Acute angle between two vectors calculator

Angle Between Two Vectors Calculator to find the angle between two vector components. The concept of the vector angle is used to describe the angle difference of physical quantities which have a magnitude and a direction associated with them. The vector angle is calculated from the endpoint of the first line to the endpoint of the second line. The endpoint is determined by the vector direction in which the line was measured.

This calculator finds the angle between two vectors given their coordinates. The formula and the explanation can be found below the calculator.

Acute angle between two vectors calculator

Finding the angle between two vectors

We will use the geometric definition of the Dot product to produce the formula for finding the angle.

Geometrically the dot product is defined as

Acute angle between two vectors calculator

thus, we can find the angle as

Acute angle between two vectors calculator

To find the dot product from vector coordinates, we can use its algebraic definition.

Thus, for two vectors,

Acute angle between two vectors calculator
Acute angle between two vectors calculator
, formula can be written as

Acute angle between two vectors calculator

This is the formula used by the calculator.

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Acute angle between two vectors calculator

Acute angle between two vectors calculator

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Acute angle between two vectors calculator