Check whether the triangle is isosceles equilateral, scalene or right angled triangle using switch

If the three sides of a triangle are entered through the keyboard, write a c program to check whether the triangle is isosceles, equilateral, scalene or right angled triangle


Enter the first side: 3 Enter the second side: 4 Enter the third side: 5 Triangle is right angled Enter the first side: 2 Enter the second side: 2 Enter the third side: 3 Triangle is isosceles. Enter the first side: 3 Enter the second side: 3 Enter the third side: 3 Triangle is equilateral.

  • Write a C program to check whether input triangle is equilateral, isosceles or scalene triangle using if else statement.

  • A triangle is equilateral triangle, If it's sides are equal.
  • A triangle is isosceles triangle, If any two sides of a triangle are equal.
  • A triangle is scalene triangle, If none of the sides are equal.

C program to check whether input triangle is equilateral, isosceles or scalene triangle

/* * Write a C program to check whether a Triangle is Equilateral, * Scalene or Isosceles */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { int side1, side2, side3; /* * Take length of three sides of triangle as input * from user using scanf */ printf("Enter Length of Three Sides of a Triangle\n"); scanf("%d %d %d", &side1, &side2, &side3); if((side1 == side2)&&(side2 == side3)) { /* All Sides Equal, Hence Equilateral */ printf("It is an Equilateral Triangle\n"); } else if (side1!=side2 && side2!=side3 && side3!=side1) { /* All sides different, Hence Scelene */ printf("It is a Scalene Triangle\n"); } else { /* Two sides equal, Hence Isoscales */ printf("It is an Isoscales Triangle\n"); } return 0; }
Output Enter Length of Three Sides of a Triangle 10 10 10 It is an Equilateral Triangle Enter Length of Three Sides of a Triangle 10 10 5 It is an Isoscales Triangle Enter Length of Three Sides of a Triangle 7 10 5 It is an Isoscales Triangle
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Page 2

  • Write a C program to enter cost price and selling price and find profit or loss using if else statement.

  • C printf and scanf functions
  • If Else statement in C

  • If Selling Price > Cost Price
    Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price
  • If Selling Price < Cost Price
    Loss = Cost Price - Selling Price
  • If Selling Price = Cost Price
    No Profit .. No Loss

/* * Given cost price and selling price, Write a * C program to calculate Profit or loss */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { int costPrice, sellingPrice; /* * Take costPrice and SellingPrice as input from user */ printf("Enter Cost Price and Selling Price\n"); scanf("%d %d", &costPrice, &sellingPrice); if(costPrice > sellingPrice) { /* Loss */ printf("Loss = %d\n", costPrice - sellingPrice); } else if(sellingPrice > costPrice) { /* Profit or Gain*/ printf("Profit = %d\n", sellingPrice - costPrice); } else { /* No Profit or Loss*/ printf("No Profit and No Loss\n"); } return 0; }
Output Enter Cost Price and Selling Price 5 10 Profit = 5 Enter Cost Price and Selling Price 12 8 Loss = 4 Enter Cost Price and Selling Price 10 10 No Profit and No Loss
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If the three sides of a Triangle are entered through the keyboard, write a program to check whether the Triangle is isosceles, equilateral, scalene Triangle.

Equilateral Triangle: A Triangle is called equilateral triangle if length of 3 sides of it are equal.
Example: a = 10, b = 10, c = 10;

Isosceles Triangle: A Triangle is called isosceles triangle if length of 2 sides of it are equal.
Example: a = 5, b = 10, c = 10;

Scalene Triangle: A Triangle is called scalene triangle if length of all 3 sides are different or not equal.
Example: a = 5, b = 6, c = 10;

#include < stdio.h > int main() { float a, b, c, flag = 0; printf("Enter values for a, b and c\n"); scanf("%f%f%f", &a, &b, &c); if(a == b && b == c) { printf("It's an Equilateral Triangle\n"); } else if(a == b || a == c || b == c) { printf("It's an Isosceles Triangle\n"); } else { printf("It's a Scalene Triangle\n"); } return 0; }

Output 1:Enter values for a, b and c101010

It’s an Equilateral Triangle

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    Given three integers as X, Y, and Z representing the three sides of a triangle, the task is to check whether the triangle formed by the given sides is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.

    Equilateral Triangle: A triangle is said to be equilateral triangle if all the sides are equal. If X, Y, Z are three sides of the triangle. Then, the triangle is equilateral only if X = Y = Z.

    Isosceles Triangle: A triangle is said to be an isosceles triangle if any of its two sides are equal. If X, Y, Z are three sides of the triangle.Then, the triangle is isosceles if either X = Y or X = Z or Y = Z.

    Scalene Triangle: A triangle is said Scalene Triangle if none of its sides is equal.


    Input: X = 6, Y = 8, Z = 10
    Output: Scalene Triangle
    Since all the sides of the given triangle are unequal, the triangle is scalene.

    Input: X = 10, Y = 10, Z = 10
    Output: Equilateral Triangle
    Since all the sides of the given triangle are equal.

    Approach: Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

    1. Check if X = Y and Y = Z. If found to be true, print “Equilateral Triangle”.
    2. If it is not an Equilateral triangle, then check if X = Y or X = Z or Y = Z. If found to be true, print “Isosceles Triangle”.
    3. If none of the above steps are satisfied, then print “Scalene Triangle”.

    Below is the implementation of the above approach:

    #include <bits/stdc++.h>

    using namespace std;

    void checkTriangle(int x, int y, int z)


        if (x == y && y == z)

            cout << "Equilateral Triangle";

        else if (x == y || y == z || z == x)

            cout << "Isosceles Triangle";


            cout << "Scalene Triangle";


    int main()


        int x = 8, y = 7, z = 9;

        checkTriangle(x, y, z);


    class GFG{

    static void checkTriangle(int x, int y, int z)


        if (x == y && y == z )

            System.out.println("Equilateral Triangle");

        else if (x == y || y == z || z == x )

            System.out.println("Isosceles Triangle");


            System.out.println("Scalene Triangle");


    public static void main(String[] args)


        int x = 8, y = 7, z = 9;

        checkTriangle(x, y, z);



    def checkTriangle(x, y, z):

        if x == y == z:

            print("Equilateral Triangle")

        elif x == y or y == z or z == x:

            print("Isosceles Triangle")


            print("Scalene Triangle")

    x = 8

    y = 7

    z = 9

    checkTriangle(x, y, z)

    using System;

    class GFG{

    static void checkTriangle(int x, int y, int z)


        if (x == y && y == z )

            Console.WriteLine("Equilateral Triangle");

        else if (x == y || y == z || z == x )

            Console.WriteLine("Isosceles Triangle");


            Console.WriteLine("Scalene Triangle");


    public static void Main()


        int x = 8, y = 7, z = 9;

        checkTriangle(x, y, z);




    function checkTriangle(x, y, z)


        if (x == y && y == z)

            document.write("Equilateral Triangle");

        else if (x == y || y == z || z == x)

            document.write("Isosceles Triangle");


            document.write("Scalene Triangle");


        let x = 8, y = 7, z = 9;

        checkTriangle(x, y, z);


    Time Complexity: O(1)
    Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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