Cara mendapatkan potassium nitrate lifeafter

Potassium nitrate is a rare resource in LifeAfter needed to make plastic. There are two ways to get hold of it in the game which are to buy it or craft it. Buying it is the quick way but will be very expensive so we would recommend that you produce it yourself.

Buying Potassium Nitrate

You can buy Potassium Nitrate in the game near the Town Hall (Hope 101), via the trading table is inside the central market. Find this and tap the Trade option. Potassium Nitrate is found in the Resources category under Mine Resources. Check the price before you buy as it can change so you may be able to get a better deal at a later time. Take note that gold bars are needed to purchase stuff in the market.

If you get Potassium Nitrate and have resources to spare then you can also come to the Trading table and sell it which is a good way to make money.

Mine Potassium Nitrate

To mine potassium Nitrate, you need the following:

* A Camp Ore Extractor

* Alloy Drill Bit

* Drill Engine Oil

The camp ore extractor is a mining machine that you can use to extract resources, you will need to craft this first via the material bench. It will require the following materials and will take 10 minutes to be crafted.

*300 Wood

*100 Stone

*10 Hemp

It is strongly recommended to have a Drill engine Oil ready before running the extractor. You can still run the extractor without engine oil but that will decrease the yield and the durability of your machine. You can get it from Hope 101's Furniture Shop (sold only in limited amounts per day), from the Trade City, or randomly from chests in the wilderness.

The Alloy Drill Bit is required for the extractor get Potassium Nitrate. You can get 1 Alloy Drill Bit by completing the Chapter 3 Newbie Quest "New Area". You can also get these drill bits from chests in the Sandcastle, Snow Highlands and Charles Town. The best place to farm seems to be the Sandcastle. Check in the abandoned houses. If you struggle to find an alloy drill bit and don't mind paying for one to save some time then you can also buy one in the market under the Training option. It will cost 200 gold bars or training medals.


After crafting the extractor, you'll need to place it on an empty farmland. It will require 8 slots to be placed. Select the Alloy Drill Bit and then add fuel. The process will take several hours but I suggest coming back often to check it since you'll need to maintain the extractor by Cooling it and removing rust. This will ensure that your extractor's yield will be increased and its durability preserved. (The screenshot below is captured when we were using an Iron Drill Bit, but the process is the same regardless)

When the ore is ready, the extractor will stop pumping and you can harvest the ore like you normally would; get your pickaxe and start hammering it to collect the ore. A drill bit will last 2-3 harvesting before you'll need to replace it again.

Salah satu Quest yang mungkin sulit anda kerjakan adalah membuat Plastic. Untuk bisa mulai crafting Plastic, anda membutuhkan Resin, Potassium Nitrate, Cloth dan Hemp Stem. Satu-satunya sumber daya yang paling sulit untuk diperoleh di Life After adalah Potassium Nitrate.

Ada dua cara untuk memperoleh Potassium Nitrate, pertama adalah membelinya dengan menggunakan Gold Bar dan yang kedua adalah crafting sendiri menggunakan Alloy Drill Bit dan Mining Machine.

Jika anda tidak ingin bersusah payah mendapatkan Potassium Nitrate, pergilah ke Town Hall lalu cari Central Market. Cek meja yang ada disana kemudian pilih Trade. Cari Potassium Nitrate di bagian kategori Resources > Mine.

Crafting Potassium Nitrate

Untuk bisa melakukan crafting Potassium Nitrate, anda membutuhkan:

  • Camp Ore Extractor
    • Camp Ore Extractor bisa anda peroleh dari proses crafting melalui Material Bench
    • Anda membutuhkan Wood, Stone dan Hemp yang bisa didapatkan dari Autumn Forest
    • Setelah Camp Ore Extractor berhasil dibuat, tempatkan di Farmland
  • Drill Engine Oil
    • Drill Engine Oil bisa didapat dari Chest, Trade City atau Camp Vault Merchant
    • Jika anda telah memiliki Camp atau telah bergabung ke dalam Camp, pergi ke Town Hall > cek bagian luar Vault > bicara dengan Merchat yang ada disana untuk membeli Drill Engine Oil
  • Alloy Drill Bit
    • Anda bisa mendapatkan Alloy Drill Bit saat menyelesaikan Quest Chapter 3
    • Anda juga bisa mendapatkannya dari Sandcastle atau Snow Highland (cari Chest yang ada di area tersebut)
    • Chest paling banyak ditemukan di rumah tidak berpenghuni yang ada di Sandcastle

Setelah semua peralatan dan bahan yang dibutuhkan terpenuhi, pergi ke Camp Ore Extractor dan pilih Extract > Alloy Drill Bit. Kemudian tambahkan Drill Engine Oil yang berfungsi sebagai bahan bakar.

Tunggu selama beberapa jam hingga sebuah batu besar muncul di dekat Camp Ore Extraction. Gunakan Pickaxe untuk menambang bebatuan tersebut guna memperoleh Potassium Nitrate!

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