How to get roblox vip

By Leah Waldron-Gross

Updated September 22, 2017

At Roblox, a virtual gaming and real estate-building site with over five million international players, members compete for VIP status by playing member-created flash games. Because the individual Roblox players create the games, it is the creator (and not Roblox administrators) that award VIP status at each game level. The creator of the game also establishes how to become a VIP, which usually includes purchasing an individual item, such as a virtual T-shirt, for your avatar.

Log in to your member account on the Roblox home page. You must be logged in to receive VIP status.

Choose a game that offers VIP status. Click on the "Games" tab in the upper toolbar to search for games. Once you have selected a game, click on the game's title to be redirected to the details page.

Read the description of the game in the right-hand text box. You will find directions on how to become a VIP of the game. In some cases, you will be sent to a link that asks you to purchase an item, such as user-generated T-shirt.

Purchase the VIP accessory for the sale price. VIP shirts may be bought with Roblox currency, which includes Robux or tickets.

Becoming a VIP will often give you special powers in the game, such as extra equipment or skills not available to other players.

Games that have the words "Read desc" (short for "read description") in the title usually offer a VIP status in the game.

If a player offers to give you multiple VIP status for every game on Roblox, the offer is a scam.