Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
The items listed below are significant red flags and important information for anyone in therapy or considering therapy. If any of the following red flags appear during the course of your counseling, it may be time to reevaluate your counselor or therapist.

Should you recognize one of these red flags, the first step, in most cases, is to discuss your concern with your counselor. Try talking candidly about what’s bothering you. A good therapist should be open and willing to understand your concerns. If your counselor doesn’t take your concerns seriously or is unwilling to accept feedback, then it’s probably in your best interest to consult with another therapist about it. Most therapists mean well and are willing to take accountability for their own “stuff.” So, it’s also important to give your therapist the benefit of the doubt … all people make minor mistakes. And sometimes what people think is their therapist’s issue is actually their own. These “blind spots” can be the most difficult to see and are well worth talking about with your therapist.

It’s also important to note that the following red flags have varying degrees of significance. Some of them are very serious violations of ethical standards, such as a therapist attempting to have a sexual relationship with a client. There is no exception to this rule, and if you find yourself in such a situation, you are advised to report to the state professional licensing board and consult with other professionals. However, a number of the red flags listed below do have “exceptions to the rule” and depend partly on the context. For example, it’s generally unacceptable for therapists to have dual relationships with their clients. So if a counselor is treating the neighborhood barber for his or her depression, the counselor goes to a different barber to avoid confusing the “client-therapist” relationship. However, in small communities it can be impossible to avoid certain dual relationships. Ethical guidelines are flexible enough to take this, and some other exceptions, into account.

In no particular order, it is a red flag if you find your:

  1. Counselor does not have sufficient and specific training to address your issues and/or attempts to treat problems outside the scope of the practice.
  2. Therapist is not interested in the changes you want to make and your goals for therapy.
  3. Counselor cannot or does not clearly define how they can help you to solve whatever issue or concern has brought you to therapy.
  4. Therapist provides no explanation of how you will know when your therapy is complete.
  5. Counselor does not seek consultation with other therapists.
  6. Therapist makes guarantees and/or promises.
  7. Therapist has unresolved complaints filed with a licensing board.
  8. Therapist does not provide you with information about your rights as a client, confidentiality, office policies, and fees so you can fairly consent to your treatment. Note: The requirement for information provided to new clients by therapists differs by state and licensure requirements.
  9. Counselor is judgmental or critical of your behavior, lifestyle, or problems.
  10. Therapist “looks down” at you or treats you as inferior in subtle or not so subtle ways.
  11. Counselor blames your family, friends, or partner.
  12. Counselor encourages you to blame your family, friends, or partner.
  13. Therapist knowingly or unknowingly gets personal psychological needs met at the expense of focusing on you and your therapy.
  14. Counselor tries to be your friend.
  15. Therapist initiates touch (i.e., hugs) without consent.
  16. Counselor attempts to have a sexual or romantic relationship with you.
  17. Therapist talks excessively about personal issues and/or self-discloses often without any therapeutic purpose.
  18. Counselor tries to enlist your help with something not related to your therapy.
  19. Therapist discloses your identifying information without authorization or mandate.
  20. Counselor tells you the identities of other clients.
  21. Therapist discloses they have never done personal therapy work.
  22. Counselor cannot accept feedback or admit mistakes.
  23. Therapist focuses extensively on diagnosing without also helping you to change.
  24. Counselor talks too much.
  25. Therapist does not talk at all.
  26. Counselor often speaks in complex “psychobabble” that leaves you confused.
  27. Therapist focuses on thoughts and cognition at the exclusion of feelings and somatic experience.
  28. Counselor focuses on feelings and somatic experience at the exclusion of thoughts, insight, and cognitive processing.
  29. Therapist acts as if they have the answers or solutions to everything and spends time telling you how to best fix or change things.
  30. Counselor tells you what to do, makes decisions for you, or gives frequent unsolicited advice.
  31. Therapist encourages your dependency by allowing you to get your emotional needs met from the therapist. Therapist “feeds you fish, rather than helping you to fish for yourself.”
  32. Find a Therapist

    Counselor tries to keep you in therapy against your will.
  33. Therapist believes that only the therapist’s counseling approach works and ridicules other approaches to therapy.
  34. Therapist is contentious with you or frequently confrontational.
  35. Counselor doesn’t remember your name and/or doesn’t remember your interactions from one session to the next.
  36. Therapist does not pay attention or appear to be listening and understanding you.
  37. Counselor answers the phone during your session.
  38. Therapist is not sensitive to your culture or religion.
  39. Counselor denies or ignores the importance of your spirituality.
  40. Therapist tries to push spirituality or religion on to you.
  41. Counselor does not empathize.
  42. Therapist empathizes too much.
  43. Counselor seems overwhelmed with your problems.
  44. Therapist seems overly emotional, affected, or triggered by your feelings or issues.
  45. Counselor pushes you into highly vulnerable feelings or memories against your wishes.
  46. Therapist avoids exploring any of your emotional or vulnerable feelings.
  47. Counselor does not ask your permission to use various psychotherapeutic techniques.
  48. Therapist tries to get you to exert overt control over your impulses, compulsions, or addictions without helping you to appreciate and resolve the underlying causes.
  49. Counselor prematurely and/or exclusively focuses on helping you to appreciate and resolve the underlying causes of an issue or compulsion when you would instead benefit more from learning coping skills to manage your impulses.
  50. Your counselor habitually misses, cancels, or shows up late to appointments.

If there are other warning signs or red flags you’d like to share, please leave a reply in the comments section below.

© Copyright 2007 - 2022 All rights reserved.

The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
500+ posts

writing comp


⎨Arlene⎬“Alright everyone, be sure to stretch. Have a good night!” Our cross country coach bids farewell to us. My friends - Vicki, Brit, Tansy, Erin - and I huddle together as we jog towards the school parking lot. The school itself is for K-12 (small town schools am I right?) but cross country is only for seventh through twelfth graders. My friend’s and I are in eleventh grade, almost at the top of the food chain. Food, mmm I could use some food. The only choices in this boring town is a greasy diner, overpriced slushie shack, or McDonalds. “McDonalds slushies on me?” I offer. “You know it, Arlene!” Brit gives a thumbs up. We pile into Vicki’s car, a 2013 Honda Civic. I am smushed between Erin and Tansy. Brit sits shotgun happily. She yanks a ponytail holder out of her frizzy, red hair and puts on five-dollar arcade sunglasses. “You brought the swaggy sunglasses, yessssss!” Tansy cheers. We all laugh. “The most swaggy of us here, Brit,” Vicki says in a sing-song voice, glancing at Brit. “Vick! Eyes on the road!” Tansy cries. The car swerves left, right, left, right. “Oh gosh!” Vicki tries to take control of the vehicle. She violently twists the wheel. I hold my breath. SCREEEEECH! Vicki slam on the breaks. “Is it over, are we alive?” Tansy has her eyes squeezed shut, it looks painful. “Yes, I guarantee it,” Erin says. She looks as if she just saw a ghost. “I apologize for that.” Vicki pulls into the McDonalds parking lot. She finds a spot for the car and parks it. She turns off the engine and hops out of the car. We stride into the McDonalds. We are greeted by our friend and server, RJ. He’s a stereotypical theatre (he demands for us to spell it the British way, I do anyways) kid. Overly dramatic - in a good way. He has dark tan skin and Indian heritage. “I am your server. Can I get you the normal? Five slushies for y’all?” RJ speaks in haikus. “Yup!” I slap down the money and we walk over to an empty table. Ding! Our eyes shoot up at the sound of the door. ⎨Ada⎬ Where am I, what time is it, how should I be speaking? These questions I ask myself a zillion times a day. My name is any version of Adalynn. Lynn, Ada, Addy, y’know. As I walk into the McDonalds I whittle down the time period. It’s the 2000s, definitely. I am greeted by an odd teenager. “Hello, I’m RJ. What can I get you today. Perhaps a burger?” He taps out syllables on the countertop. I glance up at the menu. “How about an Oreo milkshake.” RJ nods. Another person places a tray holding two blue raspberry and three cherry slushies. “Arlene, your order! Ice cold slushies for Arlene. Now come pick it up!” A blond haired girl retrieves the tray. “Thank you!” She smiles wide and skips over to her table. She passes out the drinks. While she does that, I find a table. I don’t mean to snoop but I can’t help but listen to Arlene's conversation. “To be honest, Bill’s Slushie Shack has better slushies. We all know the real reason you insist on going here, you are close to broke and the cheapy McDonalds slushies fit your budget.” The short brown haired takes a sip of her slushie. “I am not! I am saving for college. There is a difference. College in 2022 is expensive!” Arlene fakes being offended. My state of being observant is interrupted by RJ calling my order. “Oreo milkshake! You have a good day. Goodbye, farewell.” I grab my milkshake and walk out of the restaurant. “Wait wait wait right there!” RJ calls. “You forgot to pay, please pay! Please come back and pay!” ⎨Arlene⎬ Weird new girl with steampunk goggles. Not normal. I rise from the table with my slushie in hand. “I’m gonna go.” I pick up my wallet and jog out the door. “Goggles! Wait!” The girl spins around. “What do you want?” She scowls. I nail her with the golden question. “Why didn’t you pay?! It's just plain disrespectful to RJ, and really everyone in this town. If you plan on staying here you gotta learn some respect.” “I just didn’t feel like paying.” She shrugs and walks away. My blood boils over. This girl is smart but I’m smarter. ⎨Ada⎬ Whoa, dramatic much. This isn’t a Greek tragedy. The real reason I didn’t pay is because I don’t have American money, or at least modern American money. I’m a time traveler, every month I am sent to another location, another time. This month it’s a small town in who-knows-where-2022. These goggles were something I picked up back during my last journey. Victorian Era London. If Arlene finds out my secret I’m toast, toast with slimy eggs. I tip-toe into the school bathroom. I take a bottle of hair dye and scissors out of my backpack. Standing in front of the mirror, I comb out my long, floofy brown hair with my fingers. I proceed to picking up the scissors and chopping my hair, leaving it just above my chin. I snatch the teal hair dye bottle, squeezing it on my hair. New place, new me.⎨Arlene⎬ “I am determined to know why Goggles is here. She can’t be visiting for a vacation, this place is completely off the map!” I rant over pancakes. “She’ll probably be at school.” Brit shrugs. School! I totally forgot about school! I was so stressed about Goggles that I forgot about school! I glance at my watch. “Guys! We’ve gotta go!” We hustle out of the diner and into Vicki’s car. Thankfully the school is only five minutes away! We sprint into the school towards our home rooms. The bell rings right as I slide into my seat. My teacher - Ms. Janet - rises from her desk. “We have a new student, Ada!” Goggles rises. “Um, hi guys…” She waves shyly. “Ada dyed her hair?” RJ mouths. I shrug in return. “I guess.” I mouth. I glance over at Ada and that is when I find out how I’ll learn why she’s here. Her backpack. Class finishes and I catch Ada outside of the classroom. “I’m so sorry about yesterday.” I mean that, kind of. “Ok, I guess.” She shoves a piece of gum into her mouth and adjusts her glasses. I take note of her short teal hair. “Do you need help finding your locker?” If I get her combination then I can get her backpack since school rules say we can’t carry our backpacks around. “Um, yeah sure. Locker 191.” I lead her to her locker. “Now, these lockers can be a bit finicky. I’ll show you how open it if you give me the code.” Ada hands me the code. I smash my body against the locker while putting in the combination. I really don’t need to smush my body but it’s a cover up so I can write down the combo. “Volia!” I gesture to her now-open locker like a game show host. I drop my arms. “Y’know what, you should sit with my friend’s and me at lunch!” “I mean, sure.” Ada places her backpack in her locker.⎨Ada⎬ My options consist of a sandwich that looks like it is on the brink of molding or mac and cheese that has zero nutritional value; I choose the latter. I grab my tray of sodium-rich food and scan the small cafeteria for Arlene and her friends. She finds me before I find her. She runs over to me and guides me to her table. The girls introduce themselves as Vicki, Tansy, Brit, and Erin. RJ (the McDonalds kid) also eats with them. “Ketchup challenge!” Brit throws ketchup packets at everyone’s face. “What is the ketchup challenge?” I inquire. “Basically we slurp the ketchup out of a ketchup packet and see who can go the longest without gagging,” Tansy explains. “Sounds fun! I’m in!” I’ve eaten worse things (when I traveled to the Middle Ages, the food was so gross). Brit counts down. “Three…two…one!” Everyone eats the ketchup. RJ, Arlene, Tansy, and Erin gag and take a swig of their drinks almost immediately. Vicki gives in soon after. It’s down to Brit and I. We stare intently at each other, our eyes peeled. We must look like people in an intense staring contest. I notice that Brit starts to gag. The others do too. “Ada is now the ketchup challenge champion!” Tansy cheers. “I have been dethroned.” Brit laughs. After a few minutes of having genuine fun with them, I notice something seems off about Arlene…wait- Arlene isn’t here! ⎨Arlene⎬ I sprint down the hall, making skidding noises at the corner. Gotta get to Ada’s locker, gotta get to Ada’s locker. Thump, thump, thump. I make an abrupt stop at her locker and hastily open it. I pull out her backpack and make a break for it. “Stop right there Arlene!” Ada stops me in my tracks. I drop to the floor and rip open her backpack, revealing all her secrets. My brain explodes when I see what she really is…a time traveler. Regret fills my soul.⎨Ada⎬ Arlene’s betrayal runs deep. I thought we had a friendship building but I guess that was all a hoax. “Why?” Is all I’m able to muster. “I- I d-don’t kn-know,” Arlene says between sobs. “I-I’m s-s-sor-ry.” “I thought I would finally have a friend, do you know what it’s like to be whooshed to a different location and time every month?!” My temper boils over. “Sorry is not enough! You will pay!”⎨Arlene⎬ After really meeting Ada I wanted (note the past tense) to be her friend, I swear! I’m now too late…I regret my decision to to trick her…I regret it so much…Ada walks away, leaving me with the mess I made…

1659 words

Last edited by PaigeTurnerE (March 26, 2022 20:34:30)

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Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
100+ posts

Using the prompt:“Write about a character who has done everything they are told. They just graduated high school and are off to a very good college to get their degree in something reliable. But when they get there, they realize there is a whole world of opportunity they never knew existed. Now they have to maintain the façade of going to college even though they decided to pursue a different endeavor.”Aubree was a rule follower. All her life, she's been doing everything she's told, and is graduating high school at the top of her class, and took quite literally honors everything. Now, she has landed in Harvard Law School, to become a great famous lawyer. Aubree has never dreamed of anything else, and has also never allowed herself too. She is ready to complete her parents' wishes and become a brilliant lawyer or doctor. After all, they gave her life, so why not live the life the way they want her to? She had nothing against it, after all.

Now as she walks up the steps to Harvard, she is ready to fulfill her parents' dreams. It was all she ever followed. Aubree was pretty much fearless, except for one thing: she could not live with being a disappointment. Especially to her parents. So sometimes as much as she wanted to take a break from studies or things like that, she would keep going. Always keep going. Something within Aubree always let her continue, and somehow she always managed her life pretty well. It was sometimes a bit sad to not be able to go to parties with her friends, and she certainly never had time to ever go to the mall. (And if she did, it would be used as time to get extra credit in her classes.) She was just a straight A PLUS student. So walking into Harvard, she reminded herself who she was, what she would do, and who she could be. She walked in, and saw a quartet playing music. It was beautiful! And they were only practicing, too.

❝The purpose of our lives is to be happy <3❞.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.


✰ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
100+ posts

(Wip) Part Three of Weekly.Activities I got were: Proganist gets gum stuck in hair, something sneaks up behind your character, include three similes and a metaphor, have a character reveal a fear, have them have some sort of play fight like dodgeball, and have a character do something they wouldn't normally do. Alex went up to her bedroom. Aiden looked like a zombie laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. Alex assumed he wanted to be left alone and lay down on her bed. Before she knew it she had drifted off to sleep… When Alex woke up the sun had started to rise. She turned over and saw that Aiden was still asleep. She got up quietly as not to wake up Aiden went to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and gasped. While she was sleeping her gum had gotten in her hair. She must have forgotten to spit out her gum when she fell asleep. She groaned, of course, she was starting off her day with this. She had luckily only gotten gum in the bottom half of her hair and she badly need a haircut anyway. She started to head downstairs. “Boo!” The voice startled Alex. She turned around and started to laugh. Her grandmother had snuck up behind her on her way downstairs. “You got me shaking like a leaf grandma!” “Looks like you've got a wasp nest in your hair!” she said laughing with her. “Yeah just a little bit of a problem,” she answered. “I need a haircut anyway.” “Would you mind doing it for me if you aren't busy?” “It's Saturday so I have work off so I'd be happy too!” “Alright, thanks!” Grandmother cut Alex's hair. When she finished Alex got up to look in the mirror. “It looks, great granny!” “I'm glad you think so.” “I love you,” Alex replied. Grandmother laughed, “You have a heart of pure gold.” “I was thinking we should spend some time together today.” “Maybe take a hike in the woods.” Alex started to panic. “Grandma I'd love to but… I hate the woods. Ever since I was young and we got lost and had to find help…” “Of course honey that's fine, we'll think of something else to do.” “But now I feel bad…” “Don't feel bad honey it was just a suggestion,” she said hugging her granddaughter. “Maybe you could get your brothers do play dodgeball with us?” Alex went up to ask them. Aiden ended up requesting to be alone. Ryan however agreed and they went out to the yard. After a fun game everyone went inside for a break and drink of water. They were catching their breaths and drinking water when Aiden came down. “If you all are going to start playing again could I join this round?” Alex looked up at him in surprise. Aiden rarely ever wanted to join them in family games like this. “Of course, but just out of curiosity what gave you the urge to start talking to people again,” she teased. He shrugged, “I guess I just felt a little bit bad for never hanging out with you guys.” “Well okay, we're glad to have you.” Aiden smiled “Thank you.” “No problem.” After they finished dogdgeball everyone was in an extremely good mood (which was a rare occurrence.) That was until father came home then announced they were going grocery shopping. Grocery shopping was never a fun task since they were so close with money. They got in their old car and drove along the highway. They were nearing their destination when the car started to make strange noises as if it were giving up. Suddenly the car slowed to a stop. The car behind them barely swerved to avoid it. They got out and pushed the car to the side of the road. Father leaned against it and sighed. Then he pushed open the door to the car and took out a toolbox. he opened the hood of the car and scratched his head inspecting it. People going by stared out their window until they passed. Eventually someone pulled over and got out to help them. He went over to father and they started to talk. Soon the guy who had out to help got back in his car. Father turned to his children and told them. “I've got to call someone. We can get a ride home and someone will work on our car and see if they can get it fixed. Our car might just be too old. Cars don't usually last seventeen years so it's no surprise we're having problems.” Someone came to pick them up and everyone got in the car. The car stopped at their house. They got out and thanked the driver for the ride. They went inside and went to their rooms. Not soon after my father called Aiden downstairs. “Your mother called again,” father said. Aiden groaned. “Tell her I'm about to go to a soccer game.” Father told her the lie and then turned back to Aiden after covering the bottom of the phone. “She's asking if she can come.” “Tell her visitors aren't allowed.” “She said she's not a visitor she's your mother.” father told him. “JUST TELL HER I DON'T WANT TO SEE HER!” Aiden said raising his voice. Father sighed then repeated what Aiden had said to the phone. “She said she would hang up, but first she wants me to tell you that you can't make excuses forever. Sooner or later you're going to have to meet her.” “But I DONT WANT TO!” “I know buddy, her words not mine.” Aiden sadly nodded. “Sorry,” he mumbled. He then turned and started to head up to his room. Later that day during dinner there was a knock on the door. Father got up to look out the window. He groaned making is quite obvious who it was. “Aiden…” Aiden sighed. “Just let her in so we can get this over with.” he said. Father nodded then opened the door. In walked Aiden's mother. The only ones in the house who had seen her before were father and grandmother. She was a very beautiful women and she was clearly taller than their father. She walked through the door way ducking her head a little bit. “I didn't know you lived so… luxurious,” she said. Father gritted his teeth. If you've just come in here to pester us then you can leave.“

”I'd like to gain custody over Aiden."

Last edited by Cynthialz (March 29, 2022 13:36:59)

heyy im chaotic perssononn

sci fi ftw :smirk:


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
500+ posts

swc cabin war work - march 26words: 817challenge: entire cabin must write 3000 words without reusing adjectives“Once upon a time, there was a rock,” Mara read. “That rock thought it was the biggest rock of all time, and thought that because it was the largest it was the best rock ever. Then, along came a rock that made the first rock’s size pale in comparison to it. “The smaller rock believed that the second rock was the most amazing rock ever- until it saw the third rock, and so on and so forth until the first rock saw the Earth from outer space and realized that all of them were miniscule compared to the Earth. The end. Do you have questions about the story's summary?” Amy and Jack instantly raised their hands, and Mara sighed. “Amy, then Jack. Alphabetical order.” “Hey, that’s unfair!” Jack whined. “Amy always goes first!” “Is too!” Amy argued back. “I get to go before you because I’m better at asking questions!” The two children continued arguing, until the room was filled with the sounds of shouting. Mara gritted her teeth. “Fine then!” she shouted. “Jack, ask your question now. Amy, go last!” Amy stopped arguing. “Oh… Okay.” Jack smiled smugly at Amy. “See? Mara likes fairness.” “Argh,” Mara groaned. “Jack, just ask your question!” “Okay,” Jack said. “So, why did the rock go to space?” “The rock went to space because the ninetieth rock threw it,” Mara said. “Next question?” “Why did that rock throw it?” Amy quickly asked. “Was it angry at the tiny rock?” “Yes, it was,” Mara said. “It was mad because the small rock tried to judge it, and it disliked being judged.” “That’s a bad story,” said Jack. “You should have told us that the rock was frustrated and so threw the original rock. Then, we wouldn’t need to ask questions.” Mara groaned again. “Ugh… The moral is that you shouldn’t judge people, and besides, I didn’t write the summary. Somebody else did, and you literally wrote the summary. Why are you judging your own summary?” “Uhh…” Jack had no answers to Mara’s question, so he made one up on the spot. “I don’t like my own summary?” “He forgot that we all wrote summaries,” Amy said. Mara forced a smile even though she was internally fed up with Amy and Jack. “Okay, that makes sense. Do you want to read a good story?” “Of course,” they chorused. “Alright,” Mara said. “This one is called 'Why Children Shouldn’t Annoy Adults’.” “That’s a horrible name,” Jack interrupted. “Just be quiet and listen,” Mara ordered. “A while ago, there were two annoying children named… Jay and Anne. They enjoyed being mean to adults and ignoring adults, and those were their hobbies. “One day, someone walked up to them and told them that if they stopped frustrating the adults they could have lots of delicious candy! They loved candy, and so they told the adult they would do so. “The day after, they found them and told them that they had spent a day without frustrating any adults. They told them that they couldn’t have any candy until they stopped for good, and they promised that they would. They gave them a lot of candy and said that the candy had magical ingredients, so if the children broke their promise they would be turned into candy. “The children ignored them and ate every piece of the candy. On the fourth day, Anne decided to pull out the hair of an adult who lived near her house. But when she tried, she turned into a piece of chocolate! Afterwards, Jay came by and didn’t know the chocolate was Anne. Anne tried to tell Jay that she was now a piece of chocolate, but Jay just thought that the chocolate was haunted and ran. Jay turned into a lollipop a few days later, and they lived out the rest of their lives as candy. The end!” Mara smiled at Jack and Amy. “Now please, stop annoying me, or else you might be turned into candy.” “That’s not a true story,” they said at the exact same time.When she got home, Mara fished around on the Internet for some certain forbidden recipes and, pulling an all-nighter, put them into use.“Hey, Mara!” Jay called. “Read to us!” Mara nodded. “Okay. Today’s story is about how to make candy. You put sugar into boiled water and add the flavorings. Then, you put it in a mold and wait for it to cool. Finally, you give it to children to eat. That’s how I made this candy.” Mara gave Jay and Amy the candy, and they immediately devoured it. Suddenly, they both turned into shiny red apples!

Mara smiled and picked up the bright crimson apples. “See? Candy can have special properties, and stories can have parts that are based on real things that exist in the world. Like the story about Jack and Anne, food can have unexpected results.”


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
100+ posts

Promised - A writing competition entry word count: 1286Cw: War and loss

Gramaly tells me this sounds informative, dissaproving and sad :')

Darwin, 19th February 1941— — ˗ — — Silence.After the world recedes, darkness seeps in, hemming us in ephemeral wings.Is this death? This insinuate gloom? — — ˗ — — This morning, when I wake, the sun shines.Through parted curtains early dawns spills in shafts of effulgent light, an effervescent elixir glowing lambent in the daybreak sky. Mama and Lin are still asleep, blissfully unaware of my early rising. Their rooms, still dark with the lining of the blackout drapes against the windows. Yet the war waits for no-one and our trench lay undug in the scarlet earth outside.Though early morning, the suns ecstasy beats down in a flow of daybreak rays, through a part in the clouds, a break in the rain.A shovel sits against the wall, a reminder of the task, put off, and off again, until the waters had cleared.Now, the ground is soft, and the war is near, it can be deviated no longer.In inexperienced hands, the shovel is unwieldy, each scoop of earth raining down in showers of fragmented dirt, landing behind me. Try and try as I might, the ground stubbornly refuses to be more than a thin line in the dirt, soft ground slumping and filling any progress.A knee-deep indent is the best I can muster. You could fit, I reason, If you huddled, and were about as small as lin. The task, put off once more could wait. While the sun shines I shall enjoy the reprieve.There will be no war today. — — ˗ — — light coruscates gently on the waters of the bay, white-sailed ships studding the ocean. Below, waves lapped at the rocks, sending salty tendrils of vapour into the air. This morning, it is quiet, the army no longer practicing their drills on the stretch of whitened sand.Today, the war seems distant, the tranquil beach against the blue of the sky, gulls flapping lazily in the early heat. Yet the constant reminder lays out at sea, the military ships mingling amongst the sailing boats in the waters.Far above, the drone of planes start up, as if the army was not yet done with their beach, come to claim it back from my grasp. Yet the planes fly on, over the beach and inland, towards Darwin. Without warning, the world tilts on its axis, kaleidoscopic, a force pushing back against gravity, as if shot from a canon, hurling through the air.The sirens begin.— — ˗ — — They wander aimlessly through what is no longer there. Powdered white hiding scarlet blooms, crimson corroding skin.They suffer, like I, a casualty of fate, clutching us in insouciance hands.A quiet chaos burning, aflame in the light of death. — — ˗ — — The monochrome rubble of spindles out, splintering with skeletal branches into the desolate landscape. Husks of houses, blackened and smoking in morning light. A muted cacophony.I take a step into the ruins, smoldering ashes beneath my feet.At first cautions, but then, I run. Through the buckled streets and suburbs, fractured by the blast.

Lin, I am coming!

Another turn and the still-burning hull of a building comes into sight, a looming cloud of black smoke and plaster dust adorn the air above its open roof. Everywhere I look, white dusted faces with pleading eyes, set in blistering skin.

Maude, help us!

My throat tightens and I turn my face with regret, against the flock of forlorn gazes. I’m sorry! My legs carry me on, unwitting, unwilling, an intricate dance with a haunting rhythm, following the path they know too well. This is just a walk home, isn’t it?A foolish, paper-thin ruse that tugs at my heart.— — ˗ — — Two figures lay in the trench, satin nightgowns against the carmine earth, crimson tugs at the edges blooming with blemished petals. The larger clutches the smaller, shielding from the horrors above. They lay, still, a porcelain serenity…No!— — ˗ — — I am here, though there is something wrong.A white-washed house adorning the hilltop of garnet earth, open doors and curtains blowing in the breeze.Yet it’s quiet and still. Where Lin should be playing in the flower beds, there is nothing.

Mama? Lin?

A pungent odor mixes with the hot air, the still silence that envelopes the house.

Where are you?

The house, though empty lays untouched. Further down the hill, a dark plume of smoke blots the horizon.


I tell myself that they have gone to look for me, that the blackened trench is left unoccupied.It will be empty when I check


— — ˗ — — I can see her now, Morning sun glints on the undersides of the planes as they fly overhead, a V formation emblazoned against the cerulean sky. They dive lower, a freefall towards the cracked earth. The piolet waves and smiles, meeting her gaze.Maude help me!The bomb drops.— — ˗ — — Ashes are coating my throat and I can't breathe.Chocking, with racking coughs, gasping breaths struggle for purchase in powdered lungs.I can move, yet I won't. I refuse to leave, this place, though destroyed, is my home.

Mama, where are you?

The figures that lay in front of me, huddled in my rickety trench, though skin blistering and veiled in ashes, are the ones I left this morning. Mama, Lin, so full of life yesterday, are pale and still beneath my gaze.

I could have helped you!

A job left unfinished in haste, the half-dug trench an ugly scar on the ground, A taunting, leering line of the pressed lips of a mouth.

You could have done better Maude!

A vertigo of mounting voices, filled with agony and regret swell in tides of currant-stained water, pushing the banks, threatening to burst.

Just a little deeper Maude! Didn’t I tell you?A few shovels of dirt and it would have been done!

Were where you this morning? I thought I could trust you.

The mounting ensemble which refuse to be shuttered, a dissonant orchestra, muted and slowed through thickening thoughts, plays out within my head.

You told me you would save me Maude, you promised. Remember?

Yes, I do.

— — ˗ — — We walk the empty streets hand in hand, a silent reprieve from the constant wail of sirens. Past shopfronts, boarded and taped, dark black bands blocking windows, and neglected gardens, weeds left to spring by absent owners.We stay on, yet most of Darwin has left, evacuated to the distant city, the far-off metropolis of Sydney, so unlike our home.I squeeze Lin’s arm, smiling. She peeks at me with dark eyes from beneath her raven hair. “What if I’m not ready?” She asks solemnly.Her first day at school, she bobs nervously by my side. “You will be” I squeeze her arm again.I lead her past another turn, another row of idle dwellings.The school is small, more-so after the evacuations. The gates, rusted iron, twisting at the base lead to a grassed path. I smile at her once more, she smiles back, rosy cheeks dimpling on a pale face. “I’m ready,” She tells me, a triumphant expression alight on her delicate features. “Up you go little duckling” She giggles, dark hair bobbing.A wailing alarm blocks her departure, shrieking of danger. She clutches me tightly, burying her head in the folds of fabric, as we run together, to safety. “Don’t worry little duckling, I’ll keep you safe, I promise”— — ˗ — — Cold and hard, indifferent and empty, the rough ground grating against my palms.Lin.Us against the world. My heart wrenches, then break, shattered and irreparable, pieces ground to fragments, scattered throughout the earth. Tears, hot and blinding drive paths through an ash-coated face, clean lines through the grime of regret. I’m sorry.But I promised.— — ˗ — — Authors notes ^^If it wasn't immediately obvious, this text refers to the bombing of Darwin, Australia on February 19th.After watching science videos on the element of uranium, and its crucial part in WW2 I began wondering about the effects of the war in my country, Australia. After some extensive research and planning, I bring to you this story, a historical fiction on Australia's single largest military advance by another country.

Just some quick explanations of specific phrases throughout the text

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.

  • “Yet the war waits for no-one and our trench lay undug” . This refers to the practice of digging trenches within your own backyard in preparation for the war.
  • “This morning, it is quiet, the army no longer practicing their drills on the stretch of whitened sand.” The beach was a common place for the military to practice drills, and was also the place of meeting in the event of an air-raid.
  • Yet most of Darwin has left, evacuated to the distant city, the far-off metropolis of Sydney, so unlike our home. At the time, most non-essential personnel were evacuated to cities away from the northern territory, Sydney was one of the most popular cities for evacuees.
  • Another turn and the still-burning hull of a building comes into sight, a looming cloud of black smoke and plaster dust adorn the air above its open roof. This sentence refers to the Darwin post office which was completely destroyed along with a family and workers inside.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoyed <3

Last edited by -faerylights (March 27, 2022 05:05:35)

⋆·˚ ༘ * join ❛Script July 2022 ❜ ⋆·˚ ༘ *


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
500+ posts

swc word war - march 27words: 152

warred with: @dolphin_spring_water

Being caught in the never-ending abyss of writing that has no end is one of the worst fates for a person. You write and write, but your task will never be fulfilled. You will never have an end. You will always be a writer- there will never be one great work that will end your story. There will always be more- more ideas, more words to write- and you will never be able to keep up with the pace at which your ideas keep coming and coming on and on until you are unable to write any more words. You will likely never have an end. Your ideas will never stop coming, and as long as you are alive you will have more ideas that you want to write down. You’ll probably not have an ending- your story will never end, and it won’t have a satisfying one if it even did

Last edited by Peach_Drawing (March 27, 2022 01:55:07)


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
500+ posts

WEEKLY #4 (2,795 words total)

Card: 6 of Hearts (328 words)

Dahlia is, at first glance, your average high schooler. She's seventeen and loves to play music. Her life has been…interesting…ever since she was a child. Her father and mother both abandoned her when she was young, so she has been fending for herself ever since. She floats from place to place, almost like a nomad. She absorbs many, many things all at once and is very good at adapting to new situations. She's very much ambiverted, and can be very docile at times. Dahlia is a kind soul too, but very quiet. She likes to silently watch out for those who can't watch out for themselves. She knows what it's like to be alone. She had an older brother, for a while. He protected her in the streets. Until one day, they took him away. She didn't know who they were, why they came for him, but it was bad. And to make things worse, her best friend stopped talking to her. When he stopped talking to her, Dahlia had only known Michael for about four months. They had gotten so close. Michael had pulled Dahlia from some of her darkest places. And when he left, it felt like a piece of her died. She misses him every day. They met when she was busking on the street one day. It was a shady corner, and she was playing her cello and the sound carried her mind away. And then she saw him. And they were attached at the hip from then on. They never were in a relationship outside of being best friends, but when he stopped talking to her, it felt like a breakup. Dahlia has barely spoken since. Dahlia's whole life has been a really crazy and wild mess, and she is trying to pull herself back together. She's convinced the world sees her as broken and insane, but a small glitter of hope makes her wish she could change her (and the world's) mind.

Card: 3 of Spades (312 words)

Astra is a young kid. She's 9, but has an old soul. Her favorite activity is soccer, but she desperately wants to learn to play cello. Her whole life she's been told to be the poster child, the absolute epitome of perfection. This has caused Astra to be an extreme extrovert with impossible expectations for herself. Oftentimes, Astra wishes she'd not been the “prodigy”, but her parents had forced it on her ever since Michael left. Michael was her older brother, and disappeared a few days after his 18th birthday. No one knows what happened to him, and it haunts her every day. Michael pretty much raised Astra, because their parents are both doctors and are taking shifts at the hospitals around the clock. This is why Astra loves people so much. They make her feel appreciated and loved and, most importantly, seen. Despite her outward appearance, Astra struggles with feeling like she fits in, and especially just feeling comfortable with herself. When Michael was still around, he helped her through it, but after he left it just kept getting worse. Her loud and social butterfly of a self has everyone convinced that she's always happy and her life is perfect, when in reality it is far, far from it. Some days, Astra wants to just hide and find an escape, but hiding makes her lonely. And when she's alone, the anxiety and fear takes over. She becomes a shell of herself. So if she's not sleeping, she does her best to surround herself with others. Astra has been deeply affected by her parents' absence in her life as well as her brother leaving. It makes her feel unloved and worthless, and it could cause problems for her in the future. However, for now, all she wants to do is play soccer and learn cello, and overall just be a normal kid.

Setting: Dark blue and pale peachish orange (150 words exactly)

The hill isn't tall, but it's not short either. The little dirt path leads all the way to the top. The deep, dark sky is sprinkled with stars and the little hill overlooks stars of its own. There's a bustling city a few miles away from the tip of the hill. People are scurrying around and going about their late night business, whether that's returning home to pets, children, or family, or maybe even walking to their next shift. This city comes alive at night, and atop the hill you can faintly hear a song. A cellist sits and plays there, every night, and the sound drifts all the way down to the roads weaving between the tall buildings. The whole city feels haunting but beautiful, and the sky is always crisp and clear, no matter the weather. It's confounding to all who visit there, and even those who aren't.

Freewrite (401 words)

The night is dark, and the hill has as clear of a view as ever. Dahlia was sitting at the top of the hill on a stool and the sound of her cello floats through the air. The city across from her reverberates the sound and her ears are full of the music. Dahlia's mind is being carried away and she is temporarily able to escape her own mind. Escape those she misses and those she wishes she could forget. Her piece comes to a close and she is forced back to reality. She briefly thinks that she sees Michael running up to her, but her heart sinks as she realizes it's just a random runner. Behind this runner though, there is a young child. She looks to be about 9 or 10, but there's a gleam in her eyes that makes her feel older. Dahlia begins to pack away her things when this girl approaches her. “Who are you?” Dahlia asks her. She's rarely approached by people, even when busking. “I'm Astra!” the girl replies with a grin “You sounded really good!” Dahlia smiles at the praise “Why thank you. I work really hard to learn to play well, and am happy to bring a little more light into the world.' she pauses and then adds ”What is a young girl like yourself doing out this late at night on your own? Do you have an older sibling or parent I can find?“ Astra shakes her head. ”It's just me“ she says ”I had an older brother for a while, but he disappeared. And my parents are always working. I rarely see them.“ Dahlia nods in understanding. ”Well,“ she starts ”I'm heading home for the night. Is there somewhere I can take you?“ Astra starts to nod when there's a rustling in the bushes. Looks like a human, but could easily be a deer or bear. They're common in this area. She goes to look, but then there's a bright flash in the dark sky. Dahlia sees motion out of the corner of her eye. But before she can call attention to it, it's gone. Dahlia is extremely confused, because rarely do this many odd events take place at once. First a stranger, then flashes, and this rustling. ”Did you see that?“ Dahlia thinks aloud. Astra replies with a simple ”No" before she looks up and her eyes go wide.

Game (1500 words exactly) (send your characters to the worst party ever / send your characters to a karaoke party / include a scene where a character starts talking to themselves / describe something without mentioning its appearance / your character discovers the meaning of life / write a scene where they confront their fatal flaw / a character has an uncontrollable urge to do something before it's too late (and more I was unable to record) )

Astra is seeing a bird flying by and it lands on her shoulder. She wants to scream but this bird takes its wing and covers her mouth with it, shaking its head and making a tongue clucking noise. The bird began to squak very awkwardly. It called “DONT RUN AWAY, DONT RUN AWAY” constantly. Even after Astra got it off her shoulder, it continued to cluck and say these things. This bird looked like a cross between a chicken and a parrot. Very unnatural. And then the birds begin to fly away. Naturally, Dahlia and Astra are curious, so they quickly pack up their things and follow the bird. They walk for miles, but eventually this bird reaches this random building in a desert. It's a standalone building, almost like a saloon. But, you can see a sign on the front. The building itself looks very western, but the sign is in a bright, neon pink and reads “THE BEST KARAOKE BAR IN TOWN. ALSO THE ONLY ONE IN TOWN.” Which made the both of them chuckle. Astra and Dahlia walk in, and are greeted by a bunch of chicken parrots dancing to the worst screeching they have ever heard. Dahlia mutters to herself about how the birds are completely tone deaf and should all take some vocal lessons, when she realizes she still has her cello! Dahlia takes out her cello and begins to play and the screeching dies out. The room just gets filled with her music, and Astra is in awe. The birds are all hopping around in a very cult like fashion, but they all seem to be enjoying her music. The music was a beautiful noise, with the soft notes filling the ears of all who heard them. The chicken parrots switched from their very culty vibes dance to a more traditional waltz, which Astra was surprised was even possible as a parrot. And then Astra tried to figure out if parrots have thumbs. And that's when Astra realizes. She is meant to study chicken parrots as her life's work. Astra immediately leaves the karaoke bar and gets to the nearest school. It happens to be a university with a lot of apiaries, and will provide for her needs nicely. Astra begins to do research at the tender age of nine about the uses of chicken parrot thumbs. She will inevitably go to college and get a degree on this thumby business. Dahlia continues to play, but then she feels a panic attack coming on. She begins to seize up and her sound becomes very short and borderline out of tune. It was excruciating to the ears. The chicken parrots begin to laugh, and laugh, and laugh. And Dahlia becomes even more afraid than she already was. She was nervous to play in front of these random chicken parents, but now she was being publicly shamed? She was going to have to figure out what the heck is or was going on to try to decide how best to react.Astra is sitting in her chicken parrot chemistry class when she suddenly stands up. She has the inexplicable urge to run down the hallway. She begins to sprint until she reaches the stairwell, where she might as well have flown down. Everyone stopped to try to figure out what she was doing. When she reached the bottom, she was near the library. “IVE GOT TO GET IT. BEFORE ITS TOO LATE” she yells. Astra is in a mentally sporadic place and can't focus on anything at all. She runs into the library and searches every shelf individually. She reads each title and author, and this takes her hours. She finishes with a stack of books. This stack, the glorious, tall, strong, and brave stack, has over one hundred books on it. All of the books are properly alphabetized, and Astra grins widely. “I HAVE COMPLETED THE TASK.” She cries out with glee. “ITS READY. ITS NOT TOO LATE.”At this point, the world is questioning the nine year old aspiring chicken parrot chemist. She's on an iNtErEsTiNg path. Then, all of a sudden, every chicken parrot stands up. Every scientist working on them, farmers raising them, and kids playing with them were all extremely surprised. She watches all of these parrots form a straight line and march. Their little knees pound around and they waddle in perfect unity. The parrots all waddle away, and Astra naturally follows them. Dahlia is still angry at her out of tune playing, but she's working through it. Astra follows these animals out and follow them all the way to Florida. Why florida, of all places? She asks herself. Probably something stupid, she thinks. Walking from where she lives to florida though, it's a long stretch. Dahlia then suddenly stands up, grabs her cello, and smashes it. She then takes the pieces, pulls out a torch, and lights them on fire. She feels as though she is possessed. Dahlia expects that it is due to the chicken parrots. Darn chicken parrots. Dahlia only just NOW realizes that Astra is gone and she panics. She can't lose a child like this, no one would trust you ever again. Dahlia looked everywhere and couldn't find her. Then, Dahlia found Astra in the bleachers. She was drinking water and eating a banana.


A bystander laughs at her rant and goes to talk to Astra. The two strike up a nice conversation. ”How are you today?“ the stranger asks ”Alright“ Astra tells her. ”Very tired though. Time has been so precious, and I've only recently gotten home from long adventures. Do you have any tales of adventure?“”The bystander grins “One time, in a land far far away, there was a little box. Within this box, there was a Wild. That's it. Just a Wild. If you put it in anything other than a box, the Wild will disappear. And from this Wild, stems a great tree. This tree holds three things on its leaves. They are crown leaves used for laurels, metal roots that can be mined, and a golden embossed graving in the center. It's so weird that it just grew like this, but the powerful, magical, all knowing tree is best. Not knows best, it just is the best answer to anything ever. You just say ‘its a wild’ or ‘I did a wild’. That seems like it would be interesting. Anyway, this tree from the box contained music. Within this tree sound bounced everywhere. You could hear the noise for miles. And that's actually how this Karaoke Bar got in the area, but that's besides the point. Chicken Parrots were drawn to the tree because of both its sap and its song. Chicken parrots are Sapitarians, and only eat saps. It's very inconvinient sometimes, but I think they'd survive well in antartica.”Astra listened very intently, and took a lot of mental notes as to what's going on. There were so many little nuances that were just said without words that she was so astonished by. How could this one person know so much about Chicken Parrots? It's a very weird major and she had no idea why anyone would choose that. Might as well just have normal lessons, right?Meanwhile, Dahlia is astonished as to what she's just done. Her life's work…her magnum opus…her cello. It was gone. All by her own hand. She had committed a horrible atrocity that is never to be forgiven. It is a miracle she didn't disappear into herself immediately. She turned her head up when she saw someone. “Hmm” She said aloud. “Who are you?”

Astra is still listening to the bystander talk about Chicken Parrots, and is still very very very impressed. How can one know so much about a very specific topic. That's when it slips. A single feather comes out from this bystander's long trench coat. The feather softly floated to the ground, and its color shimmered in the soft light of the Florida sun. It makes Astra wonder if it's really so bad or whether she was just judgmental. HOWEVER, Astra was careful not to fully get on board with Florida, because she still thinks the whole state is just a nightmare. She gets her mind back on track and realizes something though. Something she didn't put together immediately. That feather falling must mean that the bystander isn't really a bystander, right? It must mean that they are…A BUNCH OF CHICKEN PARROTS!!

Last edited by majesticMiddleschool (March 31, 2022 04:09:36)

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
100+ posts

3/26, 162 words: If you win a word war at within the span of the daily today, you can earn 200 points rather than the typical 100. SPOILER ALERT: it’s bad and it won’t make sense unless you’ve watched the amazing spider-man :pensive:

I sigh, blow a strand of hair out of my face, and face the soccer field. It has been twenty days and five years to be exact since I have stood on a field, which is why I'm terrified right now, if you could imagine. But it’s not like you got amnesia and had your whole life stolen from you in the blink of an eye. I’m sorry, where are my manners? I am Peter Parker, and I have come to kill you. It's not like I exactly had the choice to do so or not, however. You see, there’s this one girl that I like named Gwen Stacy. But her dad, on his dying breath, made me promise not to marry or date her —why did I even think about marriage?— so here I am, stuck in a promise of a dead man. Though I can’t leave a return to what I love, even if it is the only thing that

(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚♡

“Poetry is burdened with glorious 1st place finishes”

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.

co-lead poetry with robin and blair </3


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
66 posts

Way Home I was on my way home when I heard a horrifying scream, a scream which would drive one’s soul to leave the body. I looked around trying to figure out from where the scream came from. I looked everywhere but found no one, I started to think it was my imagination. So, not caring about whatever that was I went on my way home. I got a call from my friend, David. “Hey David” I answered enthusiastically, but I heard no response the only thing I heard was him panting and running through the woods, with each step he took I could hear his heartbeat beating faster and faster. “WHERE ARE YOU?”“Huh…when did I-”“Just tell me will you!” I screamed angrily “I…a…I’m in the enchanted forest” hearing his reply I ran towards the enchanted forest not giving a care about going home. Panting I arrived near the enchanted forest waiting for David to pick up his phone hopping nothing happened to him. When he picked up I almost cried,“Where are you now?”“Al…almost at the border of the enchanted forest to the east” his voice came shaking I was at the moment on the north east side of the border, took out my skateboard and started heading to his direction. The wheels of the skateboard kept making a squeaking sound until one of them broke off. I feel to the ground with my knee badly wounded. I got up wobbling unable to move my right leg, but kept walking slowly towards the east border. When I arrived near it I heard someone running, they jumped through the bushes like the superheroes in movies. I was amazed at the moment but I also felt that I knew them. After taking a closer look, I recognized him. It was David and somehow much faster in running then before. He came over to me and said, “What did you do to your knee?” he asked worried“Just feel down from skateboard on my way here, no beige!” I replied with a grin and asked him cautiously “What about you, how did you get these powers?”David hesitant at first replied he got them from the enchanted forest. I was at first surprised but than a question revolved around in my mind “how did he get them”“How did you get them?” I asked moving a bit back“I…I got them from my…my determination” he replied hesitating and pausing with each wordI felt something was off about him, he didn’t seem concerned about my wound from earlier and started talking about himself and his virtue. Suddenly I felt a cold chill down my spine. The area covered up in mist I wasn’t able to see David anymore as I called out to him, “David?” but got no reply I was panicked I stood up and as I did the mist cleared up and so did, he disappear. It felt just like before with the scream when I realized something. I wasn’t at east side of the border yet and David came out from behind me that meant it was an illusion made by the enchanted forest. I knew everything now as I dashed towards the east side of the border, panting and panting. But, I did not stop I needed to find my, my friend which helped me when I was alone, when I was unknown to the world, my friend who cared for me when no one else did. “I was all alone No one ever cared about meUntil, until you showed upBrightening my lifeFilling my life with colors of all sortYou might not remember anymoreBut you were the oneWho extended a hand to me when I needed itYou showed me how it’s done,Smiling, laughing and sometimes annoyingYou shared those experiences with meYou may not knowBut you were the angel for meIn the darkness With wings like lightFlying higher and higherLike a bird freed from its cageIt was you who told me how to feelYou made me know many thingsAnd I now am,Thankful for everything you did forMay it be piety or kindnessI thank you for everything”I heard footsteps at that moment, I thought to myself “What if its David but what if its’ not David?” but I took the chances and ran in the direction of the footsteps. I closed my eyes and ran, ran as fast I possibly could. “Hey dummy why are you closing your eyes and running” someone called out to meI turned to face the direction of that person’s voice. At that moment tears swelled up in my eyes I couldn’t stop them. They started dripping from my cheeks as a waterfall. David came to me and asked “Why are you crying dummy?”“Bec…because I’m glad to see you safe” I replied wiping my tears“What the, then wouldn’t it have been better to not show up? You wouldn’t have to cry” he said with concerned eyes“What-what, don’t joke like that, I’ll…I’ll stop crying” I said to him but my tears wouldn’t stop they couldn’t stop at all. “Are you going to turn this place to a sea or what?” He said leaning, “But it would be much more fun” he added grinning like a physio“You really are weird! Everyone was right you are the weirdest person in the world I would say” I said laughing to my full content while David laughed with me“But why would you say that” he asked with a serious look“Cuz you are funny and serious when not needed for example, see I’m hurt and crying but you are making fun of me”“Wait-wait you are hurt? How? Where? And WHY?”“Well the reason is I fell of my skateboard-”“Did someone trip you”“Not exactly, I was concerned about some air headed who came to the enchanted forest for God knows what reason”“Umm…sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you…”“Why are you here than?” I asked with curiosity“…you must be in some much pain from the fall why not first we treat the wound”“Now, now I don’t think it will hurt after getting treated by the fake David, just tell me the reason for coming here will you or do I have to use force” I said with an innocent smile at first but with devil’s eyes as I spokeDavid shook with fear and reluctantly replied, “To retrieve a potion from the forest to heal… you”I was touched at the moment with what he said but angry at the same time, “Why would I need that aren’t I doing fine without it?”“But you only have a few more years” he said as tears came from his eyes dripping like rainI placed my hand on his shoulder, “Who told you that? I know my body well and I know I won’t be going anywhere until you become old and wrinkly” I said with a smile hiding the fact of the dark truth. David grabbed me and shouted, “Do you think I’m a fool, I read you medical papers, it clearly stated that you didn’t have much time! And if you are telling the truth look me in the eye and say that to me once more, will you?”I was shocked, I avoided his gaze trying not to show weakness but I suppose it was wrong of me. Anyway, I’m now alone in this world of darkness I should have told him the truth that time and maybe thanked him once more for everything… I was in a black tunnel endless I would say, it never ended. I couldn’t see anything but for black nothing more nothing less, when I saw a ray of light coming through the center of the black tunnel. I felt a slight tingle in my head as I opened my eyes with people looking at me with despair. It was blurry like I was injected with something to sleep longer. Someone came into the room, dressed in white said words I couldn’t understand or rather I was too sleepy to concentrate and hear. The people who came left with the person dressed in white. I feel to slumber again with my eyes feeling heavy I shut my eyes tight trying to go back and tell David the truth for once. When I was inside, I saw David, he was dressed in black, crying…I wondered why when I saw my grave. I couldn’t help it I wanted to cry to but…but how could I if I’m no longer there, by his side. With that I felt a warm touch on my hands as I came to, I found myself in a hospital bed, lying weak while David cried beside me. I lifted my hand and tried to speak, “Da…David why are you crying idiot?”“Anne, you-you’re awake I thought I would never be able to hear you talk again, I…I thought-”“Wh…whatever you thought doesn’t matter and why the heck am I in a hospital of places??”“You fell unconscious and you… you didn’t wake up so I brought you-”“Did you think I would leave you just like this, look at you who would ever like a guy who’s always crying at something so silly!” I said smiling at him“I’m just glad you’re fine” he replied with a warm smileDavid started crying hearing me talk, I didn’t know why but I felt relieved to know I was still with him, by his side.

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
66 posts

Way Home
Writing Competition Entry
1604 words (not including title)
I was on my way home when I heard a horrifying scream, a scream which would drive one’s soul to leave the body. I looked around trying to figure out from where the scream came from. I looked everywhere but found no one, I started to think it was my imagination. So, not caring about whatever that was I went on my way home. I got a call from my friend, David. “Hey David” I answered enthusiastically, but I heard no response the only thing I heard was him panting and running through the woods, with each step he took I could hear his heartbeat beating faster and faster. “WHERE ARE YOU?”“Huh…when did I-”“Just tell me will you!” I screamed angrily “I…a…I’m in the enchanted forest” hearing his reply I ran towards the enchanted forest not giving a care about going home. Panting I arrived near the enchanted forest waiting for David to pick up his phone hopping nothing happened to him. When he picked up I almost cried,“Where are you now?”“Al…almost at the border of the enchanted forest to the east” his voice came shaking I was at the moment on the north east side of the border, took out my skateboard and started heading to his direction. The wheels of the skateboard kept making a squeaking sound until one of them broke off. I feel to the ground with my knee badly wounded. I got up wobbling unable to move my right leg, but kept walking slowly towards the east border. When I arrived near it I heard someone running, they jumped through the bushes like the superheroes in movies. I was amazed at the moment but I also felt that I knew them. After taking a closer look, I recognized him. It was David and somehow much faster in running then before. He came over to me and said, “What did you do to your knee?” he asked worried“Just feel down from skateboard on my way here, no beige!” I replied with a grin and asked him cautiously “What about you, how did you get these powers?”David hesitant at first replied he got them from the enchanted forest. I was at first surprised but than a question revolved around in my mind “how did he get them”“How did you get them?” I asked moving a bit back“I…I got them from my…my determination” he replied hesitating and pausing with each wordI felt something was off about him, he didn’t seem concerned about my wound from earlier and started talking about himself and his virtue. Suddenly I felt a cold chill down my spine. The area covered up in mist I wasn’t able to see David anymore as I called out to him, “David?” but got no reply I was panicked I stood up and as I did the mist cleared up and so did, he disappear. It felt just like before with the scream when I realized something. I wasn’t at east side of the border yet and David came out from behind me that meant it was an illusion made by the enchanted forest. I knew everything now as I dashed towards the east side of the border, panting and panting. But, I did not stop I needed to find my, my friend which helped me when I was alone, when I was unknown to the world, my friend who cared for me when no one else did. “I was all alone No one ever cared about meUntil, until you showed upBrightening my lifeFilling my life with colors of all sortYou might not remember anymoreBut you were the oneWho extended a hand to me when I needed itYou showed me how it’s done,Smiling, laughing and sometimes annoyingYou shared those experiences with meYou may not knowBut you were the angel for meIn the darkness With wings like lightFlying higher and higherLike a bird freed from its cageIt was you who told me how to feelYou made me know many thingsAnd I now am,Thankful for everything you did forMay it be piety or kindnessI thank you for everything”I heard footsteps at that moment, I thought to myself “What if its David but what if its’ not David?” but I took the chances and ran in the direction of the footsteps. I closed my eyes and ran, ran as fast I possibly could. “Hey dummy why are you closing your eyes and running” someone called out to meI turned to face the direction of that person’s voice. At that moment tears swelled up in my eyes I couldn’t stop them. They started dripping from my cheeks as a waterfall. David came to me and asked “Why are you crying dummy?”“Bec…because I’m glad to see you safe” I replied wiping my tears“What the, then wouldn’t it have been better to not show up? You wouldn’t have to cry” he said with concerned eyes“What-what, don’t joke like that, I’ll…I’ll stop crying” I said to him but my tears wouldn’t stop they couldn’t stop at all. “Are you going to turn this place to a sea or what?” He said leaning, “But it would be much more fun” he added grinning like a physio“You really are weird! Everyone was right you are the weirdest person in the world I would say” I said laughing to my full content while David laughed with me“But why would you say that” he asked with a serious look“Cuz you are funny and serious when not needed for example, see I’m hurt and crying but you are making fun of me”“Wait-wait you are hurt? How? Where? And WHY?”“Well the reason is I fell of my skateboard-”“Did someone trip you”“Not exactly, I was concerned about some air headed who came to the enchanted forest for God knows what reason”“Umm…sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you…”“Why are you here than?” I asked with curiosity“…you must be in some much pain from the fall why not first we treat the wound”“Now, now I don’t think it will hurt after getting treated by the fake David, just tell me the reason for coming here will you or do I have to use force” I said with an innocent smile at first but with devil’s eyes as I spokeDavid shook with fear and reluctantly replied, “To retrieve a potion from the forest to heal… you”I was touched at the moment with what he said but angry at the same time, “Why would I need that aren’t I doing fine without it?”“But you only have a few more years” he said as tears came from his eyes dripping like rainI placed my hand on his shoulder, “Who told you that? I know my body well and I know I won’t be going anywhere until you become old and wrinkly” I said with a smile hiding the fact of the dark truth. David grabbed me and shouted, “Do you think I’m a fool, I read you medical papers, it clearly stated that you didn’t have much time! And if you are telling the truth look me in the eye and say that to me once more, will you?”I was shocked, I avoided his gaze trying not to show weakness but I suppose it was wrong of me. Anyway, I’m now alone in this world of darkness I should have told him the truth that time and maybe thanked him once more for everything… I was in a black tunnel endless I would say, it never ended. I couldn’t see anything but for black nothing more nothing less, when I saw a ray of light coming through the center of the black tunnel. I felt a slight tingle in my head as I opened my eyes with people looking at me with despair. It was blurry like I was injected with something to sleep longer. Someone came into the room, dressed in white said words I couldn’t understand or rather I was too sleepy to concentrate and hear. The people who came left with the person dressed in white. I feel to slumber again with my eyes feeling heavy I shut my eyes tight trying to go back and tell David the truth for once. When I was inside, I saw David, he was dressed in black, crying…I wondered why when I saw my grave. I couldn’t help it I wanted to cry to but…but how could I if I’m no longer there, by his side. With that I felt a warm touch on my hands as I came to, I found myself in a hospital bed, lying weak while David cried beside me. I lifted my hand and tried to speak, “Da…David why are you crying idiot?”“Anne, you-you’re awake I thought I would never be able to hear you talk again, I…I thought-”“Wh…whatever you thought doesn’t matter and why the heck am I in a hospital of places??”“You fell unconscious and you… you didn’t wake up so I brought you-”“Did you think I would leave you just like this, look at you who would ever like a guy who’s always crying at something so silly!” I said smiling at him“I’m just glad you’re fine” he replied with a warm smileDavid started crying hearing me talk, I didn’t know why but I felt relieved to know I was still with him, by his side.

Last edited by SSingh2008 (March 27, 2022 06:12:20)

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
100+ posts

Word Wars #3
go to megapostI took a deep breath, because it was time for the big moment. I walked out of my dorm and saw my friends wishing me good luck, for today my dream was coming true. Walking along the hallways of the school, no one came out to bully me anymore, for now, instead they were whispering about something I don't really know, but it's mostly about my success. Finally I reached the place where the awarding ceremony is being taken place, I opened the door and walked in.“Congratulations, Marbles649. You've made a very popular game that went viral all over the world!” The principal congratulated me, and everyone in the school came bursting into the room, giving me apologies for what they have done to let me down. I walked up the stage and received my reward, “The Best Coder of The School”. My friends Luna and Weren were so proud of me, and I think this is a way of helping them again.

164 words

The name is Marbles, I love animating and coding, even though it's complicated. play sound [coding is life] until done


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
72 posts

Word War - 153 wordsShe swam to the closest side of the pool. It was at that moment when he realised the heating of the pool was actually off.“Are you okay?” he called out, running along the side of the pool. “I forgot the heating was off.” Izzy kicked as hard as she could at the water and soon she was climbing out of the pool.“What was that for?” she asked, slapping him in the face. “I never said I wanted to go in and you pushed me in anyway!” With that, she pushed her hand as fast as she could. It caught him in the waist and he fell into the icy pool. Izzy sauntered off, ignoring the fact that Max could not swim. He should have thought of that before he pushed her into the water in the first place. Thankfully, Max had been lying when he claimed to be unable to swim.

Hello, damsonblossom here!I enjoy photography, swimming and making scratch projects.I make some art but I also do some coding!Hope to see you around on scratch!


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
1000+ posts


Character 1: Saturn
Saturn is a 10 year old human girl with purple hair and blue eyes right? Maybe not. She is a robot, who looks perefectly and acts perfectly human, she doesn't even know she's robot, her creator built her to be omnivert, finding it might by annoying if she was introvert or extrovert. However, she's usually more introvert than extrovert, shown by the fact that she remains very quiet. She enjoys eating foods like desserts and sushi. She also enjoys eating fast food, and her favorite is McDonald's and Five Guys. Her favorite animal is sheep, and she suprisingly has a pet sheep that she likes to take rides on. She enjoys activities such as reading and writing stories. She has absolutely no friends, so she might as well be an introvert. She's a bit tough, and if someone says something mean to her for instance, she'd march up to them, hold them up against a locker, wall,car, whatever, and yell “Shut Up, you have no right to such barbanian garbage.” And she'd simply just walk away unharmed. If the same person targeted her multiple times, she wouln't care, she'd just go on. She doesn't care what other people think about her. Her personality, quiet but firey, is very interesting to some people. Her signature color is purple, the color of her hair and eyes. She dreams of one day moving to Saturn, where she can get away from the annoying people of the Earth and have a whole planet to herself. Where she can ride the rings of Saturn, even though they are made of rock and ice, she can figure out a way to make them slides right? She is an advanced AI computing system capable of solving almost any problem in the universe. This is her, Saturn Solarian, the quiet robot girl, with a little fire in her.

Character 2: Saturn's Mom/Creator
Dr. Solarian, was the person that built Saturn, the person that came up with the motors, AI,and everything that helped Saturn seem completly human. She never had to tell Saturn she was robot, since she was so completly human. She poses as Saturn's mom. Dr. Solarian, is 40 years old, and has lavender colored hair, she's a scientest and wears a labcoat. Dr. Solarian is an omnivert, and enjoys activities like math and science. When she was younger she was often bullied for being “Such a nerdy-jerk.” All Dr. Solarian was, she was just trying to excel in school. When she was younger, but not school aged, she did have a husband and a real daughter, but they both d!ed in a car crash. Dr. Solarian, not wanting to be alone, built Saturn, an exact replica of her other daughter, with a different name, as the newest family member. After Saturn she did build a few other robots, but she sold them off to other people. Dr. Solarian never eats, and drinks only water. She can't eat actually, due to injuries she sustained from the crash. Dr. Solarian has a firey toughness in her, just like Saturn does. She also never shut's up, and goes blah blah blah as much as she wants. She's always coming up for ideas to build new machienes and find vaccines for life-threatning viruses. When Saturn finds out she's not human though, she gets mad, and Dr. Solarian becomes an evil character. Despite the fact she lies to Saturn alot, Dr. Solarian loves Saturn like she was her own daughter. Dr. Solarian enjoys to sleep alot, espically since she stays up late working. Dr. Solarian is in the process of building herself a son, but not one to love, but one to help her with tasks.

Welcome to Solar Pond. It's in a clearing within a mystical, magical forest, known as Moon Forest. During full moons, you can see the moons reflection, and the lake glows. There is a legend the lake can give some people magic people, when swimming in it during a full moon. It's in a mystical enviirment, with many magical creatures that roam about, many getting powers by drinking lake water. A lot of fairies live here too, perhaps in the tall trees that surrond the lake. The trees around the lake help it to remain hidden, to prevent any nosy people from discovering it. The lake is Saturn's hangout spot, and she often sits there alone, reading her book or writing a story, and when it's really hot in the summer, she might as well swim in the lake. Many cute fish reside in the lake, and irresitibaly, she's taken many home as pets.

Final StoryToday started out as a normal day for me, Saturn Solarian. But however today was the day everything changed. And I mean everything. I had woken up to the smell of pancakes and eggs and bacon, and I had excidetly run down the stairs to gobble it all down, but instead I tripped over a step, and crashed into the floor, which broke, and I fell, down and down, until I reached a labratory. I looked up and I couldn't see a hint of the normal house,so I decided to explore this lab. I walked around and saw a boy, sleeping on a metal slab, and I felt sorry for him. I tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't wake, he just layed there. I sighed and moved on into a room, there was alot of beakers filled with clear liquids. Some were in a freezer, some above a fire, some were just sitting there, a computer read “Malaria Vaccine,” so I figured that's what it was. I went through a few more rooms until I walked into one that really caught my attention. A room with statistics on alot of things. But the one thing that really caught my eyes, was a giant blueprirnt, it had a drawing of me, explaining how I…worked. That was when I discovered I was a robot. I read the thing in disbelif. I couldn't be a robot, I was as human as everyone else. Mom walked into the room and her face had a look of horror when she realized what I was looking at. “Honey..” Mom said,I turned to Mom, with a dark look on my face,“Why Mom, why did you never tell me. Why did you never tell me. Oh wait, I can call you master now.” I said,“Listen..” Mom said,“No Mom, SHUT UP!!!” I yelled, “I don't want to listen to you right now,” I marched out the room, slammed the door, found some stairs, marched up, grabbed my food and ran out the door. I ran to the Solar Pond. I dipped my feet in as I ate my food. The Solar Pond is my escret hideout. I go there when I'm upset, need alone time, or just when I need a quiet enviormnet. I sat there and a tiny fairy flew up to me. This was Raina, she was a water fairy, she had brown hair and wore a blue dress. She was my best fairy friend.“Something wrong?” She asked, and I told her about how I was a robot. Just then I popped some bubble gum in my mouth, and I started blowing a bubble. Raina flew up to me and popped my bubble, and now I had a whole bunch of gum stuck in my hair.“RAINA!!” I yelled, and she started laughing. I dived into the river and got all the gum out. Just then I remembered my list of chores that mom had given me. “Oh no!” I said, and looked at my list.Chores:HomeworkSweepClean your RoomVacumMopDo the DishesGroceriesDoing the laundryFeed Your FishI sighed and stood up, I guess I would have to do that. I scribbled down random numbers on my math homework and decided to skip the rest of the chores. I sat down by the river again and cried, I didn't want to be a robot, I wanted to be a human girl. Somebody placed a hand on my shoulder and said,“It's going to be ok,” I turned behind me and I saw my friend Amari. I hadn't seen her for 5 years.“Amari?” I said, suprised “What are you doing here?” I asked,“I can feel when people are in distress remember, I came here because I sensed your negative energy.” She said, in a soothing voice.“BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE A ROBOT!!!!” I wailed.“This sounds, weird I know, but that might be a lie, you might be a person. And even if you are robot, your like a perfectly normal person, and nothing will change.” She said,“Really?” I sniffled,“Yes.” Amari nodded. I though for a moment and looked at Amari.“NO AMARI!! YOUR LIENG!! EVERYTHING IS A LIE!! SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!!” I yelled, I reggreted my words immediatly, I didn't know what I was thinking, I never would have done that before. Amari had a look of horror on her face.“Amari..” I said, but she just burst into tears and ran away, I sighed, I didn't feel like going after her, and I decided to stay here. I flopped down and closed my eyes, I closed my eyes and decided to close my eyes. A car swerved around, “DAD!! DAD!!” A girl screamed. She looked like me, yet, she was not me. “I'M TRYING!! EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY!!” A guy lied as a car swerved around. He attempted to serve around obstacles, he had is foot firmly pressed on the brakes, yet, the car was not stopping. The car then swerved and hit a tree, and exploded. I saw Mom sit up, and look down at the girl and the guy, who were not moving at all. And then I saw her, building me. I bolted up, opened my eyes and screamed.“NOOOOO!!!!” I reached into my jean pocket and I took out my amulet. Mom had given it to me. It was supposed to protet me. It was in my favorite color. Purple. I strung it over my neck and lay down. I decided not to go back to sleep though. I then started glowing, purple,“What??” I said, looking at my glowing hands, “Did Mom build a light into me?” Sparkles surronded me. I then transformed. I was wearing an outfit that looked like Eternal Sailor Saturn from Sailor Moon.“What?” I said, and I stood up. But then I fell unconcious. I didn't go to sleep. I had randomley went unconcious. But a few moments later, I had woken up, and I was inside the lake, I was now holding Sailor Saturn's silence glaive. I immediatly tried swimming up, only to find that seaweed had been tightly tied around my leg. But then I remebered, I was a robot. I didn't need to breath. I stopped breathing, I never ran out of air. I took my time untying the seaweed and swam to the surface. Then, I saw Amari run away…


Last edited by DorkyQueen98 (March 27, 2022 14:39:28)

╔═══════════════════════════════════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ═══════════════════════════╗ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ -ˏˋ SATURN|ASTEROID ˊˎ✧ SHE/HER ✧ AGE 10 ✧ CRAZY & RIDICOULOUS ✧ SUSHI ✧ STAR WARS ✧ HABIT OF FORGETTING ✧ JAPANESE ✧ ISTP-T -Personality of the day! ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════Generation 6: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
500+ posts

Word War (Won)
The door opens to a shallow and deserted room. The room gives off a creepy aura as you edge towards it. There, on a wooden table lay peculiar fruits. Everyone one of them was different. Slam! came a noise from behind, the door had closed on itself. You, shaking from head to toe edge closer to grab a fruit. It had a warm feel to it. Your stomach suddenly growled loudly, you hadn't eaten anything in forever.You take a bite of the fruit and a cold sensation sweeps through your body, you look at your hands and then stand dumbstruck, they were gone! You could feel them but you couldn't see them, you had no idea what was happening. You started going nuts. Your whole body wasn't visible now. Suddenly, a note appeared on the wooden table, right where the fruit had been kept. It read, “You have now been granted invisibility,”The note slipped from your hands as you fainted unconscious on the floor.

+167 words

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
35 posts

To start the game you must select three people to be the ‘grog’. We usually put jerseys on our grog’s so that we can tell them apart from other players. The lights go off and the players line up with there fronts against the wall so that when the P.E. teacher tosses the pucks, the players will not see where they go. The P.E. teacher will announce that the pucks are scattered and then the game begins. The players must find all five pucks then unscramble them to get the code. While the players are doing that, though, the grogs are running around trying to tag people. If a person gets tagged then they are out and they must go to sit behind the cones. Once the pucks are found the players must choose the code breaker, as mentioned earlier, who will break the code. When the pucks are unscrambled the code breaker must bring the pucks, in order, to the teacher. The teacher will check if it is correct and throw locks out into the gym. The teacher will give you a ring of keys, and you must figure out which one goes into what lock. There is usually three locks, as there are three grogs. When a lock is broken the player who unlocked it will receive a flashlight. When the flashlight is shined on a grog the grog ‘dies’ or is eliminated. Players must unlock the other two keys to kill the other two grogs. The process repeats with the players unlocking the other two locks, receiving two flashlights and killing the last grogs. In the usual case that all the grogs are killed the layers have won the game, and in the uncommon case (or never) that the grogs tag everyone, the grogs win the game.————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Allison, Caroline, and AnaLucia were the last people to walk into the gym on that dark, cloudy Tuesday morning. Allison’s groans could be heard echoing down the halls as they had trekked to P.E. From science. Allison used her usual detour of “Actually, let's use the other entrance,” and then slowly put your bag down and pretended to stretch. “I wish I could skip,” Allison laughed. “Or stay home.” They walked over to the usual check-in spot and waited for Mr. Soup to appear. Suddenly the doors shut and the lights slowly flickered off. A sudden booming voice could be heard echoing through the gym, it said: “Hello students, and welcome to the triannual Grog game!” Allison and Caroline looked at each other with a mixture of confusion and surprise on their faces. AnaLucia had a determined look on her face. They jogged over to Maya and Stephanie who, also, held a look of confusion on their faces. “Line up and put on your jerseys,” Mr. Soup yelled. Allison and Caroline grimaced in disgust as they all noticed the stack of jerseys piled in the corner. Allison made a great show of pulling her hair up and making sure the jersey did not touch her skin. They looked at each other once the jerseys were on and they heard a strange growling noise coming from the boys locker room. They turned and gripped each other. Well, except for Allison and Caroline. They were inching toward the clump of boys with a mischievous look on their faces. “ Let's have a little review on the rules.” Mr. Soup said with an evil grin. They All looked around and tried to figure out where the voice was coming from. AnaLucia noticed where he was and pointed up to a large glass panel in the wall. It seemed that the ceiling had grown twenty feet since their last PE class as they stared up at the grinning Mr. Soup. “Rule one. No escaping the blood box. If you do, there will be punishment. Two. If you find three pucks you can- well, you’ll find out later,” then he added with a creepy smile “If you survive.” A loud gulp could be heard throughout the room after he said that. Maya looked grim, as if this ruined her plan, but she quickly lightened up and shrugged, as if she was having some kind of conversation with herself. “Everything else is NOT a penalty, so it's a free-for-all, all-for-yourself kind of deal.” A silent pact passes between Caroline and Allison. We stay together. Caroline seems to be crowding the boys into one area while Allison checks who is here. She notices Maya, AnaLucia, and Stephanie huddled together. Bang! It sounds as if a heavy lock is being removed. They turn to Caroline, who seems satisfied with the group of boys crowded near the boys locker room, where the noise is coming from. The boys pretend to ‘act tough’ and ‘be a man’ and ‘protect the girls’ but as Caroline jogs over they share a look. They’re all going to be the first to die. Allison looks excited, exhilarated. Caroline looks ready, and clever. AnaLucia looks determined and brave. Maya looks… Well Maya looks like she’s been plotting this for a long while. “Guess I should’ve stayed home today!” Allison said this with a grim smile, as she attempted to lighten the mood. She wasn’t sure how long this would take and she closed her eyes. She opened them again and realized she wasn’t sure where the walls ended. She could barely see anything without her eyes and she quickly lifted her wrist to examine her watch. Shoot, she realized she hadn’t charged her watch in well over a week, and as she tapped her watch to see if it worked. She confirmed her doubt. Caroline and AnaLucia were the only other girls with a watch.“Hey! Do you guys have a watch?” Allison asked. “Oh! I forgot mine at home…hehehe…” Caroline laughed nervously.“On a P.E day?!” Allison raised her voice.“I do!” AnaLucia beamed.“Great!” Allison smiled back.“Wait. I forgot to charge it last night! It's on one-wait! Zero percent battery.” Allison Sighed as she turned away. Allison imagined multiple scenarios. The first was long term: set up some kind of moving camp that could easily be packed up and moved. Maybe something with tents and- “Dang, we don't have any source of food!” Allison decided to focus on the short term plan: get the pucks, do whatever it is you need to do with them and escape. Looking around at the mostly blackness Allison realized how challenging it was going to be to find the pucks. And then what to do with the pucks-? Allison shook her head and rejoined the group. They nodded at each other with a determined look.+=+ Suddenly Mr. Soup went on the intercom and said: “You all know the rules so, LET THE GAME BEGIN!!!!” The lights flickered once more and two dark purple blobs came out from the locker rooms, beginning to chase people around the gym. “Forget about the pucks, unless you see one that’s easy to get. Stick together and a loud clap means grog is nearby,” Caroline said. Allison clapped and a lot of people scattered. “Dude! You scared me! No false alarms!” Caroline said with panic in her voice. Allison and Caroline continued to try and survive the grogs. Then Caroline realized something.“Look! Mr. Soup wasn’t kidding when he said that if you die you go in that glass box!” “They look like… ghosts!” Allison said, looking pale.“Wait… if we die do we stay as a ghost forever?” Caroline asked, looking pale.“I… have no idea, but if we do…” There was an awkward silence as they continued to do a light jog around the gym, occasionally speeding up if the grog got close to them. Most normal kids wouldn’t be able to run for this long and they would collapse on the floor in the blood box but, these kids had tons of training. At the beginning of the school year, Mr. Soup had made the kids start with a ten minute run, and each month they added five minutes. So at this point in February they were at their max, a forty minute run, they gave them two minutes before the bell to pack up and get ready to go. But the worst part was that the seventh graders only had to do a ten minute run, and then they got to do some fun games! Every single one of them in that P.E. Class agreed that it wasn’t fair. And if for some reason if they didn’t run the whole time Mr. Soup would make them come in after school and do a ‘reteach’, where he basically retaught them to do the forty minute run. No one wanted that to happen so they all tried their best to run the whole time. Many people are probably thinking: wow this Mr. Soup guy is pure evil. And yes, Mr. Soup is pure evil.Back to the grog game!As more and more people died the blood box got covered in strange crimson red bloody hand prints. Allison and Caroline were still going strong but many seventh graders were dead- they hadn’t had as much practice as the sixth graders had. “Hey Caroline…” Allison asked “Yeah,”“How long do you think this will go on for?”“I hate to tell you this but… I’m not exactly sure,” Caroline admitted.“Ok well, at least we are both still alive.”“Yeah.”An awkward silence happened in between Allison and Caroline. “I’m gonna try and take my Jersey off and see if Mr. Soup cares,” Caroline says.“Alright but if you get in trouble I wasn’t any part of it,”“Ok!” Caroline said, already taking off her crusty, musty jersey.Suddenly Mr. Soup began talking on the intercom.“You guys finally…figured…it out, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WEAR THE JERSEYS! I JUST WANTED TO MAKE YOU SUFFER!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAllison quickly whipped off her disgusting jersey not wanting to wear it more than she had to. She even threw it at the grog, who was extremely confused and stopped to untangle the sweat soaked jersey from it’s head. Allison and Caroline looked at each other and laughed as they watched the grog try to get the jersey off it’s head.+=+Allison, Caroline, AnaLucia, Maya, and Stephanie continued jogging but stopped quickly as they saw a purple grog, standing over something- or someone. Allison nodded and headed over cautiously, her curiosity getting the better of her. It’s a body, and just barely through the crimson blood, she can see Jackson. Jackson is- or was a red-head athletic sporty kid and she was surprised to see him lying dead on the floor. The grog made horrible slurping noises as it drained the body of all insides. All that was left was a shell of his body. She was inching closer when the grog turned. Allison clapped frantically and everyone scattered around, except for Maya. Maya was frozen to the spot with fear while the frenzied grog charged toward her. She could only open her mouth before the grog leapt onto her, sticking its horrible teeth into her chest. She fell to the floor, dead, her friend’s cries echoing as she fell. The grog turned and rushed away toward another kid, leaving them to mourn their friend. As they headed toward her AnaLucia tripped and fell over something. Allison was closest and helped AnaLucia up, crouching down to examine what her friend had tripped over. It was a black object, a flat sphere. She gasped. It couldn’t be! Yes, it was the first puck, sitting right there. She picked it up and examined it. It had weird carvings on the face of it and was warm in her hand. There was something strange about it. As she shoved it in her sweatshirt pocket she realized it was covered in blood. It was only a few feet away from Jackson and she glared at him, he had clearly been keeping it for himself. She followed the muffled cries over to her friends, and they began a sort of ceremony for their lost friend. “Here we honor our dear friend, Maya.” AnaLucia said, and Allison attempted to hide a snort. They glared at her and she was glad her blush couldn’t show. “Her death was not in vain,” she paused and a grin spread across her face “for we have found the first puck!” They cheered before Allison shushed them, “The pathetic repulsive loser’s death was not in vain.”“Allison!” Caroline gasped, and gave her a nasty look. “She’s dead,” Allison shrugged, but really, she had promised to Maya she would say that at her funeral. Maya had been planning her funeral for 3 years now, strange as it was, her wish came true. They held the funeral as she had wished, jumping on her body like she had asked them to. They weren’t exactly sure if Maya actually was being serious, but they obeyed her wishes, even if they were strange. Allison pulled out a ketchup packet.“Where did you get that from?” Caroline asked, suspicious.“McDonalds last night” she shrugged. She ripped off the top with her teeth and squirted it onto the body.“Goodbye, Maya,” They nodded and walked away from the ketchup smelling body. A roar was heard and they hurried off. Suddenly they saw a box. The glass was covered in bloody handprints, and screams could be heard from inside. They paused when they saw us. The screaming continued once we stripped closer. Suddenly they saw a face, a face they recognized… Allison screamed before they clapped a hand over her mouth. It was Jackson… they rushed away from the horrible glass box at top speed.+=+AnaLucia was slowing down. “AnaLucia are you ok?” Caroline asked.“Yeah I’m fine,” AnaLucia replied.“Ok but you look a little bit tired,”“Yeah, I’m slowing down a bit, but the grog is to,”We continued to jog around the gym. It seemed to have grown almost two times in size. The mostly broken floor was looking even more crusty, almost completely covered in dried blood. The wandering trader was over in the corner observing the game, she had a mix of horror and fear on her face. “Allison!” Caroline shouted.“What!” She turned to look at Caroline, with a look of fear on her face. The girls noticed that AnaLucia was very tired and then Caroline screamed. There was a giant claw mark on AnaLucia’s back. AnaLucia turned around and said “What’s wrong? Is the grog…” she collapsed and didn’t move. Allison bent down to check her pulse. It was very weak. Thunk thunk thunk…thunk……. Until it faded into nothing. AnaLucia was dead. “We should move her body,” said Caroline. They both worked together to bring her body to a place where she could be safe. For now. By now, Stephanie had jogged over and showed them the most wonderful thing they could have ever wanted: the second puck.“Look what I found!” Stephanie said with pride in her voice.“Yay Stephanie! Let’s go to the other side of the gym and give it to the decoder!” Caroline said, trying to hide the sadness in her voice.“Wait, Caroline, why are you sad?” Stephanie asked.Caroline and Allison moved, revealing AnaLucia’s body.“Wait, for real? Like, this isn’t a prank?” Stephanie asked, scared and worried at the same time. Allison nodded very slowly.“NO!” Stephanie shouted, getting the grog’s attention and causing it to charge at us. Allison clapped loudly and we all scattered, running for our lives. When the grog stopped chasing us we joined back up as a group and walked around the gym. The grogs had slowed down their killing rate, only killing people occasionally. We decided to walk over to the glass box, to see if we could recognize any souls. We stared at the box, but we only recognized Jackson, who was seeing how fast he could fly as a ghost. “Hey Allison?” Caroline asked.“Yes?” “Do you recognize any one?”“Just Jackson,” Allison said, groaning as she said it.Then Olivia and Natalie trotted over to us.“Hey guys!” Olivia said, in her always cheerful voice.“Hey,” Stephanie said, sounding defeated.“How’s it going?” Olivia asked.“Ok,” Allison said, also sounding defeated.“Yeah…us too, we have lost a lot of friends,” Natalie said.“Do you know when this will end?” Caroline asked, trying to find some comforting news in the grim gym.“Well… let me think…” Olivia said.“I think…” Allison said slowly.“Oh! Once we find all the pucks and get the keys to unlock the locks.”Olivia said.“Do you know anyone with any locks?” Stephanie asked. “I’m pretty sure that James has one,” Natalie said solemnly.“Anyone else?”Stephine asked, thinking hard on that one.“Ok, let's say what we do know. The only sixth graders left are all of us,” Caroline said, trying to be positive.“Stephanie, Caroline, Allison, Natalie and me. Five sixth graders left.” Olivia counted.“Ok, for seventh graders we have James, Charlie, Tatum, Mason, Sophie, Jax and Kaya,” Natalie said.“In total we have twelve people left, counting me,” Allison said. “Don’t forget that we have two grogs and the wandering trader,” Stephanie said.“Yeah,” Caroline said with disappointment in her voice. Allison clapped loudly and everyone scattered. This continued on and on for what felt like hours.+=+They were wandering around through the gym, stopping when time persisted. Each girl had their eyes peeled for the last puck. Allison had begun to collect bloody shirts from the dead, with them she was able to make two pillows and a blanket. Allison was afraid of how long they were going to be there. How long had they been there? Everyone was exhausted, and they soon worked out a schedule. One person could sleep while two people kept watch and two people looked for the puck. The seventh graders had been reduced to two, James and Sophie. They were always seen with someone, though the sixth graders didn’t know who it was. It was Allison and Carolines turn to hunt for the puck when Mr. Soup was heard over the intercom.“Congrats Allison, Caroline, Stephanie, James, Sophie, Olivia, and Natalie,” Mr Soup said. “You have survived your first night.” Had it only been a night? “Food will be coming in drops, one is coming down right about… now.” Suddenly there was a thunk near the middle of the gym. Allison and Caroline were just close enough to see that there were grogs surrounding it. Allison clapped and everyone scattered. Allison escaped and stopped to catch her breath. They couldn’t get to the drop without… without a sacrifice. “I'll sacrifice myself,” Olivia said, answering the question in everyone’s mind. They nodded, only a few tears leaking out of their eyes.“Goodbye..” Olivia stepped towards the grogs. Everyone started to yell at her to stop and that they could find another way to get the food. Olivia didn’t listen and kept walking toward the Grogs. Olivia was 6 feet from the grogs now. She took a deep breath and turned around. “It’s ok,” she whispered. “Let me go.” Then the grogs grabbed her by her arms and dragged her into a small circle. There was no way she could survive the small circle of death. Several of the girls stood with their mouths open and blinking back tears. “It was her choice. If she wanted to live she would have listened to us!” Allison said. “That doesn’t make her alive though!” Caroline said “She’s right!” Stephanie said. “We know all of the kids that died. We are the last ones left and saying that doesn’t help!” “I agree,” Sophie mumbled. Suddenly something caught Allison’s eye. There! She spotted an object. Could it be?“The last puck!” Allison yelped joyfully. A few grogs turned their heads but by then the group had scurried away.+=+Since all three of the pucks were found and everyone was well rested and fed, the only problem was their parents. How worried were they? Had the police been called? The other problem was escaping. They all knew that they had to work hard if they wanted to live. But they didn’t know if Mr. Soup would even let them out…Anyway, Caroline and Allison were on watch and whispered to each other about what would happen if they were trapped…forever. “How long do you think we’ve been here?” Asked Allison. “Probably almost twenty hours. How much longer do you think we have?” Caroline asked. Allison shrugged and went back to looking around the cold gym.. Currently, Stephanie was trying to deCode all of the pucks. They had made an edit in the schedule where one person deCoded, three two slept and two two kept watch. They switched every two hours. Everyone had helped drag all of the backpacks over to a corner to make a ‘camp.’ The camp was near the only exit, that way if someone opened the door the people in the camp would escape quickly. The other reason they had chosen to make it near the door was that the light from outside of the gym scared the grogs away, and they refused to go near the people at camp. When creating the roles that they would do, Allison realized that the grogs never went in the corner so they made their camp there. They had salvaged the supplies from the backpacks, but they tried every single phone but there was no cell service so no calls or texts could be made. They found a ton of coats so they all had one to wear, and they found some snacks to eat. They had unlimited papers and other school supplies. They emailed every single teacher they could possibly find. Except for Mr. Soup, obviously. Mr. Soup likes watching people suffer and so he became a P.E. Teacher.Back at camp, it was time for a rotation. We woke up James, Natalie, and Sophie. Stephine came back and we switched. Caroline went to deCode and Allison, Stephanie and James went to sleep. Sophie and Natalie were keeping watch. “Hey Sophie?”“Yeah Natalie?”“ Do you miss Charlie and Tatum?”“Yeah,” She said, with tears in her eyes. Just then, Caroline ran back from the deCoder area. “We have the Code!” She shouted. Finally, everyone was awake. There was more of a chance to live. “Should we split up? To look for locks,” asked Stephanie. “Probably,” said Allison. They both started to look around to find, hopefully, a lock. It wasn’t long before both girls returned with no luck of finding the locks. “Maybe Maya or AnaLucia or…” Stephanie whispered. “I know what you mean. How Stephanie shook her head and lowered her head. Both girls were exhausted and sat down. They’d both lost too much in a single day. If it had been a day. Nobody knew how long they had been there. How many people had realized they were missing? Both girls fell asleep when suddenly Caroline ran over and shook them to wake up. “Huh? Wha…?” They both mumbled, blinking back sleep. “Have any of you seen Sophie?” Caroline said frantically. “Why?” Asked Allison“She’s missing,” whispered Caroline. “She went to see if she could find a lock and she hasn't come back,” Caroline looked terrified. Everyone was there except for Sophie. It wasn’t long before Natalie walked over, a solemn look on her face. “Is she-'' Stephanie whispered. Natalie shook her head. “She-she didn't make it, ‘' she whispered. Everyone knew that Natalie and Sophie were good friends. Best friends.Natalie started to silently cry.The girls tried to comfort her. Allison counted on her fingers. She looked up. “Five. There’s five of us left! We need to get ourselves together so we can get out of here!” Allison said.“She is right,” Caroline said with a sigh. Allison was right. If they didn’t get themselves together, they might not survive.+=+It was depressing at camp, what with there only being five of them. They each had someone they missed, and an image they couldn’t get out of their head. The shifts were quiet. Sleep was the only escape, but even in their nightmares, they knew another nightmare was awaiting them in the waking world. Allison and Caroline were looking for locks. They weren’t really trying, just pretending to. There was no hope. “There’s no hope. It’s just us five,” Allison said softly, speaking her mind. Caroline nodded and then her head jerked up as if she had an idea.“The place where all the souls go! We could open it and the others could help us defeat Mr.Soup!” She gasped. Both girls were filled with hope. There was a shot.Both girls stood up and rushed toward the glass box where before the last souls were trapped. They inched closer and saw that the grogs were standing at the box, waiting. “I’ll go,” whispered Caroline. Allison frantically shook her head. “We go together!” She whispered. They both nodded and Allison creeped over to where the others were held. She smashed her shoulder into the glass and it shattered into billions of tiny pieces. Suddenly, a pale,tall girl crept out. Her skin was so pale, it was gray. She seemed- familiar. Then, Allison realized who it was. It was Maya. She looked as if she were alive but dead. Soon,others emerged. Each was recognized as one of the ones that had been lost. A couple were just bright blue white lights. They all turned to face Allison. Allison crept back over to where Caroline waited. “We have an army.” Allison said with a smirk. Caroline smiled and turned to look at the souls. “Now in a way-they aren’t lost.” She whispered. They both needed to see them. The others. To let them know they were alive and tell them that they would make sure that everyone knew they died heros. The girls embraced each other. They knew that in the moment they had all that they needed.+=+ After a while, James walked over with- a bag. A body shaped bag.“I thought that maybe we should move the- the others for a funeral or something,” James said. “Is that- which ones did you get?” Asked Natalie.James looked uneasy as he slowly made eye contact with her. “Sophie.” He whispered. Natalie looked weak and sat, “Is it too risky to look for the others?” Asked Caroline. “Yeah probably. And with the state Natalie is currently in we might have to let her stay here while doing our rotations.” Caroline said. Everyone agreed. They all kept watch, trying to not fall asleep. Soon however, their eyes began to shut. And one by one, their eyes closed and got the sleep they well deserved. It must have been a couple hours because a loud booming voice over the intercom shouted: “Up and at ‘em! Don’t forget, the clock is ticking! And every second counts… hahahahahahaha!” The intercom switched off leaving the kids even more terrified than they had been at the beginning. “You think we will make it?” Asked Caroline. Nobody responded. They all knew that there was about a twenty seven percent chance they’d make it.“Natalie is still not ready to move. We should go look for anything we could use.” said Caroline. They turned to Natalie who had fallen asleep. She’d be fine for a minute. Right? By the time they returned, Natalie was gone. “I’ll go look for her,” James volunteered. He ran off to look for her. It wasn’t long before they heard a scream. They all ran toward the scream. James stood in front of Natalie. Who was unmoving and pale. Beside her was a lock! The first one! “Four,” Allison whispered. “Now there are four of us.” They all nodded and looked like they’d all been punched in the gut. The only good thing about Natalie’s death was that she had gotten them a lock. At least she was with the others now. Caroline and Allison tried not to cry but both girls couldn’t help it. James was sitting in the corner eating his lunch, and staring at the girls like they were crazy. But Caroline and Allison didn’t care. They cried for all of their friends who they had lost. Stephine was going absolutely crazy, not knowing when they would get out. When they were done crying, James broke the silence.“So now that we have the first lock, where is the wandering trader?” Suddenly Mr. Soup was on the intercom. “Good question, James. The wandering trader wanders, and the only way to kill the grog is to get a flashlight. One flashlight per grog.”“Well that was helpful,” Caroline said, with sarcasm in her voice.They worked together to make a new schedule where one person hunted for locks and a wandering trader and the other two stayed at camp while one slept and one kept watch. They did this for a whole day with no success in finding locks or the wandering trader.The next day they reviewed the schedule and made it where two people looked for locks and the wandering trader. One person slept and the other kept watch. Currently Stephine was keeping watch and James was asleep. Allison and Caroline were looking for locks and the wandering trader. So far they had no luck. Everyone was tired, cold, and badly in need of a shower. The gym smelled of dead bodies and sweat. No one had any idea what time it was. Everyday in the morning Mr. Soup dropped a big crate of food, so each person had plenty of food. He also dropped four bottles of water for each person, so today they got sixteen bottles. Four bottles was plenty for each person, none of them ever finished one. Then Allison had a strange idea. When it was time to switch, Caroline and Allison trotted over to their base, where James was eating his snack. “Before we go I have an idea… It’s kind of crazy but it’s worth a shot.” Allison said, her voice sounding hesitant.+=+ They had all agreed Allison was crazy at first thought. Trick the grog? And risk their lives? But after a moment they thought they had to agree, it was their best shot. They decided to walk around and do their normal rotations so the grog wouldn’t think anything was off. “Hey Allison?” James asked. Currently Caroline was sleeping, Stephine was keeping watch and James and Allison were hunting for the wandering trader. “Yes, James?” Allison replied. “I… I… am worried about your plan, do you think it will really work?” James said, very slowly. “To be honest James, I have no idea, but it’s worth a shot.”The rotation was over so Allison and James were walking back to their base. When they got there, James sat down, but Allison walked back to her corner and pulled her bag out of the way. There were 4 different sized instrument cases. “My sax!” James shouted with joy. Allison grinned as she pulled out his saxophone case and handed it to him. James smiled as he opened the case. Allison grinned even more as she pulled out the next case. It was black and had gold latches. Allison set it aside and pulled out two long and skinny cases. Caroline was smiling her biggest smile ever, even Allison had never seen her smile so big before. Allison handed Caroline her case, and Caroline opened it up. Allison gave Stephanie hers and she immediately opened it up and began to put it together. “Wait!” James shouted.Caroline and Stephenie looked over, with a look of surprise on their faces. “I… don’t… ha-ave… m-my… m-m-music…” James said, with a look of defeat on his always happy face. Allison smiled and pulled out a green folder. She also handed him a newer looking folder that said extra music. “Are we gonna play or what?!?” Allison asked, already sucking on a reed. James popped a reed in his mouth and Caroline and Stephanie already had their flutes put together. When everyone was ready they played their music. It cheered everyone up and was a great way to pass the time. When they were done playing they packed up their things and hid the cases behind a ton of backpacks. They began a new cycle, with Caroline and Allison hunting for locks and the wandering trader. James was keeping watch and Stephine was sleeping. It was almost as if the dust or sadness was settling again. As Caroline and Allison were leaving they saw James sneaking his sax but they let him, since they were all sad and music brought him extreme joy. Caroline looked back and saw something glint in the darkness. She took off running.“Caroline! Come back!”Caroline grabs something. She holds it up and Allison sees it. Allison looks behind her in horror. She claps loudly and Caroline sprints to their base. She fell on the ground by Stephanie. She was breathing heavily and had a look of absolute terror on her face. “It-it…” Caroline stuttered. “It was so close,” she whispered. Stephanie hugged her and whispered something in her ear. Caroline wiped a tear from her face and nodded.“It was so close and I was terrified it would get me. Then there would only be you three.” She said softly. “Caroline, it’s ok!” Allison said. “I wanted to trick it. And prove I can do something to help us.” Both girls hugged and Caroline slowly lifted the flute to her lips and played four soft notes. Stephanie joined her playing softly. James started to play the jazzy notes and Allison played the low notes of the clarinet. They all didn’t care if they were heard, the music connected them. +=+Since Caroline had found the second lock, they were on the hunt for the third and final lock. You might be thinking that they didn’t need the third lock but they actually did. One of the grogs was super big, and it needed two flashlights to kill it instead of one. It was a dangerous task to keep looking for the grogs because now that they had been there for a while and several of the kids were killed, the grogs had developed a taste for the kids. Every move they made was a risk and if they weren’t careful they’d end up like the others. Allison walked alongside Stephanie and James. They were all silent and started at their feet as they walked. “Think we will find it?” Asked Stephanie. Allison shrugged. James' head suddenly shot up. “Look!” He grabbed at something on the ground and opened his hand. “I found the-.” He fell onto the ground. “Is he dead?” Asked Allison. James stirred to answer her question. “He’s probably dehydrated or something. We need to get him back to the others. I've saved some water so maybe we could see how much there is. He’s the last seventh grader and we need him.” She said, Allison nodded and both girls grabbed his arms and dragged him behind them. “What happened?” Caroline asked when she saw them approaching. “He collapsed and he’s definitely dehydrated,” Stephanie said. Caroline nodded. She met Allison’s glance and sighed. Before long, James lifted his head and groaned. Stephanie rushed over and handed him a cup of water. He drank greedily until there wasn’t a drop left. He fell back asleep and Allison and Stephine went to look for the last lock or wandering trader. While James was sleeping Caroline was looking at a new piece of music for her to play on the Flute. She occasionally glanced up at James, making sure he was ok. “Tah, tee ah tah tah tah tah tee ah tah, tee ah tee tah,” Allison whispered, to get the rhythm down. James stirred and Caroline looked over at him.“Wwwattterrr…” James said. Caroline scrambled and grabbed the bottle. She helped him sit up and slowly lifted the bottle to his dry, cracked lips. He drank then layed back down. While Caroline was getting him situated and covered up in some light coats, Stephine saw something metal in his hand. She sprinted at Caroline and James. “Wait! Stephine! Slow down!” Allison yelled trying to keep up with Stephine. Stephanie kept running. When she got to James she pried open his hand. Allison had just gotten to the base. “Stephine, what’s wrong…” Allison said with a bit of concern in her voice. “He had it the whole time,” Stephanie mumbled to herself.They had all of the locks. They just needed the wandering trader.Caroline and Stephine unlocked all of the locks with the keys. Then they shoved them into Caroline, Allison, and James pockets. They went out together and looked for the wandering trader. No luck. James was facing the consequences from not drinking enough, he was left weak. They worked in shifts. Two would go looking for the wandering trader while the other two would stay and rest. Allison and Stephanie were off looking for the trader. “Allison?” Stephanie asked. “What?” Allison replied.“Do-do you think we will ever get out of here?”“I’m not sure. I hope we will,”Stephanie nodded and kept staring ahead. Meanwhile, back at camp James and Caroline were playing their instruments. Caroline played the soft melodies of Whirlwind while James played the jazzy Blues to Grow On. Caroline looked up and saw a ghostly figure walking mindlessly around. She jumped to her feet and tapped James on the shoulder.“Look!” Caroline whispered. James’s head shot up and they saw Allison and Stephanie running toward them. They all continued to stare before Stephanie started to walk toward the trader. The rest of them followed her. Stephanie turned back to them. “Give me the locks!” She said, Caroline reached into her pocket and pulled out a lock. Allison handed her the second and James snatched the third out of his hood. Stephanie turned and faced the trader. “For the torch.” She said, The trader reached into a bag and pulled the three torches out. She snatched the locks from Stephanie’s hand and placed the torches in her palm. Stephanie grinned at the others. They all started their way back to camp grinning from ear to ear. Now, they just had to lure the grogs and kill them. +=+ They were all sitting at camp silently. They didn’t speak or seem to notice the others. It was a long time before someone looked up. Stephanie finally decided it was time for someone to speak. She cleared her throat and waited for everyone to look up before she spoke. “We need to have a funeral. For the ones we lost,” she said. Allison nodded. Caroline, and James agreed as well by whispering ‘yes’ softly. James stood to go retrieve the bodies of Sophie and Natalie. Stephanie grabbed AnaLucia’s while Caroline walked over to Maya’s ketchup-covered body and Allison retrieved Olivia’s. They laid them down side by side. “I’ll- I will speak about Sophie and Natalie. I knew them best,” James said quietly. The girls nodded. James trotted over to the six and seventh grader’s bodies. James started to speak so quietly that none of the girls could hear him. “Sophie and Natalie were great people. They might not be here now but they are still helping us be better people. They didn’t deserve to die.” He said. Both girls gave him a round of applause.“Sophie was devoted to her music and never gave up.” Allison said. “James, remember at her 12th birthday when she got trick candles and didn’t stop trying to blow them out until an hour later?” She chuckled softly and walked over to Olivia’s body and said a few words. “Olivia was always kind to us and I hope when this is all over she will have a happy life.” She paused to catch her breath before continuing. “She was a great friend to everyone and was a good sport.” Caroline stood and walked over to AnaLucia’s body. “AnaLucia was a great person. She was kind, helpful, smart, funny, and one of my best friends. She didn’t deserve to die. I wish we could go back in time to save her.” She said quietly.“She was interested in many things and was good at almost anything- except trying my food” Allison made a face at the last part and got a few laughs. “I made some pretty good creations- like my syrup soup” she pretended to slurp an invisible soup. She was trying to lighten everyone’s mood but it wasn’t working for Stephanie. Stephanie was crying over the loss of all of her friends. She stood and went over to Maya’s body. “Maya was a great friend.” Stephanie stammered. Caroline walked over and put her hand on Stephanie’s shoulder. Allison did the same. “She did some weird things, was kind, funny, smart and serious all at the right times.” Stephanie said, a little more confident. Allison squirted a fresh packet of ketchup and Caroline said: “Where the heck do you keep getting these!?!” Allison shrugged. “I have a super secret source that only I know about.” Allison said, trying to grin weakly. After the funeral was over, they had no idea what they were going to do. They hadn't seen the grogs in a few days, so they were talking about what to do. Finally after a while James segusted a good idea.“Let’s just take it easy for a bit. We could upgrade our base or do something else.” Everyone seemed to like his idea so they settled on laying low for a bit.+=+They all were sitting and talking. After a while, James lifted his saxophone case. Allison lifted her clarinet and Caroline and Stephanie grabbed their flutes. They all agreed on playing ‘Defeating the Giant’. They had just gotten to measure nineteen when everything changed. Caroline was the first to notice the grog stalking toward them. She motioned to Allison to turn around. Allison turned and jumped to her feet. Stephanie screamed. James turned and saw the grog approaching him. They all shot to their feet. Stephanie and Caroline screamed as the grog approached. Allison shouted: “ RUN!” They all started to run as fast as they could. James however, was still weak from lack of water. The grog sought him out as weak and made him the number one target. In other words the easiest. It wasn’t long before James was nothing but a cold body. The girls watched as life disappeared in James. They ran forward to the grog. Allison lifted her torch and aimed it at the grog. It fell but never hit the ground. It had turned into ash but all the ash was gone before it could slam against the ground. The girls rushed forward and Allison reached for his arm to check his pulse. “Three. There are three left.” She whispered. They bent their heads. It was all up to them. They all worked to drag James' body to the side. It wasn’t long before a new ghost appeared alongside the others ghosts that stood by the wall. Caroline watched as the other ghosts turned to James. She watched as some looked shocked. The ghost of Natalie and what she was guessing was Sophie walked over to James and even though no words were spoken, they understood what had happened. Allison walked over with Stephanie. “Maya, AnaLucia, Sophie, Natalie, Olivia, and now James. It’s only us left and we have to show the others we can get out of this.” Allison whispered. What felt like two hours later, when they were done mourning over James, they decided to let Caroline look for the last grog. She took both flashlights because the last grog was bigger and stronger, and required two flashlights to kill. Allison could not get over the fact that James had died so Stephine agreed to keep watch while she slept. Stephanie sat against the wall watching while Allison slept- well, tried to. Allison couldn’t get the memories of all of them falling to the ground. And just like that they were all standing around Maya’s body. AnaLucia’s clawed body. Olivia facing the grogs. Sophie who never came back. Natalie’s body after she died helping them. And finally, James died because he was weak. It all haunted her. Minute after minute she was haunted by their bodies hitting the ground. Stephanie glanced over at Allison who was shaking. She ignored what she was supposed to be doing and walked over to her. Allison didn’t look at her. Stephanie sat silently next to her. After about five minutes, Caroline had returned to the camp. The girls slowly ate the small helpings of food. Finally, Caroline stood and faced Allison and Stephanie. “It’s just us.” Allison said it herself. Caroline noticed that Allison was upset. “We need to show them we can do this!” Caroline said. The girls nodded and Stephanie stood next to her. “I agree!” She said proudly. Both girls looked down at Allison. She sighed and stood up next to them. She didn’t say anything.+=+It had been days. Maybe even weeks. They had lost track of time and were dying to get out of the disgusting dark gym. Allison had given up hope, and Stephine was on the edge of going insane. Caroline was trying her best to stay strong for the group but she wasn’t sure how long she could hold up. They were playing their instruments a few times a day, and Allison was teaching herself to play James sax. Every time she got going she would begin to cry, because of all of their friends that were gone. The last grog was extremely big and needed two flashlights to kill. They decided to all go together because they were afraid of being killed by the grog. Caroline stood in the middle holding both flashlights, ready to turn them on at any second. Stephine and Allison stood on the other sides of her so scared, their faces were pale. Or was that just being in the dark for so long? At this point they didn’t know. Or care. Allison, Caroline, and Stephanie all walked along the sides of the gym. There was one grog left and they had to keep their eyes open. Caroline suddenly jerked her head up and ran toward the middle. “Where are you going?” Shouted Allison.“Throw me the flashlight!” Caroline called back. Allison threw the flashlight to her and Caroline ran to catch it. From behind her the grog had decided another person lost was a great idea. Caroline had slipped on the slippery gym floor and tumbled to the ground. Allison and Stephanie ran toward her. The grog was getting closer by the second. Allison grabbed Caroline’s arm. She took a look at Stephanie standing there. She glanced back at the grog and back at Stephanie. She knew the grog would catch them if nobody was…. She knew what she had to do. She grabbed Stephanie’s arm. “I’m sorry Stephanie!” She threw her toward the grog and Stephanie screamed. Both of the girls began to run. They made it back to camp and saw Stephanie’s ghost was already standing by the others. “We can go back now and get her body. It’s probably safe now,” Caroline said. Allison nodded. She felt a little guilty after all, she was the reason Stephanie was dead. But if she hadn’t sacrificed her, all of them would have died. They walked silently to Stephanie’s body. They lifted her and carried her weightless body to camp. “We-we should have a funeral for James and Stephanie,” whispered Allison. Caroline nodded. They laid their bodies down. Both said a couple words about James but when it came time to speak about Stephanie both were quiet. Stephanie’s ghost glided over to them. Since she couldn’t speak to them she tried to point and make gestures. But Allison and Caroline didn’t understand. Allison slowly sat down. Caroline glanced down at her. “Stephanie? We’re sorry. I didn’t want you to die,” she whispered. Stephanie looked at both of them. Slowly Allison pulled a rose out of her pocket. “We were growing roses in science. She-,” Allison broke down into tears. Caroline bent down next to Allison and slowly said, “I had one too,” she whispered. Caroline walked over to the bags and pulled four roses out of each bag. She walked over and placed one on Stephanie’s body, another on James’s body and the rest on the other’s bodies. Allison stood and her knees shook. She placed her rose on Stephanie’s body and whispered, “I’m so, so sorry Stephanie.” She sobbed. They cried for a while before Allison noticed a growling coming from a few feet away. She stood up and wiped her face quickly. “The last grog… it's here.”+=+Caroline and Alison quickly jumped to their feet. Both girls knew there weren’t any more flashlights left to kill the grog with and that had to be part of Mr. Campbell’s sinister plan. Just then, the girls had an idea. They had noticed the ghosts’ eyes all were similar to the flashlights when they were on. Maybe they could kill the last grog with their eyes. Allison turned to Caroline and whispered her plan to her. Caroline nodded. The girls quickly hugged knowing it might be the last time they saw each other alive. They lead their army of ghosts toward the grog. Their eyes flashed when they saw the beast in front of them. That was the reason they were dead. They advanced on the grog but the grog didn’t back down. “Open your eyes!” Shouted Allison.“Help us win against Mr. Campbell!” Caroline yelled.The victims began to open their eyes. The light from AnaLucia’s eyes hit the grog first and before it could grimace, Natalie, Sophie, James, and Olivia’s eyes hit it. The grog groaned and fell down on the ground. Maya’s eyes hit it blast and that was all it took. The grog turned to ash. It seemed too easy. The girls were so pleased it was an easy task. They embraced. They were overjoyed they had beaten the monster they called a teacher. They snatched up their bags and gently started to lift the lost ones but there was a soft crackling sound on the intercom. The girls’ heads shot up and winced. Of course there was one last task before freedom. The girls were so tired though. Their knees shook from pain and hunger. They both knew that they might be too weak to face their last task. 15 “YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE MEEEEEE!” Mr. Campbell shouted. Suddenly, the ‘human’ turned into a grog. The souls inched closer. Each lifted a finger and a bright light clicked on. After everyone's finger was lifted, Mr. Campbell started screaming. “NOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Then just like the others, he was ash. All the souls slowly fell. Then, they disappeared. The girls embraced and tears poured down their faces. The sound of sirens filled the air and the beam of light from outside poured over the room. They were safe. Everything after that was such a rush. They were taken to doctors and were surprisingly healthy- besides the fact that they had to wear sunglasses because of how much they got used to the dark. They both vowed to purchase the exact same ones and wear them together, no matter what. Their friendship was strengthened into an unbreakable bond. Their experience was not forgotten, and it traumatized them forever. They never forgot the ones they lost and stopped every day to place roses- and ketchup- at the graves.The next year-Caroline and Allison walked into the school together. They stopped to look at the large plaques on the walls for everyone they had lost. Allison took out a small ketchup packet and smeared the ketchup onto the plaques. “I still don't know where you get- and got- those” Caroline sighed as Allison smiled cheekily. They examined the plaques of Maya, Analucia, Sophie, Natalie, Olivia, Stephanie, James, even the seventh graders. Allison had made sure that Stephanie’s plaque had roses on them, while Analucia had percussion instruments. The floor was cluttered with hundreds of handwritten notes from both sixth, seventh, and even teachers. And now they were supposed to be more ‘normal’. As they walked through the halls, students stopped to stare at the seventh graders who almost died last year. When they got to their first class: P.E., loads of traumatic memories rushed back. The P.E. Teachers had very specific rules to follow now. They both sat on the bleachers and glanced up just as the lights…started To Fade…

Last edited by reallybigwords (March 27, 2022 13:25:44)

Wordy is typing…Heyo!I am aWriter | Reader | Pumpkin Eater Yes that is intentionally a poem :p

#koala-la-laFTW #paranormal-FTW


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
100+ posts

My word war attempts at the daily: 749 words total xD

lost word war-

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.

The cat sat on the mat. Then, the cat got off the mat. The cat started prowling around, its paws silently moving across the wooden floor. It looked left and then right, and promptly darted across the hallway. Towards the milk bowl it stalked, and came up and licked! The cat licked, licked, and licked some more, until they had licked the entire bowl clean. Then, it saw an even bigger prize. Just up on the counter. The cat looked around for its owner, making sure that they were out of sight, then, in one swift move, the cat ran across the kitchen. The cat bounced, jumping from chair, to table to taller chairs, to the very tall island counter that stood in the center of the kitchen. It carefully moved up the lid of the big beautiful box. Then, the cat jumped up on to a laptop, and then to the lamp, and then… THE CAT POUNCED UPON THE BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED CAKE.second LOST BY 22 WORDS AAHH- word warI really want pizza right now for some reason. I also wrote about cake for the last word war, so I think I might be a little hungry. And now my mind is saying, NO WATERFALL, scratch that, I actually kind of want cookies. Which ruined my whole idea about writing about pizza. So now I think I'm just going to write about food that I kind of really want right now. I also wrote about the cat eating milk before the cake. Drinking milk. What am I thinking. Anyways, so it could maybe just be the holidays and I eat milk and cookies and maybe cake. Strawberry shortcake maybe. Or teramisu, which I have literally no idea how to spell. So now I feel like I don't just want food, I want dessert. Yay. But then again, I always want dessert, so that is kind of on the table for debate. Mm. Now I want m and m's. I also feel like at this point I am really just rattling off a bunch of extremely unhealthy junk foods that I just really like to eat. Specifically for dessert. So now on a drastic topic change, I am going to have to talk about something else. Or write about something else. You know what I mean. Or, I could just keep ranting random things like this until my last minute is up in the word war. To be honest, that actually does not really sound like a bad idea. Like, I am actually doing it right now. I'm almost done! Maybe I would type a little bit faster - just a little tiny wee bit faster if I stopped making spelling mistakes that I keep correcting. Okay, time is almost up. I am just going to finish this sentance right here that I am writing right now that is a run on sentance and then I will finally be done writing about weird things. THERE.


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.

Do you ever talk in funny accents just for the fun of it? Soki might know where I am getting this from, haha. In real life, I often like speaking in a British accent, because it is an accent that I can actually do, and It is usually pretty easy for me. I also sometimes enjoy watching my family not being able to do the accent, that seriously is quite funny. Plus, I have been cast as a character that has a slight british accent before, so I find it fun, and occasionally I will say some of their funny lines in a british accent as a reference or a joke. Aand, I also sometimes enjoy doing texan accents. They are kind of fun to type out sometimes, and in real life they are hysterically funny to me and my family. Also, it also can be fun to pretend you are a cowboy and say stuff in a western accent, or texan accent, like a cowboy. I find trying to imitate other accents can be extremely hard, though. And once again, I run out of stuff to say on a certain topic. But that is okay, because I am nearing the end of the war anyways. So I will just write filler annoying stuff again, like this. I am writing really slow right now for some reason.

Last edited by 129waterfall (March 27, 2022 15:54:16)

❝The purpose of our lives is to be happy <3❞.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.


✰ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
500+ posts


Character 1: 12-year old ambivert
314 words

Axis is twelve years old and an ambivert. He’s a second-year at Vander Academy. He has brown skin and black hair with caramel highlights. His hair is usually somewhat messy. He’s not popular per se, but he’s not particularly one of the nerdy kids. He always gets good grades but he’s not some prodigy. Despite loving his brother a lot, he has a strained relationship with Colton mentally because of their differences. When Colton scored high enough on the entrance exam to enter a year higher than him, Axis took that particularly hard. He’s always had a tough time with feeling less or inferior when people are always so impressed by his brother that they’re disappointed in him even though he’s quite smart. He got more into literature based topics to differentiate himself from Colton’s interests. He likes history and always gets excited about ancient civilizations. When he was very young he was fascinated by jousting and wanted to do it really badly but since that literally wasn’t a sport anymore then, he started fencing. He’s now been fencing for six years and he’s very good at it. He beats nearly all the opponents to the point where his practice matches are against one equally competitive friend or the instructor herself! He’s also generally quite athletic, and sports are the easiest pastime for him. This was, again, to differentiate himself from Colton because he knows he can’t reach Colton’s level on science and math and intellectual ideas. He was unhappy to hear of his brother’s acceptance to Vander two years early as he worried about what it would mean for the people at school comparing them just like back home. However he realized that this would hit Colton hard and he just focused on the good things when they were together - like how Colton might finally get away from all the teasing and isolation.

Character 2: 9-year old ambivert
300 words

Colton is nine, and also an ambivert. He has brown skin and dark hair that partially covers one eye. He has heterochromia: his left eye is an emerald green and his right eye is a sort of golden color that matches his mother’s eyes. He’s a first-year at Vander Academy despite his age being two years below the regular age for entering Vander. In primary school he learned abnormally quickly and was labeled a prodigy by experts who tested him for entrance to Vander. He scored high enough on the exams to enter as a third-year but the academy made him just be a first-year due to social aspects and their own doubts of his potential. He’s quite shy and reserved because he has very little experience with people. Most children in primary school were intimidated by him or saw him as a freak, which led to a mainly isolated life with only books as company. His older brother cared about him a lot but was away at the Academy constantly; due to lack of sufficient travel funds and distance he rarely came home even for holidays. Colton really likes books and consumes information quickly. Math and science are his favorites because he likes to be sure of everything. With history he’s good at it, but seeing two sides of an issue is hard for him. He always wants to know the truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth. He finds opinions and viewpoints confusing and divisive. He’s both an idealist and a realist in different ways; he tries to stick specifically to reality and not get caught up in daydreams, but his refusal to work with two-sided issues makes him somewhat of an idealist as he pictures a world in which everything has a clear, simple answer.

Setting: dark blue and yellow; school
166 words

The setting of the story is Vander Academy. Vander is a prestigious school with about twenty students per year. There are seven years, and they’re for ages 11 to 17 - like Hogwarts! Vander is built on an old plantation that grew indigo and panned gold from the creeks. This is the origin of the blue and golden school colors. Now, technological advancements imitating magic (known as TAIM) run the indigo farming operations and it’s often used as a testing ground for students. Very little gold can be found in the streams now, but many students like to try and pan for it or venture further into the forest to search for more valuable things. Those who do find it get to keep it and they’re usually recognized by the school for their discoveries. Students get to Vander by way of air transports called telejumps - a slightly older type of TAIM that’s a high-speed move similar to teleportation. These are banned in the school due to troublemaking.

498 words

I touch down on the landing pad harshly, heels skidding across the marble ground in front of Vander Academy and coming to a stop at the very edge of the area. I unbuckle my helmet and it folds up, into a little ball that I slide into my trunk. My telejump beeps and folds itself up too, into a square that I hand to the woman standing in front of the double doors of the Academy. Catoline Drewson is her name, but we all just call her Drew. Everyone knows her. She’s quite possibly the nicest person here. We don’t actually know what her job is - she labels it differently whenever we ask. “Child Wrangler.” “Contraband Thief.” “Professional Stander.”A few whizzing shapes appear on the pad and stumble; first years, probably. They take off their helmets and fold their telejumps up just like I did. Then Colton appears, skidding across and onto the grass where he falls over. I stifle a laugh. He’s much shorter than the other students; because he’s two years younger, of course.And he’s here anyway.I can’t tell him how mad this makes me because I can practically see the velvet tears he would cry. He always says I’m the only one who listens to him and I don’t know what will happen if he loses that. I don’t think I want to.So instead, I’m just trying to focus on the good.I run over and grin. “Hey, Colton. Nice landing.”He sticks his tongue out at me. “Not my fault I’m not heavy enough to ground myself better.” He takes off his helmet and we head up to the double doors. Before we enter, Drew stops him.“What did I do?” he cries in surprise.I stifle a giggle. “Dude, you need to hand over your telejump before going inside.”He looks at me with puppy eyes. “Do I have to?” he wheedles, only earning a nod from me and a laugh from Drew. He kicks my shin as he hands it over.“Thank you!” responds Drew, effervescent as ever. “You must be Colton. We’ve heard a lot about you and that stunning entrance exam. I’m excited to have you here at Vander.”He nods. “I wanted to be a third-year but they wouldn’t let me.” Okay, I want to punch him right now. I really, really want to punch him. But I don’t because I’m a good brother and good brothers don’t punch their little brothers.I swear Drew spares me a pitiful glance before smiling and nodding at Colton. I tune out their conversation and watch some sixth-years touch down perfectly, landing on their toes and rolling back like it’s easy. I’ll be able to do that someday. And I’ll be able to do it before Colton.Or I won’t.What a joke the world is playing on me now.I interrupt the conversation. “C’mon, Colton, let’s go inside.” I pull his hand.And we enter the Academy.

Final Story:1551 words

/ your protagonist gets gum stuck in their hair / include a very spoiled pet / include a silent conversation / make one of your characters purchase a costume / write your protagonist in their comfort place when they're stressed / have a character go on a rant about the good old days

I can hear Colton gasp the moment we step inside. He’s never been here before and I can understand the feeling; everything here is huge and tall and quite terrifying. Students bustle around, wheeling suitcases through the hallways. I look up and am greeted by the familiar winding staircases. The ceiling seems so far away, separated by five stories of dorms and classrooms and offices and courtyards. A lot of courtyards. Arguably the best part of the school - the light breeze, the warmth of the sun, the gardens that people set up and tend there. There was a seventh-year last term that had a huge garden on the top balcony, and everyone went there during breaks.I’m distracted by the architecture and don’t even notice the first-year leaning over the railing above me. I feel something land on my head and I shudder when I try to take it out. Gum!“Sorry!” squeals the student and runs away before I can remember their face.Colton giggles. “That’s going to take so long to get out!”“Stop, I combed my hair for half an hour this morning!” I groan, wiping my hand and reminding myself that getting that gum out of my hair will be my first priority once I get to the dorms.I tug Colton, who’s starstruck by the building, down the hall and up onto the second floor. I can feel a few people whispering my direction - is the gum in my hair really that noticeable? I guess I’ll see. “Alright, Colton, first year dorms are right there.” I gesture to the left, and then the right. “And this way is the second year dorms, so that’s where I’ll be if you need anything.”I give him a tiny shove and watch him wave and walk away. I sigh. And so it begins.I set up my trunk in the second year dorms and start to pin up some photos on the wall. “Axis!” comes a voice. It’s Port - one of my best friends from the fencing team. “Sorry, dude,” he says, “that bed is for my dog.”I cough. “Sorry, what?”“My dog, Miss Frolicky. That’s her bed. She needs her own. Did you not see her trunk next to it?”I look and see that yes, there is in fact a trunk. A huge trunk. It’s the size of Port’s and mine combined. And it’s open, overflowing with treats and weird dog clothes and literally every single toy you’d ever find on the wall of a PetSmart. “Okay then,” I sigh, knowing better than to argue at this point. “I’ll take the next one over.”“Wait, that’s Miss Frolicky’s second bed—”“Shut up, it’s mine now!” I call and open up my trunk once again.I head down to the dining hall where there are assorted late lunch foods. Colton is there and his eyes light up when he sees me across the room. He doesn’t say anything but I can tell from his gestures and face what he’s trying to communicate. ‘I’m gonna come sit over there!’I gesture back. ‘Find your own friends, punk!’‘Sure, friends are good but how am I supposed to start a friendship?’‘Figure it out!’‘I’m coming over!’‘No!’‘Too bad!’ He heads in my direction and I groan.‘I’m leaving!’ He looks crestfallen but I go anyway. How can I avoid him? It’s like I need a disguise or something.That’s it, a disguise! I feel bad but I take a turn toward the Clusters - a small town next to the Academy with lines of shops. I know there’s a costume shop in there because I heard rumors last year about them nearly being shut down. It’s called the Mustache Hut and supposedly they have just about everything.Technically we students aren’t supposed to go to the Clusters until later in the year, but a couple do anyway. The bell rings as I push open the door to the Mustache Hut and I’m greeted by a person sporting the exact mustache on the logo. “How can I help you today?“Uh,” I say. How do I explain that I need to disguise myself to avoid my little brother constantly being with me? “I just want to look different so people recognize me less.”They raise an eyebrow but nod. “I have something for you.”They pull out a freshly ironed costume from behind the desk. At the top is a long scraggly wig adorned with cat ears. A set of mismatched contacts, blue and yellow, is attached to the middle. And the rest of it is a dark burgundy suit complete with a tie. “Good?”I nod furiously as I push my coins toward them. “Perfect.”As I head back to the Academy, I try to figure out what I just did. I bought a costume of a cat with a suit, from a store in a city I shouldn’t be going to yet, on the first day of school just to hide from my brother. Yep, this is a normal life. I try to hide the bag that the costume hangs in as I hurry back to my dorm, half panicking and half exhilarated.I shove it under the bed to hide it; then I too climb under the bed and I hold my knees up to my chest. I haven’t gotten to start a courtyard garden yet and that means this will be my comfort place for a few months. I hope the other kids in the dorm don’t think I’m crazy.I take a deep breath. Colton makes me so mad, constantly! I’m not going to be Axis anymore. I’m going to be the prodigy’s big brother. I’ll be laughed at because he’s smarter than me. I’ll be laughed at because he’ll never stop tagging along wherever I go. What if my friends decide they like him better than they like me?No. Stop. Deep breaths. In, out. In, out. I feel myself calming down. It’s a good thing he’s here. He’s smart and he deserves the spot. He never got enough credit back in primary school. He’s going to start his own life and stop tagging along with me or joining my friend group. We’ll always be brothers but we’re going to have separate lives here. That’s exactly how it’ll happen.When classes start I wake up early and I feel refreshed. Today will be an entire day of going to classes that Colton won’t be in. We’ll see each other at lunch, laugh, talk, and I’ll get a break from him again.Despite my many alarms and early rising I manage to be late to class. The teacher is a withered old man that all the second years always warn the first years about. Of course I ended up here, first thing in the morning. I try to go to my seat calmly and casually like nothing has happened. However, he stops me when I pass my him. My face is red, I’m sure; it gets like that easily despite my not being nearly as pale as some people. I don’t stand there waiting for him to yell at me; I just scurry to my seat and grab a pencil. This is an English class, my strong suit - though maybe having this teacher for a year will ruin it for me. We’ll see, I suppose.There’s a moment of complete silence throughout the classroom as we all stare at the teacher, willing him to say something. Anything at all. Anything but complaining about how I was late.“You know, in the good old days, we didn’t come late to class,” he says. I hear booing from a classmate but I can’t tell who it is.“In the good old days we never booed a teacher either. They would just drag us down to the detention office and leave us there. I went there once or twice. Y’all are dang lucky that you didn’t live in that time. You should show some gratefulness by being here, being ready, on time. We didn’t used to get the opportunity to slack off on responsibilities. I’ll be watching you all.” He points at me. “And you specifically.”“You want the good old days, sir?” comes a voice. It’s my voice. Why am I saying this? But it just feels so good to say aloud. But no, I can’t—For some reason I keep going. “The good old days, if you will, happened last year. Last. Year. The good old days were back when I didn’t have a prodigy nine-year-old brother at the same school as me. When a kid three years younger can enter the year above you at school, you couldn’t ever call it the good days. Those good old days all happened a year ago because I’m never good enough to be better than him. And now everyone can see that.”I can feel eyes on me and I don’t stick around for the teacher’s response or that of my classmates. I don’t want to cry, not in front of all of them.

So I run instead. Run back down the halls, run back to my dorm, crawl back under the bed and stay there and hope that news doesn’t travel back to Colton very fast.

Last edited by -redredrobin- (March 27, 2022 15:02:35)

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.

robin ~ she/any ~ mostly use the forums for SWC :)


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
14 posts

Weekly #4:Part 1:9 of diamonds2 of cloverBackground color: orange + green9 of diamonds:Age: 45Personality: OmnivertName: Hazel (300 words exact!)Hazel is an omniverted person, in certain situations she can be introverted like in situations where she has to speak up about what she wants. She gets shy and ashamed if nobody likes what she wants. This often leads her into never getting what she wants, and leads people to assume that she wants other things. The other side of her, the extroverted side, is very demanding, she is clear on stating what she needs. Like whether she is hungry. She is also able to stick up for herself, she doesn’t get discouraged very easily and can be a little stubborn at times. She is very chill about things and doesn’t easily get angered. She can be very patient but she can sometimes be a little too harsh when speaking her mind. She likes it when things go according to plan, but gets angered if there is a little change in plans. Hazel likes being able to know exactly how things will go. So she isn’t very adjustable. She likes to be the leader of the group and she isn’t very happy when she is pushed to the side. She is in general a good leader and listens to everyone. Hazel is a very active person. By being involved in many activities and sports, she has learned to have good sportsmanship. She gets along with most people but hates the type of people that always joke around. She is very serious, and likes to get things done fast. She doesn’t like to push things aside for the next day. She can’t really talk about feelings. She doesn’t want to get any pity if she’s sad. She gets very uncomfortable talking about whether or not she doesn’t like something. She is very claustrophobic, and hates small spaces. She prefers crowded places. 2 of clovers:Age: 10Personality: introvert Name: Claudia (310 words)Claudia is in 2nd grade and is very shy. Claudia a hispanic introverted girl. Claudia’s mother is from Spain, and her father is from the United States of America. They live together in the U.S. At a very young age, Claudia was able to embrace her hispanic side and learn a little bit of spanish from her mother’s side. Other than speaking a little Spanish, she is mostly in touch with the American aspects of her. She has lived in the U.S. her entire life and barely focuses on following an hispanic customs and culture her mother has to share with her. She finds it very difficult to make friends. She does have one friend, who is her very close friend. She tends to struggle with guessing others feelings and can easily unintentionally hurt others this way. She is still very young at ten years old, so she hasn’t really figured out her personality yet. Like any other child she hates veggies, but unlike any other child she loves school. She is always so bored at home by herself since both her parents are constantly working. At home she doesn’t get the attention she wants and needs, but at school she is an excellent student and gets all the attention from her teachers. Claudia is very independent, she does everything that she needs by herself. She does everything that she is asked to do as well as do it without being asked. When she is bored she daydreams about many things, sometimes a continuation of a story she read or of a t.v. show she watched. She loves to read books in many genres, specifically dystopian and fantasy. She likes to open herself to new possibilities and experiences. This allows her to try out new and different things, in this way she is very adjustable in things.Setting:(160 words!)The setting is a national forest, located somewhere in the US. The particular time is in fall, where all the trees' orange, red, and yellow leaves are just beginning to fall. This area is inhabited by many species and animals. Such as bears, deer, and wolves. Though none of these animals are harmful to humans. At this particular time, the park is quite crowded and many come to visit the beautiful colors of the forest this time around. The park has many hiking trails where tourists can walk along riversides and lakes, see many animals and plants! The main attractions are the tall trees that are found in this park and this park only. The park is often one of the most visited places in the US every year. Many great reviews are found in this area. Cabins found in the forest provide shaded areas for campers and enjoy the stars at night. The park has been open for years. Part 2 and 3: Final story:Writing about two different characters: Claudia and Hazel!400 word free write: Hazel couldn’t believe it. She was rushing to the airport ready to get to her new job as a park ranger in a nearby national park. Only a few months earlier, she had lost her job as a journalist and had been surviving off of her life savings. It took her a while, but after browsing websites and newspaper articles she was finally able to find a decent paying job. Hazel jolted past the waves of people rushing to their specific terminals. She had run into some traffic and was now rushing to make it to her plane in time. By the time she had got into the plane, just barely missing it, she was heaving out of breath. She walked down the thin aisles searching for her seat. D201. Finally she found it near the rear of the plane and sat down. She glanced at her surroundings, 2 seats on each side of the plane. Sitting next to her, near the aisle was a man in his thirties who was sitting talking to a woman and a small girl- maybe nine or ten? Hazel made a quick guess and assumed they were a family, since they were talking to each other and practically ignoring everyone else. She sighed as the plane took off. She had made it in time. But would she be able to keep her new job? —Claudia sat in her seat swinging her legs in excitement. Her parents were finally going on vacation with her, and during the school year. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that Claudia was NOT going to miss. It's been a while since she had been on a plane so she was kind of nervous. Thoughts raced through her mind. what if the plane crashed? What if we get caught in between some random war? She pushed the thoughts away. Everything will be fine right? When they got there (safe and sound) she and her parents were brought to a cabin deep into the woods of a very famous national park. She and her parents spent the rest of the day unpacking their clothes into the many drawers on the dresser. Then they each took a turn taking a shower in the small bathroom provided. As Claudia lay in bed, her thoughts wondered, as they always did. She was fuming with excitement! The next day the adventure would start, and Claudia couldn’t wait. Activities usen:Use a very long to-do listMake and important object disappear in thin airYour main character reunites with a long lost friendYour character falls unconsciousInclude three similes and a metaphor in what you have written so far. Your main character runs into a strange looking bug*realizes I could have just used the list given after I choose all six of my activities*—

Hazel exited the ranger office. She had been given a set of instructions and a brief training. She quickly went into her cabin which was given to each of the park rangers to stay at. Hazel started quickly unpacking. On a wooden desk in the corner of the wooden room lies a yellow law pad. It was bright yellow like the sun and In it were 4 full pages of a to-do list her senior had given her. Hazel groaned as she read each of the items. food sorting? What type of task is that? Well better get started if she wants to have some free time to explore the beautiful forest. She glanced at the door and ran out of it. First thing on the list, helps some rogue tourists! Hazel glanced around. No one seemed to need her help at the moment so she decided to skip that. The entire day Hazel worked her back off. The hardest job was retaping the polls that marked how difficult the trail was. She had gotten a few splinters because of the rough wood. By dark, she hadn’t even made a dent in the list; it was as if the list kept growing! Hazel collapsed on the small twin bed. Her eyes struggled to stay open, soon enough she let into the sleep that called her.

—Claudia walked fast as she strided past the large and small rocks. The sun shone through the trees like a disco ball, blinding Claudia’s eyes. Her parent’s followed far behind shouting to her, “SLOW DOWN CLAUDS!” Claudia obediently slowed. Her parents caught up to her and her dad grinned at her, “You are fast, now why don’t we try to slow down and actually enjoy the view?” Her mom chuckled, “I don’t think we have to go anywhere soon, we can just enjoy ourselves.” “I just want to get back to the cabin, I’m STARVING.” Soon enough they reached their destination, the small 2 room cabin that they were calling home for the next 1 week. Like a cheetah, her mom quickly whipped up a peanut butter sandwich for Claudia to enjoy while they sat on the front patio. While she was eating her sandwich, she looked away for 2 seconds, when she turned back, her sandwich had disappeared! “MOM! Did you take my sandwich?” Claudia asked her mom. “No? Why?” Her mom looked at the table where the sandwich originally was. Claudia’s mom stood up and started searching for the sandwich. They searched, it was as if the sandwich disappeared in thin air! —

Hazel was in the middle of raking leaves when a family called her. She looked at the family, it was the same one she had sat by on the plane! Apparently they hadn’t recognized her as they just kept on talking about a stolen sandwich. “Ma’am your sandwich probably got eaten by a raccoon or some other animal.” what type of question is this? The mother of the family looked down to her daughter and murmured sorry. After the family left Hazel continued raking the leaves. Behind her she heard a familiar voice, “Hazel ?” Hazel turned around. Standing in front of her was a middle-aged woman- around her age, with blond hair (a strand was dyed pink). She had on light natural make-up. Hazel had seen this person somewhere before but she couldn’t wrap her finger around it. “It’s me Amalia! From 7th grade!” The name ‘Amalia’ sounded familiar. “The girl who moved away at the end of the year?” Amalia’s face lit up. “Yes!! You remember me!” More and more bits of Amalia came back to Hazel, like how she and Amalia were inseparable. Also like how she moved away to New York at the end of the year, they were both heart-broken. Hazel spoke up, “Is it really you?” Amalia nodded. “What are you doing here?” Hazel asked. “Well, I’m here on vacation, I need to get away from work. I’m staying at that cabin.” She pointed to a cabin on the far side of the area. “What about you Haze?” Hazel sighed, “Well I lost my job as a journalist a few months ago, this was the only job I could find that didn’t require a new degree.” Amalia became quiet, “I’m sorry.” Hazel hated that pity face, “No! No! It's ok, if I hadn’t come here we couldn’t have met again! Now tell me, how have things been so far for you?”

—Claudia held both her parents' hands as she skipped throughout the entire trail. They were still heading to the lake, and it was taking forever. It was getting dark, and neither of them realized that the trail was super long. Soon the sun was going to set so they decided to head back to risk getting lost in the dark. Claudia’s parents used their phone’s flashlights to light the way back, the beams of lights shook as if they were dancing. They encountered a few other hikers, but it was mostly them. Everyone was smart and decided not to risk it in the dark. The entire way Claudia kept getting bitten by mosquitoes but she stayed quiet because she hated the anti-itching cream she would have to use when they got back. About three-fourths of the way back Claudia tripped over a rock wedged in the ground. She yelped, twisted around and fell backward, hitting her head on the hard ground. Pain filled her mind, she blinked hoping to keep her eyes open. Darkness filled her eyesight as she fell unconscious. —Once again as if fate decreed it, Hazel met with the family of three once again. She was about to call it night, when the family came from a trail leading to the lake. The girl was asleep on the father’s shoulders. “Help!” They cried. I ran over to them. “She slipped over a rock and hit her head. Do you have a first aid kit we can use?” Hazel nodded, “Which one is your cabin?” The woman pointed to one in the middle. “Ok, lay her down on the bed, I’ll come with a first aid kit.” The parents obeyed, as Hazel ran to the rangers office, she pulled a first aid kit from the corner and ran to the cabin. There she checked the girl's head for any sign of injury, “I think she’s fine, she just passed out, that’s all. When she wakes up, ask her if her head hurts, monitor her head. If it continues to hurt for more than a week go to your doctor and they’ll have it checked.” The girl’s parent’s sighed with relief, “thank you miss..?” “Hazel.” She said, she shook hands with the parents. —Claudia opened her eyes, slowly. Her eyes followed a ceiling fan above her. She lay on a warm bed. She groaned as she got up. Her eyesight cleared as she took in her surroundings. She was in her cabin. Her parents were sitting down at the edge of the bed. Immediately as they saw her they fired her with questions, “How are you feeling?” “Does your head hurt?” “Are you hungry?” (The last one was her dad). “I’m fine. I think.” Claudia replied. “What happened?” Her parent’s explained how she had slipped and fell and how a park ranger named Hazel helped them. After the initial shock- which was what affected them the most, everything else seemed fine. Since Claudia seemed fine they continued their day as they would have. —After the Claudia incident- as Hazel liked to call it, she went back to bed. After breakfast the next day, Claudia has finished most of the items on the extremely long list. She decided to have some ‘me time’ and check out some of the activities the park provided, like biking trails. She rented a bike at a nearby bike rental and rode through one that led to a part of the forest that was teeming with wildlife. She stopped to take a break near a fallen tree. She drank some water, then got ready to start again. When she put her hands on the handle something furry met her hand. Her hand jolted back. On her handle was the longest furriest bug she had ever seen. Hazel bit back a yelp. The bug stood there, its two antennas moving back and forth, back and forth. Other than that it was practically frozen like a statue. She shivered and gagged as she thought about how she touched the bug. She grabbed a stick laying on the ground and used it to smash the bug. As soon as the stick made it in contact with the bug the bug flew upward. This time Hazel did yell. Some people nearby gave Hazel a glance which Hazel ignored. The bug flew away. Hazel rode the rest of the way and back with one hand on the bars and washed her hand as soon as she got back to her cabin. She was certain this would happen again. —Claudia dragged her suitcase across the carpet in the airport. The week was over and it was time to go back home. She reflected on the past couple of days during the plane ride home. She had fun. Well, ignoring the whole falling unconscious part.

That was LONG. hope you enjoyed

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.

✉ ˊˎ˗ Dystopian for the win! (march 2022 SWC)
ello! I'm ayid

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
she/her ▮ bookworm <3
“who lives in a pineapple under the seaaaa!”


Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
11 posts

featheredge wrote:

4th WeeklyPart One(Altogether) Word Count:C1, Introvert, Jack (8)word count: 422Harper is an entertainer.She lives to serve, to bow down, to be but a joker in a court.She was not meant to lead, no matter how loud or rambunctious she gets.It was simply not what she was meant to do.This, slightly explains why she was the one to suggest running away to the circus, where Piper could be a ringmaster and Harper a dancer, from a uncaring father who was scary whenever he yelled or tended to grab Harper's arm harshly, who drank away his worries with apple juice.Or at least, Piper had told her it was apple juice, but Harper doubts that.She has never been allowed to drink it (though it's not like he would give her any, even if it were really apple juice).With the help of Piper, and living off the granola bars, and the jug of water and one of orange juice, they made it to the circus they intended to in half a week.The circus workers had been curious, of course as why two children appeared and demanded work, but they didn't ask many questions, as the same thing happened to them.So many children want to run off to join the circus these days, as one does. It had taken Harper a bit to be comfortable around people who were not her sibling, because even if she was a entertainer, she still lacked that special skill of being a good public speaker.She had never gotten along that well with the children in her class, and nor was she in a hurry to befriend any adults, due to her previous experiences with them.However, she is quite good friends with the currents ringmaster.The ringmaster was a tall, thin woman with blonde hair tied into a tight bun, who looked like she would break if she fell over, which isn`t very different from what Harper looked like.Harper, instead had quite short, brown hair that was very messily cut (courtesy of Piper, they cut both of their hair before the two of them left so they wouldn`t have to worry that much about it when they left) Harper doesn`t know the name of the ringmaster, and isn`t really aware that she has a name other than ringmaster. Harper is also friend/enemies/friendly enemies, whatever you wanna call it, with a monkey.They don`t particularly like each other, but I suppose that`s to be expected.Harper was never really fond of animals.C2, Ambivert, Queen (11)word count: 360Piper is a planner.They were the one who planned the runaway, packed food, and planned how they would get to the circus.They like to know everything before they act, and they're the type to have a binder dedicated to planning out every step of their life.They don't have one yet (a binder detailing their life), but probably will soon.They had been okay with the suggestion of running off to the circus; they had already been planning to leave the house soon.Piper is okay with talking to people, and the people they talks to are okay with talking to her.However, they prefer to read books instead of having to read people`s emotions.This leads to a slight border between her and her sister, as no matter how they try, they simply cannot talk well to each other.Piper, loving her books and stories instead of loving talking to people, and Harper, whom cannot talk well to people, but yet wants to.Piper struggles making connections to people, as they prefer to keep to themselves (and their books, of course) however, they are still trying to make friends.Piper was alive, only six, when their mother was alive.They looked up to their mother, and their mother was outgoing, and always tried to meet new people and make new friends.Piper tries to follow her example, they're okay with making friends- like they`re friends with the cooks son, and friends with the contortionist of the group, but not many other people.They adore all the people who work at the circus very much, has no problem talking to them, but just struggles making friends.Piper doesn't`t like that awkward stage where you are aquantainces with someone, but aren`t really friends with them, which is why they`re such good friends with the cook`s son.He skipped right past that stage, with a simple `we`re friends, aren`t we?` when she asked him why he was helping them learn how to make apple pie, as they had never had it, nor tried it.Piper thinks their mother would`ve liked him.Setting: CircusWord Count: 295Colors based on: honestly i forgot and i cant find where i wrote it but i remember that it was like purple and red or smth and reminded me of a circus so here we areThe cirque is a lively place, you can`t go anywhere without hearing the chattering of people, the yells of delight, gasps of awe.It is, in usual circus fashion , in a tent.It has lights stringed inside and outside of it, which is surely a fire hazard, but nobody pays attention to that, when instead they could be watching the fantastical acts of not-so-real magic inside.The tent is by the sea, and has a rather treacherous path leading the way there.There is a building nearby, which is the worker`s sleeping quarters.The ringmaster, when they started this circus, had no idea how circuses worked.They didn`t know whether they were meant to live in different places, in the same place, or what.They weren`t very experienced and had no one to teach them how to decide such things, so they just went along with what felt right; they bought a building to the north of the tent and had it decorated so that it would feel like a home, since that`s basically what circuses were, weren`t they?was the ringmaster`s thoughts at the time.It`s a escape, but it`s a home for us, like we`re a big, happy family. Well, I suppose that comes from most of their hires being runaways.Anyhow, many people visit the tent, coming in and out, some just random passerby`s that smelled the food and wandered in, and some people who had been waiting to come, and some, more often than most, you guessed it! Runaways.This is honestly quite sad, and I hope that this stops happening.(But I also don`t want circuses to go out of business, which would also be sad.)Story:Word count:]

ᕱᕱ ┈ ↳ ❝ hi,i’m feather! ❞ I like indie music,making (bad) jokes n puns,and drawin :] ﹏ ➶ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-you can use any pronouns for me,unless i say otherwise '、˖ ָ࣪➹ᜊ :: #fantasyforthewin! Ꮺ



Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.
83 posts

Word war with @MysticScratcher101also daily 3/27/22 B) When she finally woke up, she kept her eyes closed, hoping to fool her captors into thinking she was asleep. It worked, at least for a little bit.“OK, remember. You’ve got to be nice, or the whole plan will be ruined.”“Ugh,” said a second voice “Boss better reward us good. I’m sick and tired of these clothes already, an-”“SHHHHHH, the first voice hissed, “she’s moving!”

Zoe slowly opened her eyes, pretending she had just woken up. She sat up and looked around. Where were the people she had heard talking? She tried to get up, but couldn’t move her left leg. She tried to look down, but her head

Natalie knew that she would earn a free trip to camp if she sold two more boxes of cookies.