Cara share link di Story Facebook

On Facebook, you may have seen stories with links that can be opened directly by tapping on them. Posting a clickable link in your Facebook stories is a little trickier than uploading an image or video. Would you like to include a link to this page in your Facebook story as well?

You may want to do this for a variety of reasons. For example, you may want to include a link to your YouTube videos or a relevant website in your story. Visitors can access the website without opening a browser and entering the URL manually by making the link clickable. Thanks to this feature, your link’s click-through rate (CTR) will also rise.

Unfortunately, Facebook does not have an option in its mobile app or desktop website that allows you to post a link to a specific URL in your stories. There are a plethora of workarounds available online, but the majority of them are ineffective. In this guide, we’ve shared a proven guide on how to add link to a Facebook story. It has been analyzed and found to work.

How To Add Link To a Facebook Story

Add a link to the Facebook story using WhatsApp

You can easily post your WhatsApp status to your Facebook Story because Facebook acquired WhatsApp in February 2014, and the two apps are linked. Status updates on WhatsApp are similar to Facebook stories. For the next 24 hours, it’s there.

  1. WhatsApp is available on your smartphone or tablet, so open the app.
  2. Please select status from the drop-down menu next to Chats if you want to see your current status. You’ll see the My Status option with a + icon when you get there. This should be your next step.
  3. You have the choice of including a link on your status page that you want others to see. Now is the time to distribute the link. Click “Share to Facebook Story” just below your My Status when you’re finished. Please click “Share to Facebook Story” to share your WhatsApp status with the link.

Cara share link di Story Facebook

Add a link on the Facebook story using a share link

You will be provided with a link to use in your Facebook stories that will allow you to post a clickable link. This method is browser-based, so you don’t need the Facebook app to use it.

  1. If you have an iPhone or Android, open any web browser and paste this URL into the URL tab. When posting a link to your Facebook story, replace your link here with the full URL of the link.
  2. Click the Go button to open the chrome page after making your changes to the link. You’ll be redirected to the Facebook homepage. You’ll be requested to log in if you haven’t already. Once you’ve entered your email and password, you’re all set. On the following webpage, you will be able to share your content.
  3. Now that you’ve selected the Your Story option press the Enter key. The News Feed is also selected by default. This option can be unchecked if you don’t want to display the link on your profile. Click the Post button to publish your clickable link to your Facebook story when you’re finished. It’s simple: Go to your profile and see what’s up.

Add Link to Facebook Story using Facebook App

  1. To post a link to your story, copy and paste the URL.
  2. Create a new post in the Facebook app.
  3. Paste the link in the “create post” section and write whatever you like about the link. Afterwards, click on “Post.”
  4. When you’ve finished writing, in order to share your story, tap the Share button, then tap the Share to your story option.
  5. Share to Your Story is the final step in the process.

Benefits Of Facebook 

When used correctly, Facebook can be a powerful marketing tool for your company. Here are eight ways Facebook can help your marketing efforts at each stage of the sales funnel.

Reach a Wide Audience

Facebook’s user base is unquestionably one of the largest in the world. With more than 2.6 billion users worldwide as of July 2020, according to Statista, Facebook. Only Google’s search users have more users than Facebook, the most popular social media platform on the planet.

On Facebook, the audience is not only large, but it spans a variety of demographics. You should be able to find your target audience on Facebook, no matter what type of business you run. Facebook attracts users from all generations, with 62% of users between 18 and 34 and 38% of users between 35 and 65+. However, the fastest-growing Facebook users are those over sixty-five.

Communication in Facebook

In contrast to critics’ claims, an article in Psychology Today asserts that Facebook allows members to quickly and easily share information they had previously kept private, thus allowing them to connect. 

Thanks to this open communication channel for business users, customers no longer have to be afraid to ask questions in person or even over the phone. The nearly real-time communication facilities on Facebook allow business owners to provide customer service and answer sales questions via the social networking service.

Facebook for News & Information

Because it is a real-time social networking site, Facebook has a distinct advantage over other similar services. This is a great resource to stay updated on the latest news and information. 

On Facebook, major news often goes viral, and many brands use it to announce important product/service announcements. You can follow popular blog fan pages to stay updated on new posts if you’re a blogger. 

Cara share link di Story Facebook

Facebook can steer traffic to your website

On Facebook, you can provide a link to your website. The most important benefit of Facebook for many businesses is the additional traffic that it brings to their website. Website visitors can be exposed to more powerful marketing messages and, in many cases, the opportunity to purchase goods and services.

It’s more likely that Facebook visitors will be interested in what you’re selling because they’ve already heard about your company and clicked on the link.

Enhance Your Brand Personality

By utilizing the Facebook Stories feature, you can create more personalized content and show the human side of your brand. They also let you communicate in a more relaxed manner. 

In this way, you can also discreetly promote your products and services without making them appear like a sales pitch. Incorporating fun polls and Q&A sessions into your stories is an excellent way to show off your brand’s personality while also connecting with your followers.

Keep up with Friends and Family

Even if you think it’s obvious, staying in touch with loved ones and friends via social media sites like Facebook is a tremendous benefit of using these platforms. On Facebook, there are so many happy reunion stories. For example, families that were split up at birth have been reunited thanks to Facebook. It’s not uncommon to read about happy reunions sparked by social media connections.

Offers Custom Calls to Action

Using Facebook’s custom call-to-actions (CTAs) is a great way to increase your conversion rates. It is possible to give specific instructions to a potential customer via a call-to-action button, such as requesting that they subscribe, watch a video, or use an app. 

CTAs have a significant impact on the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns. According to a study by AdRoll, adding CTAs to your Facebook page can increase CTR rates by up to 285%.

Offer deals through Facebook Places

It is possible for Facebook Places users to “check-in” to a location on a mobile device so that their friends can see where they are. Facebook Places also provides information on nearby hotspots.

Businesses can use the check-in feature to show users nearby businesses currently offering deals on Facebook Places. Only pages classified as a company, organization, or local business in the appropriate category are eligible to add a location to their page.

Disadvantage Of Facebook

Compromise of personal space

Many teenagers have vibrant online personas and avatars to express themselves in the virtual world. It’s a bleak picture behind the curtain of social media regarding their real lives. As a result of the lack of personal space in which teenagers can relax and recharge, users are more prone to stress than other people. It is not uncommon for Facebook users to feel lonely despite having an extensive social network.

Fake Profile

Fake identities and profiles abound. Fake profiles with stolen images are now a lot easier to put together. Using a fake profile to harass or insult someone you don’t like. Teenage girls are the most vulnerable demographic for these types of crimes. 

There have been numerous reports on the social media of people. Usually, college students become depressed or contemplate suicide due to harassment they experienced on social media.


In our view, this is one of the most common reasons why people deactivate or delete their Facebook accounts. People spend far too much time on this vast social networking site to keep up with what their friends are up to. Moreover, a wide variety of entertaining applications and games are available on Facebook, keeping users happily occupied. 

Then there are the time-consuming features of Facebook chat and Facebook video calls. Set a timer on Facebook if you want to get the most out of it. Using Facebook excessively can lead to a Facebook addiction, which can cause you to waste time.


Even on Facebook, there is some vulgarity. Teenagers, in particular, may be exposed to such obscene material without their parent’s knowledge or consent. Despite the measures taken by Facebook to prevent vulgarity, some Facebook pages and groups promote violence and post adult content.

Students may be exposed even if they aren’t actively looking for it. As a result, it is the responsibility of parents to protect their children from the likes of this.

Cara share link di Story Facebook

Facebook Stories Tips And Tricks

Shoot vertically

There is a large proportion of people who hold their phones vertically. While shooting horizontally in landscape mode may be more appealing, the speed and ease of viewing these images will be diminished.

A study found that people hold their phones vertically 90% of the time. Have your videos reflect how your customers hold their phones to meet them where they are.

Experiment and get creative

Storytelling is a low-risk way to try different formats and video concepts to see what works best. You can use various Facebook creative tools to get your message in front of more people. You can use stories insights to see what content influences information like forwarding swipes and exits.


To let your friends know about your favorite song, you can include it in your Facebook Story as an attachment. When you log in to Facebook, you’ll be presented with a list of songs. It’s easy to select what portion of the song you want to feature by swiping from left to right at the bottom of the app.


You can use the poll feature to create a poll on your story. Adding a question to the sticker’s text field allows you to alter the default “yes” or “no” answers to something else. Once your poll has been published, you will see the results by clicking on the story. At the end of the story, you can see your search results.

Add Captions

Access to this future is at your fingertips. Create content that everyone can enjoy to get your message out there. Also, a large percentage of those who use Stories do so while their phone is on silent. If you don’t include captions, your message may go unnoticed.

There is currently no option for Facebook to generate captions for Stories automatically. However, if you don’t want to add the text manually, video editing apps like Clipomatic or Apple Clips can do it for you.

Cara share link di Story Facebook


We hope that you now have a concise understanding of how to add a link to a Facebook story. You are free to pick and select from any of these options. There are no issues with these methods as we are writing this article. If you want more people to interact with your website and content, or anything else that requires engagement, use the steps that we have elaborated on in this article.

Cara share link di Story Facebook

Dimitar is a digital marketer, SEO specialist, niche websites builder, and founder of CLICKVISION. He entered the digital marketing world when he was only 15 years old. Since then, he has been working mostly with small business owners and eCommerce businesses and successfully improved their online presence and increased their sales.

Bagaimana cara menambahkan link di Story Facebook?

Klik titik 3 yang berada di bawah panggilan atau status saya. Maka akan muncul pilihan status-status yang sudah terpublish. Pilih status yang disematkan dengan link dengan cara mengklik kembali 3 titik yang berada di kanan. Pilih bagikan ke Facebook dan ikuti langkahnya di sana.
Nah, berikut ini adalah cara lengkap untuk menambahkan link di Instagram Story dengan fitur Link Sticker..
Buka Instagram Story dan ambil foto. ... .
2. Swipe ke kiri untuk membuat Story. ... .
3. Ambil gambar atau video. ... .
Pilih icon Link Sticker. ... .
Masukkan URL. ... .
6. Edit dan sebarkan..