough vaccination! My vet has only ever seen this once before in 18 years."

  • "I loved the step-by-step approach, but for me the pictures helped the most. It showed me visually that was exactly what my dog was doing. No guess work involved. Great & easy to understand information, I know my dog Sasha is grateful!! Thanks."

  • "I learned a lot of information about detecting and treating kennel cough. The most helpful was prevention in the future and learning that I need to have my mom's dog checked. I didn't realize how little contact it takes to pass."

  • "I'm a new dog owner but immediately noticed she had a cough. The article described it and gave much advice on how to treat her. I'm relieved that her cough is common and easily treatable, thank you!"

  • "A very informative and practical article. Thanks! I liked the vitamin C advice. Not walking the dog helped, although I rarely meet people because of where I live. The exertion part was interesting."

  • "Just like in horses bought from a sale, a dog adopted from a city shelter will develop a similar illness. This article said in a good way to let it run its course unless they show serious symptoms."

  • "My dog had been coughing for a few days, and this article helped me pinpoint kennel cough. The tip for steam in the bathroom helped. He'll be getting into the vet first thing Monday morning."

  • "This article was so helpful to me on all its specific steps, as I had heard of kennel cough, but had no knowledge of it first-hand. Thank you so much for all this valuable information."

  • "My boxer has been hacking and coughing for two days, giving him pieces of bread helped a little. Found this morning, gave him the cough medicine, 10-minute steam. Thank you very much."

  • "Very informative and useful. Also reassuring there is nothing to worry too much about. Just like the flu in humans, where the vast majority fully recover in a couple of weeks."

  • "The fact that you encourage me not to give over-the-counter meds. Just a reminder even if they were vaccinated, they can still get the cough because there are many strains."

  • "I sorta figured my Ziva had kennel cough and this article described her exactly. It just came on her all of a sudden with no exposure to other dogs outside our household."

  • "This article not only helped me understand exactly what was wrong with my fur baby, but it also helped ease my mind and helped ease his cough, too. Very informative!"

  • "Very helpful advice on kennel cough diagnosis and some idea of length of quarantine time. Also honey and lemon helped. I did also take my dog to the vet to be safe."

  • "The whole thing was very informative; so much so, I didn't feel the need to Google further! I will be trying the honey and lemon to see if it helps my wee Yorkie."

  • "It was very helpful. Smart, practical and non alarming. The pictures are cute and comforting, I don't know why, they just are."

  • "Explained what to look for and how to treat my beloved pets. Most importantly, how to protect them in the future. Thank you."

  • "Very helpful, thought my dog had something caught in his throat but by his hacking, I think it is kennel cough, good advice!"

  • "I have only had one dog and that is Kyle. This article has given me great insight on how to help him in a more natural way."

  • "I was looking for a natural remedy. I am happy to have found one so readily available to everyone. Thanks for your help."

  • "This article helped in determining that my dog definitely has kennel cough and gave me alternative remedies. Thank you."

  • "As my puppy had developed kennel cough, this article has helped me understand what it is and what I can do to help."

  • "I like the layout with definition, what to look for, symptoms, what to expect, treatment options, healing, etc."

  • "Lemon, honey, and a steamy room will help my little dog until I can get him to a vet. Helpful tip, thank you!"

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