How to restart computer without mouse Windows 10

How to restart computer without mouse Windows 10
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If you're not able to use the mouse or trackpad on your computer, you can still reboot your PC or Mac using just your keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts like Alt + F4 for Windows and Control + Eject for macOS can really come in handy when other input options aren't available. This wikiHow article will show you the easiest ways to restart your computer without a mouse or trackpad.

  1. 1

    Press and hold the Alt key. You can use the Alt key that's on the left or right side of your keyboard.

  2. 2

    Press and hold the F4 key. You'll see a row of F keys at the top of your keyboard.

    • This key combination will close any active applications and windows, including any browser windows you have open.
    • Depending on some laptop models, you may need to press and hold the Fn key to use function keys (Fn + Alt + F4).

  3. 3

    Repeat the above process to close all applications. Press Alt + F4 until every browser and application is closed.

  4. 4

    Select "Restart" and press Enter. Using the directional arrow keys on your keyboard, select "Restart" from the drop-down menu if it isn't already selected.

    • This window will appear only if all the applications and windows are closed on your computer.
    • After you've selected this, your computer will restart without the use of your mouse.[1] X Research source Go to source

  5. 5

    Use different key shortcuts to restart (if the previous steps did not work for you). Press Win + X then use your arrow keys to select Shut down or sign out and press Enter. Then, using the arrow keys, navigate to Restart and press Enter.

  1. 1

    Press and hold the Ctrl key. You can use the Ctrl key on either side of your Space bar.

  2. 2

    Press and hold the Power button (without a Touch ID sensor) or the Media Eject button (with a Touch ID sensor). A dialogue will pop up, asking if you want to restart, sleep, or shut down. Use your keyboard arrow keys to select "Restart" and press Return.

    • If you have a Touch ID sensor, pressing the Power button won't work.

  3. 3

    Use another keyboard shortcut. Press Ctrl + Cmd + Power or Ctrl + Cmd+ Eject Media to force your Mac to restart.[2] X Research source Go to source

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wikiHow Technology Writer

This article was written by Darlene Antonelli, MA. Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been viewed 38,852 times.

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Updated: June 10, 2022

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Article ID : S500018149 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018

1. On the keyboard, press ALT + F4 until the Shut Down Windows box is displayed.
2. In the Shut Down Windows box, press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW keys until Restart is selected. 

How to restart computer without mouse Windows 10

3. Press the ENTER key to restart the computer.

In computing, restarting a computer is the process by which a running PC system is restarted intentionally or unintentionally. Restart can be either cold known as hard, in which the power to the system is physically turned off and back on again causing an initial boot of the PC or it is warm means soft in which the system restarts without any need to interrupt the power and the term reboot is used to refer to a restart when the operating system closes all the programs running in the background and it finalizes all pending input and outputs operations before starting a soft reboot or restart. We have the solution of how to restart the computer without mouse-Windows 10, 8, 7, XP.


A reboot or restart may be simulated by software running on your Operating system (OS). Malware may also simulate a reboot or restart and thereby deceive a computer user for some important purpose.

How to restart a computer without a mouse or touchpad (Windows 10):

I am answering for Windows 10 all versions (previous versions will be similar but, it is been so long I cannot say this for sure).

Everybody knows that to shut down the Windows Operating system we have always to click on the Start button (bottom left) on the screen through the mouse. But if you do not have the mouse or what if your mouse is broken but you want to run the PC? Here is the solution How to restart the computer without a mouse.

How to restart computer without mouse Windows 10

In other versions, you could easily pop the cursor keys and have easy access to the Restart option but Windows 10 has a really annoying and smart Start screen.

The easiest and most efficient way is to press Ctrl-Del-Alt. A basic menu screen will appear with many choices:

How to restart computer without mouse Windows 10

  • Lock
  • Switch User
  • Sign Out
  • Change Password
  • Task Manager
  • Cancel

You can move between these options with the cursor keys of the keyboard and press enter any of the options.

None of these will directly restart the PC system. However, at the bottom right you will see four symbols, the rightmost one being for the Power button. You will have to use the Tab option from your keyboard to navigate the options. When it has the square highlight round option, press Enter.

The usual option will appear which will be containing the options:

How to restart computer without mouse Windows 10

Select the Restart option and press the Enter key. By this method, you can easily navigate the cursor keys from your computer or laptop and restart the PC.

How to restart a computer without a mouse or touchpad (Windows 8):

I am answering for Windows 8 all versions (previous versions will be similar but, it is been so long I cannot say this for sure).

Everybody knows that to shut down the Windows Operating system we have always to click on the Start button (bottom left) on the screen through the mouse. But if you do not have the mouse or what if your mouse is broken but you want to run the PC? Here is the solution. How to restart a computer without a mouse.

In other versions, you could easily pop the cursor keys and have easy access to the Restart option but Windows 8 has really annoyed the smart Start screen.

It is very simple if you follow us:

How to restart computer without mouse Windows 10

Ø  Use the shortcut key Win + X to pop up the Tools Menu Options Menu.

Ø  Then Use the U key to immediately shut down or You can also press R for restart or S for sleep mode or I for signing out.

How to restart the computer without mouse or touchpad (Windows 7):

I am answering for Windows 7 all versions (previous versions will be similar but, it is been so long I cannot say this for sure).

Everybody knows that to shut down the Windows Operating system we have always to click on the Start button (bottom left) on the screen through the mouse. But if you do not have the mouse or what if your mouse is broken but you want to run the PC? Here is the solution How to restart the computer without a mouse.

How to restart computer without mouse Windows 10

In other versions, you could easily pop the cursor keys and have easy access to the Restart option but Windows 7 has a really annoying and smart Start screen.

On Windows 7 Ultimate, if you have no mouse on your computer.

Then just press:

  1. Win button >  Enter keys.
  2. This will make your computer shut down without any disturbance. Anyways, we are talking about Restarting Windows 7 on the PC.
  3. Press the Windows key then release the button.
  4. Press the Right Arrow button or key twice.
  5. Press the Up-Arrow button
  6. Press Enter button

Other methods:

If on the Desktop, press the shortcut key Alt + F4 and then use the arrow buttons to select the options of Shutdown or Restart, or if it does not work then press Win + D first.

How to restart the computer without mouse or touchpad (Windows XP):

When you are having problems with the Windows XP and Everybody knows that to shut down the Windows Operating system we have always click on the Start button (bottom left) on the screen through the mouse. But if you do not have the mouse or what if your mouse is broken but you want to run the PC? Here is the solution How to restart a computer without a mouse.

Here is the method:

  • Press the Windows key to open the Start menu on Windows XP.

Then control the highlight square round through the cursor keys then select the power option and you will have the small menu option containing the options:

How to restart computer without mouse Windows 10

  • Shutdown
  • Restart
  • Stand by Mode

Press the Restart button through the cursor keys and your PC will be restarted.

Also Read: Wireless Mechanical Keyboard For Mac

Windows tips:

A few Windows tips if you are without a mouse or your mouse is broken:

·         Navigate the Start Menu by pressing the Windows Button.

·         Use the Tab key to jump over the navigation.

·         Press the Windows key and type on the search bar for anything you want such as Restarting.


In the above article, you are now the Ninja of the Keyboard. We have shared the experience with you about how to restart the computer without a mouse. If you want to know more about mice and keyboard you can visit my blog.