How to create multiple methods in Java

A method is a block of code that performs a specific task.

Suppose you need to create a program to create a circle and color it. You can create two methods to solve this problem:

  • a method to draw the circle
  • a method to color the circle

Dividing a complex problem into smaller chunks makes your program easy to understand and reusable.

In Java, there are two types of methods:

  • User-defined Methods: We can create our own method based on our requirements.
  • Standard Library Methods: These are built-in methods in Java that are available to use.

Let's first learn about user-defined methods.

Declaring a Java Method

The syntax to declare a method is:

returnType methodName() { // method body }


  • returnType - It specifies what type of value a method returns For example if a method has an int return type then it returns an integer value.

    If the method does not return a value, its return type is void.

  • methodName - It is an identifier that is used to refer to the particular method in a program.
  • method body - It includes the programming statements that are used to perform some tasks. The method body is enclosed inside the curly braces { }.

For example,

int addNumbers() { // code }

In the above example, the name of the method is adddNumbers(). And, the return type is int. We will learn more about return types later in this tutorial.

This is the simple syntax of declaring a method. However, the complete syntax of declaring a method is

modifier static returnType nameOfMethod (parameter1, parameter2, ...) { // method body }


  • modifier - It defines access types whether the method is public, private, and so on. To learn more, visit Java Access Specifier.
  • static - If we use the static keyword, it can be accessed without creating objects.

    For example, the sqrt() method of standard Math class is static. Hence, we can directly call Math.sqrt() without creating an instance of Math class.

  • parameter1/parameter2 - These are values passed to a method. We can pass any number of arguments to a method.

Calling a Method in Java

In the above example, we have declared a method named addNumbers(). Now, to use the method, we need to call it.

Here's is how we can call the addNumbers() method.

// calls the method addNumbers(); Working of Java Method Call

Example 1: Java Methods

class Main { // create a method public int addNumbers(int a, int b) { int sum = a + b; // return value return sum; } public static void main(String[] args) { int num1 = 25; int num2 = 15; // create an object of Main Main obj = new Main(); // calling method int result = obj.addNumbers(num1, num2); System.out.println("Sum is: " + result); } }


Sum is: 40

In the above example, we have created a method named addNumbers(). The method takes two parameters a and b. Notice the line,

int result = obj.addNumbers(num1, num2);

Here, we have called the method by passing two arguments num1 and num2. Since the method is returning some value, we have stored the value in the result variable.

Note: The method is not static. Hence, we are calling the method using the object of the class.

Java Method Return Type

A Java method may or may not return a value to the function call. We use the return statement to return any value. For example,

int addNumbers() { ... return sum; }

Here, we are returning the variable sum. Since the return type of the function is int. The sum variable should be of int type. Otherwise, it will generate an error.

Example 2: Method Return Type

class Main { // create a method public static int square(int num) { // return statement return num * num; } public static void main(String[] args) { int result; // call the method // store returned value to result result = square(10); System.out.println("Squared value of 10 is: " + result); } }


Squared value of 10 is: 100

In the above program, we have created a method named square(). The method takes a number as its parameter and returns the square of the number.

Here, we have mentioned the return type of the method as int. Hence, the method should always return an integer value.

Representation of the Java method returning a value

Note: If the method does not return any value, we use the void keyword as the return type of the method. For example,

public void square(int a) { int square = a * a; System.out.println("Square is: " + square); }

Method Parameters in Java

A method parameter is a value accepted by the method. As mentioned earlier, a method can also have any number of parameters. For example,

// method with two parameters int addNumbers(int a, int b) { // code } // method with no parameter int addNumbers(){ // code }

If a method is created with parameters, we need to pass the corresponding values while calling the method. For example,

// calling the method with two parameters addNumbers(25, 15); // calling the method with no parameters addNumbers()

Example 3: Method Parameters

class Main { // method with no parameter public void display1() { System.out.println("Method without parameter"); } // method with single parameter public void display2(int a) { System.out.println("Method with a single parameter: " + a); } public static void main(String[] args) { // create an object of Main Main obj = new Main(); // calling method with no parameter obj.display1(); // calling method with the single parameter obj.display2(24); } }


Method without parameter Method with a single parameter: 24

Here, the parameter of the method is int. Hence, if we pass any other data type instead of int, the compiler will throw an error. It is because Java is a strongly typed language.

Note: The argument 24 passed to the display2() method during the method call is called the actual argument.

The parameter num accepted by the method definition is known as a formal argument. We need to specify the type of formal arguments. And, the type of actual arguments and formal arguments should always match.

Standard Library Methods

The standard library methods are built-in methods in Java that are readily available for use. These standard libraries come along with the Java Class Library (JCL) in a Java archive (*.jar) file with JVM and JRE.

For example,

  • print() is a method of The print("...") method prints the string inside quotation marks.
  • sqrt() is a method of Math class. It returns the square root of a number.

Here's a working example:

Example 4: Java Standard Library Method

public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // using the sqrt() method System.out.print("Square root of 4 is: " + Math.sqrt(4)); } }


Square root of 4 is: 2.0

To learn more about standard library methods, visit Java Library Methods.

What are the advantages of using methods?

1. The main advantage is code reusability. We can write a method once, and use it multiple times. We do not have to rewrite the entire code each time. Think of it as, "write once, reuse multiple times".

Example 5: Java Method for Code Reusability

public class Main { // method defined private static int getSquare(int x){ return x * x; } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { // method call int result = getSquare(i); System.out.println("Square of " + i + " is: " + result); } } }


Square of 1 is: 1 Square of 2 is: 4 Square of 3 is: 9 Square of 4 is: 16 Square of 5 is: 25

In the above program, we have created the method named getSquare() to calculate the square of a number. Here, the method is used to calculate the square of numbers less than 6.

Hence, the same method is used again and again.

2. Methods make code more readable and easier to debug. Here, the getSquare() method keeps the code to compute the square in a block. Hence, makes it more readable.

We already understand how to invoke instance methods such as add, pause, and getHeight. Now we'll turn to learning how to define our own methods, creating our own names for them, to do things that we want.

Why would you ever want to create new methods? Sometimes a program becomes unmanageably long, and methods are helpful for breaking it up into bite-sized pieces. And sometimes you want a program to do the same thing in several very different places of a program. In either case, defining a new method can be helpful.

12.1. Defining methods

Before defining a method in Java, you first must answer four questions.

  • What will the method do? Generally speaking, you should be able to summarize the purpose of a method within a brief sentence.

  • What name will the method have? The same rules apply to method names as to variable names. Conventionally, the first word is not capitalized, but subsequent words are, as in getHeight and setFillColor. Normally, method names are a short summary of the method's purpose, with one to three words, starting with a verb.

  • What parameters will the method require, and what will the parameters' types be? For example, the pause method requires one parameter, an int. We'll address parameters later in this chapter (Section 12.2). For this section, we will deal only with methods that require no parameters.

  • What type of value, if any, will the method return in response? This is called the method's return value. We have seen some methods that have return values, such as getHeight, which responds with an int value. Some methods do not have return values, such as add and setFilled; for these methods, we use the special word void to describe the type of value returned.

The definition of a method follows the following template.

public  () {      }

Methods must be defined directly within a class definition; Java does not permit nesting one method definition within another method's definition. The order in which methods are listed within the class is not important.

Actually, we have been writing a method in each of our programs all along, using the following:

public void run() {
    // body of program }

As you can see by the word void, this method doesn't return anything. The method name run is treated specially by the TurtleProgram and GraphicsProgram classes we have been using: As soon as the window is created, these classes invoke the method named run to execute the body of the program.

Let us look at a problem where defining an additional method beyond run would be useful. In particular, suppose we want to modify the MovingBalloon program of Figure 6.4, so that it animates two hot air balloons descending to the ground. One way to create two balloons is to simply duplicate all of the code for creating one balloon a second time. But this results in a long program, and the duplication of code makes it more difficult to change the program. For example, we might decide later to enhance the two balloons in some way, such as adding passengers into their baskets. And if we wanted to have an entire balloon festival with several balloons landing, then retyping the balloon creation code for each balloon would be even more problematic.

So we decide to write a method, and we begin by answering our four questions. Our new method's purpose, in a sentence, is to create an object representing a hot air balloon. For a name, we'll use the sensible createBalloon. This method will not require any parameters when it is invoked, and it will return in response a GCompound object that combines the different components of a balloon into one object.

Having answered our four questions about the method's design, we can turn to writing our program, which appears in Figure 12.1.

Figure 12.1: The MultipleBalloons program.

  1  import acm.program.*;
  2  import*;
  3  import java.awt.*;
  5  public class MultipleBalloons extends GraphicsProgram {
  6      public void run() {
  7          GCompound eastbound = createBalloon();
  8          add(eastbound, 10, 10);
  9          GCompound westbound = createBalloon();
 10          add(westbound, getWidth() - westbound.getWidth() - 10, 60);
 12          while(westbound.getY() + westbound.getHeight() < getHeight()) {
 13              pause(40);
 14              eastbound.move( 1, 1);
 15              westbound.move(-1, 1);
 16          }
 17          while(eastbound.getY() + eastbound.getHeight() < getHeight()) {
 18              pause(40);
 19              eastbound.move( 1, 1);
 20          }
 21      }
 23      public GCompound createBalloon() {
 24          GOval ball = new GOval(0, 0, 50, 50);
 25          ball.setFilled(true);
 26          ball.setFillColor(new Color(208, 48, 48));
 28          GRect basket = new GRect(15, 60, 20, 10);
 29          basket.setFilled(true);
 30          basket.setFillColor(new Color(224, 192, 0));
 32          GCompound balloon = new GCompound();
 33          balloon.add(ball);
 34          balloon.add(new GLine(3, 39, 15, 60));  // left line
 35          balloon.add(new GLine(48, 39, 35, 60)); // right line
 36          balloon.add(basket);
 37          return balloon;
 38      }
 39  }

This program defines two methods, the run method (line 6) and the createBalloon method (line 23). Since createBalloon is meant to respond with a GCompound value, line 23 mentions that the createBalloon method returns a GCompound value.

Also, notice line 37 at the end of createBalloon's body. This is a new category of statement that we haven't seen before, the return statement.

return ;

When the computer executes a method, it will execute the method's body until it reaches a return statement. Once it reaches such a statement, the computer immediately halts executing the method and uses the value designated after the word return as the value returned by the method. Most frequently, each method has just one return statement, at its end. But some methods may have other return statements, most often nested in if statements, to indicate that the method should return prematurely. A method might have this because of an easy request where the method can complete early without executing all of the program

For methods that have a void return type, methods can omit the return statement altogether, and the computer stops executing the method once it goes off the end of the method's body; this is what we've been doing all along with our run methods. If we run into a situation where we want to return early from a method that has a void return type, we simply omit listing any return value.


Methods whose return type is not void are required to include a return statement specifying what to return.

When the computer executes the MultipleBalloons program, it proceeds as follows.

  • The computer invokes the run method just after creating the window and begins executing the body of that method.

  • The first thing the run method says to do (line 7) is to invoke the createBalloon method. At this time, it suspends its work on the run method in order to complete createBalloon. So, after glancing at line 7, it proceeds to line 24.

  • It begins executing statements from line 7 until it reaches the return statement in line 37. The expression following return in line 37 says to return the GCompound object to which balloon refers — the GCompound which happens to combine all the shapes into a balloon.

  • After reaching the return statement in createBalloon, the computer resumes its work on the run method from where it left off, line 7. Line 7 says to assign eastbound to refer to the GCompound returned by createBalloon, and line 8 says to place that GCompound object into the window at coordinates (10, 10).

  • When the computer reaches line 9, it sees that it must invoke createBalloon again to see what the method will return this time. So suspends its work on run once more, goes to line 24, and proceeds until it reaches the return statement of line 37, which says to return this second GCompound object created in line 32. After completing createBalloon, the computer resumes its execution of run from where it left off, assigning westbound to refer to the GCompound object returned.

  • The computer continues executing the run method, placing the second GCompound object on the right side of the screen, and proceeding to animate both balloons' descent to the window's bottom.

12.2. Parameters

Now suppose we want to modify our MultipleBalloons program so that the balloons have different colors. The best way to accomplish this is to use parameters for passing additional information — in this case, a color — into the method.

To write a method that takes a parameter, you list the type and name of the parameter in parentheses.

public  ( ) {      }

For example, if we decide to name our parameter balloonColor, we would modify our createBalloon method declaration to be:

public GCompound createBalloon(Color balloonColor) {

The name balloonColor will be the name of a variable available within createBalloon, which will refer to whatever value is designated when invoking the method. The first few lines of createBalloon will be the following.

GOval ball = new GOval(0, 0, 50, 50);

Notice how in the last line, we use the balloonColor variable.

When we invoke the method within run, we will need to include the balloon's color in parentheses. For example, the run method might start with the following lines.

GCompound eastbound = createBalloon(new Color(255, 0, 0));
add(eastbound, 10, 10);
GCompound westbound = createBalloon(new Color(0, 0, 255));
add(westbound, getWidth() - westbound.getWidth() - 10, 60);

This will end up executing createBalloon the first time with the balloonColor variable referring to the red color; and the second time with the balloonColor variable referring to the blue color. As a result, the balloon proceeding southeast will be a red balloon, while the balloon proceeding southwest will be blue.

If you want a method with multiple parameters, list each parameter's type and name in the method declaration's parentheses, separated by commas. For example, if we want parameters for customizing the new balloon's height and basket color as well, we would want two additional parameters to createBalloon.

public GCompound createBalloon(Color balloonColor, int height,
        Color basketColor) {

Java permits defining multiple methods with the same name, as long as they can be distinguished based on their parameters: That is, any two methods of the same name must have a different number of parameters — or, if they have the same number of parameters, one of the methods must have a parameter whose type is incompatible with the other method's parameter in the same position.

Having multiple methods of the same name is useful when you want multiple methods that do very similar things, but we don't want to have to remember two different names. For example, if we have our createBalloon method where the balloon color, height, and basket color can all be specified as parameters, we may still want a createBalloon method where only the balloon color is specified. We can accomplish this by adding the following method.

public GCompound createBalloon(Color balloonColor) {
    return createBalloon(balloonColor, 70, new Color(224, 192, 0)); }

When we want to create a balloon with the default height and basket color, we can just invoke this one-parameter method, and it will promptly invoke the three-parameter createBalloon method, including the default height of 70, and the default basket color of tan. The return statement in the one-parameter createBalloon says that the method should return whichever GCompound object that the three-parameter createBalloon method returns.

12.3. Methods and variables

Each method has its own set of variables, completely separate from other method's variables, even if two happen to have variables with the same name. Consider the following.

public void run() {
    GCompound balloon;
    add(balloon);      // Illegal! }

public void createBalloon() {

    GCompound balloon = new GCompound();
    // ... code to initialize the balloon }

You might be tempted to think that when createBalloon assigns to its balloon variable, the run method's balloon's variable would also be initialized. But these are actually two completely different variables, and so this assignment in createBalloon has no effect on the balloon variable in run. In fact, the compiler will reject the program, complaining that the run method's balloon variable will never have been initialized when it is used as a parameter for the add method.

So what can we do? If we want Method A to know about a value created by Method B, our only choices are to pass the value as a parameter (if B invokes A) or to return the value back (if A invokes B). This severely limits the amount of communication between methods, though it does accord with the good programming practice of keeping each method's purpose simple. (Actually, there is a third way for communicating values, the instance variable, which we will study in Chapter 14. Good programmers would not use instance variables to communicate between methods anyway.)

Similarly, when you use a variable x for a method's parameter y, a subsequent change to the variable y will not alter the value associated with x. Consider the following.

public void run() {
    GCompound eastbound = new GCompound();
    add(eastbound); }

public void createBalloon(GCompound balloon) {

    // This method accomplishes nothing!!
    balloon = new GCompound();
    balloon.add(new GOval(0, 0, 50, 50));
    balloon.add(new GRect(15, 70, 21, 10)); }

In run, we invoke createBalloon, passing a variable eastbound for the balloon parameter. Passing the parameter simply copies the value of eastbound into balloon, so that balloon and eastbound reference the same object. There is no link established between the variables balloon and eastbound, however: They just both happen to reference the same object.

As a result, when the createBalloon method assigns balloon to reference a different GCompound object, this has no influence on eastbound. The createBalloon method will add an oval and a rectangle into this second GCompound object, and createBalloon returns. But eastbound still references the first GCompound object (instantiated in the first line of run), which remains empty. Adding eastbound into the window simply adds an empty compound object, and the window will appear empty.

Computer scientists call this technique for passing parameters call by value: When invoking a method, the value designated for the parameter is copied into the parameter variable. (The primary alternative to call by value is call by reference, where changes to the parameter variable also affect whatever variable is specified in the parentheses. Java does not have any support for call by reference, but some other programming languages do.)

In our example above, we can repair the code by removing the line balloon = new GCompound() from createBalloon. With this line removed, the balloon variable in createBalloon continues to refer to the same GCompound object as eastbound. The remaining lines of createBalloon will add shapes into the this GCompound object, which the run method will add into the screen. Thus, the above fragment would display a circle and rectangle if the balloon =… line is omitted; but nothing will appear if that line is included.

(Even though the program could be repaired by removing the balloon =… line, this is not the best design. A better design would avoid having balloon as a parameter altogether, and to instead return the GCompound back to run, as we originally did in Figure 6.4. We've been discussing this alternative implementation just to clarify how variables interact between methods.)

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