Employees coworkers, or superiors do not influence the ethical decision-making process

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Page 2

From: Ethical Decision-Making in Family Firms: The Role of Employee Identification

Company Industry Founding year # Employees Revenue '17, in mn € Family generation Role of founder family Interviewee Position Gender Tenure in company (years) Interview length (min) Date of interview
CableComp Cable systems 1959 ~ 4000 1000 3 Management Board 1 Customer communication Female 8 50 09.10.2018
2 Public Relations Male 10 60 05.12.2018
CleanComp Cleaning technology 1935 ~ 11,300 2400 2 Supervisory Board 3 Head of Direct Export Male 27 60 08.10.2018
4 Area Sales Manager Female 10 40 08.10.2018
5 Head of Global Procurement Female 19 40 08.10.2018
6 Subproject Leader Procurement Male 5 30 08.10.2018
ColorComp coating systems 1885 ~ 6000 700 5 Management Board 7 Product Manager Male 7 60 07.09.2018
8 Product Manager Female 3 40 19.09.2018
FormComp Formwork systems 1969 ~ 9000 1500 2 Management Board 9 Head of Strategic Marketing Male 5 30 25.02.2019
10 Head of Corporate Development Male 10 30 25.02.2019
11 Channel Manager Male 3 30 25.02.2019
12 Head of Global Sourcing Female 4 50 25.02.2019
13 Global Sourcing Line Function Male 4 60 25.02.2019
GlasComp Manufacturing 1622 ~ 700 2500 15 Management Board 14 Head of Marketing Communication Female 5 50 05.10.2018
15 Head of Sales Female 20 30 12.04.2019
HotelComp Hotel supply 1987 ~ 1000 1500 1 Management Board 16 Head of Business Development Female 16 40 03.09.2018
17 Head of Marketing Europe Female 10 40 03.09.2018
Ventilator Comp Ventilation systems 1963 ~ 15,000 2000 2 Supervisory Board 18 Head of Communication and Politics Male 19 40 11.10.2018
19 Key Account Manager Male 6 60 12.10.2018

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