What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

In this article, I am going to discuss Types of Function Arguments in Python with Examples. Please read our previous article where we discussed Functions in Python with examples. At the end of this article, you will understand the following pointers in detail which are related to python Function Arguments.

  1. Types of Function Arguments in Pythons
  2. Positional Arguments
  3. Keyword Arguments in Python
  4. Default Arguments in Python Function
  5. Variable Length Arguments in Python
  6. keyword variable-length argument
  7. Function vs Module vs Library

Argument: An argument is a variable (which contains data) or a parameter that is sent to the function as input. Before getting into argument types, let’s get familiar with words formal and actual arguments.

  1. Formal arguments: When a function is defined it (may) has (have) some parameters within the parentheses. These parameters, which receive the values sent from the function call, are called formal arguments.
  2. Actual arguments: The parameters which we use in the function call or the parameters which we use to send the values/data during the function call are called actual arguments.
Example: formal and actual function arguments in python (Demo15.py)
def sum(a, b):
   c = a + b            # a and b are formal arguments
# call the function
x = 10
y = 15
sum(x, y)            # x and y are actual arguments

Output: 25

Types of Arguments in Pythons:

In python, depending on the way or format we send the arguments to the function, the arguments can be classified into four types:

  1. Positional arguments
  2. Keyword arguments
  3. Default arguments
  4. Variable-length arguments
  5. keyword variable-length argument
Positional Arguments in Python:

If there are three arguments (formal arguments) in the function definition, then you need to send three arguments(actual arguments) while calling the function. The actual arguments will be received by the formal arguments in the same order as in the function call. Let’s understand this through an example.

In demo16.py the actual arguments 10, 20 will be received in the same order sent i.e 10 will go into variable ‘x’, and 20 will go into the variable ‘y’. If we send the arguments as 20,10 then 20 will go into x and 10 will go into y. The number of arguments and position of arguments should be matched, otherwise, we will get errors as shown in demo17.py

Example: Positional arguments (Demo16.py)
def sub(x, y):
# calling function
sub(10, 20)

Output: -10

Example: Positional arguments (Demo17.py)
def sub(x, y):
# calling function
sub(10, 20,30)

Output: TypeError: sub() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

Keyword Arguments in Python:

In the function call, if we send the values using keys then they are called keyword arguments. Here, keys are nothing but the names of the variables. In a way, we can say that keyword arguments are arguments that recognize the parameters by the name of the parameters. Let’s understand it by the example demo18.py where the name of the function is cart() and parameters are item and price can be written as:

def cart(item, price):

At the time of calling this function, we must pass two values and we can write which value is for what by using the name of the parameter, for example,

cart(item=”bangles”, price=20000)
cart(item=”handbag”, price=100000)

item and price are called keywords in this scenario. Here we can change the order of arguments.

Example: Keyword arguments (Demo18.py)
def cart(item, price):
   print(item, "cost is :" ,price)

cart(item="bangles", price=20000)
cart(item="handbag", price=100000)
cart(price=1200, item="shirt")

What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

Example: Keyword arguments (Demo19.py)
def details(id, name):
    print("Emp id is: ",id)
    print("Emp name is: ",name)

# calling function
details(id=1, name="Balayya Babu")
details(id=2, name="Chiru")

What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

Note: We can use both positional and keyword arguments simultaneously. But first, we must take positional arguments and then keyword arguments, otherwise, we will get syntax errors as shown in demo21.py

Example: Positional and keyword arguments in Python (Demo20.py)
def details(id, name):
    print("Emp id is: ",id)
    print("Emp name is: ",name)

# calling function
details(1, name="Anushka")

What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

Example: Positional and keyword arguments in Python (Demo21.py)
def details(id, name):
    print("Emp id is: ",id)
    print("Emp name is: ",name)

# calling function

Output: SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg

Default Arguments in Python Function with Examples:

In the function definition, while declaring parameters, we can assign some value to the parameters, which are called default values. Such default values will be considered when the function call does not send any data to the parameter. Let’s take the function from demo18.py as an example. There, the function cart has parameters as items and price. Let’s say the price of many items is 20 rupees. In this case, we can set the price param to the default value of 20 rupees

def cart(items, price=20):

In the above example items have no default value, so we should provide. price has a default value of 20. Still, if we provide the value at the time of calling then default values will be overridden with passed value.

Example: Default Arguments in Python (Demo22.py)
def cart(item, price=20):
   print(item, "cost is :" ,price)

cart(item="handbag", price=10000)
cart(price=500, item="shirt")

What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

Note: If we are not passing any value, then only the default value will be considered. While defining a function, after default arguments we should not take non-default arguments.

Example: Default arguments (Demo23.py)
def cart(item=1, price):
   print(item, "cost is :" ,price)

cart(item="handbag", price=10000)
cart(price=500, item="shirt")

Output: SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument

Variable Length Arguments in Python Function:

Sometimes, the programmer does not know how many values need to pass to function. In that case, the programmer cannot decide how many arguments to be given in the function definition. Therefore, we use variable-length arguments to accept n number of arguments.

The variable-length argument is an argument that can accept any number of values. The variable-length argument is written with a ‘*’ (one star) before the variable in the function definition.


What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

x is a formal argument, *y is a variable-length argument. Now we can pass any number of values to this *y. Internally the provided values will be represented in the tuple.

Example: Variable-length argument in python (Demo24.py)
def total_cost(x, *y):
   for i in y:
   print(x + sum)

#calling function
total_cost(100, 200) #valid
total_cost(110, 226, 311) #valid
total_cost(11,) #valid

What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

keyword variable-length argument (**variable) in Python:

Just as variable length arguments, there are keyword variable length arguments that are n key-value pairs. The syntax is given below.

What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

**x represents as keyword variable argument. Internally it represents a dictionary object. A dictionary stores the data in the form of key-value pairs.

Example: keyword variable length argument (**variable) in Python (Demo25.py)
def sub(x, y):
# calling function
sub(10, 20)

What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

Example: keyword variable-length argument (**variable) (Demo26.py)
def sub(x, y):
# calling function
sub(10, 20)

What are the 3 types of arguments in Python?

Function vs Module vs Library in Python:
  1. A group of lines with some name is called a function
  2. A group of functions saved to a file is called Module
  3. A group of Modules is nothing but Library

In the next article, I am going to discuss Types of Variables in Python. Here, in this article, I try to explain Function Arguments in Python. I hope you enjoy this Types of Function Arguments in Python with Examples article. I would like to have your feedback. Please post your feedback, question, or comments about this article.

What are the types of arguments in Python?

In Python, we have the following 4 types of function arguments..
Default argument..
Keyword arguments (named arguments).
Positional arguments..
Arbitrary arguments (variable-length arguments *args and **kwargs ).

What are the arguments in Python?

The terms parameter and argument can be used for the same thing: information that are passed into a function. From a function's perspective: A parameter is the variable listed inside the parentheses in the function definition. An argument is the value that are sent to the function when it is called.

How many types of arguments are there in Python functions?

There are four inherent function argument types in Python, using which we can call functions to perform their desired tasks.

Can a function have 3 arguments?

We pass arguments in a function, we can pass no arguments at all, single arguments or multiple arguments to a function and can call the function multiple times.