Buku panduan penggunaan stihl ht 75 pt.sharprindo dinamika prima

Shark was established in 1984 with a simple assembly plant supported by 20 employees. The business was founded by Mr. Kosni Suwoko with a joint venture with Taiwanese company. We started with Air Compressor and has proudly become the leader in Indonesia over 20 years of hardwork.

Over the time Shark has succesfully build more products portfolio. The initiatives came from our loyal customers through engaging deeply in market research and innovative product development. We were able to listen to our customers voice and translate them into innovative solution. We gain trust from end users by delivering consistent and continously improved quality products. Our product line consist of Air Compressor, Power Product, Diesel Engine and Industrial Air Solutions.

Our team is key to the success, each individual able to perform and synergize into strongly team collaboration. Empowerment, active learning, appreciation to new ideas all laid behind the human resources development. Clear and strong strategic guidance allow us to work in the same direction.

To us future is bright! With combining customer feedback, advanced manufacturing technology, solid team work, and reliable after sales service we strongly believe to be the #1 Customer Choice.

K Kualitas merupakan kunci dari suatu perusahaan untuk dapat menguasai pasar. PT. Sharprindo Dinamika Prima merupakan perusahaan industri yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur. Dalam rangkaian proses produksi ditemukan persentase jumlah produk cacat yang sudah melebihi batas maksimal perusahaan. Permasalahan terjadi pada divisi foundry untuk komponen Cylinder Head ½ HP dengan rata-rata persentase jumlah produk cacat bulan April 2019 – Juni 2019 sebesar 14,1% dimana batas maksimal perusahaan 8%. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebagai upaya perbaikan kualitas untuk meminimasi persentase jumlah produk cacat. Metode Six Sigma digunakan untuk melakukan peningkatan kualitas dengan tahapan Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve dan Control. Terdapat 4 CTQ yang teridentifikasi yaitu keropos, sambungan dingin, permukaan kasar dan keras. Nilai DPMO sebelum perbaikan sebesar 34000 dengan tingkat sigma 3,33. Setelah menganalisa kecacatan yang terjadi menggunakan metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis yang menghasilkan nilai RPN tertinggi sebesar 720 dari jenis kecacatan permukaan kasar dan Fault Tree Analysis yang menghasilkan nilai probabilitas top event sebesar 0,2666 didapatkan usulan perbaikan berupa display tabel komposisi mixing pasir, penyediaan alat penampungan pasir, penydiaan alat pengukur kepadatan dan pemberian himbauan untuk operator. Nilai DPMO sesudah dilakukan perbaikan sebesar 28000 dengan tingkat sigma 3,41.

Q Quality is a key of a succes for any company to lead a market.PT Sharprindo Dinamika Prima is an industrial company in manufacturing sector. Found in its production process a number of failed product is increasing and exceed the company’s standard limit. The failed product is come from foundry division especially on a component called cylinder head ½ hp which is 14.1% failed on average within period of 2019 April – 2019 June where the allowed number as company’s standard is only limit to 8%. The research was done in order to improve the quality to reduce and minimizing the number of failed product. Six Sigma method has been applied on this project to improve the quality through proper stages such as Define, Measure, Analyze, improve and Control. On Analyze’s stage we are using a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Method and Fault Tree Analysis.We found there are 4 CTQ as following: porosity, cold joint, rough surface and hard surface. Before improvement, the value of DPMO is 34000 with 3,33 sigma’s level.After we analyzed carefully the failure, we suggested some improvement actions such as using a display where can easily read by operator a table of sand mixing composition, sand collecting device, density measuring device and working instruction as well. After improvement actions have been applied, the value of DPMO reduced to 2800 with 3.41 of sigma’s level

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Mencari pemberhentian atau stasiun terdekat untuk ke PT. SHARPRINDO DINAMIKA PRIMA? Coba lihat daftar pemberhentian terdekat dari tujuan mu. Jalan Raya Pasar Kemis 57; SDN Gandasari 1; Jalan Gatot Subroto 16/15.

Kamu dapat sampai ke PT. SHARPRINDO DINAMIKA PRIMA dengan Bis atau Kereta. Ini adalah jalur dan rute yang memiliki pemberhentian terdekat - Bis: K05, R08, T01

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